space farmer girl busy farming

Chapter 1446 Winter Solstice Festival Sea God

Chapter 1446 Winter Solstice Festival Sea God ([-])

The documents representing Qianhusuo were under Shu Ying. As soon as Qi Ke said that she delivered the medicine, he immediately thought of the gift that Qi Ke gave to Qianhusuo when he first came to Fu County. Two boxes of external medicine and gauze bandages, nodding with a smile.

Seeing the expression of Qianhu's clerk, the clerks of the yamen became curious. It is well known that the Bai family army is short of supplies. Under such difficult conditions, there is still good medicine and good medicine. Who is not curious?

The clerk of the Qianhu Office didn't say a word, but explained too much, so that the yamen thought that the Bai family army had a good military doctor, so as not to attract too much attention to Qi Ke.

After a brief discussion, the yamen agreed to Qi Ke's suggestion. If the supply of fresh water is not small at all, this can be readily agreed. It must be said that it is worthy of Fuyu County.

After a whole day, there was a consensus on the revision of the three plans. The next step is to dig out the details to ensure that there are no omissions. If it is used well this year, it can be handled like this every year in the future. It is lively and lively Even though the crowd was crowded, there were no tragic accidents in the celebration, which is another achievement that is worthy of the imperial court.

In the evening, Qi Ke took his red-painted manuscript back to Qizhuang outside the city and prepared to revise it overnight. When he was about to reach the gate of Zhuangzi, he saw two women and some children following him at the side gate. The maid makes the deal.

"Human teeth to sell children?"

"Yes, we buy people at the market price, and when we get the new teeth, they sell them to us. They save trouble and get back their money faster, and women and children will suffer less."

"Very good, that's all."

Qi Keben just glanced at it casually, and didn't care about the origins of the women and children that Zhuangzi took in. If the newcomers got their teeth and sold them to her, even if the original intention of these people was just to save trouble, she could still treat them as It is doing good deeds, otherwise it is impossible to get safe treatment if you resell them to other places. In order to prevent escape and reduce excretion, they are not given enough water and one meal a day is the basic operation.

After returning to Zhuangzi, Qi Ke went straight to the big house where she lived, and was going to revise the manuscript overnight after dinner. When she returned to Qianhejing, she changed her clothes and came out with the dinner plate, and saw Zhao Lin waiting with a serious face. she.

"What happened?" Qi Ke carefully put the dinner on the table first, so as not to overturn the plate when he heard bad news.

Zhaolin projected a light screen, which was the faces of two girls, one was six or seven years old, and the other was still in his arms.

"Does it look familiar?"

"Familiar." Since Zhaolin asked this question, he must have seen it before, Qi Ke nodded without hesitation, and carefully looked at the two girls on the light screen, "These eyes and nose look like compatriots, I should have an impression of compatriots sisters?"


"Wait a minute, let me think about it." The infant couldn't see anything, so Qi Ke just stared at her sister, "The little girl with thin skin and tender flesh, the child of a good family, her eyes are terrified, and she has recently undergone a sudden change. "


"I should have seen them with my own eyes, but I don't have a deep impression. I should just have a face-to-face meeting. Let me reason..." Qi Ke said, his face gradually became gloomy and ugly, "They are two of the only seedlings of the Chen family. A direct daughter?!"


"Did Ren Yazi bring it for sale just now?"

"It's them."

"Aren't they picked up by their grandparents with their mother?!"

"That's right." Zhaolin turned his gaze to the light screen, "But they were just sold to us by Ren Yazi. According to Ren Yazi, the biological mother was an outsider who gave birth to two daughters. The man's family didn't like it, so he ordered his servants to sell them Lose."

(End of this chapter)

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