Chapter 1468

This is also a natural weakness of the farm in terms of defense and defense. It is difficult to build a wall to enclose the entire land and the big house. Qi Ke's village in Siliu Village is so tightly surrounded because the former owner was a salt merchant. Money can be built like this at any cost, and no one else would be willing to spend money like this.

How much does it cost to surround hundreds of thousands of acres of land like this? Who can eat enough to eat is richer than a salt merchant, right?

Such loopholes cannot be exploited by adults. They have to go to the overseer's maid after finishing their work every day. They can't find loopholes to slip away. Otherwise, they will be found out soon for legitimate reasons such as not being able to finish their work and not being sick or injured. abnormal.

The children were unguarded, including the maids, who did not set up a defense line for the children. In addition, the management of the farm was loose, and the children brought by themselves were taken care of by themselves, and the orphans were taken care of by the maids. It became a breeze to get in touch with the men outside.

It took the women half a month to figure out the situation in Zhuangzi, and the child acted as a messenger to tell the outside world in detail, and made an appointment to act.

When the attack started, when the women working in the field fled in a hurry, these women had already thrown away their tools and went straight to the warehouse along the well-explored path, and were directly captured by the maid guarding here. At the same time, the leader of the team The attackers also rushed over, and then, amidst the screams of these captured spies, they were slapped by the maids, their necks were broken and their heads were smashed.

The reason why they were willing to do this was to smash and loot from the very beginning. After half a month of happy life, eating and drinking, not only did not dissuade them, but also made them more angry.

The big landlord has money and food to support so many people, but the refugees are starving outside, why?
They are all women, why should she be so poor while she is rich and powerful? !

Enmity with the rich, envy and jealousy, envy and envy, and envy and hatred, all kinds of complex emotions are entangled together, breeding greed and delusion, thinking that when the eldest brother brings someone here, they will take this farm as their den, and get the money and food for themselves. When women and children get tired of playing, they kill and eat meat, and then use the same method to sneak into Boss Qi's other farm, and do it again.

This kind of emotion was amplified hypnotically, and one or two roared about their injustice, as if the whole world owed them.

Naturally, the maids will not be influenced by their emotions. After the confession was completed, the result was passed on to Zhaolin, and the spies separated again, mainly to take the children away. In this conspiracy, children are used tools, and education For the chance of saving, the six adult women were ignored. They sold themselves as death contracts, slaves and masters led thieves into the house, according to the law of the court, it was a crime of beheading.

Qi Ke got the statement and was speechless for a while after reading it.

"It's really kind. It's not me who caused them to be in this situation. It's because the court didn't treat them as human beings. They thought I was easy to bully because they didn't have the ability to seek revenge from the righteous lord?"

"The same rice feeds a variety of people. We are accepting more and more people. People who have this kind of thinking must exist in proportion. It's no big deal. If they jump out, they will be killed. Don't get angry with them."

"That's right, this is the first one to jump out. I have a case and ordered all the farms to be vigilant. If there is any disturbance, I will first find out and beat them to death. I will go through it face to face when I recruit new people. If there are malicious people, I will arrange to go to other farms." If you can follow the vines and melons, touch them, and let them disappear if you don’t need them, leaving no hidden dangers.”

(End of this chapter)

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