Chapter 586 Open for business ([-])

Bai Qing could learn the latest news about the capital from his father. In order not to cause trouble for his father, he naturally couldn't take the initiative to recruit refugees to join the army. The army was already poor, and he wanted to spend every penny in half, and he was not allowed to do anything that required extra money.

But Qi Ke's act of accepting the boy was tantamount to helping indirectly. Bai Qing felt that he could not treat her badly if he treated anyone badly, so he wrote a letter to his father asking for some money.

No one knows what General Bai is thinking. In Siliu Village, the summer harvest has successfully ended and the field is being prepared for autumn sowing. At the end of a birthday party, I heard about the famous name of Siliu Village, Erma Town, Donglin County, and I am willing to travel all the way to come back with the boat and arrive one day earlier.

One day earlier, Qi Ke doesn't care, the theater troupe hired from other counties rushed over, it's better to arrive early than late, for her, it's just an extra day of board and lodging.

The old Ninth Master learned from Qi Ke that the troupe was on its way, and immediately informed the whole village that after hearing that a troupe was coming in a few days, the whole village was full of energy, and they had to work with torches when it got dark. Finished, sow the seeds, so you can watch the show with peace of mind.

Neighboring Sanliu Village and Wuliu Village heard the news, and hurried to work so that they could watch the show. At the same time, the news spread to Erliu Village, Dali Liucun and Town uploaded it, and Zhaolin tracked the public opinion by monitoring the little flying insects, and calculated the estimated income.

"If there are people from these villages and towns who come to the theater at that time, the catering business of our inn can earn back the food and lodging expenses spent on the theater troupe."

"Okay, but will there really be many people willing to spend money with me?"

Qi Ke just finished a period of study at this moment, took off his glasses and went to the hall to rest and eat, holding a bowl of shaved ice in his hand, biting a spoon thoughtfully, not because he didn't believe in the expected result of Zhaolin, but because he didn't like other people's desire to spend money. confidence.

"At that time, adjust the menu and add more heavy-flavored meat dishes. The big braised pork and braised pork with thick oil and red sauce are very popular in normal times. In addition to the double grab that just ended, it is the time when you are extremely tired and need to supplement meat. , tell them to refrain from eating meat, unless they go out without money.”

Qi Ke couldn't help but snorted.

"We are open for business. As long as people come, are we afraid that they won't spend money? Children want to eat meat buns and cry to their parents. How many parents can't help but pretend they didn't hear?"

"Children don't necessarily get meat buns when they cry, but they get beaten."

"Well, if you don't even want to spend a small amount of money to coax your children, then you are not a potential customer for us, and you don't need to waste your time trying to attract their attention."

"Although they are not our potential customers, they must be indirect employees who rely on us to make money." Qi Ke dug a large spoonful of shaved ice and put it into her mouth. The coldness of that moment made her close her eyes slightly, "Village workers Too many, relying on the villagers of five villages to save us sacks and bamboo baskets, I think it is very difficult to save, this line in the county is going to be built, don't waste this ready-made labor."

"Okay, tonight I will send two new assistants over there, pretending to be your maid to take charge."

"Is two enough? These two newcomers are placed on the side of the pavement. The head of the private house is transferred from the shipyard. Is the shipyard short of manpower?"

"I didn't hear their feedback about the lack of manpower, but just in case, let's add two more as backup."

"Okay, then I'll bring people out now. What's the point of dressing up, I'll adjust it while I have time."

(End of this chapter)

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