space farmer girl busy farming

Chapter 957 Prepare to go to the factory

Chapter 957 Prepare to go to the factory ([-])

These are on the production line, belonging to the production department, and there are also different departments in the quality control, materials, administrative, financial, and business markets. These middle and high-level leaders are all assistants. It is entirely up to them to sit in the office and do mental work. Even if they practice calligraphy after passing the literacy test, and try to be a copying clerk, they have left the coolie post.

After entering the factory, the production life and promotion opportunities are clearly explained to every woman who has signed the contract. The literacy class will repeatedly emphasize it every day in class, so that everyone realizes that the maternity and infant hall is just a transition. After recuperating, she will choose the best to go to the factory. Qi is a female boss, she is merciful and will not treat these dead bonded maids like slaves. As long as they work hard, they will be paid a lot of money.

Because of these preliminaries, no one panicked when Maternity and Children’s Hall began to select candidates. Instead, they saw that the first batch of candidates were all above-average grades in the literacy class, and the others who were not selected were all envious.

The factory is going to try out production soon, and Qi Ke is not idle. When the whole village is asleep in the middle of the night, he flies to the factory with Zhaolin. In the process, what she used as practice materials was the cotton she had saved in Qianhe Realm, so it didn't matter how it wasted.

In order not to affect the production capacity of the hydraulic machines during the dry season in winter, the length, depth and width of the waterways connected to the river are very particular, so as to ensure that even if all the machines are fully loaded, it is feasible.

The cotton sent by the ocean ship has been sorted and can be directly put on the carding machine. Qi Ke is reluctant to waste his own cotton, so he only uses the combing method, and gives up semi-combed and carded. He does not follow the existing textile industry. Excessive competition at this time is inevitably a major benefit of her military status. Products have ready-made sales, and internal consumption does not affect the external ecology.

With the guidance of Zhaolin, Qi Ke can easily use the machine in each process. The literacy cultivated in the mechanical major also helped her figure out the working principle of each machine in the shortest time, and it will be much faster if she practices it by herself.

I didn't close my eyes all night, and I practiced until dawn. I successfully processed the roving from the roving frame into fine yarn. Then I put away the spindles, cleaned up the site, and flew to the village not far from on the mountain, and then flashed into Zhuangzi unconsciously after passing through the Thousand Lotus Realm.

Going back to Zhuangzi first is mainly to send Zhaolin back, and the confidant butler has to show his face in front of people and make breakfast for Qi Ke, and Qi Ke will use this time to go back to the spiritual realm to wash and change clothes.

People in the village knew that Qi Ke was up when they saw the maid carrying a food box to Zhuangzi. People who wanted to talk to Qi Ke came to hand over name cards and notes. When Qi Ke came out to have breakfast clean and refreshed, they saw the dining table There was a pile of papers in one corner.

"What's the situation?" Qi Ke was about to eat, and didn't want to touch the paper with clean hands, so he glanced at it and asked directly.

"Business is here." Zhaolin put the soybean milk bowl in front of Qi Ke first, and at the same time a screen was projected in front of him, and all the stickers and papers on the table had been scanned and sorted, "These are to ask about the mill, these few I want to inquire about cotton."

"Is someone interested in mills? Are we really going to prepare a third vest wood workshop?" Qi Ke was thinking for a moment that his assistants would not be enough, and then his thoughts came to cotton again, "News about cotton How can more people know about it?"

(End of this chapter)

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