Elf life

Chapter 152, the degree of comprehension

Chapter 152, the degree of comprehension

Thanks Yun Xiaoxing for the 1000 coin reward.

After saying goodbye to the raccoon, Evil Eye and Pikachu both returned to the Star Wish House.

Hard-won straw knots can't be bought for nothing, and the butler of the soul-eye will suggest that Pikachu learn directly when he comes back.

In this different world of Pokémon, if the elves want to comprehend various moves, they mainly rely on their own continuous growth, or learn the corresponding skills on CDs.

For example, Pikachu's basic skills include electric shock. Later, he realized the steel tail in the steel mountain, and now he has the opportunity to actively learn the skill CD.

There are three main steps in the Learning Skills CD.

One, move the disc gradually closer to the forehead.

Second, observe whether the corresponding skills on the CD match the learner. If they match successfully, it means they can learn.

Third, the learner concentrates the contents of the CD into his mind, and finally completes the learning of the skill.

The last step is often more abstract. In short, Pikachu can learn straw knots now. When everything is ready, I see a classic sound suddenly appearing above Pikachu's head:

【Ding Dong, 1, 2...】

【Congratulations, Pikachu has learned how to use the straw knot!】

"I've finished my studies, butler of Soul Eye!"

Generally, the skill disc that has been learned once will turn dark gray, and the name will be changed to [Used Skill], indicating that the skill disc has been used.

Moreover, users often don't pay much attention to the details, and usually discard the skill CD after learning.

Because this kind of skill learning CD is a consumable, it basically loses its use value after one use.

However, the old-fashioned ecstasy butler knows how to recycle:
He said that he would keep this [Used Skills] CD for the time being, and when he had the next opportunity, he could use an exclusive skill called Item Recovery to restore the Straw Knot Skill Machine.

Needless to say, after the recovery, it can be sold to the hidden dragon grocery store again. If the price of the other party's recovery is too low, it can also be sold at the hidden dragon stall.

It is equivalent to recycling the props once.
Then sell it again at the price of 2000-3500, this is a series of processing methods finally confirmed by the butler of the soul-hunting eye.

Pikachu couldn't help but praise:
"Wow, you really deserve to be the butler of the soul-sucking eye!"

"Why didn't I think of such a method before? The straw rope knot can be recycled later. It really kills two birds with one stone."

In fact, these are all trivial things, and now the most concerned about the butler of Soul Eye is how much Pikachu understands the straw knot, and whether he can use a decent straw knot.

You must know that the so-called "learning skills" of the elves and the "successful release of skills" by the elves are completely different concepts.

So the butler of the ecstasy eye followed closely and said:
"Try new skills now, with me as the object."

Hey, hey, hey, how can this be done for the butler of the soul-sucking eye!
Originally, the butler was going to personally verify Pikachu's strength. Unexpectedly, Pikachu was always in a dilemma. He hesitated for a long time, thinking that he was going to attack the butler.

Soul Eyes:


"Well, since what I just asked was a little too much for you, let's change it and use it once on the small mountain rock over there."

There are many undeveloped high grasslands behind the Star Wish House, as well as scattered small rocks near the hillside, so a rock that is not too big or just right is in front of Pikachu at this moment.

Pikachu's heart is tangled:

Yes, but!
What if the straw knot I use is very weak, will it not meet the housekeeper's requirements at all, what should I do?
Soul Eye Butler:

"Relax, don't think too much. With your strength, you should be able to easily smash that small rock."

Unexpectedly, as soon as the voice fell, even the butler of Evil Eye couldn't believe it, Pikachu used the straw knot skill for the first time in a hurry.

Small green vines and tender shoots are difficult to even break out of the ground,

Finally, a small green sprout tip came out, and even the surface of the small mountain rock could not be moved, let alone those super-heavy ground-type Pokémon.

The scene was embarrassing for a time, and Pikachu himself pulled his little head down directly:

"Hey, you mustn't be angry, butler, we only understand this."

From the perspective of God, the power of the straw knot skill Pikachu used at this moment is only between 5% and 10% at most, even if the butler of Soul Escape thinks that he has just used 10% of the power, that is too much.


"That's all?"

Pikachu is becoming less and less confident. In short, the straw rope knot learning this time has been very unsuccessful, which is equivalent to not learning it, and the power of the skill moves is not up to standard.

Of course, the butler of Evil Eyes immediately considered that Pikachu was an electric elf, and it was indeed a little difficult to fully comprehend grass-type skills.

But usually every elf can use about 50% of the skill power, even if it is the first time, as long as it is learned through the skill learning machine.

And Pikachu's condition is too abnormal, which has to attract the attention of the butler.

Butler of Evil Eye: "How about trying again?"

"Hey, but I..."

"It doesn't matter, just use the straw knot again against the small rock."

However, the ending is all the same. The straw knot released by Pikachu has no deterrent effect at all, just like constantly tickling under the heavy body of the ground elf.

This grass-type skill was originally known for its blindness-replenishing magical skill.

Aiming at the opponent's feet, drilled out an emerald green vine knot, tripped, and hit the opponent.

The power is constantly changing, and it is multiplied based on the weight of the attacked person. If it hits those super-heavy elves, it can even cause a false one-hit kill effect.

But all the premise is that the user can use 50% of the basic power. Like Pikachu, who can't release even 10% of the power, it is basically equal to Bai Xue.

Pikachu didn't want to make the butler angry, but he really tried his best. Due to talent and other reasons, his progress was very slow. This has always been an indisputable fact:

"Ah, I'm really sorry."

"We know that we are not as brave as Little Fire Dragon, and as Mr. Kakachu said since childhood, he is not a suitable player for fighting."

Soul Eyes:  …

"But I will definitely work hard in the future. By the way, isn't there a chance to continue practicing straw knots along the way? I think I may be able to do it by then?"

The eccentric eye butler instantly understood what Pikachu meant.

Because there is a short [Forest of Light] on the way to the [Spring of Light], it is said that the Forest of Light also contains huge energy, and those energy can stimulate the potential hidden in the elves.

Pikachu wants to say that when he passes through the Forest of Light, maybe he will be able to really learn after being influenced a little.

(End of this chapter)

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