Elf life

Chapter 201, explore the mushroom forest again

Chapter 201, explore the mushroom forest again

The next day, early in the morning.

The butler of Hunhunyan was the first to sleep last night, and he also said that he didn't want to worry about other things the next day, so he voluntarily stayed in the Xingyuan house and continued to work.

Small tea cloth and little Pachi Liz slept well on the warm and fluffy soft bed.

Because it's too comfortable to even stay in bed,
In the end, he was forcibly pulled up by Little Fire Dragon and Pikachu.

Know that today is a big day for them to take their adventure seriously!
The little fire dragon even gave up the high-paying quest on the side of the Star Wish House. For the two little guys entrusted by Kakachu, it is also considered to be willing to accompany the gentleman, and set aside a specific time to take them on an adventure.

Pikachu looked at it all:
"Hey, little fire dragon~"

"After training these two little guys, I will definitely thank you for Kakachu-sensei, definitely~"

What are you talking about Pikachu, your business is our Star Wish House business, as for Kakachu's side, it's nothing, just take these two little guys to go on an adventure.

It's all about travel!
Before setting off, in order to familiarize Little Pachiritz and Little Teabu with the unique traditions of the Star Wish House, they must be brought together and meet Little Claws.

Little fire dragon, Pikachu raised his claws high here,
Little tea cloth, little Pachi Liz also followed the cat and the tiger and raised their claws.

Little Fire Dragon:
"Very good, learn the action of touching the claws with us, and then shout out to the sky full of vitality!"

"Mushroom Forest, set off!"

"Star Wish House, come on, come on, come on!!"

(The two little guys did the same. Although they just touched the small claws, they were very excited after touching them, and they really achieved the effect of mobilization.)

————Mushroom forest dividing line————

So the expedition team led by Little Fire Dragon and Pikachu, with Little Teabu and Little Pachiritz, set off towards the mushroom forest.

Soon, the mushroom forest.

Since the little fire dragon and Pikachu have been here long ago, they are more familiar with the terrain here.

There are many dark green vegetation in the mushroom forest.

Considering that the two small families would easily get lost in the huge forest and encounter danger, Pikachu still kept them guarded all the way.

As soon as Xiaochabu came to the mushroom forest, he started to make a fuss:
"Wow, there are so many big trees here, and the air is super good, several times more than in the garden outside the palace!"

Xiao Chabu was very curious and started to jump around in the mushroom + tall grass while making a noise, which made Pikachu anxious:

"Hey, hey, don't run around, little tea cloth!"

"Although your school uniforms are easy to identify in the tall grass, it's easy to get lost if you keep making such a fuss~"

Xiao Huolong has long ignored these two little guys. This is not to explore, but to play.

Little Pachiritz is only curious about this area. He seems to be no stranger to large forests, but is more familiar than Xiao Chabu:
"Please rest assured, Pikachu-senpai, I will never get lost in a forest of this level."

It seems that this little Pachiritz is really capable. Generally speaking, this is the first official expedition for both of them. Is this little guy so confident in the surrounding environment?
Little Patchley said proudly:

"Because the [Boundless Forest] in my hometown is much more complicated than here, and it's full of powerful big guys. This kind of small forest scene can't be difficult for me."

As little Patchley said,
He also doesn't know which large Pokémon he has lived with since he was a child. In short, he is not afraid of any magic mushrooms, such as Pylas.

These small Pokémon hidden in the mushroom piles are just passing little guys to him, and he doesn't pay attention to them at all.

Continuing all the way, Xiao Chabu said impatiently:
"Cut, Little Patch, I think you're bragging again~"

"Since you are so powerful, how can you tell the direction in this forest?"

In fact, the little fire dragon also has this intention. Bringing two little guys out must give them the necessary exploration knowledge, such as the basic common sense of identifying the direction in the dense forest, which is very helpful for not getting lost in the future.

The little fire dragon walking at the front also simply said:

"That's it, little tea cloth."

"I'll test you now, following the suggestion of Little Pachileitz, how to distinguish the north, south, east, and west in this mushroom forest?"

Xiao Chabu is also a primary school bully, and he has taught all the knowledge that should be handed in in Gryffindor House, so he believes:

"Of course I know!"

"The direction of the dense forest can be judged by the density of the trees and the distribution of the habitats of the little Pylas."

According to Xiaochabu's observation,

The branches of all the towering trees in the dense forest are prosperous and sparse, so the lush side that receives sunlight and sufficient nutrition all year round is the south side.

In the north, there is insufficient light, resulting in poor vegetation, so the opposite is the north direction.

As for the east and west orientations, it can be easily judged by observing the habitats of those Paras, because Paras who like the backlight and humid environment will definitely move from time to time.

The sun rises in the east and sets in the west,

The Pylas go wherever the sun is weak, and when the sun rises in the east during the day, they hide in the opposite direction, that is, to the west.

The opposite is true for the west.

Xiaohuolong nodded again and again, indicating that this answer can be given full marks directly, Xiaochabu did a very good job, and told the two little guys why they took the test.

Because the next step will be to enter the mushroom forest 4F, or even deeper 5F.

At that time, the lush vegetation will easily block the sunlight, and it is easy to get lost in the dark environment if you don’t judge the south, south, and northwest in advance.

This is also called planning ahead, planning the general direction and travel route in advance.

Pikachu akimbo:
"That's it, the two of you also have to remember to always judge the orientation during the expedition, have you all learned?"

Little Pachilitz is clever: "I learned it, two seniors~"

Xiaochabu is cute: "I also remember~"

"However, two seniors, the forest in front seems strange, and there are natural phenomena that I can't explain~"

what's the situation?!
At this moment, the team just arrived at the 5F position of the mushroom forest, which is the deepest mission floor.

Who knows that the weather at this moment is darker than ever, and it is not like all the sunlight is passively shaded, but more like an extreme weather accidentally entered, accompanied by a cold snap.

Pikachu couldn't help but slow down a step:
"Little Fire Dragon, don't you think it's strange, why is it so cold all of a sudden?"

Little Fire Dragon: "Yeah."

"Not only is it cold, but..."

Before the words fell, large snowflakes fell without any warning, and the excited little tea cloth and little Pachiritz started making a noise in the snowflakes:
"Yeah yeah, it's snowing~"

"It's snowing~~"

[!] Pikachu: "Hey, hey, why is it snowing? The area where the mushroom forest is located is clearly evergreen, so it's absolutely impossible to snow?"

Strange indeed,
Could it be that the lowering of the boundary of the underworld has affected the weather in this forest?
This is obviously the sudden extreme weather!
Little Fire Dragon:
However, we have professionals here who can answer, what is hidden behind such extreme weather?
Sa, come out and explain, Sage Donna!
 Oh hoo hoo, finally, I would like to thank the readers very much. At the same time, I would like to ask the readers for tickets, rewards, collections, and investments. This chapter talks about it~
(End of this chapter)

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