Elf life

Chapter 225, Detective Mongoose

Chapter 225, Detective Mongoose

Detective Mongoose,

The head of the Treasure Continent Police Station is far ahead of the UFO magnets and the three-in-one magnets.

The little mongooses with a police cap on their heads are the special police team under his direct control, and of course the three-in-one magnet monsters are also under his jurisdiction.

In general,

The UFO magnet + three-in-one magnet monster is responsible for the police dispatching in Treasure Continent. For example, when Little Fire Dragon and the others received the most wanted mission in the Fat Keding Guild, the process of catching the suspects was all the UFO magnet monster in person.

In special circumstances,
For example, if a super criminal appears in the Treasure Continent, the Mongoose Detective will personally dispatch with the special team to set up many levels in the Treasure Continent.

Inspector Mongoose, who had always loved anger, this time because the Farmer Three Fist Expedition team ignored his orders and provoked them face to face.

Who would have thought that the duck-billed fire dragon changed the conversation directly upon seeing this:

"Wait a minute, it's not that we won't cooperate with your investigation, we will cooperate well..."

The other two also said that everyone's temper was a bit too aggressive just now, and it was their side that didn't calm down, and even licked the dog's ass to flatter Detective Mongoose.

Electric Shock Beast:
"That's right, I understand why you care about us, Wang, and we will definitely take a serious look."

Winning Hairy Crab: "Yes, yes."

The little fire dragon took a closer look,
The farmer's three-fist expedition, who was too arrogant before, immediately confessed when they saw Inspector Mongoose, and couldn't help but whispered about Pikachu and the butler.

"Pikachu, what is the origin of this mongoose detective, I think they all call him [Knowing King]?"

"You know, in our human world, only one person has the title of King of Understanding."

Pikachu was curious:

"Who is it?"

"That's Trump, but this guy looks very aura, is he really that powerful?"

The butler of Eccentric Eyes interjected in a low voice:

"He is a character who doesn't make police calls on weekdays. He goes crazy when he makes police calls, but in fact his overall strength is mediocre. You should understand it as a mediocre detective."

Hi, so it is.

Sure enough, it is the same mediocre detective, which is clear at a glance.

We thought he really had some super powers as Detective Mongoose, but it turned out to be false~

Say it's too late, then it's fast,

The inspection team in front had come to an end, and the ones who were inspected immediately were Little Fire Dragon and Pikachu.

(Group 177 Passers-by, Starry Night Expedition)
Little Fire Dragon (Captain) + Pikachu + Soul Eye Butler.

Sheriff of the Three-in-One Magneto Squad:
"[Recently, we are strictly investigating the most wanted criminal forest lizards. The identity check is carried out at the checkpoint ahead, and they are passed in batches one by one. Please answer my questions when you pass!]"

"1, where did your expedition come from?"

Little Fire Dragon straight to the point:

"We just came back from the [Forest of Time: Deepest], we were tired all the way, and wanted to go home and rest quickly."

After hearing the word "Forest of Time", the red and blue magnetic poles of the three-in-one magnet monsters quickly alternated, and they asked to the side with great alertness:
"[Report to the Chief Inspector, there is a group of suspicious elves here, they have just returned from the hometown of forest lizards!]"

[!] Detective Mongoose immediately looked back,
The khaki cloak and long coat also flicked, and then locked his eyes on the little fire dragon:
"The Forest of Time!"

"Report the reasons for your going there truthfully, and now I will directly ask you about your relationship with the forest lizards. Only by clarifying everything can you pass!"

Little Fire Dragon:  …

Pikachu: …………

Soul Eccentric Butler: ………………

Since the little fire dragon can answer the forest of time with one mouth, he must have already thought of the countermeasures in his heart, and told the next answer very smoothly.

Without saying a word, Xiao Huolong directly showed the letter of authorization from the legendary expedition leaders, and truthfully reported that he was entrusted to investigate the abnormal weather.

The handwritten letters of the big boss Hudi are very useful.

Detective Mongoose tacitly agreed that there was no problem at a glance, and Pikachu reiterated that none of them knew forest lizards.

Before he even had time to spend the night in the Forest of Time, he was driven out by the aborigines in the Forest of Time.

Through analysis of various reasons, it can be seen that the little fire dragons are just a group of passers-by returning from the forest of time, and they have nothing to do with the so-called forest lizards.

Detective Mongoose looked back at the team and saw that there were no elves behind, so he simply said:
"[Okay, okay, pass and pass!]"

"[I'm exhausted today, I'll take the team back to the White House later, don't forget to prepare iced Coca-Cola for me!]"

The mongooses of the secret service team went off work collectively as soon as they heard the password, and the three-in-one magnet monster was more or less hesitant, as if they attached great importance to the little fire dragon.

[-]-in-[-] Magneto:
"But the inspector, the little fire dragon team over there really doesn't need to be investigated further..."

"[Check what to check, go back to Coke first]"

Yes! (Three-in-one Magneto X25)

————Treasure Town dividing line——

Little Fire Dragon and the others passed the inspection level successfully and returned to their Star Wish Cabin successfully.

In the warm star-wish house,
Bright lights.

In fact, if I don't go back to the Star Wish House for a few days, I still miss it.

Since the cleaning was very clean when we set off before, I can rest on the soft bed next time I come back. The entire Xingyuan house is as clean as new, but the three little ones started to suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Pikachu had to tidy up the entire team's adventure backpack before taking a complete rest. There were still many items to be carefully classified on the way back, so he had to shout aggrieved:

"Oops, I really want to lie down right away, but there are too many things in my backpack to pack!"

The ecstasy eye butler is a workaholic all the time:

"I'll sort out the important emails that I haven't read in the past few days, as well as the important wish tasks accumulated in the Star Wish Box, and try to deal with them before going to bed."

Little Fire Dragon:  …

"I'm not being lazy, okay?"

"Although we are back here, we can't lie in bed yet. We must hurry up and write a report on the investigation results of the legendary expedition team!"

"Ah, I really want to rest, I don't want to write a report ah ah ah ah-"

The Star Wish House has been busy all the time,
Before I knew it, it was the tenth point when the moon quietly climbed into the air.

But not only can't sleep tonight,
The bigger variable is at the back. The familiar raindrops will fall on Treasure Continent again, and the sudden heavy rainfall will sweep 80% of the area again in the second half of the night, and the rain will pour down.

【!】Emergency weather forecast, emergency weather forecast!
[!!] Starting from [-]:[-] a.m. tonight, the whole treasure continent will usher in the second large-scale rainy weather, even accompanied by strong winds, please pay attention to safety!!
 The plot is accelerating, and the second heavy rainfall is coming. Good evening, readers.

(End of this chapter)

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