Elf life

Chapter 238, shortlisted

Chapter 238, shortlisted

Will Star Wish House be shortlisted?
Elder Catfish King was the first to say:
"I agree!"

Elder Coal Turtle:

Elder Dragon:
"I agree!"

Natural Bird Elder:
"I agree!"

Originally the overall situation had been decided, and it was a sure thing to be shortlisted for the Star Wish House. Who would have thought that Yin Parrot would not give up and wait for the veto from Chairman Fat Keding.

【!】President Fat Keding opened his eyes wide and didn't move!
"President sama, president sama, won't you fall asleep again, everyone is waiting for your veto, president?"

Chairman Fat Keding:


"Oops, I was just suddenly hungry, and I kept thinking about the delicious apples in the office, I almost forgot about the business!"

(All the elves who were onlookers fell down in place, indicating that the chairman of the fat Keding in front of him is too stupid and cute)

the next moment,
Fat Keding suddenly used his pink round head to prop up the delicious apple that he took out from nowhere, and happily turned around in a circle and finally announced:

"Of course I agree!"

"Congratulations [Star Wish House] for being shortlisted for our joint expedition team~"

chirping chirping, chirping—

Following President Fat Keding's final decision, there were enthusiastic cheers from the audience, applause from the well-meaning elves, and sarcastic whispers.

The note parrot hurriedly whispered in front of President Fat Keding and fluttered his wings gently:

"President, please listen to me first!"

"Look at the reaction from the audience. Obviously, many expedition teams are not satisfied. You should use your veto power, President SAMA!!"

President Fat Keding ignored the note parrot.

He knows the shortcomings of the note parrot best, has a low tolerance, and likes petiteness very much, so he shouted to all the Pokémon present:

"Our Fat Coding Guild and the five elders are very fair and just!"

"Whoever gets the inverse scale will be shortlisted~"

"We have reached a consensus on this point, and we must maintain a fair and impartial attitude in the future!"

As expected of Chairman Fat Keding, many other expeditions in the audience admired Fat Keding's style of doing things. In fairness, they can also guarantee to honor their promises.

After all, the Star Wish House has become officially famous today.

Let’s talk about publicity + reputation again,

The Fat Keding Guild is a world-class expedition guild that has been standing in Treasure Town for many years. Fat Keding must take into account the maintenance of the guild's image.

This time,
In exchange for the note parrot being slapped in the face, the little fire dragon proudly grabbed in front of his limelight and said:
"Thank you for your support~"

"We [Star Wish House] will definitely do our best to go forward in the expedition and guard all the remaining gears of time!"

During the speech,

As a human, the little fire dragon is best at it.

At the moment, Pikachu on the side is very adoring. He is thinking that if he lets himself speak loudly in front of so many elves, he must be so nervous that he will die in minutes:

That's awesome, little fire dragon!
In the face of hundreds of expedition teams in the audience, they are so confident and good, there is no sense of tension at all, if I am definitely finished.

The little fire dragon secretly gave Pikachu a look:
I will handle it,
No problem for sure, who made me the captain!

[!] In order not to let the little fire dragon and the others be beautiful for too long, in the next moment, the attitude of the note parrot changed in an instant:

"Okay, your [Star Wish House] playing time is over, don't delay us all announcing the next shortlisted team!"

"I'll officially announce it now!"

"The second team that has been successfully shortlisted, please come to the stage!!"

So Little Fire Dragon and the others followed the instructions and immediately cleared the center of the stage for the second qualified expedition team.

Speaking of,
This second expedition team that obtained the inverse scales of the Earth Dragon is quite mysterious.

Previously, everyone thought that it was Hu Di + Fire-breathing Dragon + Benguilas and their legendary expedition team who came back and obtained the reverse scale.

Who knows it's not them at all,
Captain Hu Di is still in the Beiling Snow Mountain area and has not returned, and the remaining 10 strong expedition teams have also lost the election.

So who is the other expedition team that defeated the bite land shark?
【!!!】Say the expedition, the expedition is here!!!
Before the elves showed up, everyone smelled a stench from a distance, and it was accompanied by bursts of punks!
Grocery Store Boss · Hidden Dragon (Purple):
"It stinks, why does this expedition team smell so bad!"

Cat boss:

"No, everyone spread out, it's the bully expedition, watch out for the virus, meow!"

[Bullies Expedition]: Gengar + Supersonic Bat + Gas Bomb quickly stepped forward, and Gengar also presented a small box with Earth Dragon Reverse Scales!
【!】Little Fire Dragon + Pikachu + Soul Eye Butler Stunned!
Little Fire Dragon: "Why, why are they?"

Pikachu: "It's all those bad guys again, I'm so mad!!"

Butler of Soul-Eating Eyes: "..."

All the elves are also extremely afraid of the coronavirus, and they are automatically separated from the bully expedition by more than 1 meter, and they are hiding!
(The following is the exclusive time for the Bully Expedition)

The gas bomb looked around:
"What are you looking at, haven't you seen our majestic Geng Gui boss?"

The supersonic bat is blowing his ass loudly:

"Hey, the five old men over there, hurry up to inspect the goods, the boss of Ye Ye's family has brought back the spoils!"

Elders + President Fat Keding: !
I usually like the disdainful Geng Gui, but this time I was respectful in front of the five elders, and he taught them a lesson because of his little brother's disrespect:
"Hehe, supersonic bat, keep your mouth clean, they are the highly respected fifth elders, don't embarrass me here!"

Ultrasonic bat knows wrong:
"Yes, boss, I was wrong."

So in the next moment, Gengar politely handed the Earth Dragon Scales to the hands of Dr. Ice Treading Puppet, which was verified by the medical doctor.

Although I don't know what tricks the bully expedition team used to defeat the fierce bite land shark.

However, judging from the injuries of the two soldiers, and the brand new scars on Gengar's boss, it must have been a fierce battle.

"Hehe, elders, dare to ask if you have finished the inspection?"

Five elders: "..."

Gengar continued politely:

"Hehe, then please all the elders hurry up and announce the finalists of our [Bullies Expedition Team]..."

[!] Before he finished speaking, the elder Coal Turtle coughed first:
"Cough, if I remember correctly, Genggui, you were a good adventurer in the past, why are you like this now?"

Geng Gui: "..."

"Also, although the old man can vote in favor,"

"But if you were to be shortlisted for the expedition team, I'm afraid everyone would panic, right?"

Geng Gui: "Hehe, why?"

The old coal turtle said solemnly:

"Just the old man, even if I am over 65 years old, my body and immunity have never been good."

"In case you really carry the coronavirus, the expedition team will be infected within minutes and finally destroyed?"

 Finally, I am very grateful to the readers, and at the same time, I ask the readers for tickets, rewards, collections, and investments. This chapter is about it~
(End of this chapter)

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