Elf life

Chapter 294, the energy of rock

Chapter 294, the energy of rock

Just at the moment when the words of Yanshenzhu fell,
A large number of khaki light balls condensed around him,

At the last moment, "whoosh" all injected into the dream music box!
Brush, brush, brush, brush, brush --

[The dreamy music box successfully absorbed the energy of the rock, and the guardian of the rock gear is about to fall asleep...]

I haven't waited for everyone to ask what the [Rock Energy] + [Dream Music Box] are doing,

The Yanshenzhu slowly sealed himself into the ground without saying a word!
rumble rumble rumble rumble --

The huge body of the Rock God Pillar is sinking continuously, and it has sunk by 30%...

The little fire dragon shouted:
"Please wait!"

"Please tell me about the music box and the secrets hidden in the energy of the rock!!"

Rock God Pillar did not answer, and continued to sink his body by 60%...

The Charm Expedition was also confused by the Guardian's actions.
Long-eared rabbit:

"This music box must be more than just playing music!"

"With the energy you just injected, can you give some hints?"

Rumble, rumble, tom—

96% of the huge body of the rock god pillar has sunk into the ground, and the cracks in the ground even cover his [∷]-shaped eyes...

Chairman Fat Keding said unhurriedly:

"It seems that the guardians here are really tired~"

"I remember that in various world legends, there are still such rumors,"

"The Three Sacred Pillars will seal themselves in the deepest part of the ruins after being extremely tired, which can be understood as sleeping without a word."

That's right,

Everything in front of him was exactly the same as what was described in the legends of the world.

Yanshenzhu didn't plan to answer any questions, so he sank himself into the ground with extreme fatigue, and he didn't have any chance to ask for more clues in the future.

When the rock god column is completely asleep in the ground,
Calm again in the ruins.

broken rock,
Empty gear table,

and a music box lying quietly on the edge of the crack,

It is the last gift of this labyrinth adventure to the United Expedition Team.

President Fat Keding looked around carefully:
"Oh, the stone chamber structure here has collapsed in many places,"

"As the saying goes, it is not suitable to stay here for a long time,"

"Since the guardians have already slept, considering the safety factor, I suggest that everyone leave the ruins as soon as possible~"

The members of the joint expedition team nodded.

Therefore, under the unified command of the grandmaster Yin Parrot, everyone immediately evacuated the ruins of the rock.

Of course, the girls and sisters of the Charm Expedition team have not left the team, they set off again with their dream music treasure box that originally belonged to them.

Beyond the remains of the rock,
The night wind blows, and the moon hangs high.

Fat Keding turned his back to everyone and said:
"Note parrot, what time is it?"

[!] The note parrot immediately confirmed the time and found that it was already 5 o'clock in the middle of the night!
"Ha, it's 5 in the morning?!"

"Ah, we were so anxious along the way that we ignored the time and said, President SAMA, do we need to rest for a while?"

until now,

The whole trip to Beiling Rock Mountain can be regarded as the end.

After all, after the thrilling rockfall in the previous period, and then the Xingyuanwu team was swept away by the mudslide, the stone room was decrypted + the fierce battle of the rock god pillar, the large team needed to rest more or less.

No one has closed his eyes since he set off at dawn,
If you continue to move forward tirelessly like this, even if you can catch up in the footsteps of the phantom thief forest lizard,
In the end, everyone will be too tired and have no chance of defeating him.


Fat Keding finally made a decision:

"Everyone has worked hard tonight. Our main force must rest now. It's not good to travel tiredly~"

As Fat Keding's old friends, the ladies and sisters of the Charm Expedition team covered their mouths and smiled instantly.

Miss skirt:
"Yes, fatigue is the enemy~"

"Leave it to us, we are more familiar with Yanshan, and there is a campground nearby where you can rest~"

Long-eared rabbit:

"That's right, Fat Keding, you guys have worked hard too, especially you. Tonight is equivalent to losing 10 pounds of meat~"

Hahahahahahaha (everyone is laughing)

Fat Coding finally said:

"Thanks, I'll leave the campsite to the members of the Charm Expedition~"

"Okay!" (x3)

———Break time·Large moon night camping dividing line—————————————————————

Thanks to the secret sharing of the ladies of the Charm Expedition,

The joint expedition team followed the long-eared rabbits to a hidden campsite located in the North Ridge Rock Mountain.

This camp is not as big as it used to be,

But it's enough for everyone to set up their own warm little tents.

The campsite is located in the southwest of 22F of Beilingyan Mountain. It was originally an open and flat land provided to the Charming Expedition Team for their expedition transit.

They also thought about it for a long time,
In the end, it was found that it would not be affected by strong winds, nor would it be affected by the falling rocks of Beiling. It can be said to be a rare camping harbor.

The Fat Keding tent is still placed in the most conspicuous center.

The Little Fire Dragon and their Star Wishing House tents are set up in the lower left corner, which happens to be adjacent to the tents of the ladies and sisters of the Charming Expedition Team in the lower right corner.

Glamour Expeditions tents in cute style:
It is printed with a pale pink flower pattern representing Shanaido, and a leaf decoration representing Miss Qi'er. The window frame is designed by Captain Long-eared Rabbit himself.

No other tasks tonight,

The first task is to rest in place.

So everyone went back to sleep in their tents.

As for how to proceed in the next stage of the labyrinth, as well as the discussion about the dream music box + rock energy, we have to wait until the next day after sleeping for 7 hours.

Inside the Star Wish House tent,

Little Fire Dragon + Pikachu + Soul Eye Butler has made a warm little bed.

"Huh, I'm finally back~"

After a long day of fatigue, Xiao Huolong simply laid himself down into a "big" character and looked up at the night sky outside the window.

Pikachu rested beside him with his little tail raised.

The little head is quite heavy, and as soon as he touched the soft pillow, he almost fell asleep:

"Yes, our rock mountain expedition is really challenging,"


"Fortunately, everyone worked together to overcome the difficulties together,"

"Especially thanks to the lobster soldiers~"

Pikachu just turned his head, only to find that the lobster soldier was not there at all, and he hadn't made his own bed.


"Hey hey!"

"Aren't the lobster minions here!"

"He didn't say that he wanted to leave the team. Didn't he plan to rest in our Star Wish House tonight?"

After everyone came back, they were busy for a while, and they didn't pay attention to the lobster soldiers until they lay down, but the lobster soldiers were not there.

The butler of the soul-hunting eye also lay on the bed, and immediately said:


"I just saw him go to the opposite tent..."

"It was said to be a vigil for the ladies of the Charming Expedition Team..."

Lobster soldier, lobster soldier,
You really volunteered, and you really deserve to be the chief flower protector of the Charm Expedition!
 Finally, I am very grateful to the readers, and at the same time, I ask the readers for tickets, rewards, collections, and investments. This chapter is about it~
(End of this chapter)

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