Elf life

Chapter 73, Impressive

Chapter 73, Impressive

The two bosses were all listening carefully to Xiao Huolong's words.

Now it can be said that it is not only admirable,

But super super admirable.

Thinking about which elf can express the above-mentioned thinking like a small fire dragon so far, the answer is no, such a feat has never been thought of by the bosses of the legendary expedition team.

(At this time, the lobster soldier was completely drunk, and Benguilas continued to drink, but he didn't hear it)
Fire-breathing dragon quipped:

"It seems that Fat Keding has finally met his opponent. If a stronger guild is established in the future, he will not dare to be so lazy, ahahaha."

"That's what it says,"

Hu Di continued:
"But with the guild founded by that guy and the current scale, it's not easy to surpass it."

"And, let me ask you again,"

"Is what you just said really what you thought?"

After Hu Di's reconfirmation, Xiao Huolong didn't even shake his small head, and nodded very firmly in the next second:
"Of course~"

"Master Xing said, wouldn't an elf without dreams become a salted fish? I don't want to be a salted fish, I want to be an elf with only dreams!"

When the words fell, I didn't expect that the first one to grab the little fire dragon's claws was Pikachu.

Pikachu couldn't believe that everything above came out of the little dragon's mouth.

Because being eligible to enter the Fat Coding Guild has been one of his dreams from a long time ago.

Pikachu also felt very happy and fulfilled in the experience of the Fat Keding Guild during this period of time, but he did not expect that Xiao Huolong suddenly said that he wanted to leave the guild today.

such words,
Make Pikachu's heart unacceptable for a while:

"Yes, but!"

"We finally got the qualifications to enter the Fat Keding Guild, and now we suddenly say we want to leave or something,"

"Besides, we are only apprentices, if we leave the Fat Keding Guild..."

Little Fire Dragon knew that some things in his heart had to be said to Pikachu, but it was just a question of when to say it, what occasion to say it, and under what circumstances.

At present, the main reason is that the elves in this world have never had the same human way of thinking as themselves.

In order to express his future thoughts to Pikachu,
The little fire dragon gave Pikachu an analogy.

The experience in the Fat Keding Guild is only a periodical internship and short-term work.

When the familiarity is almost
The next step is to change jobs in the human world, and it is impossible to work for the Fat Keding Guild for a lifetime under the pressure of capitalism.

Especially the big capitalist note parrot, must jump out.

Although it will be very difficult after leaving the big platform, but through entrepreneurship, if two little elves conquer the world together, they will be able to make a name for themselves one day!
The more I listen to Little Fire Dragon's statement,

Pikachu's heart became more and more chaotic, and now the whole little head is drooping down:
"Well, but,"

"It's still unacceptable for us to say, leave the Fat Keding Guild or something."

Hu Di said that this is a normal thing. After all, what Xiao Huolong just proposed, even he sounded surprised.

Not to mention the goofy, goofy Pikachu.

"It seems that your friend still needs a period of time to weigh and think. I think this is a very necessary process."

Hudi added:
"But you guys are really terrifying. I appreciate that you have such an idea."

After being praised by the big boss and the elf, the little fire dragon immediately showed a modest look.

In this way, the curiosity of Hu Di and the fire-breathing dragon is even more triggered, because the various performances of this little fire-breathing dragon in front of him are really eye-catching and unbelievable.

Hu Di + Fire-breathing Dragon in unison:

"We have one last question, where is your hometown?"

Little Fire Dragon:
"Uh, sorry."

"I don't have a home, I'm a human being."

【!!!】Hu Di + Fire-breathing Dragon: "Human!!!"

The fire on the firewood became more and more intense, and the dry firewood made a crackling sound after being violently burned, and the two sides were silent for a few seconds.

Two bosses, what happened?
"Ah, no." (Hu Di thought for a moment)
"To be honest, I've never seen a human being, so do humans look like little fire dragons? Hey, forget it, it doesn't matter." (Fire-breathing dragon gets up)
It's getting late, and everyone has no plans to spend the night in Sunset Canyon tonight.

So it was suggested by the legendary expedition team that they should send three small animals back as a thank-you gift for the three of them.

Judging from the adventure map, the three little fire dragons, Pikachu, and lobster soldiers have experienced all kinds of hardships along the way, and it took several days to arrive at the Sunset Canyon area.

But for the three bigwigs of the legendary expedition, returning from Sunset Canyon to Treasure Town was basically an instant event.

Hu Di:

"This time there will be no competition, and our last three Yiyi will be in charge."

wait, is this?
Before the little fire dragon could react to what was going on, Benguilas slung his back heavily and directly carried the drunken lobster soldier on his shoulders.

[Old Class]: "Just right, I'll take him back, sober up by the way, brothers go first!"

Boom boom boom boom boom-

"Ahahaha, sit tight!!"

The bold old class, a shark-like diver, just carried the lobster soldier to the ground, and in an instant, there was another strong earthquake in the grand canyon, which made the little fire dragon and Pikachu stand unsteady.

"Ah ah ah, come again!" (Little Fire Dragon)
"Ah, ah ah ah ah it's really scary!" (Pikachu)
Next was Hu Di. Before Pikachu could find a steady balance, a bright yellow light circle directly covered Pikachu.

Just around Hu Di's two golden-yellow spoons, a large number of deep purple superpower fluctuations instantly undulated.

The fluctuations and the aperture are getting more and more dazzling, making the little fire dragon unable to open his eyes:

"Ahhh, this time again!"

During the countdown of teleportation skills,

Target treasure town, start shifting the target!



Whoosh, disappear!!!!
The next moment when Little Fire Dragon realized that the strong light had finally faded away, Hu Di and Pikachu had both disappeared without a trace.


"Don't worry, your friend is fine, come on my back!"

Unexpectedly, the old spray flicked his tail for a moment, mixed with the airflow, and threw the little fire dragon directly on his back.

The little fire dragon now landed impartially in the middle of the fire-breathing dragon's broad crimson dragon's back, followed by a strong current of dragon wings stretching, forcing him to lower the center.

"Wait, this is!"

In the end, the flame on the old spray's tail was so strong that it rushed to the sky in an instant!
"Hey, don't forget to hold on when you're on my back!"

【!】Wow ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!
wind sound,

flapping wings,
As well as the sky above the clouds, the rapid ups and downs on the dragon's back made the little fire dragon breathless for a while.

The little fire dragon was definitely flying, it was his own evolution, and the fire-breathing dragon was carrying him.

"Ahahahahaha, it looks like it's your first time to go to heaven, don't be nervous!"

"You can't fly these days, but you will be laughed at by your peers, don't worry,"

"After the flight is stable for a while, you can enjoy the whole treasure town from the sky~"

 The journey back to Treasure Town officially started. The three bosses carried everyone back in different ways. I’m really looking forward to it more and more. The task of receiving VIPs this time has been successfully completed. Finally, I am very grateful to the readers, and at the same time to the readers. Asking for tickets, rewarding, collecting, investing, this chapter talks about it~
(End of this chapter)

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