spooky invasion

Chapter 449

Chapter 449

Just when Chen Yinxing felt that she was going to be swallowed by the terrible fire, suddenly a magical barrier appeared in front of her eyes, magically blocking the fire from her body.

Then, she felt herself creaking and being lifted up, her whole body moved involuntarily, and then rushed out of the sea of ​​flames.

All of this was almost done in a flash, so fast that Chen Yinxing couldn't keep up with his thoughts.

Chen Yinxing only felt a gust of wind blowing on her face, the street scene in the night in front of her was flying backwards rapidly, and her body was also flying uncontrollably.

Tens of seconds later, in a dense building complex, the speed finally slowed down.

Chen Yinxing only felt limp all over, and was thrown on an old sofa.

Only then did Chen Yinxing see clearly that the person who saved her was indeed Lao Hong whom she had always looked down upon.

The scene was a little awkward.

Chen Yinxing tidied up her messy clothes, and really wanted to say a few words about the scene, but when the words came to her mouth, she felt that it was a bit weak to say these words now.

"Ginkgo, that's all you said about becoming stronger?" Jiang Yue said with a half-smile, "Why do I feel that those few strokes of yours look very beautiful, but are useless in actual combat?"

This statement is not only hurtful, but also very humiliating.

Chen Yinxing wanted to justify a few words, but the cruel reality before her made her unable to refute.

If you are strong in actual combat, why were you so embarrassed just now?
"It's not very safe here, you'd better escape as soon as possible." Jiang Yue glanced at the woman, his mind was full of doubts, but he was powerless to ask.

"You're not leaving?" Chen Yinxing was surprised.

"Whether I go or not is my business, what do you worry about?"

"If you don't go, I won't go either." Chen Yinxing bit her sexy lips and said in a low tone.

"Hehe, don't make it look like we are desperate mandarin ducks. People who don't know really think that you have a lot of affection for me." Jiang Yue said with a smile.

"Fuck you, old Hong, you bastard, you pretended to be a pig and eat a tiger, and you lied to me so hard. Now I finally know that old sayings really can't lie."


"As the old saying goes, with a pig's face on your face, you have a bright heart."

"Are you swearing or praising?" Jiang Yue frowned.

Chen Yinxing smiled charmingly: "Think about it yourself, if you think it's a compliment, it's a boast, and it's a loss, it's a loss."

"I'll take you as a sycophant."

"Yes, I just flatter you. You are my savior. Isn't it normal to flatter you a few times?"

"Cut, who doesn't know how to pay lip service? Let's be practical."

"What do you want practically?" Chen Yinxing gently brushed her hair, pretending to easily pull the clothes on her shoulders, blocking her exposed shoulder straps.

This kind of seemingly inadvertent action can always arouse the man's infinite reverie, make the man's blood tumbling, and his mind wandering.Chen Ginkgo has always been tried and tested.

Jiang Yue didn't seem to see it, instead of showing eagerness, he went to the window and looked outside.

Just now, he pushed the magic talisman with all his strength to throw off the unknown opponent all the way. Now it seems that he really threw them away.

Judging by Chen Yinxing's reaction, the killer who came to the door was obviously not from her group.

Then, their origins are worth pondering.

Is it...

Chen Yinxing also came to the window, and purposely got very close, almost standing still next to Jiang Yue's shoulder, the faint scent of perfume on her body was particularly alluring in this situation.

I don't know if she was really observing the situation outside, or came here on purpose to tease her.

Jiang Yue frowned: "Why are you so close? Are you afraid of the cold?"

Chen Yinxing giggled and said, "Hey, is this still you? You usually look at me with the desire to swallow me alive, why do you think I'm too close now?"

"Tsk tsk, what are you trying to tell me? You want to give me a hint that I can eat you on the spot? Is this a repayment for saving your life?"

"Do you have the guts?" Chen Yinxing stared at Jiang Yue with watery eyes, as if there was some encouragement.

"Hey, I really don't dare." Jiang Yue slid his body and stepped back a few steps.

"No matter how real a fake show is, it's still a fake show. No matter how real the illusion you give is, it will be an illusion after all. I, Old Hong, have a clue in my heart, and I know that a self-righteous woman like you will never save you Once, I can count on you to look at each other with admiration. If the scene where the hero saves the beauty happened to the cardamom girl, it might be a good story. As for you? You have already lived so delicately, and it doesn’t matter how good your acting skills are if you act as an innocent girl again. use."


The old Hong in Chen Yinxing's impression is by no means a guy who can resist beauty.

It seems that I still underestimated this bastard!
Chen Yinxing was secretly annoyed. Being exposed so mercilessly, she obviously couldn't hold back her face.

But a woman like her, who has never seen any scene before, how could she be messed up because of such a trivial matter?

He stared at Jiang Yue provocatively.

"Old Hong, I don't care what you think. Anyway, I owe you my life. But have you ever thought that if the killers are not mine, and you didn't bring them here, then their background is ready to be revealed?"

"Just say what you want, I'm not in the mood to give you the answer." Jiang Yue said impatiently.

"Hmph, you just like to play dumb, I don't believe you don't know that this is a killer sent by the organization."

"Isn't it? This doesn't look like the organization's style of work. Didn't investigate clearly and killed people directly? Are four-star backbones so worthless?"

"How valuable do you think you are? Do you really think you are irreplaceable? Apart from you, other people will shut down and stop working?"

"It's not possible to shut down, but they are so brutal to kill people. If they don't succeed, won't they force us to the authorities? When did the organization be so reckless?"

"That's because they didn't expect to fail at all. To put it bluntly, they underestimated you. In other words, you old Hong usually pretends to be a pig and a tiger so well that you keep your organization in the dark."

Jiang Yue curled his lips, but he was skeptical.

Is it really the killer arranged by the organization?

If this is the case, Lao Hong will be miserable.It is even very likely to involve family members.

Jiang Yue's complexion changed: "I have to go back."

Chen Yinxing said lightly: "Didn't you say that you didn't care about your family when you were competing with me earlier. It seems that you still care after all!"

Jiang Yue rolled his eyes: "Can it be the same? Who told you that I don't care? I'm just convinced that people like you love me more. Even if I change lives with my whole family, you can't agree."

"Okay, okay, if it's really a killer sent by the organization, it's too late for you to go back now. Maybe we should calm down and have a good talk without prejudice."

"What's there to talk about with you?" Jiang Yue curled his lips, not in the mood to talk at all.

"We now have a basis for cooperation." Chen Yinxing didn't care.

"Whoever I cooperate with will not cooperate with you, unless you want to show your cards, let me see your cards."

"It's not impossible to see my hole cards, but it's definitely not today. I have to go back and apply. But before that, Lao Hong, should you tell me why such a violent sea of ​​flames can't hurt you? Just escaped from the scene Why did you walk so fast when you were here?"

Now Chen Yinxing's mind is full of question marks.

If it was said that she had looked down on Lao Hong from the bottom of her heart before, and was just making false claims with him, then after this night, Chen Yinxing was definitely taught a vivid lesson, and she became very curious about Lao Hong.

Even at this time, you still don't give up, and you still want to find out the details?

Jiang Yue looked at this charming woman coldly, and a flash of admiration flashed in his heart, she really had tenacity.

But Jiang Yue is not interested in accompanying him.

"Talk to me when you can show your cards."

Seeing that Jiang Yue was about to leave, Chen Yinxing couldn't help being anxious: "You're leaving now, the next time I want to see you, you won't let me go directly to your house, will you?"

"Is there still a need to see him?" Jiang Yue sneered.

Chen Yinxing's pretty face froze immediately: "Old Hong, what do you mean? I'll give you the antidote. You don't want to cross the river and tear down the bridge, do you? Let me tell you, you can't get rid of me until you lift the restraint on me. "

"talk later."

Jiang Yue waved his hand, raised his foot and wanted to leave.

"Wait, I'll give you an address, we'll make an appointment there next time. If you want to know my secret, don't miss the appointment."

Jiang Yue saw her quickly take out a pen and paper from her bag, and forced him a new address, so she had to take it and glance at it, nodded slightly, then rushed into the night, and left without looking back.

Chen Yinxing's wonderful eyes rolled around, looking at the back that disappeared in the night, her mood was extremely complicated for a while.

The man who thought he was in control of the situation, who was holding hands with him, not only jumped out of her palm, but also gave her a great shock.

She never dreamed that the situation tonight would evolve like this.

The bomb that was originally installed on the opponent's body turned out to be a time bomb instead.

What's more, he didn't expect that the situation suddenly changed, and his life was saved by the other party.

This made her very angry with Lao Hong, but she couldn't develop great hatred.


Jiang Yue left quickly and returned to Lao Hong's house after a while.

Ben had already prepared all kinds of bad psychological expectations, but it turned out that nothing happened to Lao Hong's house, and there was no disturbance.

Seeing him rushing back in the middle of the night, Lao Hong's daughter-in-law thought that something big had happened, and asked with concern.

"It's nothing, it's nothing. I misunderstood the information and thought something was wrong at home. As long as it's nothing." Jiang Yue had a headache, and this was the biggest trouble in playing the role of Lao Hong.

Instead, Lao Hong's family became Jiang Yue's responsibility virtually.

If Jiang Yue was more ruthless, he could completely ignore it.

But Jiang Yue couldn't do such an irresponsible thing.

If Lao Hong had caused trouble in the first place, Jiang Yue might not be able to make it through psychologically.But now that he is playing the role of Lao Hong, if he causes disasters and affects Lao Hong's family, he will definitely feel sorry.

The most important thing is, does Jiang Yue think that Zhi Ling's middle school guy will have any objections to him because of this?

Going home so late, it is naturally difficult to find an excuse to leave.

In addition, Lao Hong's daughter-in-law obviously had severe mood swings and was entangled tightly. Although she didn't speak pitifully to persuade her to stay, her body movements were full of various explicit hints.

"Honey, have you not slept in the bed at home for many days?"

"Honey, why are you turning your back on me? Are you angry with me?"


Jiang Yue kept complaining, knowing that this day could not go on like this, and he had to let the real Lao Hong go home.Otherwise, I really can't stand it.

Before waiting for Jiang Yue's interaction, the old Hong's wife turned over silently, her shoulders shrugged slightly, as if she was sobbing.Even if he was sobbing, he tried his best to suppress it, as if he was afraid of making Lao Hong unhappy.


This difficult night was finally over. When I woke up early in the morning, Lao Hong's wife got up early and was busy with work inside and out.

Seeing her busy appearance, there is always a faint sense of happiness on her face, obviously very satisfied with her current life.

Even if a certain aspect does not get a response, it does not affect her mood.

"Lao Hong's grandson is really lucky. How many people can't envy such a good daughter-in-law." Jiang Yue shook his head secretly.

Warn yourself not to get too involved in someone's family life.

After breakfast, Jiang Yue went out early.

The first thing is not to go to work, but to see Lao Hong.

He told about yesterday's situation, gave Lao Hong the box of antidote, and at the same time untied Lao Hong.

"Brother, what do you mean? Does this mean that I have regained my freedom?"

"Why, isn't it good to regain your freedom? Don't want to leave?"

Lao Hong smiled wryly and said, "You're right, the current situation is a mess, and I really don't know how to deal with changing my identity."

"so what?"

"So I reluctantly, today I went to a few trading stations in person, and then went home for a walk. I handed over the public food, and you will have to pay later."

Lao Hong's tone was so calm that even he himself was a little scared.

Why are you lazy and addicted to stealing?
Only he himself knows that he is indeed running away, because the current situation depends on him, Lao Hong, and he cannot handle it at all.

He couldn't handle the organization side, and he couldn't handle Chen Yinxing's side either.

Especially when Jiang Yue told him that he was attacked by a killer last night, which made Lao Hong even more headache.

"Brother, you won't go back on your word, right? You can't do this! You can't give up halfway. Now this situation can't go up or down. If you let me go by myself, I will be burnt out."

Hearing his tone, he was afraid that Jiang Yue would give up on him.

Jiang Yue sighed: "Old Hong, if I were you, I would take my wife and children away and fly away now, or find a remote place to hide."

"I can't hide, you underestimated their abilities too much. Unless I can go to the sky and escape, I will never get rid of them. Since they didn't attack my family, it means that what happened yesterday, maybe it was just a test, maybe it was just targeting Chen Yinxing... ..."

"If the organization had completely given up on me, you wouldn't have been able to see my wife and children yesterday, you would have been taken away by them long ago."

Old Hong heaved a long sigh, still somewhat worried in his heart.

If the situation continues like this, if one day the organization thinks that Lao Hong is useless, the day when he will be abandoned or even silenced will not be far away.

Therefore, you must find a way out for yourself.

The Jiang Yue in front of him right now is the way out that Lao Hong has conceived for a long time these days.

(End of this chapter)

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