spooky invasion

Chapter 454

Chapter 454
In fact, for the Operation Bureau, even if a dozen people committed suicide, it was not a particularly exaggerated and weird case, at least not the highest priority one.

The reason why Luo Chu would discuss it with Jiang Yue alone is because of two reasons.

First, this kind of weird situation has never happened before, and second, Jiang Yue asked him to search for the people involved.

"Luo Chu, have you talked to Liu Yunqian?"

"Talked, but this woman's current mental state is very delicate."

"Subtle?" Jiang Yue was a little surprised, the word obviously puzzled him.Jiang Yue could understand Liu Yunqian's mental state collapsed or unstable.

What is subtle?
"Through our chat with her, we can roughly judge that her mental state is actually fundamentally different from those who are delirious. Her mind is clear, at least for a certain period of time. However, she seems to be on the inside." A lock, this lock locks the outside world out. As a result, she is not willing to communicate with us in depth. When we want to ask something, she always smiles, but she just does not answer, and she will not give Any hint from your expression, just a faint smile."

"So, does she have any unusual reactions to other people's suicides?"

"No, she doesn't even care about the world outside of herself. The outside world seems superfluous to her. She only shuts herself in the world of her and Shino. That bed, that room, and that dog This little doll is her whole world."

When Luo Chu talked about this, he also shook his head and sighed.

"Does the staff in the mental hospital have any abnormal feedback?"

"It's been a mess recently. The difficulty of their work has increased significantly, and people in many positions are missing. They either leave their posts or simply disappear. Now there are not many employees who can stick to their posts...If this situation continues like this, I will It is estimated that many positions will be completely unoccupied, and the whole society will be completely shut down..."

"So, the staff can't find any useful clues?"

"It really doesn't provide any valuable information."

Luo Chu sighed: "Of course, this case itself is not a key case. There is a serious shortage of manpower in the bureau now, and the team members sent there are only briefly understanding the situation. Xiao Jiang, this Liu Yunqian, are you still interested in learning about it?"

Jiang Yue saw the relevant information of Liu Yunqian and Liu Shinuo in that abandoned building before, and was deeply impressed by this incident.

Liu Shinuo's body was carried out by them from the building, and was later buried near Yangfan Middle School.

If it was in the sunny age, it would naturally be impossible to bury people at will.But these days, no one cares about these trivial matters.

If it was just an encounter between an ordinary mother and daughter, it might not be able to arouse Jiang Yue's curiosity.

But behind what happened to the mother and daughter, there is obviously a terrible story hidden.

Liu Shinuo was killed by cruel means, and was buried in a big flower pot. The most abominable thing is that he still used that ancient spell to suppress the ghost, which can be described as extremely vicious.

How can there be such a big hatred with a small child?

The cruelty and blood behind this made Jiang Yue, Han Jingjing and others who witnessed it at the time unable to accept it from the bottom of their hearts.

Moreover, all the evidence showed that the man Liu Yunqian, that is, the guy named Huang Xianman, was very suspicious.

Compared with Liu Yunqian's identity, Jiang Yue actually cared more about Huang Xianman's identity and whereabouts.

"Luo Chu, last time I asked you to investigate two people, besides Liu Yunqian, does Huang Xianman have any news?"

"It's strange to say that this person was originally an employee of an official unit, but he lost contact a few months ago. We have investigated his interpersonal relationship, and no one who is familiar with him knows where he has gone. Someone It is said that he may have returned to his hometown, some people said that he may have had an accident, and some people said that he went to develop elsewhere. There are various theories.”

"What did Liu Yunqian say?"

"Liu Yunqian didn't answer at all, she closed herself off. It was as if he didn't know Huang Xianman at all."

"She's running away." Jiang Yue couldn't help but said.

"I don't know what happened between her and Huang Xianman?" Luo Chu sighed.

Unless the person concerned is willing to speak up about this kind of matter, no matter how outsiders speculate, it will not help.

Jiang Yue suddenly said: "Luo Chu, give me the address, I'll go and have a look."

"Where? A mental hospital?"

"Yes, I want to talk to Liu Yunqian."

"Now?" Luo Chu couldn't help frowning, that kind of weird scene, just looking at it from the photos, made one's scalp tingle.

That's all happened last night.

The night is the best fertile ground for scary and weird events.

Jiang Yue proposed to see Liu Yunqian now!
"It's just now, I guess it won't work in the daytime."

Luo Chu couldn't help but said: "But it's midnight now, those patients all committed suicide in the middle of the night. Don't you feel like throwing yourself into a trap by going now?"

"But it's also the most likely time to find out what the problem is." Jiang Yue said.

Luo Chu looked at Jiang Yue seriously, and saw that he didn't look like he was joking.

"Xiao Jiang, are you sure?"

"Luo Chu, take out the posture you used to break into the morgue at night to turn over the corpse. Why were you not afraid at all at that time, but now you are looking forward and backward?"

Luo Chu smiled wryly: "I'm not looking forward and backward, I'm worried about you, okay?"

"If you're worried, go and have a look with me."

Luo Chu glanced at the back room, smiled wryly and said, "Aren't there any children here?"

"The child is in a deep sleep and won't be able to wake up for a while. Besides, just find someone to take care of him."

Luo Chu thought for a while, then gritted his teeth: "Okay, anyway, I don't have anything to do at night, so I'll just accompany you for a walk."

In fact, Luo Chu was not afraid, but this case was not the most urgent case for them, so he was not particularly motivated.

But instead of smoking a cigarette and looking at the case file at night, it's better to go and see what happened with Jiang Yue.

After all, it's not a bad thing to know more about some weird situations.

Besides, Luo Chu felt that every time he acted together with Jiang Yue, he would gain a lot.

Last time in Yinyuan Apartment, so many people died unexpectedly, and all kinds of crises arose everywhere, didn't they survive in the end?

It has to be said that Luo Chu was really interested in Jiang Yue's invitation.

Luo Chu cleaned up, called a subordinate, and told him to stay in the duty room and not leave. If the child in the back room woke up, he had to find a way to calm him down.

Coaxing children is a technical job, but Luo Chu's prestige in the third office obviously has nothing to say, even though coaxing children is a difficult task, the subordinate still agreed with a wry smile.

Walking on the cold street, from time to time, I heard all kinds of strange howling sounds from a distance, and I don't know if it is the howling of evil monsters or the screams of human beings.

This has become the norm, and the mentality of the two of them has become a little numb, but they have not been affected much.

On such a weird night, there may be weird events happening every minute, and it is impossible to investigate when you hear a little noise.

The hospital is located in a relatively suburban area, and the location is a bit remote, but the infrastructure is very good. It is a very high-end psychiatric hospital in Star City. Ordinary people with insufficient spending power may not even have the financial strength to enter.

"Xiaojiang, this Liu Yunqian used to be a dancer, and also took some modeling jobs. The income is very considerable, and the consumption concept is also relatively advanced."

Jiang Yue didn't find this strange. He had seen a photo of Liu Yunqian and his child before. The photo was pierced with countless pinholes. The mother and child were both dressed in trendy and fashionable clothes. Obviously, they were not at the general consumption level.

While talking, the two had already arrived at the outskirts of the hospital.

Luo Chu took out his ID and prepared to lead Jiang Yue in through the main entrance.

But Jiang Yue grabbed him: "Let's not go through the main entrance this time."

"It will be much more convenient to walk through the main entrance with the help of the staff..."

"It's not good for you to wake up the staff in the middle of the night, right? Besides, what the staff shows you and lets you know may not be the inside story you want to know. If you want to know more inside stories, go see it yourself , Going to investigate by yourself may yield unexpected gains.”

"Okay... just listen to you." Luo Chu was stunned for a while, then nodded with a wry smile.

Jiang Yue observed the outside for a while, and found a corner. Inside the high wall, the dense branches of camphor trees have grown out of the wall, blocking the situation inside the wall. In this weird night, it looks even more dark. The buildings add a bit of mystery and weirdness.

"Just here."

Jiang Yue turned over, his body as light as a swallow, and the several-meter-high wall seemed to him to be non-existent. He jumped over and landed on a camphor tree branch inside the wall.

Not to be outdone, Luo Chu climbed up the wall, and then lightly fell to the ground along the wall. The whole process was simple, but it was obviously not chic enough.

"Luo Chu, it seems that you still haven't used the magic talisman well." Jiang Yue sighed.

"Hey, this thing is precious, so try to save it when you can't use it. Xiaojiang, with your strength, you can't use the magic amulet to climb over this kind of wall, right?"

"Yes." Jiang Yue suddenly grabbed Luo Chu, and the two of them dodged behind the camphor tree.

In the distance, there seemed to be a beam of a flashlight shooting this way, but it was scribbled and didn't seem to be very serious.

The first thought in both of them was that this hospital is worthy of high-end, are the security guards so conscientious?
It's so late at night, but they still can't patrol everywhere?
You know, who would come to a place like this?Even thieves would probably not want to patronize such a place.

The two stayed behind the tree for a while and noticed that there was nothing unusual, so they tiptoed away slowly and sneaked inside.

This hospital occupies a large area, covering a thousand acres. Apart from some buildings, there are many activity areas and a lot of infrastructure.

It's just that it's already the middle of the night, and the whole hospital seems to have fallen asleep.

Except for a few dim lights, every building has no other movement.

"Luo Chu, do you feel anything?" Jiang Yue asked suddenly.

"What? Quiet? Is this place too quiet?" Luo Chu asked.

"Naturally, it's quiet in the middle of the night." Jiang Yue's expression was a little dignified, as if he was listening to something, "Did you hear anything?"

"what sound?"

"Someone is singing, girl, it's a lullaby to lull the baby to sleep."

"Go to sleep, go to sleep, my dear baby, mother's hands are gently shaking you..." Jiang Yue couldn't help humming in a low voice.

Although Luo Chu didn't hear it, seeing that Jiang Yue's expression didn't look like he was joking, he immediately felt a little terrified.

Fortunately, Jiang Yue didn't keep singing, but looked at the distant buildings with deep eyes, and murmured: "This place is at least 200 meters away from the nearest ward. Just imagine, if a mother coaxes her baby Sleeping, how loud can she make it?"

Lullabies to lull babies to sleep are basically soft and soothing tunes, and most of them will be whispered under the throat.

Not to mention that it is transmitted to a place 200 meters away, even if you stand outside the door, you may not be able to hear it.

But Jiang Yue just happened to hear it.

Then, Luo Chu's expression changed, and he heard it too.

"...my dear baby, mother's arms will always protect you..."

If this is in an ordinary family with a baby, it is not unusual to hear this kind of lullaby, but this is in a mental hospital, and it is hundreds of meters away from the ward.

The voice seemed to be sent here by a magical power, and it seemed that the singer was singing in their ears. The situation was indescribably weird.

It was obviously an extremely soft and loving song, and it was supposed to make people feel calm and warm, but the two of them were shocked when they heard it.

The same thought flashed through the minds of both of them at the same time, the singing was obviously not right.

"Xiaojiang, do you think the staff in this hospital can't hear them? In the middle of the night, they heard this sound for no reason. How could they sleep?"

Jiang Yue couldn't answer this question either.

"Go and have a look."

Knowing that something was wrong, Jiang Yue decided to go over and find out.

According to the address, Liu Yunqian is in Building No. 7, which is relatively independent and occupies a quiet high-end ward.

It is the most luxurious package for a single room.

However, after experiencing the mass suicide incident, the No. 7 building was obviously deserted, and a cordon was drawn at the door to separate the building from the outside world.

There is no one on duty at the scene.

People's hearts are fleshy, and such a weird thing happened, no matter how daring the staff is, it is impossible for them to be on duty in this building.

Everyone wished to stay far away from this building.

The two walked in the dark, without encountering any resistance along the way, and easily arrived at the edge of a lawn on the right side of Building No. [-].

There are precious tree species planted on both sides of the lawn, and the whole environment looks very quiet, which is especially suitable for spiritual recuperation and recovery.

"Xiaojiang, the patients on the other floors of Building 7 have all been transferred. According to the leaders of their hospital, Liu Yunqian and the others will also persuade her to move out. I don't know if she is still in this building? According to my guess, they want to move her. It’s not that easy to just shoot the site, is it?”

Jiang Yue stared quietly at Building No. 7, and said in a deep voice, "She hasn't moved, not only hasn't she moved, she hasn't slept yet."

(End of this chapter)

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