
Chapter 1, The Last Spirit.

Chapter 1, The Last Spirit.

Chapter 1 Mo Ling.

Lin Yuyan hopped and followed the nanny across the street at Xinjiekou, walking slowly towards Xuanwu Lake.

Today is the first snow in Jinling winter.

Because the children are naughty, they are clamoring to go out and play wild.

Lin Yuyan's mother was busy tidying up the shop, so she had no time to pay attention to her.

But the child's heart, how can you take into account the hard work of your adults!I want to go out and play in the snow.

Lin Yuyan's mother couldn't bear her daughter's crying, making troubles and hanging herself, so she had to ask the nanny to take her out for a stroll, so as not to worry about doing business.

Stepping on the carpet-like snow on the street, braving the severe cold, the master and servant rushed into the overwhelming snow-white world excitedly.

Affected by the enthusiasm and enthusiasm of the children who love snow, the nurse can't help but trot and play.

While running, he kept yelling: "Little aunt! Take it easy. Be careful not to fall."

While running, Lin Yuyan kept turning her head and calling: "Mom, hurry up."

The nurse followed behind Lin Yuyan.Running out of breath.

Since returning to Jinling, she has been busy with her master inside and out, and the nanny seldom goes out for activities.The business in the store is too busy.

I don't know why these people like to play with stones so much, aren't they just colorful stones!As for being so enthusiastic about grabbing a new wife like a treasure?

Every time after going abroad, she returned to the Lin family compound, took a rest after serving the young and old masters, and went back to her own small private room alone, the nurse could not help but sigh.

Lin Yuyan didn't care if the nanny could keep up with her or not, she was having fun in the cherry blossom-like sky full of ice and snow.

The little girl's innocent eyes are full of lovely joy.

Yes.There is no such brilliant snow in Lingnan!
Lin Yuyan's family has been running the emerald, jade, gold and silver business for generations, which is second to none in East China.

It is probably God's will.When Lin Yuyan was born, she grabbed Zhou, not pens and inks, silver dollars, and books and bags, but just grabbed a handful of Yuhua stones. It's strange if you say so.

At that time, Lin Yuyan's family hadn't opened a shop yet, but a sister of Lin Yuyan's mother gave them some beautiful stones such as chicken blood stones and rain flower stones.

In the homes of people who drive the sea in Lingnan, they have seen a lot of strange fish and shellfish, but they have never seen these colorful small stones.So kids love these.

Later, Yuyan's mother's sister went abroad, so she transferred the store to Yuyan's mother.Don't tell me, Yuyan's mother insisted that her business is booming.Jiangnan Jiangbei has opened several branches.

Yu Yan ran for a while, her little face flushed.

Looking at the rain of cherry blossoms flying all over the sky, Lin Yuyan turned her head to see the nanny pulling the boss back for a while.So while playing in the snow, I walked slowly in the snowflakes.

so beautiful!The snow in Jinling, the white streets of Jinling City.

"My little aunt! Can't you run slowly? I want to exhaust your eldest mother to death."

The nurse rushed up panting heavily.

Yuyan and his family all called Yuyan's nanny, and almost forgot what the nanny was called.The nanny was not used to it at first, but as time passed, she really regarded herself as Yuyan's mother.

After chasing Yuyan, the nanny grabbed Yuyan's little hand and held it firmly in her palm.

As if afraid of losing it.

Too.Jinling City in the Republic of China was not very peaceful.

Although the Japanese are gone, the golden armour, which is everywhere in the city, makes people have to imagine and only mutter in their hearts.

Yuyan doesn't care about this.

It seems that the smoke that has not yet cleared is permeating, just like the misty rain that has been transformed for my own arrival.

The ancient capital of six dynasties, the holy land of the city of ten dynasties, the smoke has already been integrated into its bone marrow, and it has become a famous business card for it.

Yuyan's little hand was clenched in the thick big palm of the nanny, and she couldn't escape if she wanted to.Pulling the nanny along and trotting all the way, he turned into an alley.

Jilong Mountain is full of cherry blossoms and sparsely populated.

The footprints of mother and daughter side by side, large and small, entered the Jiming Ancient Temple all the way.

The destructive power of the Japanese is really great. An ancient city of more than 600 years has been ruined by them.But this ancient Jiming Temple is well preserved.Although there were a lot of injuries, it was considered merciful.

Yuyan dragged the nanny into the gate of the temple.

The rain and snow came suddenly last night. The abbot and his disciples were busy shoveling snow early in the morning, so they didn't pay attention to the gate of the temple for a while.

Even Yuyan and the nanny entered the temple without knowing it.

Yuyan played back and forth in the path in the small bamboo forest for a while, and when she was about to leave, she heard a sound of "shua, shua, shua!", unable to bear the heavy weight of snow, and twisted a tree that was so addicted to insects. old bamboo.

Yu Yan was quite frightened.

The nanny saw her and ran over quickly.

Holding Yu Yan in his arms is both a child and a treasure, so tired.

Yuyan was very calm in the nurse's arms.

Turning his head, he saw a purple-red brocade rope on the fractured surface of the fallen Xiuzhu, which was emitting a purple-red weak fluorescence in the snow.

The nanny pinched Yuyan all over her body, and seeing that she was not injured, she patted off the snow scattered on Yuyan's emerald green coat, and dragged her out of the small bamboo forest.

Since we have come to Jiming Temple, it is customary to put three pillars of fragrance to pray for the blessing of the Bodhisattva.

Although the boss is not around, the nanny wants to pray for Yuyan's safety for her.

Under the guidance of the nanny, Yu Yan also kowtowed three times.

The master and servant just stood up.

The mistress who had just placed the tribute on the table turned around, saw Yu Yan, and stared at her up and down without blinking her eyes.

Looking at Shi Taishen's eyes, Yuyan involuntarily took a step back.

Seeing that the old abbot looked at Yuyan with wrong eyes, the nanny hurriedly joined hands with her and asked, "Master, is there anything wrong with my Yuyan?"

Because everyone knew each other well, the mistress took the nanny to the Buddha statue and whispered to her: "Senior brother, when did your lady get what?"

Seeing the teacher's expression, the nanny seemed a little worried, but she didn't know what the teacher was asking.

She couldn't help but asked quietly: "Master, what are you referring to?"

After hearing the nanny's question, the old abbot guessed that she might not know what he was asking.So he whispered to her: "Brother, to tell you the truth, the small stones in your lady's hands are not clean!"

Hearing what the abbot said, the nurse quickly put her head out from behind the Buddha statue to have a look.

Sure enough, Yu Yan didn't know when, a pendant the size of a finger had appeared on her hand.

The purple-red streamer and the dark green material are like a young leaf that has just sprouted in spring.

The nanny couldn't see what was going on, so she turned to the abbot and said, "Master, is there any question?"

The teacher did not answer the nanny directly, but continued to ask: "Brother, when did the little Bodhisattva bring this thing?"

The nanny was confused by the question.

Quickly explained: "I'm not going to hide it from my wife. I haven't seen this thing before."

The teacher doesn't even know when she sees the nanny.He sighed and said, "I hope it won't be long to entangle the little Bodhisattva. Namo Amitabha!"

The nanny was terrified.

Quickly ask the teacher: "Master, don't be a fool. What's wrong with this thing? Is it good or bad?"

The teacher looked at the nurse, and then looked around.

He lowered his voice and said to the nanny: "Brother, monks don't tell lies. I won't hide it from you as a bodhisattva. I'm afraid this thing is not clean."

The nanny was confused by the teacher.

Said to her: "Master, don't scare me. Isn't it just a piece of jade? What's the problem?"

The old abbot saw that the nanny still didn't understand, so he explained to her carefully: "Living Bodhisattva, you don't know. It's jade, but it's also a dangerous emerald jade."

The nanny saw that the teacher wanted to say something but didn't dare to say it, and she just stomped her feet in anxiety.

"Master, don't scare my old lady. You just tell the old lady that this piece of jade is not in danger. It's not dirty when I look at it!"

The old abbot looked around vigilantly again, and then put his mouth into the nurse's ear and whispered, "Bodhisattva! That is a piece of ancient jade with a magic spell called -'Mo Ling'. It is... what!……"

Before he finished speaking, the old abbot collapsed on the floor tiles behind the Buddha statue.

The nanny met.I was quite frightened.

Just as she was about to turn around to snatch the piece of jade from Yu Yan's hands, her eyes went dark, and she fell beside the teacher with a loud "Plop!"

(End of this chapter)

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