
Chapter 1023, Queen of the Star Sea.

Chapter 1023, Queen of the Star Sea ([-]).

In December of a year, keep safe every month.

Three years and twelve seasons, Ji Jibao Qingming.

The king of Xinghai is Putian Xingjun's only hope and only master.

The big rock in Shui Mo's heart finally fell to the ground.

The moment he took over the lotus heart star emperor jade seal from the star river emperor in the master's hand, he had already understood the master's heart language and star wish.

As the queen's servants, they can only do their best to protect the Dao. After all, Xinghai belongs to Her Majesty the Queen, not Emperor Xinghe!

If Misty Rain and the others didn't find the wormhole mother, they would use the entire galaxy to detain the little wormhole witch!

If you can't figure out the wormhole, let's figure out the future of the wormhole first, that is, this little girl in green clothes who thinks she is already invincible in the entire universe...!
Of course, with the Seven Stars Lianzhu stick, there is no need to expect to stay in the galaxy.

No way, I had no choice but to let it fight the little wormhole witch by itself, and then disappeared...

Ink Mo was in a good mood, and inevitably broke all the previous assumptions one by one.

He glanced at Yanyu and Yuyan, as well as the little fairies like Dragon Girl and Shuiyue, and he couldn't help taking a step back, quietly standing behind Heilong and Pixiu.

"Master! Don't believe this little kid's one-sided words! Who knows if they are the direct descendants of Andromeda Rangers? If they are fakes, and they are the undead meteorite recommended by a group of waste stars, then our wormhole secret Didn’t the key fall into the wrong hands?”

The girl in green clothes reluctantly looked at Misty Rain and Yuyan, and argued very against her will.

Sure enough, they are sister flowers, even the dragon horns are exactly the same, it is the incarnation of Tianlong.

But so what?

As long as the wormhole key is not in your hands, sister, I still have a chance.

Anyway, that interstellar ranger is not here, who can help you prove the real origin of your sisters?
As soon as the girl in green clothes heard that the master was going to hand over the key to the wormhole to this arch-rival, she immediately got a bad idea.

Yes, if she became the king of the star sea, she would not have to expect extravagantly if she wanted to get out of the sphere of influence of the wormhole in the future.

"Hey hey hey! Miss Lushang, you really don't give up until you reach the Yellow River! But you have already crossed the galaxy, so give up if you want to give up! Otherwise, you will really be sent to the sky by this constellation of nebula ups and downs. In the Yellow River Basin, go to become Hebo, the king of the river. At that time, what is the difference between going to prison? Yijie Xingjun, go to the earth system planet to be the god of a river, I am careful that you will be there all day Depressed and unhappy!"

Yanyu understood Lushang's little thought of dying, so she immediately warned her and said with a smile.

To be honest, without this little fairy sister of Andromeda, the road is full of rain and smoke, and her interstellar road of conferring gods and crowning queens will really suffer from all kinds of vicious thoughts of villains!

The girl in green clothes was a little angry when she was accused of her meticulous thoughts.

"What are you? After all, you are the king of the lake of stars in the wormhole. Do you really want my sister to knock you out of the mortal world on the first day she takes office and become a clay bodhisattva?"

Misty Rain didn't show any weakness, and yelled tit for tat loudly.

The astrology of the old mother of the wormhole was sent from Andromeda, and she, the star of Andromeda, naturally knows it well!
Sure enough, the wormhole mother took a look at the green dress, and reprimanded her blankly.

Seeing that Lushang was still unwilling, the wormhole mother said to her helplessly: "Lvshang, don't think that you can do whatever you want after the master retreats. You introduced the Rakshasa girl from the Asura world into Xinghai, if it wasn't for the old man With the great compassionate star-cultivation and sky-repairing abilities of Nine Heavens Bright Moon Realm and Haitian Miaoyin Wonderland, Ms. and Qiuyue formed a brand-new little fairy team to break her extraordinary plan one by one. Do you know the consequences? Do you think that Rakshasa girl is really Will she assist you to sit on the throne of the entire Star Sea Queen? Then you can think too much, as long as all the little stars in the Great Barren Mountain Lingshi series are defeated by her, then she will make your life worse than death, you know?"

"How is it possible? She doesn't dare to take a breath in my presence. Even if she thinks that way, she must have that strength!"

The green-clothed girl thought about it for a while, but she still spoke out.

She knew, anyway, she didn't dare to pretend to be crazy with the master!

It's better to be straightforward, Zuo is just going to retreat and think about it for thousands of years.

"Okay! Let me show you a conversation between their mother and son under the moon in Jinling!"

The wormhole mother shook her head, and when she spoke, a white cloud the size of a water tank was pulled out.

There was a dim full moon the size of a bowl in the clouds, and under the moon a man and a woman were pointing at the full moon in a hill.

The woman is carrying two Shura knives, and it can be seen from the side that she is a Raksha girl.

The man seemed to be still a child, so it was hard to see who it was.

I saw the woman whispering to the child: "Xuntian, don't bring your desires into the sea of ​​stars, especially don't have any unreasonable thoughts about the little wormhole god. Remember it firmly, your mother and I don't You are not allowed to touch that little girl in green clothes until you have the entire Xinghai in your pocket. Remember it!"

Xun Tian seemed to agree reluctantly after listening to Rakshasa girl's words.

As soon as I turned around, I felt a little unhappy, and asked the Rakshasa girl, "Rakshasa girl, you are allowed to harm the gods and gods, and I am not allowed to provoke Xingjun Xingguan. Is there a mother like you? Besides, if your son If I can take care of that little girl in green clothes, don't we have to beat Lin Yuyan and those girls to death? By then, our Ashura World and Wormhole will become a family, and I don't believe in Asura World And the wormhole, plus the entire Demon Realm, still can’t compete with the Haitian Miaoyin Wonderland and the Nine Heavens Bright Moon Realm? At that time, if Lu Chang doesn’t obey, I won’t be able to clean her up on the bed! Hahaha! Say it, do you Daughter-in-law, won't she obediently listen to you when the time comes? Is this the reason?..."

"No matter what you think, kid, before she helps me get the Xinghai Crown, you are not allowed to touch her, and you are not allowed to have any thoughts."

Rakshasa looked at her daring son, she really had no choice but to give him a death order.

The wormhole mother couldn't stand it any longer, she shattered the cloud mirror with a wave of her sleeve, looked back at the green-clothed girl, snorted coldly, and said, "Do you know what other people think?"

The green-clothed girl's face, which was originally emerald green like jade, is now full of colors.

"Grandma, I'll rush to Haitian Miaoyin Wonderland and strangle her to death. This old bustard is the scum of the fairy world. I said, how could she be willing to hand over all the soldiers and generals of their family to me?" Take care of it! It turned out that she was tricking me and the Ling Yuyan sisters to snatch the crown, so that she could come to catch the cicada with a praying mantis, and the oriole was behind! Master, I know my mistake! I will kill her right now."

As soon as the girl in green clothes turned her head, she was about to rush to Haitian Miaoyin Wonderland.

"Lvshang, just broke into our Haitian Miaoyin Wonderland like this, do you think you can come back intact? Besides, a group of little fairies from our Haitian Miaoyin Wonderland are standing here. You asked us to promise Yet?"

Shuiyue knew that Sister Yanyu and Sister Yuyan would not waste their saliva with her, so she jumped out, snorted coldly, and stopped her in front of her.

"That's right! One by one, don't make trouble anymore, hurry up and crown my sister Yuyan's crown first. Sister grandma, grandma, don't delay your wormhole star network key, give it to my family together Sister Yuyan, we are still waiting to go back to Andromeda with her to meet Mr. Universe and Big Sister Qiuyue! If that’s the case, we’ll just, not bother you, master and student, to talk about who’s right.”

The little witch jumped off the shoulder of Muyun Beast, followed Shuiyue's footsteps, and also became fussy.

"That's right! No matter how much trouble you make, the Queen of Xinghai must not be taken seriously. Otherwise, everyone will call out and make a big fuss here, and see who can beat the other."

Suan Ni has been holding back for a long time, ever since he crossed the galaxy and entered the star sea, he no longer dared to make troubles. Seeing that Misty Rain and Dragon Girl really tossed the old wormhole mother out now, when he got more courageous, he started to have endless troubles. gone.

"Stop making trouble! Lu Chang, if you don't know how to flatter, believe it or not, I'll slap you to death? If this were in our Andromeda, who would dare to argue with Master, and I would be the first to crush her guts. Believe it or not, you You can ask the star kings and star officials who have been to Andromeda. Just like you, if it weren’t for the sake of the old mother and sister of the wormhole and our ancestor sister of Haitian Miaoyin Wonderland, I would lend you 1 courage , you don’t even want to show off in front of our Star Sea Queen’s little fairy guards. Be sensible and listen to your master’s advice, don’t go to our Haitian Miaoyin Wonderland to embarrass her old man, okay?”

Seeing that the few Xingjuns left behind Lushang had already started to look at each other, Yanyu felt a little flinching, so she simply added fire to them.

To be honest, if the old man hadn't told her not to make too much trouble with the old mother of the wormhole, she would have rushed into the wormhole with Dali Ghost King.

"Little girl, try to speak hard, don't you just want a Starnet key? I'll get it for Her Majesty the Star Sea Queen right now! Little Misty Rain, don't tell me about your grandparents! I'm playing petty here! I managed to create a few stars. It would be a pity if the fairy star stone was smashed for you, little girl. Originally, there are very few stars in the sea of ​​stars. Not for others, you have to think about your sister, this sea of ​​stars!"

The old mother of the wormhole kept her word, and she took out a copy of the wormhole star network key from the wormhole secret room with the great soul power of controlling the stars, and entered the Xiaoxian order.

Xiao Xianling, who was originally as quiet as a lifeless star lake, suddenly became radiant and blued the entire Outer Star Realm.

The girl in green clothes looked at the curved blue moon between Yuyan's eyebrows, she sighed, and obediently retreated behind the old mother of the wormhole, and finally lowered her incomparable one, which turned from green to blue. The head of the wormhole little demon Xingjun.

"Haitian Miaoyin Fairyland fills the sky spirit stone, the light of the last spirit, the Star Sea Crown has seen the star-making old lady."

In the blue moon, a three-inch little man covered in blue and white, greeted the old mother of the wormhole with a smile.

"Light of the Last Soul? You are the star soul of the sea of ​​stars, the crown of the Lord of the Stars! No wonder Miss Yuyan traveled all over the stars, and finally survived Jinling and the moon. It turned out that it was all due to your wish power. It's rare! It's rare! The old man is so polite."

The wormhole mother hurriedly clasped her hands together and bowed to it.

"Star officials, you can go back to the Nine Heavens! Tell my grandfather on your behalf that the Xiaoxian team has succeeded in controlling the stars. After we go to Andromeda to arrange the stars and mend the sky, we will return to the Lingxiao Palace and report to the heavenly venerables."

Yuyan was blessed by the fairy order, Wan Xing's soul returned, her eyes were full of galaxies, she smiled slightly, bowed her hands to the star officials who were secretly guarding the way, and said.

The 28th star official, led all the star kings to reveal their real bodies, paid homage to Her Majesty the Queen of Xinghai together, and went back to Jiutian under orders.

Thousands of stars fluttered, all the way back.

"December of a year, every month is safe! Three years and twelve seasons, every season is safe. Xiao Mo, Xiao Yuyan, kowtow! God has shown his spirit."

In the depths of the world of mortals, there is a thatched cottage family surrounded by mountains and rivers. The hostess is collecting vegetables in the yard with her son and daughter. When she looks up by chance, she sees the stars and the moon shining brightly, meteors falling like rain, and the ground is snow-white. Hurry up. He knelt down in the vegetable garden, knelt three times and kowtowed nine times, and started chanting non-stop.

"Hey! Isn't this Mrs. Lin's family? It's so late and she's still busy!"

An ox cart passed by on the village road outside the yard covered with stars and the moon. It was a family from the same village who went to the mountains to collect firewood and returned late. The woman greeted Qiu Yueluan with a smile when she saw Qiu Yueluan who was cutting vegetables in the yard inside.

"Sister Yuqing, didn't your family just come home from the mountains! It's still early, hurry up and order food, get up early tomorrow morning and send it to the town for sale! In a few days, the children will need to pay for school fees!"

Qiu Yueluan, who had just paid homage to Xingyue, got up and smiled and said to Leng Yuqing who was passing by.

The old cow pulling the cart looked up at the sky, then worked hard, and walked away from the vegetable garden after a while.

"Sister Yueluan, call me at the market tomorrow morning, I have some eggs at home, get up early tomorrow, and go to the town to change some money, let's go together!"

The village woman named Leng Yuqing trotted after her ox cart without waiting for the answer from the vegetable garden.

"Aunt Yuqing, she still speaks and does things very well! Mom, she ran away without waiting for your consent! Ha ha ha ha."

In the vegetable garden, the girl who helped arrange the Chinese cabbage looked at her mother Qiu Yueluan with a smile and said.

The stars and the moon sprinkled the sky, cruising in the vegetable gardens in the mountains, and the mountain roads in the villages. The glamorous and clear light of the place makes people feel refreshed.

The autumn moon hangs high, and the stars are full of galaxies.

(End of this chapter)

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