
Chapter 103, mortal cultivators.

Chapter 103, mortal cultivators.

Sisters Qiuyue and Yuyan stood on the bow of the Huafanglou boat. They occasionally looked back at their servants, me and the ink master and apprentice, and whispered some whispers other than mortals cultivating immortals...!
This visit to the mortal world allowed me to see how hard it is for mortals to cultivate immortals and their hard work, and I was very surprised.

Man, sometimes it really can change everything!From wildness to civilization, from civilization to the development and growth of technological strength...!All the gods are amazed.

Many times, as a representative of the real heaven world to collect souls, I feel that we don't care enough about the soul worms in the Eastern Soul Field, that's why we let them encounter disasters repeatedly...!
Although the phoenix came out of Nirvana, the great gods of our true heaven really do not pay enough attention to the Eastern Soul Field.Everyone only cares about the survival and rise and fall of the real heaven world, as well as their own practice...!Hey, these are about to change...

Think about the devil forests in the Western Asura Heaven Realm, they are different, they often quietly convey some good inventions to their people, on this point, I think our great gods in the real heaven realm need to study hard How to learn from others! ...!
"Old man! Come out to enjoy the moon! You two, master and apprentice, are really a sight to behold." Qiuyue asked Shui Mo and I to go out with them to watch Qinhuai in the middle of the night.

"Have you two finished whispering?" I put down the teacup in my hand, gave Shui Mo a look, stood up and walked out of the boat.

I'm used to living in the clouds, but I'm not really used to the boats and buildings in the world, I don't feel very down-to-earth!But I can't always feed on the wind and drink the dew, that would be very dangerous.

Why!Gone are the days when the sky is empty and the floor is empty....

After all, I am a god with a mission, and I can no longer be unrestrained.

Because there are greedy guys everywhere in the mortal world, as well as little devils from the underworld and demons from the Asura Heaven. If you are not careful, you will be caught by them and eaten as snacks, and that would be a bad thing.

"Have a good time. I'll go back later and introduce you to a friend. A representative of mortal cultivators, an old Taoist priest who can pinch and count." Qiuyue said to me with a smile.

"Is it better than Mr. Guo?" I asked her puzzledly.

In fact, I don't even need to guess, I already know the colored practitioners from the Arctic Pavilion...!
"Shui Mo, let's go over there to have a look, it seems that someone is also traveling at night!" Yu Yan gave Shui Mo a look, and Shui Mo understood, and went to the stern of the boat hand in hand with her.

"You know him?" Qiuyue asked me puzzled.

"Isn't he your apprentice? I often cast dreams on him, taught him a lot of magic methods, and even took in a few ghost apprentices and little Taoist priests!" I told her without any concealment.

"Eh! You know everything, but you still need so many immortals to protect you, can't you do it yourself and be self-sufficient?" She questioned me with a smirk.

"It's not that I don't want to, but the primordial power of the infinite world didn't give me supernatural power back then. It only gave me immortal energy and magic. I'm okay with fighting skills. If I use force, whether it's in the sky or in the ground, I'm actually a It's delicious." I explained to her helplessly.

"No wonder everyone calls you Mr.! That's how it is. Well, I won't bully you anymore, let's go back after playing for a while! It is estimated that the priest of the North Pole Pavilion will come to see us at dawn." Qiuyue smiled. said to me.

"Is he a future soldier?" I asked Qiuyue.

"Don't you know everything? You still ask me." Qiuyue leaned towards me, looked at the vast wilderness in the distance, and complained to me softly.

"You have to remind him, don't get too close to the little ghosts and old ghosts in the underworld, and don't get too close to your mother! Otherwise, there will be a risk of leaking their affairs!" I reminded her with a smile.

"Understood! You are like an old woman, talking too much." She leaned her head on my shoulder and closed her eyes slightly.

"Old man, listen to the sound of the siren on the Yangtze River. It's so beautiful! It's so loud, but it can't wake up the people of this ignorant ancient capital? After suffering so many disasters, they still have a lot of desires, don't seek to make progress, and live in a muddle-headed way!" Qiuyue became sentimental.

"They are only tens of days old, what can they do if they don't enjoy life well! Unlike our immortals in the real world, they can live for tens of thousands of years. Of course, we should cherish our hard-earned Taoism. "I persuaded Qiuyue patiently.

"...Oh!...Mmm!..." Qiuyue leaned on my shoulder and fell asleep in a daze.

I could only stand quietly at the bow of the boat, motionless.

Why!Walking is the way, sitting is also the way, I am a person who is practicing all the time...!
Looking at the bright moon gradually going west in the sky, I also slightly closed my eyes.

"I...I want to be good with you, always be good, like now. What double cultivation? Who told you? We are immortals, so there is no such thing as double cultivation. Why didn't my master say it. "I don't know what Yu Yan and Shui Mo said, but Shui Mo suddenly yelled loudly.

"Ah! Mortal dual cultivation? Is this necessary?" Qiuyue was also woken up, she looked at me in meditation, and asked me softly.

"This is a small way to prolong life, and the big way is not needed." I slightly opened my eyes and said to Qiuyue.


"Well... according to what you said, it is better to be a mortal than to be a god! Mortals can still be husband and wife, but gods can't." Maybe the request was rejected, Yu Yan seemed very angry!She complained to Shui Mo and said.

"Although we are mortals, we are also mortals cultivating immortals, although we are not gods. You have to ask the master first about things like husband and wife! If the master doesn't tell you, how do I know if it's okay?
Miss, please forgive me.I'm just a fool, a fool who doesn't understand anything.

I can treat you as my little boss and mistress! "Shui Mo begged Yu Yan for mercy like crying.

"What are you talking about with Yuyan? You see, she forced Ink and Wash." I said to Qiuyue with a smirk.

"What can I say? I don't even know when I can be with you! I don't know." Qiuyue said, blushing and looking at me thickly.

"I'm a god. It takes 100 years for such a thing to happen once or twice. I can't help you whatever you want." I knew what Qiuyue wanted to say, and I could only remind her that we are not mortals cultivating immortals. Plant it!

"I know! I don't even think about it. Unless it is ordered by the Emperor of Heaven, no one will have the idea of ​​loving Qingqing and me. They are all elm lumps! Hey! What Yu Yan said is actually not unreasonable." !..." Qiuyue's obvious physical body has not faded away, she knows the truth, but she still has lust!Her heart is still very conflicted.

"Don't worry, as long as the Emperor of Heaven grants me, I will not disappoint your affection for me. In fact, I have always thought: If we can travel together in space and create the call of time and space, we can live freely together. 99 Hanging out in and out of Chongtian, just like now, you don’t have to worry about anything, sometimes in the sky, sometimes underground, sometimes in the world, cuddling with each other wherever you go, how nice!” I said to her frankly.

"Be honest, when did you fall in love with me?" Qiuyue blushed, took my hand and started talking sweetly.

"I'm not emotional! How could the gods be emotional? It's hope! Maybe you are my love." I said.

"Then why did you say that to me? Is it okay to not be emotional?" Qiuyue was a little unhappy.

"Hey! Don't be in a hurry. I don't know what you mean by emotion! But in my heart, I really want to stay with you for tens of thousands of years." I said honestly.

That's all I can say, otherwise... Hehehehe!There will be trouble.

"It's almost the same!" Qiuyue turned from anger to joy, and said to her with a smile.

"Eh! Look, it's almost dawn. Why don't we go back! Don't keep that old apprentice from the North Pole Pavilion waiting too long, it won't be good." I was afraid that she would go crazy again like on the land of the Antarctic fairy, so I deliberately Changed the topic.

"That's right! Or, let's go back!" She tidied up her hair a little and said softly.

"Ink and ink! Keep playing, sister Qiuyue and I have something to do when we go back." I said to ink and ink.

In fact, I hope that ink painting and rain smoke can achieve positive results, no matter which aspect is good...!
"You guys go back first! Shui Mo and I still have to watch the sunrise." Yu Yan was afraid that Shui Mo would go back with us, so she hurriedly said.

Qiuyue smiled, took my hand, and took advantage of the dark night when the sun and the moon alternated, and drifted back to the Zhuangyuan Building.

Ordinary people think that once the gods have opened their heads, they will not be able to enter meditation again throughout the year, and will automatically start a sleepless life mode.

In fact, it is not the case, because there is no day and night in the real world, so there is no concept of time.

Moreover, the gods who come to the world usually come with tasks and missions. Because they are embarrassed to disturb others when they are sleeping, they often tell something in the form of dreams.

The cold moon palace is still so cold, it is probably like this all year round.

I put on the fox fur fur coat that Qiuyue gave me, and when I was about to enter my small bedroom, Qiuyue stopped me.

"You still want to invite me to drink your fairy wine?" I asked her with a smile.

"What are you thinking? I have business to do later. Come to my bedroom." She said to me.

"It's about your earth fairy who entrusted the dream church in the middle of the night! Then what else is there to discuss? You can wind up a kamikaze and get those things out of the city, or it will be fine." As I entered her bedroom, One side said disapprovingly.

"You're thinking so simple! If so, wouldn't I, the fairy elder sister of Jinling City, have been exposed? ... Thanks to your thinking." She complained to me.

"Come in, let me make arrangements for you." She patted the bed with the silk quilt and told me to sit down.

(End of this chapter)

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