
Chapter 107, called the emperor's mortal apprentice ceremony.

Chapter 107, called the emperor's mortal apprentice ceremony.

By the time I got the yellow croaker and returned to the Zhuangyuan Building, the sun had already risen.

This night, we walked back to the mortal world and became a mortal guest!

I have a deeper understanding and experience of how human beings regard life as worthless.

I also have a more or less rough understanding of the operation mode of the Zhuangyuan Building.

In view of this, I admire Qiuyue's responsibility and courage even more, so much that I am so impressed!

"Will you have some fairy wine?" Qiuyue said to me with a pleasant smile.

"Are you still drinking? Aren't you going to take the Son of Heaven to pay homage to his master? You should be drunk again in a while." For the first time, I paid attention to Qiuyue's affairs.

I vaguely felt that all Qiuyue did was trying to tell me something, but I couldn't figure it out!She refused to say it clearly...!Why! ...

"You're still a bit pedantic." Qiuyue said to me with a smile.

"Women are slow, it doesn't matter whether she is a fairy or a mortal, it's the same. Let Miaomiao and Pixiu come back to deal with the matter of calling the emperor. Don't be careful, just a little, drink with me!" She said I'm begging you!

what else?Give up your life to accompany the beauty.

There is a saying in the Hongchen Inn: Heroes are sad when beauty pass!Besides, I'm not a hero at all.

I reluctantly drank a small cup of fairy wine, my blood boiled, and my desire swelled...!
"Qiuyue! This...this is not fairy dew! What is this?...I...!" My hand is no longer mine, it can't help but hold Qiuyue's hand, rubbing it repeatedly ...

Uh, my brain is itching unbearably... What's wrong? ...? ? ? ? ?
I keep blaming myself!

The eyes of the earth saw that my mind was no longer clear, and he was about to send me soul power with a smile...!This brother is not bad.

The peach blossoms bloomed on Qiuyue's face, and her pink memories kept reincarnating in my mind... Romance filled all my cognitions!
Seeing my fascinated demo, she gave him a vicious look, gritted her teeth and said to him: "This is a matter between us, you'd better leave it alone! Otherwise, God will punish you."

After listening to Qiuyue's mysterious words, the earth's eyes fell into a trance quietly, and went to meditate alone in the colorful nest that Qiuyue specially prepared for me...!
After Qiuyue watched him go out with a smile, she gasped and said to me: "Sir, is Qiuyue beautiful? Look at her! Uh, your hands are not cold anymore. It's so refreshing...!"



I want to return to the soul, but the soul is no longer possessed...!
When I woke up, in the cold moon palace, oh!Do not.

I am the only one left in Qiuyue's bedroom.

It was the first time I smelled the faint fragrance in Qiuyue's boudoir, and it was also the first time I tried the soft warmth of the silkworm quilt... Well, several firsts happened on this day!
I have a strange feeling that there is something like a cloudy sewage circulating in my head and blood, a strange feeling that I have never had before...

I awkwardly climbed up from Qiuyue's boudoir quilt, and sneaked into my own colorful hut.

Forehead!Earth Eyesight is still in meditation...!
"Brother! You have violated the precept." Di Yantong heard my footsteps entering the door, opened his eyes and said to me very dissatisfied.

"Ah! I got drunk after drinking a glass of wine." I said vaguely.

"Alcohol is not intoxicating, everyone is intoxicating! Senior brother, you have to pay attention, you will not be able to leave the Zhuangyuan building in the near future.

Otherwise, your whereabouts will be captured by the demons of Asura Heaven, and that would be really dangerous! "Diyantong said to me helplessly.

"How come, I just took a sip of Hongchen wine and slept for a while." I jumped on the hammock and said to him indifferently.

"Look for yourself! There were already human footprints when you came in." Di Yantong finished speaking, and then he was about to enter meditation.

"Ah!..." I let out a soft sigh.

This Qiuyue, in order to let us stay in the world forever, she actually... who did me!
"It's over! It's over!...This thing can't be done in the mortal world! Otherwise, it will be stained with red dust and vulgarity, and it will take several years to wash the marrow and it may not be clean!...Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!" I finally knew What did Qiuyue do to me!

"Brother, you can only cultivate yourself for a while now, it's best to hide." Diyantong said to him with a smile again.

Seeing that I found something abnormal myself, he no longer worried about me.

"I can't get out! I have given Qiuyue a lot of soul power, so go and have a look, and send me her relevant information, and use the Zhentian password. Hey! It's God's will.

I can't interfere too much in other people's affairs. "I said to Earth Eye.

"Okay, brother. It's not too late for you to know now. Your room is a bit magical. After I meditate for a while, I feel that my soul power has greatly increased!" Di Yantong smiled and went out with confidence.

Money can turn ghosts into millstones, and this place is all resplendent with money!Soul power will naturally not be less.

Since the great soul power was given to Qiuyue, why not stay in the colorful hut honestly!Qiuyue...!Qiuyue... You are suffering and getting old.

I lay helplessly on the hammock, feeling my body sinking, and the ropes of the hammock creaked.

Obviously, I almost became mortal! ! !The body is obviously a lot heavier, and I secretly estimate that it is about the same weight as a newborn baby.

Just look at the few taut ropes above the hammock.

When I came up, the hammock had never been so noisy. It was about the same weight as a butterfly or a summer cicada, or even much lighter!

But now...!I can't even think about it.

Why!There is a knife on the head of the color character, which is also very responsive to the gods!I can no longer drink Qiuyue's fairy wine... I am lying in the hammock, and I can't calm down. There is nowhere in my mind that is not Qiuyue's fairy image...!
"Hey!..." I sighed and sat up.

Just when I was bored, Earth Eyes passed on the apprentice ceremony of Beiji Pavilion.

First bathe and change clothes, and then ask the emperor to play with Qiuyue, and he is about to apprentice.

Kneeling three times and kowtowing to the ground, the old Taoist priest first led the emperor to kneel down to worship the three patriarchs of the Qing Dynasty, Yuan, Ling, and Tao, and then the five elders, Emperor Zhu of Houtu, Xuanwu of the North...etc. God.

In the end, the old Taoist fell down on the futon under the statue of Sanqing, and accepted the worship of the Son of Heaven.

Why!Human beings are troublesome. There are so many red tapes. It is obviously a teacher apprenticeship ceremony, but it must be done like an emperor ascending the throne.

I couldn't stand it anymore, so I simply turned off the Zhentian audio player, thinking about how to quickly restore my vitality.

Maybe the hammock is shaking too much!That's why I can't stay still.

Thinking of this, I jumped out of the hammock with a plop and sat on the futon surrounded by colorful halos.

Sure enough, I was settled in a short while.

(End of this chapter)

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