
Chapter 122, Xianyou Bailu Mountain.

Chapter 122, Xianyou Bailu Mountain.

There is a divine sentence describing the waterfall in the Hongchen Inn: Flying down three thousand feet, it is suspected that the Milky Way falls nine days!It is written about Lushan Waterfall Wonderland, the most beautiful waterfall in the hearts of ordinary people.

However, there is indeed a fairyland of waterfalls in the real world, named Bailu Mountain.

Bailu Mountain is located one light-year away from the Nantian Gate, and there lives a guardian angel with fairy eyes, who is transferred to the work of monitoring and reporting in the Three Realms.

The fairy eye patron saint has a total of six fairy eyes, and each realm is allocated two fairy eyes, and they take turns to be on duty.

Because of the heavy workload, there are often three fairy eyes in a temporary sleep state.

Once the fairy eye sleeps, there will be holy water flowing out of the fairy eye. The little fairies in the celestial world say that it is an excellent medicine to wash away fatigue and output fatigue.You can also improve your cultivation base, and if you live a few thousand years longer, you will not be reincarnated in the Asura Realm to suffer as a fairy slave after you die.

When the fairy eyes are washing their eyes, the fairy waterfall that flows out actually hides a lot of secrets and information from inside and outside the Three Realms, so there are also many Gods of War from the Real Heaven Realm stationed there.

These gods of war, their names are generally unknown, even if they are gods, few people know about it.

I don't know where Qiuyue saw such a magical pen in Hongchen Inn, so she had a whim, and she insisted on taking a look at the fairy waterfall of Bailu Mountain.

Maybe she really wants to know what is the difference between the fairy waterfall and the mortal waterfall.

Why!Anyway, I'm just wandering around when I have nothing to do. If she wants to go, I can go with her.

The gods and Buddhas of the heavens were caused by the unnamed earth demon to fight the battle between immortals and demons at the foot of Niu Shou Mountain, and they dared not push them any further.

They all behaved well and worked hard to protect our surroundings with enchantments, so that wherever the autumn moon went, there were clouds and rosy clouds, and it was better than a fairy mountain if it was not a fairy mountain.


Lushan Waterfall, the unique existence in the Eastern Soul Field, is the only one in the whole world, with mountains, waters, and forests, and there are also wits meeting beautiful women...!
However, for Qiuyue who returned to her senses, this place was too small, and she had already visited and enjoyed it thoroughly in less than a stick of incense.

Just like ordinary people visiting the rockery in other people's backyards, they can't bear to study deeply but can't stand scrutiny.

Whenever a woman feels dull, she's about to be a moth.

This is actually not surprising!I've already gotten used to it.

After all, she is the eldest lady of the Tian family who is my only one, and I can't afford to offend her as an accompanying guest, so I can only obey and do not dare to contradict her.

After crossing the Great Barren Mountain, it is the mouth of the vast sea.

The torrential river, pushing the clouds and chasing the waves, one after another, goes on like this!

A group of celestial beings came with clouds and stood in the north of the vast sea. The canopy stretched out and the cloud patterns were misty.

It's a fairyland, it's really amazing, no wonder everyone wants to achieve the Tao and become a fairy, soar to become a Buddha.

Bailushan Dharma Protectors don't see people easily, they only lie in ambush in the dark, they don't care about immortals passing by, and they will show up to fight the enemy head-on when there is a demon attack.

Standing at the mouth of the vast sea, Qiuyue seemed to remember something, she couldn't help crying, and secretly felt sad.

"Sister Yue! What's the matter with you?" Miao Miao and Qiuyue walked closer, and she asked Qiuyue softly.

"It's nothing! I think of an old friend who is still suffering in the north of the vast sea!" Qiuyue quietly wiped away her tears and replied lightly.

"What's the matter! After all, you still know who he is and what he looks like. But until now, I still don't know who he is who gave birth to me! Even if it's like your father, it's just a false body, At least you still have hope, where and how I came from, I have cultivated for tens of thousands of years, and I still don’t know.” I comforted her with self-deprecating words.

"Who said he was fake? You are fake! I was raised by him alone. I don't allow you to say that about my father." Qiuyue suddenly became as cruel as a child Reasonable.

A clear lack of paternal love!
This man, what is lacking is rare!The same is true for immortals, as long as she walks in the world of mortals and forgets her true nature.

Many times, Qiuyue is like this.

"There is still a short distance to Bailu Mountain Waterfall, let's go!" I advised her.

"En!" She agreed, and drifted across the Tianhe River, not daring to look back at Dahuang Mountain, and walked towards Bailu Mountain in a panic.

The canopy moiré closely followed the bad-tempered Princess Zhentian. The immortals dared not talk too much, opened the way quietly, and were vigilant, not daring to be careless.

Because the princess lost her mind last time, Mo Dao almost made glutinous rice balls for her. Now everyone is very careful.

I don't dare to talk too much, in front of the gods and Buddhas, there is still a minimum of dignity and elegance. Although we are very close, we can't do whatever we want like living in the world of two people in the house!
The respect of others comes from our own words and deeds. First of all, we have to respect ourselves before others will respect us.

Bailu Mountain is approaching. The lush cloud mountain is as white as snow, and there are large expanses of it wandering in the heavenly realm.

Looking at it from a distance, it feels like you are standing on Jizu Mountain in Binchuan, Dali and looking at Jade Dragon Snow Mountain in Lijiang from a distance.

Or it looks like standing in the desert and looking at Mount Everest from a distance.

However, these moving clouds and mountains cannot be easily approached. Once they enter their territory, they will really be covered by clouds and mountains, and they will be confused!
why?Because there are quite a few little fairies and mobs who are in a trance and are generally not cultivated enough. Once they are targeted by them, they will lose their souls and lose themselves.

Qiuyue couldn't help smiling slightly as she looked at these seas of clouds and mist that were whiter than the other.

There are a lot of thoughts that she cared for and grew up here, just like her children, they are very clingy, and when they saw her, they leaned towards her.

When the gods saw her, they tore off the cloud pattern of the canopy on her head, and left them alone for a long time.

I don't know what to do!Because I am the other half of Qiuyue!More than half of the Red Dust Inn's calamity this time was to end this love calamity.

Your life is hard to break!I only have to execute.

I don't know much about Mount Bailu, and I've only heard a little about it, and that's all.

Qiuyue may know more!Fang is that I just follow him.

No matter what it is, when you enter the real world, you will feel safe where she is, because the world will protect her secretly, and I will benefit a lot from it.

(End of this chapter)

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