
Chapter 124, Bailu Mountain meets a strong enemy.

Chapter 124, Bailu Mountain meets a strong enemy.

Bailu Mountain looks like a big snow mountain from a distance, because of the clouds and clouds.

In fact, there are many famous halls in it!

This was recorded in the Outline of the Zhentian Three Realms Surveillance System Planning Outline when I was the first secretary of the Great Tianzun. Although I am not very clear about the specific undertakings, I still know that it is not simple.

The Primordial Spirit of Immortal Eye has more than 7000 mental thoughts, and each mental thought can be independent. He is the first-class god of war in the real world.

If you have to find someone to compare, then if you put the black dragon in front of him!It might not be possible to decipher his [-] unpredictable supernatural powers, at most it can barely break through [-] or [-].

"Old man! You are quite old, do you still want to learn from the Roaring Dog? There is nothing else to do. Hurry up and make way for this lady. We have found this path into the mountain with great difficulty. If you stop here, how can we get there? Huh?" Qiuyue's fairy eyes have been sleeping in the world of mortals for 21 years, and suddenly woke up, and saw my good buddy.

However, she is too disrespectful to the real fairy eye!

In fact, except for the ancient gods, the immortal eyes of Sanqing and Da Tianzun, the immortal eyes of other gods have limited thoughts, they can only be regarded as entry-level, and they cannot see through many things.

This has something to do with their respective cultivation bases and immortal age, which cannot be obtained by asking for it.

"Miss! It's not that Xianyan didn't give way to Miss, but that the Great Heavenly Lord told her to persuade Miss to go back to Jinling City and not to wander around in the sky. Your mortal love has not yet been exhausted!

Don't come back to the Heavenly Court at will, otherwise it will delay the time for Miss to regain her senses.What's more, Tianzun wants you to take good care of your little sister who is going through a catastrophe in the world of mortals. " Xianyan tried to persuade Qiuyue to come.

"Eh! Let me do the math, the catastrophe of the Eastern Soul Field is coming, and my mission is about to start! Qiuyue, why don't we come again next time." I tentatively persuaded Qiuyue to say.

"Did you two know each other? Old, I remembered, when you were young, you walked beside Tianzun, and he was there." Qiuyue's eyes rolled around, and she suddenly smiled and said to me.

"Do you still remember that my immortal age was only eight or nine years old at that time! Your immortal age is only three or four years old." I helped her recall her childhood life, hoping to save her from being too embarrassing.

"Oh!... No, the two of you are in the same group. I don't want Qiuyue to enter Bailu Mountain. I don't care, old man. I must go in this time, next time? Hehe! Please, I may not come again It's gone." Qiuyue smirked, looked at me and Xianyan and said.

"Miss Qiuyue!...Why don't you think about it for your husband? If you come in, you will have to stay with Bailu Mountain in the future. This is the law of heaven, and no one can break it." Xian Yan combed his thick white beard, shook his head and said with a smile.

"Oh! That is to say, if I go in, then I won't be able to go there from now on? That's easy, I'll go in by myself, and you accompany me." Qiuyue became stubborn, and I couldn't even pull back my nine green bulls. .

"Then...!" Xianyan looked at me, feeling very embarrassed.

"Are you sure, are you going in by yourself? You don't need me to accompany you?" I said to Qiuyue with a smirk.

"Don't go in! Otherwise, your ideal of traveling in the 99th heaven will be shattered. I, Leng Qiuyue, still have this awareness." Qiuyue looked at me with a smile and said.

"Why are you trapped inside, who will accompany me to the game world? Who will accompany me to travel 99 days away? You can't take your word for it!" She drew a huge fairy onion pancake and an ethereal cloud pancake!
"With Senior Xianyan leading the way, who dares to trap Qiuyue? Don't be afraid." She tilted her head, looked at Xianyan, then at me, and said to us provocatively.

"Sir, let me take her in and walk around! You drink some fairy tea in the little cloud house on Bailu Mountain, and we'll come back after wandering around. It won't be long." Xianyan agreed helplessly.

"Hehe! Isn't it just relying on the backstage to be tough? What is there to do? With a poor scholar who is neither human nor ghost, he thought he had found a treasure! Shame on me." A woman who is neither woman nor man The voice came from Bailu Mountain.

When Qiuyue heard this, her face became livid with anger, and she couldn't say a word.

"You...!" Qiuyue choked up angrily.

"Raksha girl, don't rely on Tianzun to give you a little face, so that you can ignore everyone. Who told you to sneak into Bailu Mountain? Get out quickly." The voice made Qiuyue grit her teeth angrily, and Xianyan was already trembling with fright.

The reason, Qiuyue and Xianyan both know it well, so it's hard to explain it clearly.

"Raksha girl! Are you a Raksha girl?" I followed the source of the voice and asked very politely.

"That's right! I'm the Rakshasa girl. What's the matter? You, a gentleman in the real world, want to do something to the Sa family?" The Rakshasa girl didn't take me seriously at all, she said to me provocatively.

"Hey hey hey! I said Raksha girl, you dare to go in and out of Bailu Mountain freely, which is enough to prove that you are very strong, but don't forget, I am a 33-day person, and I will not show you any favors! If you want to provoke me, you must first think about it, and it is best not to do any stupid things that you will not regret." I also said to her/him unceremoniously.

"Hmph! Who takes you seriously. You want to do more to the Sajia, but the Sajia is afraid that people with ulterior motives will say that the Sajia bullies weak scholars! You stay aside." She was very rude to me.

As expected of the sacred body of yin and yang, he/she won't really fight with me.

"Raksha girl! Hurry up, little old man, I'll pretend you haven't been here before. Otherwise, I won't be polite." Xianyan said to Raksha girl angrily.

The little fairies and mobs in the three heavens are all saying that Rakshasa went to the west to collect soul power and courage. It turns out that it is not like this!This guy hid in Bailu Mountain!

"Senior Brother, you've got something wrong. Hehehehe! Rakshasa girl actually appeared at your place, how can I explain to Tianzun!" I smiled and said to my old friend who is the head of Bailu Mountain.

"Senior brother, don't be too frightened! She will make trouble for you sooner or later." Xianyan angrily pushed me back, and said unceremoniously.

He is reminding me again, don't go to Tianzun to sue him for his imperial certificate!
We all know very well that everyone will be fine, and there is no need to make too many things happen.

After all, the relationship between Rakshasa girl and Tianzun is not ordinary, let me ask: Who dares to mess around!

Less than once on Bailu Mountain, I will never understand the inexplicable and intricate relationship between immortals and demons.

This is like black and white, policeman and thief, a perfect match, one is indispensable!
Without black, white would not be white.Likewise, without thieves, the police would be out of a job.

Whether we like to admit it or not, this is something that exists in reality.

"Hmph! Xianyan, do you have cataracts or glaucoma? You are so polite to the Asura witch in front of you? Do you really think she is the concubine of the Great Heavenly Lord? Take a good look, She is not male or female, how can Tianzun look up to her? Or, you are afraid of her. If you dare not hit her, then lower your posture, and I, Leng Qiuyue, will help you out." Qiuyue I couldn't stand it anymore, and asked Xianyan angrily.

A Rakshasa girl is enough to cause headaches, and Qiuyue also got involved...!
Now, there is a good show.

Xianyan completely collapsed, he didn't dare to offend the other end, he was so angry that he didn't dare to speak.

"Little girl! Don't think that I, the Raksha girl, dare not touch you because of your father's protection. Believe it or not, I'm going to skin you right now?" Raksha girl showed her prototype, and said angrily to Qiuyue.

It turned out that although she spoke in a non-masculine way, she was truly beautiful!

Seeing her face and figure, I can't help but think of Feitian in the Dunhuang murals in Hongchen Inn!

Putting Qiuyue and her together, it is best to add Yuyan, Miaomiao, and Holy Spirit and other fairy cats, isn't that a complete picture of Feitian in the Dunhuang mural? ...!
I am very surprised!However, Bai Yunzi in Xianyan and Yunwu was more surprised than me.

None of the gods of war in the ancient fairy world who guarded the military base of Bailu Mountain poked their heads out from the cloud house. I guess everyone knew that they had encountered a difficult master, so they dared not come out to join in the fun!
"Old monster! Whatever skills you have, use them if you don't want to! I, Leng Qiuyue, suffered a loss in the Eastern Soul Field, and I must get it back today. It's right under Bailu Mountain, sister, I will definitely let you. Life is worse than death for the old monster. Come down, come down." Standing on the roof of the cloud, Qiuyue said to the Rakshasa woman on the halfway up Bailu Mountain.

"Little girl, don't cry. I'll let you know how powerful I am in a while." Rakshasa said, and then jumped out from the side of Bailu Mountain.

She floated in the blue emptiness opposite the cloud house, looked at us with a smirk, and then said: "Little girl, are you dating with you or are we going one-on-one? Don't say I didn't give you It's a chance to turn around! Otherwise, how about calling some old guy together, and the Sa family will suffer a bit, so how about a one-on-three?"

"I'll go! Do you still think I'm a little girl in Jinling City? One sister is enough for you. Come on! Sister, I will definitely tear your mouth apart this time." Qiuyue pulled out her Leng Yue's scimitar waved brightly and rushed over.

Rakshasa girl smiled, folded her hands in front of her chest, snorted coldly, and said, "Looking for death!"

Qiuyue suffered a big loss at the hands of Rakshasa before, so this time it was a unique move.

The treasure of the Lengyue Palace is everywhere on Bailu Mountain - the snowflake-like Lengyue scimitar!

"Qiuyue, be careful! She has the magic of immortality, don't fight with her at close range, pull her away and entangle her slowly." Seeing Qiuyue's anxious demo, I reminded Qiuyue anxiously.

"Afraid of her?..." Qiuyue couldn't listen to it at all, flew up, commanded the Lengyue scimitar she had practiced for thousands of years, and swished away to kill the Rakshasa girl.

Xianyan regained his focus, squeezed his eyes at me, and stood beside me with a smile to watch the play.

This guy did it on purpose!
Rakshasa snorted, and raised the sleeves of the white cloud embroidered dragon and phoenix, covering the sky and the sun, as if she wanted to put us all into her sleeves.

(End of this chapter)

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