
Chapter 128, Fuso Ghost Shadow.

Chapter 128, Fuso Ghost Shadow.

"Let them come in, call Kazuo Nakamura and tell him that Qiuyue is awake." Leng Yuqing said to the bodyguard outside the door indifferently.

I know that Kazuo Nakamura has a deep friendship with Zhuangyuanlou, because Zhuangyuanlou gives him a lot of money and flower girls every year!Hey, it is said that businessmen are smart, and they can't get up early without profit. Why isn't this an official?

What's more, Kazuo Nakamura's wife, Yumiko also has some shares in Zhuangyuan Building, and she is eaten to death by Leng Yuqing!

If I hadn't become the son-in-law of Zhuangyuanlou, I wouldn't have known about this matter.

"You can go in, but please hand over all your guns before you can go in. There is no other meaning, just for the sake of everyone's safety." A bodyguard said to several young people very gracefully.

"Isn't that surrendering? Our Youth Self-Defense Forces have never left their guns. In this world, we will not easily change these military regulations." The young man refused to hand over his guns.

"I'm sorry, students, just wait outside! Let's send some representatives in to ask your elder sister to see if she is still willing to see you. Wait." The bodyguard said Once it was done, a human wall was erected at the entrance of the hospital.

In fact, everyone who understands knows that these guys are not punks!
They are either reporters from a certain country or spies from a certain country. Besides, which Chinese can speak unauthentic Mandarin?
Moreover, the name of the Youth Self-Defense Force has never been heard of before, and it is probably fabricated now.

Qiuyue glanced at me as if to ask me: "Do you know any of these individuals?"

I understood what she meant and immediately shook my head at her.

I know, this is the assassination team, so I can't let them in.

Seeing me shake my head as a sign, Qiuyue said to the bodyguards outside the door: "Let these reporters go back first! I am not feeling well today, so I will not accept interviews. If I want to interview, Zhuangyuan Building will announce the specific time and details to the public after a while. place of interview."

Now it's great!Knowing that they are the killers of Little Japan, but giving them a chance to get out of the body, and at the same time leaving them a chance to assassinate themselves blatantly, this Qiuyue is really amazing!

"Okay! Ms. Leng Qiuyue, I hope you don't forget to notify the small news agency of our Jinling Boys' Middle School's school newspaper, thank you!" After finishing speaking, several foreign children withdrew.

"Hmph! He's clearly a killer, but he insists on saying he's an old alumnus from a boys' high school. Damn!" Qiuyue cast a disdainful look at me and cursed with a smile.

"Since we're gone, there's no need to make phone calls. Professor, go and call back that girl who went out on the phone!" Leng Yuqing said to the little fairy cat.

"Yes, the boss." The little fairy cat made a face at me and Qiuyue, and hurried out.

In fact, she was just putting on a show, and when she reached the door, any girl would automatically come back.

Leng Yuqing saw that Qiuyue and I really had no major problems, and we could move freely, not to mention that there were too many people in the Central Hospital, and it was indeed not safe.

Just when she was about to ask the doctor for his opinion, the doctor said first: "The second boss and Mr. Secretary were actually stunned by the violent collision between the car and a hard object. They just fainted for a short time. As long as they wake up, it's nothing serious." No problem. Just pay attention to massage your head frequently to avoid blood stagnation in the brain. Usually go to bed early and get up early, don't use your brain too much. I came to find an old Chinese medicine doctor from a Chinese medicine hospital to prescribe some herbal diet for calming the nerves and nourishing the brain , just adjust and adjust."

"Thank you, Dr. Chen. I'll set up a table in the Zhuangyuan Building some other day to show our mother and daughter's gratitude to Mr. Chen for saving his life! You must come then." Leng Yuqing said politely to Dr. Chen .

"No need, Sister Yuqing. You have taken care of our family enough. If you still take this matter to heart, Xiao Chen will feel ashamed. Please eat or don't, Sister Yuqing, in this world, you can do it without spending money." Don't waste your money." Doctor Chen said to Leng Yuqing embarrassedly.

"It's okay, let's treat it as a meal at my sister's house! When the time comes, bring your wife, old parents, and children with you. Just treat me as a sister and take care of my younger brother! Okay?" Leng Yu Qing smiled and said to Dr. Chen.

"Okay then! Sister Yuqing, shall I ask my classmates to send the medicine to Zhuangyuan Building at night?" Dr. Chen asked Leng Yuqing very carefully.

"Well! Okay. Let's go back first, remember to come to my sister's house to play more! Home cooking, my sister owns a restaurant, are you afraid that my younger brother will come to eat? I want to come and go often." Leng Yu After Qing finished talking to Dr. Chen, she asked the waiter to get Qiuyue and me our change of clothes in the car.

After changing our clothes, Qiuyue and I became much more energetic.

Dr. Chen sent us out of the hospital, and gently escorted his good sister into the jeep, then said goodbye to us, and went back to the hospital to go to work.

A total of three cars, two military jeeps, and a Zhuangyuan Building business car roared away from the entrance of the Central Hospital and went straight to the Zhuangyuan Building Hotel.

Sometimes I think, if it weren't for the cheongsam of the head of the family and Qiuyue's fairy real body, the Zhuangyuan building would not be worthy of its name.

Because everyone is in suits and leather shoes, all of them are Westernized, and they don't match the connotation of the three characters of Zhuangyuan Building at all!

The car was driving south from Dingjiaqiao. Just as it was leaving Danfeng Street, a broken car belonging to the Japanese Consulate turned off as soon as it got out of the consulate. It was lying in the middle of the road, blocking our convoy.

"Go and see what's going on. Come back and tell me." Leng Yuqing said to a bodyguard.

The bodyguard walked over cautiously, not daring to say much, just watched for a while, and then came back to report.

"The people in charge are a few Japanese. They seem to be from the military. Their car broke down and is being repaired." The bodyguard reported to Leng Yuqing in a simple and clear manner.

"Are you sure they are soldiers?" Leng Yuqing was careful, and she asked the bodyguard again to confirm.

"My subordinates read that right. They have thick calluses on the knuckles of their index fingers. It is obvious that they are experts in guns all the year round. Moreover, the few people who repair their cars seem to know cars very well. It is certain that they are a few of them. It’s a veteran. The subordinates will not be mistaken.” The bodyguard explained carefully.

"Well! Is it true that their car broke down? Are you sure? If it's an accident, you can wait. If not, let's take a detour." Leng Yuqing is really amazing, no wonder her daughter is so amazing!Like a mother, like a daughter!

On the road in front of the Japanese Consulate, there were three ghosts and two Kabukis sitting on top of a broken car that was blocked across the central road, and the driver was pretending to be repairing the car.

The hood was lifted, and the driver's head was completely buried in the front of the car, and his face could not be seen clearly.

I saw him messing around with his hips pouted and bent over, reaching out his hands from time to time to ask the two people standing behind for tools for car repair.

Yes, they are from the military, and it's not easy!

If my guess is correct, these little Japanese are already possessed by ghosts, and their actions and behaviors will be very crazy in the future.

The two kabuki on the car kept twisting their bodies, the three ghosts pinched left and right, and the six ghost claws wandered around their bodies.

The purpose is very simple, it is to make them confuse the three little Japan, and then use them.

The three little Japanese repaired the car, and when they were about to get in the car, their eyes suddenly glowed, and the blood-red infrared rays swept across our convoy in an instant.

They got in the car, and as soon as they started the jeep, they hit us head-on.

"Back! Detour to Yunnan Road. The brothers on the ground protect the people on the car and don't let them come over." The head of the bodyguard also noticed the abnormality, and he gave his subordinates a combat order very sharply and decisively.

But still a step too late.

The three Japanese in the front jeep suddenly set up a light machine gun and fired wildly at us.

The bodyguards lurking on both sides of Zhongyang Avenue fell down one by one, and the bodyguards on the plane tree were shot and fell down one after another.

A bloody smell with a rose-red hue kept gathering in Little Japan's jeep...!
"It's Fusang ghost! Sister Qiuyue, do you want us to go out?" Xiaoxianmao asked Qiuyue for instructions in Zhentian's voice.

"Tell them to kill everyone in this jeep, especially the three Fusang ghosts, and don't let them run away." Qiuyue confessed to Professor Xianmao in a naive voice.

"Okay, Elder Sister Yue." The professor agreed, and made a killing gesture to the outside of the car window.

Our convoy was also rapidly going backwards at the same time.

Wisps of blazing blue light swept across the central street, creating a strange tornado.

The Japanese jeep staggered three or two times on the street, and suddenly rolled over on the ground.

A bolt of lightning struck the jeep straight from the sky, "Boom!" There was a loud noise, and thick smoke rose from the jeep.

A smell of burnt rubber mixed with the rotten sour smell of burnt dead bodies was blown up by the wind and scurry around on the street, pungent and unpleasant.

"Let's go! Get out of here as soon as possible." Leng Yuqing glanced at the dead bodies of the condemned Japanese and the jeep that was emitting smoke, and ordered to retreat very calmly.

"Everyone collect the soul power of the bodyguards of Zhuangyuan Building, and donate the rest of the garbage soul power to Ashura! After collecting it, retreat quickly, and don't be hit by the large army of Fusang ghosts." The professor spoke with a group of fairy cats in Zhentian voice After finishing speaking, she began to serve her master with peace of mind.

Leng Yuqing took the white jade-like hand of the professor who transformed into a fairy cat, and kept rubbing it.

It was obvious that she was very nervous.

There are too many members of Fusang Ghost Shadow, it's not as simple as three or five!

Don't stay here for a long time without delay. In the Japanese embassy, ​​there can't be just three or two hibiscus ghosts. We all know this very well.

Even the bodyguards saw horror and horror from the strange eyes of the Japanese. They didn't dare to say anything, they just hoped to leave this ghost place as soon as possible!

(End of this chapter)

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