
Chapter 158, Raising Soul Banner.

Chapter 158, Raising Soul Banner.

When the sun rises in the east, on the banks of the Qinhuai River, a brand new Zhuangyuan building rises again!
In Jinling City after the war, the national government was still moving back one after another, and there was constant traffic and people's voices under the Zhonghuamen Castle.

However, the alliance under the city has long since dissipated, and everyone is free to come and go without anyone interfering!Because Commander Lin's soldiers had already been buried in Yuhuatai, he was left with a bare commander!

Most of the places where the government moved back are well preserved, because these places are under the protection of Little Japan, and the buildings are not damaged, and they are better preserved and more beautiful than the Zhonghuamen Castle!
It's just that in the room, there will inevitably be more elements of the island country, and a lot less the atmosphere of the Republic of China!But it doesn't matter, just clean it up and put on suitable furniture.

Of course, all the gold and silver treasures that were not moved during the national retreat before the Japanese attack were not left, and they were all airlifted to Toyo!

Even the beauties of various types who did not escape from Jinling City, and the few who survived without being beaten to death, and those who were a little bit pretty, were all swept away by the retreating Japanese officers! ...!
In the devastated city of Jinling, a night bird is crying blood on the soul tree!Drops of hard work kept falling from the tree trunk.

After eating too many human dead bodies, they were poisoned and died. Their appearance after death is also very terrifying-the bleeding from seven orifices, smoke from nine holes, no less than the death of young girls who were raped and killed by the Japanese ! ...

... For Jinling City, where lonely ghosts wander around everywhere, the current Zhuangyuan Building is indeed a majestic and upright spiritual sustenance!
With thousands of flowers falling, the brand-new Zhuangyuan building has become the only fortress in the city that can guarantee the spring back to the earth!
Of course, thanks to Ten Kings for their help!
Looking at the ruins in front of me, and then looking at the collapsed city wall of the Ming Dynasty, I feel very uncomfortable!

Qiuyue opened the window and tried to breathe the fresh air, she closed her eyes slightly.

Shui Mo and Yu Yan are still discussing some of their insights into samadhi, discussing their own benefits and some experience in releasing their soul power...!
Pixiu and Miaomiao looked at Qiuyue and me, and quietly sent a message to Xiaoxianmao asking them to come back!

In the calm morning, the night dew is cold and the earth is steaming, turning into wisps of white clouds and smoke covering the banks of the Qinhuai River... It looks as if you are in a fairyland on earth!
In Jinling City, except for the occasional buildings of some government agencies that remained intact, almost all the rest of the houses have been turned into ruins in the fierce war. Occasionally, a few of them still exist, but they are already dilapidated and riddled with holes... ...!
I am secretly glad that Zhuangyuan Building can escape this catastrophe!

We are also fortunate that almost all the owners of those ruined pavilions have been invited to heaven by us, so it is not too bad!

"Old man, bring my mother back first! Don't you think so?" Qiuyue stood in front of the window and said quietly to me.

It was just dawn, and Qiuyue was going to pick up her mother.

"No need to pick it up. Send a message to Xiaoxianmao and tell them that we have rebuilt the Zhuangyuan building and they will come back." I said with a smirk.

"Oh! By the way, we can't let my mother and Aunt Yueluan know that we are gods!" Qiuyue woke up like a dream, she closed the curtains, and walked downstairs to the hall while talking.

We all got up and followed her, and no one said much.

"By the way, old man! Go find the wall that seals the souls of the dead at night, and rescue the grandma and grandson!" Qiuyue said to me as she walked.

"Okay!" I promised her.

"There's someone in the wall? What's the situation?" Yu Yan suddenly regained her energy after hearing the strange things, she ran over and interjected.

"Don't get meddled! This is a favor I owe others. Hurry up and go back and discuss with Shui Mo what you should do next time you enter meditation! How to improve your soul power and spiritual power. Hurry up, go!" Qiuyue Unhappily said to Yuyan.

"Okay!" Yu Yan muttered, and went to continue studying Xiuxian with Shui Mo honestly.

Yes, the ten kings are embarrassed to say it bluntly. They deliberately introduced the ghosts of the grandmother and grandson into the Zhuangyuan Building. In fact, they wanted me to help rescue the old grandmother and her little granddaughter!

I don't know what the Ten Kings owed them!What did you promise to others...!
At dinner time, Qiu Yueluan drove the car and brought Leng Yuqing and the sisters to the Zhuangyuan Building. I cleared their minds of seeing the ruins before letting Qiuyue meet her.Qiuyue and Yuyan's stand-in (little fairy cat bodyguard) quietly turned into a fairy spirit and went out for a walk when they saw their masters!
I saw that Leng Yuqing and Qiu Yueluan had no doubts about all this, so I said goodbye to them respectfully: "Auntie! You chat first, and the evil boss told me to go out and help with something."

Looking at her Zhuangyuan Building, Qiu Yueluan was already satisfied, and promised me with a smile, "Ah, let's go! It's still a bit chaotic outside, so be careful."

I bid farewell to them and came out, step by step towards Chaotian Palace.

There are some homeless stray dogs, homeless people and so on along the way!I was very upset to see it.

After finally arriving at Chaotian Palace, I found that strange wall standing alone on the square. I looked and looked carefully, but I couldn't see any flaws in it!
There was nothing I could do, so I ordered Diyantong to say: "Diyantong, go in and take a look, and ask me what's going on!"

"Hey! I said my Mr. Big. Let's ask a land master to come up and ask, don't you know? Why do you have to go in? What if I scare the little girl and her grandma inside? "Diyantong said reluctantly.

"What Diyantong said makes sense. Sir, it would be better to ask a land master to ask." Tianyantong also said the same.

"It really makes sense! The earth's eyes are clear, ask the land master to come up and ask!" I said.

"Come on! Tell them to tell Mr. Shuai immediately." Di Yantong said, and jumped from my forehead to the ground with a plop.

"Here we come! Sir, Mr. Land is here. Hurry up! Hurry up! Old Land, hurry up! Mr. is right ahead." Di Yantong led the two old men up and down, swaying They were coming from the direction of Xinjiekou.

Before the person arrives, his voice has already arrived!
"Damn it! Damn it! My husband is here, but the subordinates don't know about it. Damn it! Damn it!" Two old men supported me, and they were about to kneel down and salute me!

"I can't do it! I can't do it! I'm an immortal family, I can't do it!" I quickly helped them up and said.

"Sir, don't you always work in the Lingxiao Palace? What kind of wind blows you to Jinling City?" The old men cheered and said politely to me.

"Hey! An old friend asked me to rescue the two Bodhisattvas inside this wall! An old grandmother and her good granddaughter." I said directly.

"Sir, you are the only one who can intervene in this matter. It's like this..." The land master talked to us about the reason.

It turns out!The grandmother and grandson here are the children of a family in Jinling City during the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China. Three generations of grandparents and grandchildren have lived in this Chaotian Palace.According to legend, their ancestors were masters of ceremonies in the Song Dynasty, and the Chaotian Palace was designed and built by their ancestors to protect the peace of the Song Dynasty.

However, when it was passed down to the old lady's generation, only the old lady was left with a daughter.So he married a salt dealer from the south as his son-in-law.

Unfortunately, there was a revolutionary party in the late Qing Dynasty, and the head of the grandmother was killed by the revolutionary party Tucai on the way to sell illicit salt in the north, so the old lady and her only son were left to depend on each other!

However, there are unpredictable things in the sky, and people have misfortunes and blessings.

The old grandma worked so hard to bring up the grown-up child. Not long after she got married, she fell ill on the smuggling road in the first year after taking over her father's business, and never came back!
The daughter-in-law saw that she had lost her pillar, so she also secretly ran away with the king of the mountain. She heard that she went to the south, but after all, there was no news, and her life and death are unknown!

That's all, but the house leaked and it rained all night. In the year when the Republic of China established the capital Jinling City, a tycoon came from the north with the heat of the revolution. He just fell in love with the house in Chaotian Palace, so he went to find The man discussed with the grandmother and wanted to buy the yard!

Northerners have an inexplicable nostalgia complex for courtyard houses, which is actually understandable.

It is reasonable to spend money to buy a yard.

However, this tycoon did not know who had listened to the advice of a passer-by, saying that this place was a geomantic treasure, a cornucopia for the entire Jinling City!

If anyone gets it, within ten years, they will be rich beyond compare!
The conversation with the old lady collapsed, and the northern tycoon had already planned to give up.But after giving this passer-by fairy family some advice, he played a trash strategy that harmed his morals!

On a dark and windy night, they sneaked into the courtyard, knocked the old woman unconscious, and signed their fingerprints on the contract!

Without paying a penny, they got this courtyard house.

Unfortunately, the little girl woke up in the middle of the night to see the real thing, and then started making a fuss!

A few desperate gangsters simply smothered the little girl to death with cloth strips, and then went on and on and killed the old lady too!

Then a wall was built in the yard overnight, and the bodies of the old lady and the little girl were built into the wall!

Later, the tycoon's wife had nightmares every night and could not live in peace.

So the tycoon invited a wizard from the depths of the mountains in the southwest, performed some rituals, and sealed the ghosts of the old lady and the little girl in the wall! ...

Later, it was the Ten Kings who asked me to save people!

"Sir! You go to the southwest and keep walking. About 180 kilometers away, there is a canyon with three parallel rivers. In the depths of the canyon lives a strange herbivorous village. The men, women and children in the village don't wear clothes. Covering her shame with banana leaves, naked, fierce and mighty!

They don't eat meat all the year round, live with cattle and sheep, elephants, and wild boars. They are named "Jiang Wu's". Because the living habits of the whole village are very similar to those of cultivating immortals, most of them can psychic. Therefore, he is well aware of Taoism, Buddhism, and even the methods of heretics and demi-immortals, so don't take it seriously!

It was also a coincidence that the Northland tycoon met a homeless man who was driven out of the village by the Jiangwu family of Sanjiangkou by accident, because her daughter saw the homeless man as pitiful and gave him a full meal.

During the meal, he heard about the matter of the owner's family, so the tramp agreed to take care of the matter for her family as a reward.

It's a pity that this ghost of the old and the young will not live in peace after death! "The land father-in-law said very angrily.

"Then we can find some homeless man! As the saying goes: you have to tie the bell to untie it." I said to the land lord and the land woman.

"Sir, you don't know. Which tramp later fell into the world of mortals. He was proficient in eating, drinking, whoring and gambling, and his spiritual power disappeared. He worked as a small boss for several years with the support of the tycoon. Failed, sitting and eating, and then the house was completely empty. When the Nationalist Government moved to the south, it went to Yunnan with the current, and died within a few years! Where can I find him?" Said.

"It's like this. In fact, the tycoon also asked him to help when his family was in decline, but because of his incompetence, the tycoon's family was ruined!" The land father-in-law said in agreement with his old woman.

"That's not true! Sir, it's not what the old man said. The tycoon's house was ravaged by the Japanese, the young lady was gang-raped, and several wives were also raped and killed. The tycoon picked up a gun in anger, Before it started, it was shot by the machine gun of Little Japan. The courtyard of Chaotian Palace was also burned down by Little Japan at that time!" The land lady corrected the land father-in-law.

"Okay! I got it. But which Sanjiangkou should I go to?" I asked them.

"Look at what you've always said, the earth is only this big, and the earth's eyes are open to the sky, and you can't see everything at a glance." The land lady said to me with a smile.

"Sir, I understand. Otherwise, I will take my husband on a trip, and I must invite a master from him to deal with this matter." Di Yantong said excitedly.

"Oh, sir. The old man and the old woman will go back first. If you have anything to do, just tell me." The land master said to me with a smile.

These few, before I could react, they had arranged everything!
"Wait a minute! Old man, why didn't you stop any wizard at that time?" I asked the land master cautiously.

"Oh! It's like this. The wizards in that place are very evil. They are protected by the gods, so the little old man dare not ask." The land father-in-law said embarrassingly.

"I see! Old Xian's family, you two elders go back first! I'm sorry to trouble you, and I will come to thank you at another time!" I said politely to their two elders.

...After the land lord and the land lady left, I immediately asked Diyantong to open the sky eye to check which Jiangwu family from Sanjiangkou had come.

The Eye of the Earth opened the Eye of Heaven, and put a basin of clean water in front of us with mind power to use as a projector.

But at the end of a cliff in the surging deep stream of the Sanjiang Estuary, a straw rope hangs in a small village. There is an extremely dark passage along the small stream inside the passage, and when it reaches the end, there is a flat On the big rock, three blood-red characters were written in cinnabar: "Dahuangshan".

I saw with Tianyantongdiyan, and we all looked at each other...!This place is really familiar!
"Beside the underground chicken nose, one is better than one! One is better than one!..." An old Taoist priest in a green cloth gown kept circling at the foot of the Great Barren Mountain, muttering words in his mouth, saying Sing some unintelligible birdsong!
A stream of black air mixed with the smell of blood kept coming from a distance!

"Hey! This is a bit like fireworks in the world! It really has a little bit of the feeling of the smoke rising in the sunset when people return home late in the mountain stream." Shui Mo said to us with a smile.

Looking along this wisp of green smoke, in the depths of the mountains in the distance, a family has newly lost an old man and is raising unusual paper money.

A thick dragon bamboo is stretched on top of dozens of tall green pine trees. Under the dragon bamboo hangs a tree of paper money that cannot be surrounded by more than a dozen people. The red flowers and green leaves are really beautiful. !
(End of this chapter)

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