
Chapter 17, Emperor Houtu sent chickens.

Chapter 17, Emperor Houtu sent chickens.

Looking from Jilong Mountain, there are always so many strange things in the scenery of Xuanwu Lake.

This is an artificial lake. The Sima family of the Eastern Jin Dynasty believed in Mr. Guo's professional skills. In order to keep the royal spirit of the Eastern Jin Dynasty from flowing to the east of the river, they excavated such a lake at the gate of Zijin City, the first in human history. artificial lake.

However, the entire Eastern Jin Dynasty did not wait until the lake was full of energy and burst into force, so it flowed eastward with the Yangtze River and poured into the sea.

Fortunately, the former gold and iron horses, with their flags covering the sun, scratched one after another, and with the development of the times, they turned into an inexhaustible spiritual energy, permanently living in this lake created by many saints.

For thousands of years, Eastern and Western cultures have converged here, and celestial beings, ghosts and ghosts will compete for hegemony here from time to time.Tens of millions of wronged souls linger, all just waiting for someone-the soul collector who can guide them to heaven.

Although, many of them don't know: who is the soul collector?And will she come!when will you arrive! …………

Both Holy Spirit and I were dressed as bhikkhunis, and after a short rest on the top of Jilong Mountain, we were about to start a new day of work.

When we come to this world, we all have to use the zero o'clock bell in the midnight Wu song as the sound mark of the alternation of black and white time in our day.Because in Jiuzhongtian and 33 days, there is no distinction between day and night, and we don't have the concept of time, and we don't need time at all.

Because there, time passes extremely long, so long that it exceeds the imagination of human beings all over the world.

Just when we were ready to start working, bursts of "Ding Dong! Ding Dong!" came from the belly of Jilong Mountain. A low and mixed sound of excavating earth and stones as the ground stones hit each other.

"Brother, there is movement in the belly of the mountain." The Holy Spirit also heard it, and she said to me.

"I heard it. Holy Spirit, look here to see if there is an ideal place to build an altar. It doesn't need to be too big, just a square of ten centimeters is fine." I said to her.

"Ten centimeters? Senior brother, did I hear correctly? Can a place within ten centimeters be a place?" The Holy Spirit looked at me in confusion and said.

"You heard me right. It's ten centimeters. Not to mention ten centimeters, even ten millimeters and ten microns can be a place. Once you find it, you'll understand." I said to her.

"Okay then! Brother. But your... within ten centimeters... hey!... It's really hard to find." Holy Spirit said to me.

"Look carefully, Jilong Mountain is just this big. Holy Spirit, I believe in you. Ten centimeters should not be difficult for my junior sister Holy Spirit. You look for it first, brother, go down and see who is there There are ghosts in the belly of the mountain. If there is any situation, we will use the nine-day special line." After I finished speaking, I jumped over the high wall of the temple and searched for the sound.

It's a pity that I came to this feng shui treasure land with a mission, but I couldn't find a matching beauty to spend the time before and after.What a pity!

I secretly sighed that compared with nine days and 33 days, human beings are actually much happier.They have feelings, hopes, and dreams, but we only have missions.

I can't just hit a lightning strike halfway up the mountain and go down to search for photos. In any case, if there are a few ordinary people inside, it will be bad.It's not easy to write a report if you go back home without reason, but in our real heaven, you have to enter the Nine Heavens Soul Altar and never see the sun.

If you think about it carefully, it only takes a few minutes to reach every corner of the true sky. If you can't go anywhere, you immortal will die of depression.However, you cannot die.

I have seen many heroes of the real heaven who are imprisoned in the soul altar. I don't want to experience that scene myself.

Thinking about it, Yu Yan was right!Why do you want to cultivate immortals, instead of enjoying the big fish and meat, but go to eat the wind and drink the dew......

I don't know why I followed my master to cultivate immortality.But I remember that it seems that I took the initiative to find someone, unlike the current little friends, who would ignore you even if you begged her.

Why!The world is going downhill, and it's hard for gods to do it.It is so difficult to accept an apprentice, and you have to accept her.

I thought about it, and I came across a hole—a brand new hole that had just been uncovered.

Looking at it like this, it should have been playing for a few days, and the bushes at the entrance of the cave are already a little wilted.

There seemed to be a lot of people in the cave, roughly a dozen or so.

While they were talking, they were transporting soil outside.Strange, why is there no mound at the entrance of the cave?

I can't figure it out!

No, I have to find a way to go in and take a look.

At this moment, the magic cat jumped out from the hole.

--Forehead!Very familiar!
It was her!

The Holy Spirit asked him to pretend to be a low-level Nine Heavens Immortal Cat of ink painting!She often follows the Holy Spirit, so she should be able to use the Jiutian Shenyin special line.

"Tmall, stop for me." I called her.

This is our unified name for the Nine Heavens Common Fairy Cat.

"Hehe! You are the master of Mo Ling? The god of war in the true heaven! Are you the legendary master of the great gods?" She asked me through the nine-day dedicated line.

Seeing her, I knew that Shui Mo and Yu Yan had returned home safely.

"It's me." I said.

"Tmall, who is playing tricks in this hole?" I asked her.

"Don't talk about it. It's a group of pitiful little devils. I don't know where they heard it from. They say that there is a piece of Jiutian Chicken in Jilong Mountain. If you get it, you can save the Jiutian Soul Catcher Received and led, they ascended to heaven by absorbing the aura of this chicken! I have been digging for a few days, but I have not seen any harvest from them. I was still yelling inside, saying that someone might have deceived them! Otherwise, I would have I have opened up the chicken coop mountain, why haven't I seen the chicken yet." Tmall told me.

"Oh. Tmall, according to your observation, what are the temperaments of these little ghosts?" I asked Tmall.

She quickly rolled her sapphire-like eyeballs, tilted her head and thought for a while before answering me: "Sir, I don't think they look like bad people, but they don't look like good people either."

"You are all nonsense, they are not human at all, okay! Smell, what is the smell in the cave?" I gave her a little common sense for free, which was a kind of help she gave us earlier. Reward it.

"Smell it carefully," I said.

"Oh! Look at my nose. I've been here with Aunt Holy Spirit for a few years, but I lost a lot of my aura." She complained to me.

"Don't tell me, sir, I didn't care at all! They really are not living things, they have a sour smell." She sniffed and said to me.

"That's it, abandoned babies that the underworld doesn't accept. The Holy Spirit is up there, you go and ask her to come down, I'll go in and have a look first." I said to her.

She nodded, then jumped over the hole and headed for the top of the mountain.

I actually don't like the smell in the cave, and I don't want to have any chance encounters with people from the underworld!But I want to prevent them from destroying the earth energy in my spiritual field.

I pinched my nose and tiptoed into the hole.

In the cave, there are more than a dozen blue phosphorous fires floating in the dust and smoke, and seven or eight strong men are loading soil into the dustpan in the explosive pit and transporting it.

But after they finished loading the soil, they didn't send it out of the cave, and disappeared after turning a corner.

I guess, they punched a hole, and it wasn't small.

Why!It's easy for mortals to get rid of these dozen or so little devils first, without harming their lives.

I sent a voice to the holy spirit with the nine-day audio and said, "Holy spirit, make some rooster crowing sounds, and it would be best if it can be transmitted into the cave."

"Wait for me to get a chicken." Tmall interjected.

"You only know about cockfighting, what else do you know? Just learn how to crow." Holy Spirit said to Tmall.

"That's right! Then why me? Can't it be you and Mr.?" Tmall said to the Holy Spirit.

Unexpectedly, Tmall and Holy Spirit got along like this.It turned out that the Holy Spirit brought her to the mortal world for a reason.Very iron!

"Sir, I won't talk about it. You asked me to learn how to crow. Do you want to beat the chickens in this city? Or do you want Officer Subaru to apologize to the underworld early in the morning? If you tell me to learn, you should learn quickly. There are so many! To frighten a bunch of brats, do you still need a sledgehammer? Don’t delay the matter, call twice. Hurry up.” Holy Spirit urged her.

"I don't want to crow like a hen. It's embarrassing. I'll let them know when I go back. Don't laugh at me to death? Don't learn." Tmall and Holy Spirit played tricks.

"Who told you to crow like a hen? Crow like a big rooster. Otherwise, you will become a big cock. Hurry up, if you don't want to be beaten, hurry up. Don't delay the business." Holy Spirit was obviously a little impatient.

"Learn and learn. Hey! I haven't changed into a big cock yet! Make a good one, go back and compare with the Subaru officer. Hee hee hee! It's fun. It's fun." Tmall said to the Holy Spirit.

Listening to the conversation between the two of them, I was both funny and angry.This kid doesn't care about priorities.Really love it or hate it.

"Oh-oh! Oh-oh!..." The golden rooster crowed on Jilong Mountain, and the sun was rising.

"It's almost dawn, let's go." The kid leader said to the others.

"Then what do they do?" one of the little ghosts asked.

"Give them a few more hours of ecstasy incense, let them continue digging." The little devil leader said, and was about to leave.

I saw more than a dozen will-o'-the-wisps coming out of the cave and drifting towards Zijin Mountain.

"Hey hey hey! They're gone." I was secretly glad.

Walking into the deep cave in the belly of Jilong Mountain, the problem I want to solve seems to be beginning to emerge.

In the innermost part of the cave, there were only seven or eight big men who were still working very hard.Their eyes were dull, and their muscles were stiff. I put away the fluorescent talisman on my body so that they could see my physical body.However, they turned a blind eye.

That's right, they were under the spell of the underworld.

I followed a nerd who was transporting earth and rocks, walked all the way in, and finally understood why there was no earth and rocks excavated at the entrance of the cave!
They are indeed clever.

On the Ming city wall at the foot of Jilong Mountain, they dug a ventilation hole, and almost all the earth and stone were transported up the city wall.

Why!It's been two days since they went back and forth on the city wall, but they didn't discover their secret.

Knowing their exit, I went back to the cave again.

This time I have to take a good look, they said that there are chickens deep in the abdomen of Jilongshan, maybe there really are!

I can see their stiff and slow movements and work progress, the underground projects they are beating on like this, if they continue like this, it will definitely affect our search for a soul altar base with abundant spiritual power.

So, I secretly gave them a little strength.

Crackling, they turned on the Nether Sky Black Lotus and accelerated like a spin.

After a while, a ray of dazzling red light shot out from the soil in front of him.

"Holy Spirit, don't look for it anymore. Follow Tmall to the cave." I called Holy Spirit through the dedicated line.

In a few seconds, the bright red weak light became much larger, and the color changed from bright red to blood red.

I know, I can't let them dig any more.Gotta make them stop.Because they are under the evil spell of ghosts and monsters, if they are allowed to continue digging, they will definitely destroy the chicken.Moreover, the evil energy in them will also pollute the chicken.

When I was about to stop them, the Holy Spirit and Lynx had already entered.

"Brother, stop them. You can't dig anymore." The Holy Spirit said to me.

"I see. It's easy to make them stop, but what to do with them!" I said.

"Senior brother, we can't let them go back. They have been infected with corpse poison, and going back will only harm the Bai surname in the whole city." Holy Spirit said to me.

"Then what should we do? You give them a few grains of Yuegongtian broad beans first, and let them sleep for a while." I said to the Holy Spirit.

"I'll ask someone to collect them." Just as the Holy Spirit stopped them, Tmall said to me and the Holy Spirit.

"It's hard work for you, Mao. These zombies have no soul power. I guess it was done by Asura and some traitors in the underworld. You go and come back quickly." Holy Spirit said to Tmall.

"Okay." Just after Tmall answered, the person had disappeared.

"She's so fast? No wonder you take her everywhere." I said to the Holy Spirit.

"Brother, I'm honored. There are places where you and I can't go, but they can. So when you were recuperating, I selected a few agile ones from many Tmall teams to train them, so that The future is called by the unexpected. What I didn't expect was that you and I were selected as the soul collectors of this year's true heaven, so when I received the order from Jiutian, I took them all without hesitation. Here we come. But what I didn't expect was that they gave me a lot of surprises when they arrived in the mortal world." The Holy Spirit explained to me.

"Okay. I hope she can find a way to hire a ghost messenger. Before they come back, we'd better get the chicken." I said to the Holy Spirit.

"Okay, brother." The Holy Spirit answered me with his mouth, and his hands and feet had already started to move.

A blue flame shot out from her eye sockets, shooting towards the earth and rocks at the red weak light source, followed by a loud noise, and a pile of earth, rocks and rubble fell down.

A statue sits cross-legged on a black gallstone lotus flower, wearing a red official robe and crown of pearls. It looks like the first emperor of the Great Qin Empire.He made the Dao fingerprint with his left hand, and the lotus fingerprint with his right hand. On his chest, an exquisite bloodstone the size of a thumb was emitting a blood-red light.

Under the collapse of earth, rock and rubble, this light filled the entire cave, covering us all in blood-red light and shadow.

"Brother, can I take this? It seems to be Emperor Houtu Qi." The holy spirit looked at the statue of Emperor Houtu Qi and said to me.

"Hahaha! Old man, I have finally waited for a new batch of soul collectors. Sir, I have been waiting for you for a long time..."

I was dumbfounded, it turned out that all of this was arranged by him in advance!

"I've raised this baby for thousands of years, and I'll hand it over to you in the future. Sir, it's done. I hope it can help Jiutian's great cause of soul harvesting."

After he finished speaking, he raised his hand, and the chicken flew towards me.

(End of this chapter)

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