
Chapter 173, Battle of Giants.

Chapter 173, Battle of Giants.

A round of bright moon slowly rises in the empty green space of Zhongsu Gate, unloading a boat of crystal clear brilliance, gradually swallowing up the boundless green.

I looked at the goddess who was staring at the battlefield below, smiled coldly, turned over, and then the Buddha lay down.

"Can't you care about them for a while? They are fighting against the magic way!" The goddess complained to me unhappily.

"The children and grandchildren have their own blessings, so why protect the calf? Besides, this is where you will go! The powerful opponent is yet to come. It's okay, there is a black dragon, so what are you afraid of?" I said lightly.

The goddess pursed her lips, stopped talking, and continued to watch the battle intently.

Seeing that Lin Qingshan was about to be decapitated.

At this critical moment, the head general of the Zhongsu Sect lightly waved the Brahma painting halberd in his hand, and a flash of lightning flew out coldly.

There was no sound, and no blood splashed on the spot, and the remaining magic path instantly turned into wisps of black air, scattered in all directions and disappeared.

"Are you...?" The black dragon was about to cry out in surprise.

However, he was only halfway through when a buzzing voice came faintly from the high sky in front of him: "Devil, you are neither a man nor a god, and you are not even a ghost. Why do you want to destroy me and attack the sky?" Vanguard? If you have the ability, come out and fight."

"Where are people? Are you here to pretend? Use big words to scare people." Yu Yan said disdainfully, almost laughing.

"Don't talk too fast, that guy's head is on top of us, it's as big as a purple mountain." Shui Mo closed his eyes and whispered to Yu Yan.

Yuyan raised her head, but she saw nothing except a bright moon and a lotus-like auspicious cloud.

"You dead ink ink, it's fine to scare yourself, and even I scare you too. ...Where is it? ...Where is it?" Yuyan said to Shui Mo very annoyed.

It was already too late for Shui Mo to deal with Yu Yan, because the monster's big foot was already tens of meters away from Zhongsu Gate.

Under the instigation of the king of the mountain, the minions flew moths into the flame one by one and never stopped, but almost all of them were wiped out.

When an egg collides with a stone, the egg breaks first. If the egg collides with each other, it depends on whose posture is more in line with the avenue.

The minions were all dead, so naturally it was the turn of the mountain kings to go out and slaughter the demons in person.

The sect master threw out a burst of immortal energy, and swept back Lin Qingshan and the remaining subordinates, and hid them in the city wall.

A castle dozens of towers tall appeared in everyone's field of vision again, the wilderness disappeared, and a small town appeared, right under Yu Yan's eyes.

The darkness tore the nerves of the earth outside the castle, and there were bursts of strange noises in the air, as if someone was walking in the darkness with a huge drop of electricity, but there was no bright spot of lightning or flint. ...!
"It's the Pioneer of the Night. He wants to destroy our minds with the light of darkness. Everyone opens the eyes of heaven and earth, and closes the ears at the same time, so that his magic voice will not slip into your ears." The Holy Spirit said loudly to Yuyan and the others.

Fortunately, he is the vice president of the Immortal Academy, and his knowledge is really extraordinary.

This pioneer of the demon world is the dark night light, in fact, it is a demon who makes the night darker and darker. Only the eyes of the gods and the eyes of the devil can see his existence, and the naked eye cannot see him at all.

"I opened my eyesight, but I still can't see him!" Yu Yan cried out.

"He's much bigger than us, blocking our vision, so we can't see him." Pai Yao said to the other partners.

"Oh! I see it, I see it! I see one of his legs. Hmm! It must be one of his legs. Still gurgling black air, as if a gigantic calf-shaped cartridge was blowing It's like splashing ink." The little green cow also called out.

"I saw it too. There are quite a few black holes on the legs, and there are black streams flowing like ink juice." Calling Tianzi also shouted.

"I saw it too..."

"I saw it too..."

"I saw it too..."

... Everyone also shouted one after another.

"It's called the Son of Heaven, there is no stream! Did you read it wrong? The hair on his calf is extremely black, like black pines, which are still braiding tens of thousands of hairs like gossamer. It’s dripping with black airflow! Look carefully, it’s not a stream but an airflow.” Little Qingniu and Tianzi raised their bars.

"How could it be? It's clearly a small stream!..." Jiao Tianzi said.

"Stop arguing, each of you only saw a small part of the devil's body, not all of it." Black Dragon said with a helpless smile.

"After a while, everyone will attack the limb of the demon head that you see in the eyes of the gods of heaven and earth, and use all your strength to maim it." The Holy Spirit said loudly.

"Hush!..." I sat up from the cloud disc spaceship, and seeing Qiuyue was about to speak, I stopped her immediately.

"Everyone should stare at the parts that you can see now, don't blink, stare at him. Don't make any noise, don't let the devil catch everyone's specific location, it will be troublesome." I use the special audio of Xianjia He quietly explained to the children.

The sect master saw that the monster was huge, thousands of times larger than his own transformation, so he immediately threw out Fang Tian's painted halberd and shouted: "Change!"

Without doing anything, he simply turned the painting halberd into an iceberg with sharp edges and corners, hundreds of thousands of feet square, braving a billowing icy white mist, and killed the Night Demon.

The inside and outside of Zhongsumen Castle is completely white with the fluorescent light of the ice and snow.

"Attack!" The black dragon gave an order, bearing the brunt of the attack and killing An Ye.

The consciousness of the light of darkness was fighting fiercely with the consciousness of the ice and snow, and An Ye had no time to take care of the sudden attack of the black dragon and the others.

Pixiu shot a wave of cold iron balls at An Ye's left arm, and flew towards An Ye.

Miao Miao wrapped her arms around the overwhelming Leng Yue scimitar and swished towards An Ye's right arm, and she also went all out.

Little Qingniu and Ming Tianzi also both shouted, turned their mind power into divine swords, and braved the severe cold to kill An Ye's two calves respectively.

The black dragon turned on the light of the blue seal, and rushed to An Ye's chest with ink and ink left and right.

I saw bunches of blue crystal-like divine light covering the castle inside.

Yu Yan didn't know what to do, so she was running around on the ground anxiously.

Holy Spirit looked at her and laughed happily without saying a word.

"Yuyan, try to open your mind and mind, and follow me." The Holy Spirit waited for the black dragon and the others to rush into the darkness, and just now took Yuyan's hand, released a wave of Jiutian Mingyue Dao, and flew towards An Ye's neck and throat .

"The heavenly beings on Jiuchong Mountain, why did they appear here?" An Ye let out a soft sigh, and the air was also moved by it.

"Sect Master, don't give him a chance to breathe! Beat him back to his original form." I stood up, looked at the dark night under my feet as huge as the Sichuan Basin, and said to the Zhongsu Sect Master.

"Are you sir?...Ah! Okay...I get it, he can't run away!" The door master raised his body, holding an iceberg-like painting halberd in his hand, and only took the gate of life on An Ye's head and left.

Seen from the earth to the sky, everything is insignificant, because the creatures on the earth are used to seeing the world from my perspective, even a beggar is self-respecting, not afraid of the sky and the earth, so in their eyes, except for them Myself and other things are all insignificant existences in the same way.

However, looking down from the sky, the size is distinct, the big is the big and the small, because gods and immortals are all existences without self, so they are what they see.

The giant in the dark night was hit hard by the sect master's iceberg. He let out a mouthful of foul air, swayed his body, and quickly fell short.

A wave of vast blackness engulfed Zhongsumen Castle, the ground shook violently, and then calm was restored.

"Old man, lower the height a little bit, it's hard to see clearly." Qiuyue pinched me and said to me with a smile.

"Baiyun is close to the devil, and the evil spirit sneaks away. If it is too close, the dark night will scare away. It is here, don't go down. Give Yu Yan and the others a good practice." I did not agree to Qiuyue and explained to her.

"An Ye is afraid of you? Does he know you? Old man, you are arrogant." Qiuyue whispered to me.

I glanced at her and said nothing.

believe it or not…….

At this moment, Yuyan screamed loudly again and said, "This guy is so big! We fought against his neck for [-] rounds by standing on his shoulders!"

"Is this demon really that powerful?" Qiuyue looked at me in disbelief and asked.

"Of course, otherwise Xun You of Asura Heaven would not have let him block the fairy gate. But our Emperor Tianqi is not a cheap lamp, and the ghost immortals stationed here will certainly not be ordinary little immortals." I said with a smile.

"Yes, the hair on this guy's legs is actually full of flying sword energy! It's still very lethal." Jiao Tianzi also yelled loudly.

One by one, they jumped up and down on An Ye's limbs, battling with An Ye's fur sword spirit, having a great time.

"My little fairies, senior brothers and masters, take a step back and wait until I give him another halberd." The door master said loudly.

"The tiger doesn't show its power, you think I'm a sick cat, right? Zhongsumen, if we have the ability, let's fight with real knives and guns. If you have so many helpers, even if you win, it would be dishonorable." An Ye looked at himself being beaten. Heilong led a group of little immortals and made it very passive, as if his hands and feet were bound by someone, he couldn't help saying excitedly.

"You shouldn't have attacked my Zhongsu Gate Castle. We swore to defend Zhongsu Gate to the death, just to survive. Who cares about that much? If you are smarter, get out of Zhongsu Gate immediately, and I won't be embarrassed." You. Otherwise, you can accept the reality of being beaten to death by our group, you." Zhongsu goalkeeper Fang Tianhua halberd lightly, and it turned into a big cloud hammer made of condensed white clouds. , knocked on An Ye's skull.

In the space and dimension outside Zhongsu's gate, there was a shrill scream.

Immediately afterwards, the black dragon and the others were blown back by an extremely powerful air current.

Accompanied by the screams and curses of the little fairies, An Ye's huge body shook dozens of times, and then suddenly deflated like a deflated rubber ball.

At the moment when the dark night collapsed, Heilong and the others suddenly flew back into the city gate one by one, their viscera surged with energy and blood, as if their internal organs were about to be squeezed out of their bodies by a strange force...

The black dragon breathed out a breath of immortal energy, and said with emotion: "No wonder the old ghost Xunyou sent him to grab the territory! The cultivation base of this guy's soul power is all at the level of a god, it seems that we still have a long way to go It's been a long time."

Seeing the blue heart of Yuyan and Mo Mo kept scurrying in the depths of the dense blood vessels, as if it was about to pop out, I immediately sprinkled a wave of fairy clouds and spiritual power, and quietly melted away the rain, smoke and ink. The magic thought in the ink body.

"Hei San, it's the evil spirit that has sneaked into your body, get it out quickly, or you will be wiped out." Qiuyue looked at the blue heart called Tianzi and the little green cow, which was also fluctuating non-stop. There were traces of faint black air swimming around inside, so he shouted loudly.

"Understood!" The black dragon agreed, closed his eyes slightly, and thought of it, streams of clear sweet spring poured in from the top of his head, flowed in a circle through the limbs, and finally entered the heart, and flowed along the veins. The spring finally surged out and shot into the Zhongsu gate.

Except for me, no one knows the subtle changes in the black dragon's body, because everyone is busy eliminating the evil thoughts that sneaked into his body in the dark night.

The black dragon smiled, and used his thoughts to transform into a spring, washing away the evil thoughts in Jiao Tianzi and Xiaoqingniu's body. He looked up at me and let out a sigh of relief with a smile.

Holy Spirit, Miaomiao, and Paixiu also drove away the evil thoughts in their bodies, looked at each other with ease and comfort, and smiled knowingly.

At this moment, An Ye's deflated body suddenly swelled up again, like a super-big ball full of air, with two legs and two hands, and he laughed loudly in a dark voice: "Zhongsu's family!" The Lord is really amazing, he can dispel a lot of my tacit ghost spirit with two hammers, amazing! Hey, sir, won't you come down and fight the dark night for three hundred rounds? Send some little people to tickle the dark night, An Ye is too embarrassed to bet his life with you."

When he reached the height of more than a dozen battles, he no longer swelled, and he happened to be about the same height as Heilong and the others.

"Sect Master, God of War, why don't we put aside our mana cultivation base and compete with our strength? If we lose An Ye, we will never step into the fairy world again, and if we win, this Sumen will belong to An Ye, how about it? Anyway, there are so many of you, you are not afraid of An Ye What kind of tricks and tricks did you come up with?" An Ye looked at me and Qiuyue in the sky, and said to the head of the sect and the black dragon.

He understands the thoughts of war gods like Heilong and Zhongsu Sect Master very well, he disdains gang fights and likes to fight alone.

I snorted coldly through my nostrils, noncommittal.

"You are surrounded by great gods. Are you afraid that I, An Ye, will defeat you? Or are you afraid that I will lose this castle? Hahahaha! Haha...!" An Ye raised his head and laughed loudly, black air scurrying around, and instantly It drowned out the green air of Zhongsumen, and crushed the wisps of cold moonlight that Qiuyue wrote down from the cloud disc spacecraft.

(End of this chapter)

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