
Chapter 223 Natural enemies?

Chapter 223 Natural enemies?
"The natural enemy is now, Hei San, if you continue to talk nonsense, sister, I will not be polite." Qiuyue also ruthlessly attacked Hei Longyi.

"Natural enemies?... Isn't it the enemy of the sky? Isn't it the evil thoughts and demon spirits of the Shura world? Isn't it the old thief Xunyou and the Rakshasa girl? Isn't it the red-sleeved female red-killing female ghost? Let's kill In the past, if one of them was not kept, how could they still be scared?" Yuyan looked at Qiuyue, then at Shui Mo, and mustered up the courage to say decisively.

What is a natural enemy?This is actually a non-human proposition, and there are some suspicions of anti-human design!

However, there really are natural enemies inside and outside the Three Realms, the real enemies of God!

These people practice hard day and night, but their purpose is not to raise their spirits and immortals, but to seize the control of the heavenly court, drive the Jade Emperor out of power, and let them control the life and death cycle of life and death in the three realms.

In this current century, they all follow the example of Xun You and the Raksha woman couple, because Luofu Mountain's current strength is indeed the greatest in the Shura world.

However, in terms of each person's own combat power, there is a demon spirit that the old thief Xun You and his wife are unwilling to provoke, even Emperor Asura is unwilling to mention him, he is the Yin-Yang Demon God Wutian.

However, he had already stopped asking about the boring war between the immortal and demon worlds, and went to live in seclusion in the outer space alone.

The Great Gods of the Three Realms would occasionally be remembered by someone, but most of them were not so polite.

Because in his eyes there is only practice, there is no distinction between the three religions of gods and Buddhas, only the distinction between strong and weak.

According to the legend: both Xun You and Emperor Asura had once been defeated by him!Inside and outside the Three Realms, there is only one person who can fight with each other to the heart's content, and can neither owe each other nor take advantage of the other!
Some people say who is the Jade Emperor, others say that person is Nuwa, some say Kuafu, and some say it is Emperor Pangu... Anyway, they all say it with a nose and eyes, but no one can prove it!
"To deal with ordinary devil spirits, our army is everywhere, and we can definitely catch them all in one go. But with Xun You, Rakshasa, and their crooked apprentices, it is a very headache! "Dijun Bailan looked at me and said to everyone with a smile.

"It's just a few little boys. As for the emperor, does he think highly of them? I'll take a few brothers across the glacier, from the foot of Luofu Mountain to the devil's palace on the top of the mountain, and keep them all. Hehehehe!" the black dragon said triumphantly. Blowing up the cowhide came and said.

"What the hell! Damn Hei San, have you completely forgotten what my little sister told you so quickly? You are really good at showing off! Don't forget, the old thief Xunyou and Luo There are a few old acquaintances of you among Shanu's disciples! I don't believe you can go after them when you meet them! So, don't say any nonsense." Yuyan whispered to Heilong .

"Your young lady?... I'm not afraid when she comes, I just want to go up the mountain and kill the old thief Xunyou, and it'll be over once and for all. I don't believe that my Black Dragon God of War in Miaoyin Wonderland can't beat that daring old monster Still." After blacking out the big talk, he continued to blow the cowhide to Yuyan more and more unreliably.

"Heilong, you keep your word! As long as you hit the top of Luofu Mountain, I don't care about anything else, and I'll give you one. Tell me, how many people do you want to bring up? Except for the Holy Spirit and the five generals, There is also the marshal and our three military advisers, you can choose the others, okay?" I said to the black dragon with a smirk.

"If you talk nonsense with children, can you take it seriously? I'm just talking for a while, the old Xunyou thief Jade Emperor and you can't do anything about him, just rely on my ability, let's forget it." Black Dragon General She crossed her hands and tucked them into her sleeves, and said to me embarrassedly.

"Don't talk too much nonsense if you don't dare to go, and listen to the Marshal's arrangements." I said to him.

"Military, where did you and Miss Qiuyue go to ask for help? Why didn't you see me and come with you!" Bai Lan Dijun said to me with a smile.

"Oh! It's like this. The Emperor of Heaven said that he would ask the Emperor Houtu to bring it later! As for the other things, I didn't ask in detail. The Emperor of Heaven said that he knew what to do." Reported truthfully to Emperor Bailan.

"If the Emperor Houtu comes, things will be much easier." The marshal leaned back in the handsome chair, smiled slightly, closed his eyes and said slowly.

"Happy mirror! Don't you have to work when I'm here? Uncle Jiu, you don't take exorcism too seriously!" A familiar voice floated in from outside the marshal's hall, just when the voice was not stable. , In the hall, there was already a white-haired old woman who looked like a grandma sitting firmly in the air.

"Hello, teacher! Thank you for your hard work." I immediately got up and greeted him.

"Everyone sits and sits. I will leave after I finish my work. You all listen carefully. This is decided after discussions between Sanqing Shangshen and Jade Emperor and our four emperors. No one is allowed to change it casually." The Tu Emperor just poked his mouth, and said to us in an old-fashioned way.

"If you don't change it or change it, we will definitely act in accordance with the wishes of the heavenly lords." I was the first to express my opinion.

The five spirits also made only verbal promises to the Emperor Houtu one by one.

"Since none of you have any objections, then I will tell everyone what the Jade Emperor wants! According to our heavenly court, the golden boy and jade girl will deal with Xun You, and Qiuyue will deal with Rakshasa girl. The marshal and the deputy marshal protect Qiuyue. This is the destiny, not manpower. The Jade Emperor does not want Xun You to have a chance to stand up and rebel, so he must use the harmony of the three talents of heaven, earth and man to completely eliminate them. As for the others The demon spirits of the demon world will be led by the generals of the five spirits and the four vanguard commanders to wipe them out in one fell swoop in the snowy field, leaving no one behind." The Emperor Houtu only slowly conveyed the will of heaven to us.

"But... my ancestors, the demon spirits of the demon world refused to send large troops across the glacier at all! A small number came, but they couldn't bear the cold, and they haven't hit them here yet! They ran back again." Heilong finally said something serious this time.

No one knows why the black dragon is so serious in front of the Houtu emperor, except me and the white dragon.

Because the Houtu Emperor only had a deep friendship with his ancestors, the black dragon was actually afraid that when the Houtu Emperor only returned to his ancestors, he would say something wrong with him!
"Cutting the weeds does not remove the roots, and the spring breeze blows again. It is indeed necessary to give them some strong medicine." Baidi also said to us with a smile.

"That's why the Jade Emperor asked me to cheer you on. As for how to lure the snake out of the hole and let Xun You and the Rakshasa female commander lead all the demons to fight, it depends on God's will. The Emperor of Heaven has sent an order to Feng Bofeng Afterwards, Luofu Mountain sent warm wind up and down for ten days to melt all the ice in the glaciers and clear the snow water. Then let the sun god and moon god shine on Luofu Mountain alternately day and night for ten days, so that the geothermal heat of Luofu Mountain was rapidly increased, so that Xun You Rakshasa created the realistic illusion that the world was about to collapse, and then Tubo evaporated all the ice and snow in the snow field near the bank of the glacier with super soul power, giving Xun You and Rakshasa another reassurance. The last step, then It depends on the military and the marshals." The Emperor Houtu said to us with a smile.

"As long as Fenghou Tubo and the others have some effect, Uncle Jiu and I will lead the generals of the five spirits to kill Luofu Mountain together, wipe out all the devils and little devils who are in the open, and give them to Xun You and Luo Sha nu take another reassurance." I said with a smile.

"However, the four vanguard gods of war and the seven leaders of the exorcism advance team led their respective large troops to lurk at a depth of 200 meters on the bank of the glacier, waiting for Xun You and Rakshasa to lead their demons hidden in the depths. Ling rushed to the blue horses and wiped them out. At the same time, the two assistant military divisions protected the golden boy and jade girl and lay in ambush on the bank of the ice river, waiting for the defeated Xun You to kill him. Under the protection of the three marshals, Qiuyue, When there was a big battle, we looked for the Rakshasa girl's demonic thoughts and killed her all the way, and beheaded her to show the public among the rebellious army." Bai Lan Dijun added with a smile.

"When the battle is over, we will leave the gods and Buddhas stationed at the Lanma Peak Heavenly Army Headquarters. Qiuyue and I will take the golden boy and jade girl, and the deputy marshal will wait in Luofu Mountain in disguise as Xun You and Rakshasa girl. Miluo Mountain came to help Xunyou Rakshasa's demon spirits from the demon world, and wiped them all out, leaving no one behind." I then interrupted anxiously.

"Well! God's will is indeed so. I have brought each of you a bottle of the newly obtained superior soul power, immortal energy and spiritual power in the real world. Now I am keeping it in the Accord on the second floor of the military division hall. Now, before you leave for a while, each of you should claim them! They have been prepared for you, and they will automatically identify the corresponding fairy body, and then enter your body. Then you... split up and prepare for action! Take a look In a couple of days, the battle between the Demon Realm and the Immortal Realm is about to start, and I have other important tasks, so I can't accompany the military advisor, marshal and gods of war to walk all over Luofu Mountain together, and go to kill demons and monsters... Farewell Gods of war and generals." After finishing his words, Emperor Houtu floated away from the door, and disappeared in the depths of the wind and snow outside the ceremony hall of the Marshal Hall after a while.

"Okay! Then please give the Marshal an order!" I said, and quietly wrote a drafted command book into the marshal's consciousness.

The marshal smiled at me, nodded and said: "Then, you gentlemen, get ready to accept the command arrow!"




...From the beginning, five generals, two deputy military advisers, two deputy marshals, four vanguards, and seven commanders each have a Huanglongyuling arrow.

The yellow dragon jade we chose as the command arrow, its emperor represents the Jade Emperor in the Lingxiao Palace, the dragon represents the gods of the heavenly clan, and the jade represents the five ghosts, six mandrills, seven evil spirits and eight demons among the leaders of the earth immortals. What about ghosts!

Everyone put away their command arrows, and waited patiently for the situation to change and murderous intent to emerge.

"The east wind has passed over the south bank of the Yangtze River, and the south fire has burned through the mouth of the Pearl River. Let's all go down and get ready!" Emperor Bailan gave the last order with a smile.

"Yes! Marshal."

"Here! General."




"As ordered!"

…… Everyone agreed one after another, then walked out of the Hall of Marshals, each preparing to go.

"Hey, hey! Wait a minute, it's not too late for everyone to go to the Military Advisor Hall to collect their soul power before killing the enemy." Yu Yan reacted immediately and reminded us.

"I almost forgot about it! After collecting your heavenly soul power, immortal energy, and spiritual power, hurry up and prepare to fight against the devil spirits in the demon world! The general is out, and you don't have to accept your fate, so you don't have to stick to common sense. Let's strive for a quick victory!" I also reminded everyone loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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