
Chapter 247, Demon Forest Red River Valley.

Chapter 247, Demon Forest Red River Valley.

Along the quiet bank of the Red River, we carefully avoided the strange creatures that occasionally appeared on both sides of the path, and followed Suan Ni on foot.

Suan Ni walked in the front with arrogance and arrogance, thickened and enlarged a small tail with only a handful of brown hairs at the end, and it became like a super big broom, sweeping the road in front of it. of white foam.

An extremely sour and corrosive pungent smell kept churning in the calm Red River, as if there were still many ghost fish in it.

"There are still ghost fish in the river! Pixiu, how do you and little Suanni work? You can't do such a small thing well, what use are you for?" Yu Yan complained to Pixiu and Suanni in fear. Yan came and said.

"This is not the Yin River, it's the intermediate level between the Yin River and the Desert Boat, it's a place of atheism, it belongs to the Asura Heaven! You can't blame them." After all, the Holy Spirit is the senior dean of the True Heaven Realm, so Turn a blind eye to all this, and know it well!

"Holy Spirit, have you studied the Asura Demon Realm?" I asked him with a smile.

"Yes! From the moment I received the order from the Heavenly Emperor to assist my senior brother in finding and cultivating the Demon Lord, I have specialized in studying the living habits of the demon spirits in the demon world and their ancient history and humanities." The Holy Spirit spoke bluntly to us. road.

"Hahahaha! It makes sense, then tell me, where might Xun Tian hide?" Black Dragon laughed and asked Holy Spirit.

"You...! Think about it, don't you?" The holy spirit stared at the black dragon and said with displeasure.

"Uncle Holy Spirit, I also want to know where Xuntian has gone!" Shui Mo looked at Holy Spirit anxiously, and begged softly.

"Xuntian can't be found! Otherwise, he won't be able to escape from Kunlun Ruins. Isn't that right, brother?" Holy Spirit looked at me and said with a smirk.

She just threw the ball over to me!This junior sister, don't be too bad.

"Ahem! Ink, Heilong, and Xuntian are looking for the kindling of the demon spirits from the demon world to avenge God's revenge. Do you think the demon world will let us find him easily? Even if the demon spirits from the demon world agree, God will not." Promise! Is it true that his opponent was found by us so easily, isn't that a slap in the face? Isn't it!" I said nonsense helplessly.

"Aunt Holy Spirit is right. This is not the Yin River. The Yin River flows to the Eastern Soul Field, and the Red River flows to the Devil Forest of the Deity Sect in the West!" Lori followed Qiuyue quietly all the time, Seeing that everyone didn't know enough about Honghe, he couldn't help but interjected.

"You mean, this river flows westward? Is there any basis?" Qiuyue heard for the first time in her life that there is a river flowing westward, so she asked General Loli curiously.

"Ah! Everyone can see that although the water of the Red River is so calm, the demon fish in it are swimming westward, because they are swimming slowly against the upstream, so there will be no waves. "Little General Loli explained to us patiently, pointing to the still water of the Red River.

"In this way, it is similar to the Daotang River on the grassland!" Shui Mo laughed.

"It's not the same. The inverted river is caused by the mountain, and this red river is caused by the drainage of the devil forest in order to survive. One is the masterpiece of nature, and the other is the will of the devil. It is still different." The Holy Spirit went on to explain.

"One is caused by the way of heaven, and the other is caused by the way of magic. It must be different." The black dragon also pretended to understand.

"Everyone follow closely and don't talk. It's not very fun to startle the foaming monster in the Red River. In this place, the fairy energy is limited by the geographical environment. I guess we won't get any advantage if we fight What! If this red river is really created, the Gobi is on it, and that monster like a boat in the desert is not easy to mess with, so everyone should keep their voices down." Suan Ni turned her head and said to us in a low voice.

"Distorting mirror! Such a bullshit, I don't believe I can't beat him." Heilong shouted in disbelief.

"Haha mirror! Suanni, you didn't stay in Leiyin Temple well, and you came to Honghe to steal things again? If you are sensible, get out of Honghe and stop harassing your brother's Qingxiu. Do you hear me?" ?" A few huge monster skulls with bloody flesh emerged from the Red River, and they yelled at Suan Ni.

"Bones can talk now? This place is a bit evil! Old." Yu Yan whispered to me.

"Whoa! Old? Which one is old? The kid who won the Go game with Martial God Shura on Noah's Ark? Uh! I have to come up and take a look. Little Suanni, you don't mix with Buddha anymore? Change the door Huh?...I'm going to come out and take a look at this magic fortune teller!" A strange buzzing sound came out from the bottom of the river, and a wave of red river water was stirred up, knocking out those strange creatures like prickly pears on the wall by the river. All the children were involved in the river, and the white foam on the trails disappeared!

The skulls in the Red River were suddenly smashed into the bottom of the river by huge waves.

"Don't talk, don't talk! If you don't listen, the only way to cross the Gobi will be gone now! Distorting mirror!...Distracting mirror!...Distorting mirror!" Suan Ni slapped the dark red ground of the path desperately, mourning said with a sigh.

"Little 狻猊, it's useless to be called the Demon King. This boy from God's family dared to cross the border and enter my territory. Naturally, I can't let him go. Distorting mirror! There is nowhere to find if you step on the iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it." Ah!" The weird voice seemed to be ecstatic.

"Everyone is transformed into a particle of heavy metal, so fast! I'll meet this monster. Pixiu, Suanni, and ink wash everyone, don't let them touch the water of the Red River." I loudly ordered the people accompanying me.

"Eh! Little scholar, will you come down or should I go up?" The buzzing voice asked me again.

"Distorting mirror! The ghost forest, of course, is going to break through. Devil forest, I'm coming down." I said with a big laugh.

"Don't go! This place can't go up to the sky or down to the ground. What are you going to use to fight him? Don't go, you have to fight on the ground." Qiuyue suddenly grabbed my lapel, refusing to let me go Went down to the water of the Red River.

"Ha ha mirror! Have all the people from Dongtu's family come? The little moon of Jinling is here too! Little scholar, let your little moon come together. If you win the battle, you will be sent to Fushi Mountain. If you lose, you will accompany the old man The demon king played a few games of chess, the kind of ghost chess with the Chuhe-Han realm, I always lose." Mo Lin continued buzzing.

"Haha mirror! Old devil, since you recognize my old master, don't make it difficult for us to come. We will accompany you to Meidi to play chess with the devil after we come back! Okay? Acquaintances, it's not good to fight!" Suan Ni saw that Mo Lin recognized me, so she started to get familiar with me.

"Keep away! Little Suanni, or I will let the magic dog come out to play with you, how about it? Distorting mirror, I will let you talk to me with the distorting mirror of the demon king all day long." Demon Lin buzzed Get up and say.

"Forget it! You can hit you! Just don't disturb your Red River, I want to live a few more years!" Suan Ni sat down on the dark red path obediently with her tail between her legs , After finishing speaking, he didn't dare to speak anymore.

"Qiuyue, don't worry! I can't deal with him again." I blinked at Qiuyue and comforted her with a smile.

Heilong and the others stared at me, shaking their heads non-stop.

"It's okay! Don't worry, everyone, this Demon Forest still has a little friendship with Martial God Shura, and he will never do anything to me." I smiled and talked to Heilong and the others, and walked slowly into the Red River.

The Red River is actually not deep, the deepest part is only waist high.

Moreover, the water flow is almost still, and you can't feel the state of water flow at all!

It’s just that I’m not quite used to it yet. The water seems to be very viscous, which makes you feel like you can’t move your legs. Every time you take a step, it seems that a lot of red river water will stick to your legs. It’s very uncomfortable. Comfortable.

"What kind of water is this! It's almost catching up with the cold liquid of our Moon Palace. And it seems to be heavier." I asked Mo Lin.

"Distorting mirror! This is the special fuel for the [-]th floor of underground hell. Of course it is heavy and viscous. If you are afraid of losing, come play chess with me." Mo Lin seemed to laugh and said.

The entire Red River also became restless when his breathing became short of breath, causing shiny black ripples, extremely ugly ripples!
"Where is the door?" I asked him with a smile.

"You go to the middle of the river, and I will open the door of the magic forest for you." The magic forest said to me happily.

I looked back at Qiuyue and the others standing on the path on the bank, waved to them, and then walked towards the center of the Red River.

Qiuyue looked at me eagerly and became very quiet.

The strange creatures in and out of the Red River seemed to have disappeared suddenly. I walked for a long time, but I didn't meet a single one!
"I'll count to one, two, three, and you just close your eyes." Mo Lin buzzed to me.

"You open the door." I said to him with a smile.

"One, two, three... come down! Distorting mirror." Mo Lin laughed loudly, innocently like a child.

I didn't close my eyes as he requested, I just made a gesture and narrowed my eyes into a slit.

I don't know if it was fear or something else, anyway, I didn't close my eyes completely.

Before I fell into the Red River Valley of the Demon Forest from the Red River, I saw a big flashlight-like eye of the Demon Forest staring straight at me.

I know that in such a dark place, he is leading me the way!
I felt dizzy and nearly lost my sight.

Tianyantong and Diyantong had already fled back to the shore the moment I got down.

I know that the two brothers don't want to offend any unclean atmosphere in the devil world.

In fact, I don't want to, but as the leader of the exorcist army in the real heaven world, if I don't go to hell, who will go to hell?
I smiled wryly, blinked my eyes, regained consciousness, and then opened my fairy eye that can pass through all gods, Buddhas and demons.

"You have five eyes, and I only have one eye. Let's add two to one, and six or six will go smoothly!" Mo Lin shut off the magical light of the heavenly demon released by his one eye, and said to me with a smile.

"You turned out to be a god-level creature from the beginningless era! Hahahaha. The gods didn't wait, and hid in the gap between the human and ghost worlds. Even without the helplessness of the Hongchen Inn, there is no resentment from the ghost world." , and there is no need to rush around in the heavens, it is indeed a very good location!" I said with a smile to the magic forest in front of Xian.

The name of the devil forest is not called randomly, he is a flat and endless devil forest, but this devil forest is already a dense forest growing on him at this time.

In the paradise of densely packed native cavity creatures, I couldn't find the magic eye of the magic forest, the eye that guided me and glowed.

"Don't look for it, sir. I only have one eye, which is no match for your five eyes, so I don't dare to expose it to the eyes of ghosts and gods easily, or I, all the big and small lives in the demon forest, would have died a long time ago." I've been devoured by humans, so it's my turn to enjoy it? Right!" The humming sound of the demon forest became much clearer and more pleasant to the ear, and it became much more clearly visible.

From his voice, one can clearly see symbols and emojis of demonic spells attacking me continuously.

"Namo Amitabha! Namo is stupid and missing many pages! Come to the bottom of the river, squeeze your nose!" I put my palms together, put Buddha light on the Yintang, and chanted the blue seal light Buddha heart mantra with a smile.

The spells that attacked me, like kites with broken strings, disappeared in the darkness and fell into the depths of the magic forest.

"Are you... How many fairy eyes have you cultivated? Are you also a great god in ancient times?" The buzzing voice of the demon forest stopped, and a child's voice asked me curiously.

Looking at the dense jungle like octopus claws on the ground, I couldn't help laughing and said: "I am not a creature from ancient times, but I have cultivated for tens of thousands of years, and I have cultivated many strange and natural phenomena of human beings, Buddhas, gods, monsters, and grass. The eye of the eye, with more than 600 million hairs on its body, all of which is a sky eye, tell me, if I really want to beat you, can you still run away?" I said to Molin disapprovingly.

"Hey!... That old monster on the desert boat, hurry down and face the saint. Don't fight with me all day and night. I don't know if it's blocked to the sky today. The real thing is the crack in the door. Look at the blue sky, your vision is narrow! Come down quickly!" Mo Lin put away his real body, and walked towards me from the inside of the Mo Lin.

As he walked, he called to the old devil on the Gobi.

It turned out to be a red caterpillar with one eye!
"It's really not easy for you to cultivate the way of magic." I said with a smile.

"Sorry! I forgot to change into a human form." The caterpillar Molin said to me awkwardly, and at the same time he turned into a handsome one-eyed boy. Like a jump ball.

I know that every pimple on his body hides murderous intentions, the killer who can eat people is scarier than ghosts!
"I never imagined that one day the charming son of heaven would pass by my Demon Forest Red River Valley! Hahahaha." Demon Forest laughed.

Every time a character is sounded, a little bump will vibrate slightly, which looks very cute and funny.

"Do you know the devil in the Gobi?" I said to him with a smile.

"I know! You are full of gods and gods, do you still need to ask me hypocritically?" Mo Lin whispered to me.

"It's one thing to have so many cross-eyes, and it's another thing to use them or not. Let's talk about it. If I were an ordinary fairy, how would I be able to pass through your demon forest, the Red River Valley, and the Gobi above?" I laughed. said to him.

"This is the realm mentioned by the Taoists of the East! Little Heavenly Emperor, I am very reluctant if you ask me like this! Although you are a god and I am a demon, in terms of martial arts, in my Red River Valley Demon Forest, There is no great master who can go to three hundred moves in my hands and still not leak flaws. Don't use your pile of various eyes, you may not be able to beat me. So what you say I don't need to answer." Mo Lin said to me with a smile.

"You still know that my strength is too little, let's do it like this! Once the two of us make a move, this desert Gobi and your demon forest Red River Valley will disappear! Why don't I send someone to fight with you for a while, can you Forcing him to completely use the Black Dragon Sha, I will count you as the winner, and I will go with you to meet your demon king for a while. How about it?" I said with a smirk.

"Ah... your apprentice!" He said in surprise.

"Well! Let him go if you accept the challenge. That simple and honest boy among the crowd in the Red River Valley, his name is Shui Mo." I laughed and said.

"Haha mirror! Mo Lin, you bastard, you always open the back door for strangers, stealing your brother's business, and you have the nerve to ask you to come down to play, so I won't go to your ghost place! Greasy and crooked If you don’t come, you have to wash once. If you have the ability, you can come up and fight for three hundred rounds.” The old Gobi monster yelled at him displeased.

"Who is he? Why is he guarding this Gobi?" I asked Molin.

"You don't know him, but Martial God Shura knows him. He is the brother of the old monster Xun You. He is a freak who eats gold and sand. His name is: Luo Xiou." Mo Lin also said to me with a smile.

"Old monster, after I have fought with my husband, I will bring them back to you again! I think you will still be self-righteous in the future?" Molin laughed loudly and shouted at the old monster in the Gobi above. got up and said.

"Ha ha ha mirror! Brother, wait for you, if you can't beat it, hurry up! Don't love home. Ha ha ha ha mirror." Rossio also laughed, and said loudly to Molin disapprovingly.

"Just wait!"

After Mo Lin finished speaking, he took off two fleshy bumps from his body, threw them out, and turned them into two big hands with puffs. One left and one right instantly separated the water of the Red River from the eyes of Ink and the others to the two sides, revealing A large piece of greasy and wet dark red limestone ground.

"Shui Mo, come inside. I found you a good opponent who can completely defeat Heilongsha." I laughed and said to Shui Mo.

 This is the rhythm of educating the next generation with the help of the magic way!
(End of this chapter)

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