
Chapter 253, Mo Xie subdues the law.

Chapter 253, Mo Xie subdues the law.

On one side, he was amazed at the ice and snow body of ink painting, while on the other side, Mo Xie was still struggling and wriggling in the god pit inside the desert boat.

He felt that the soul power and immortal energy were seriously slackened, and the magic thoughts and aura were scattered all over the ground, turning into tiny yellow particles like wheat grains, rolling around beside him, very eye-catching!
Mo Xie wanted to struggle to collect one or two gold particles transformed by soul power, immortal energy and courage and magic thoughts, but when he tried hard to extract the spiritual energy, he realized that he was so weak that only the last breath of turbid air hadn't come out yet. That's all.

"Namo Amitabha Buddha! Namo Amitabha Buddha! Namo Amitabha Buddha! This is what I heard, the Buddha is in the country of Sacrifice to give the lonely circle..." A group of novice Bodhisattvas sat on the ground together and recited the Vajra Sutra...!
"The little sun will freeze when it meets the mother of the moon! Taishang Laojun, your brother, hurry up, or that kid Mo Xie will belch." The teacher is also invited!

After hearing this, Qiuyue and I immediately went up to meet him.

Yu Yan heard that his grandfather had also come, looked at the ink painting on the ground that had become a snowman, and walked around the ink painting anxiously, looking at the ink painting for a while, and looking at the sky for a while, as if he was very impatient .

"Teacher! Why are you here?" Laojun and I bowed to each other and said.

"Ah, I don't want to come either! It's just...look at this old slicker, I insist on supporting you!" Daozu waved Fuchen helplessly and said to me in a low voice.

"Hehehehe! Old brother, if you weren't careful, how would you play chess? I don't really believe it." Emperor Asura said to Daozu with a smile.

"That's all! That's all! Ah, where is Mo Xie? Have you won his Tianqi endgame?" Laojun looked at me with a smile and said.

"It's not me, it's your two little disciples and grandchildren!" I pointed to Shui Mo and Yu Yan, and laughed awkwardly.

Seeing that the Taoist ancestor had also arrived, the Buddha led a group of monks and Bodhisattvas to retreat step by step, leaving only the ancient Buddha and Martial God Shura to accompany us!
Yes, this Mo Xie had unresolved grievances towards Leiyin Ancient Temple, and the Holy Spirit and Leiyin Ancient Temple also had some grievances. It was indeed not very good for them to stay outside the gate of Leiyin Ancient Temple in large numbers.

What's more, before this Mo Xie subdued the law, if there were not a few great gods to suppress it, there would be a big mess!
"Where's Mo Xie?" Looking back at Yu Yan and Shui Mo, Dao Zu asked me with a smile.

"Underground! Nuo, isn't it in the bunker in front?" Yu Yan stuck out her tongue and laughed.

"Let's go and have a look! Mo Xie can't have an accident, or else this Thunder Sound Realm will be more dangerous than the Molin shaving!" Daozu changed his amiable smile before, and said to us solemnly.

When Mo Lin saw Taoist Ancestor, he wanted to run away, but was called back by Martial God: "Rosio, you are not a citizen of the Buddha Kingdom, where are you going? Follow."

Yu Yan and Shui Mo originally wanted to make a fuss with Tao Zu and Emperor Asura, but seeing that everyone was very serious, they didn't dare to talk too much.

Pixiu looked at his master's dignified face, but he didn't dare to ask any more questions, and followed behind us obediently.

"Teacher, brother, is Mo Xie that person? Or his mount?" I asked Zu and Wushen tentatively in a small voice.

"Which one are you talking about? There are no outsiders, so I will tell you about the defense! This son is not a human, nor is he a beast, he is also a dragon." Daozu said to us casually while leading us to the Tiankeng .

"Dragon? Teacher, is he the Dragon King?" I asked Zu in surprise.

"The Ancestral Dragon King is covered in fluffy dragon scales, and he looks a bit like him. But he is not the Ancestral Dragon King, he is still the predecessor of the Ancestral Dragon King! So the heaven and the earth bestowed Mo Xie on him in the hope that he would follow the right path and do the things of heaven. !” Asura the Great explained to us.

"No way! Brother. Even more ancient than the Zulong King? Is he still a dragon?" I asked the Martial God puzzledly.

"He is a human being, a shepherd who infiltrated the Longtian tribe in ancient times, because the Zulongwang ate his sheep, so he rushed to the Zulongwang to make a theory, and was just a child who was accidentally beaten to death by the Longtian beast. Zulong King felt that he owed him something, so he asked Lord Yan to send him to Yinglong's house on the top of Dahuang Mountain to be reincarnated as a dragon! Unexpectedly, he had a lot of resentment, and the demon sensed his venom and misery along the way, so he went They followed and followed until they reached the no man's land outside the Great Barren Mountain. King Yan Luo and his subordinates knew that there was a demon following them, so they deliberately lingered outside the Great Barren Mountain, and finally fought with both hands under the garden tree, killing Mo Xie's soul. One thread was broken, and finally reincarnated under the banyan tree and turned into a little caterpillar with a face like thunder and lightning." Laojun said to us with a helpless smile.

"It turned out to be a caterpillar! No wonder it makes people look so awkward! Next time, stay away from him, don't let his beard prick your skin, it will be troublesome." Yuyan whispered to herself Talking to himself.

After listening to Daozu and Yuyan's words, Shui Mo felt a burning pain all over his body, as if being stabbed by the fluff of a caterpillar.

"Grandpa! Yuyan, please stop talking. After playing chess with him for a few days, I feel like my whole body is being pulled by his fluff. It's so uncomfortable!" Shui Mo said with a sad face.

"Hey or not? You defeated a caterpillar, you are amazing!... Hee hee hee... hehehehe!" Yuyan laughed loudly.

"Didn't you defeat him? I just listened to your command and moved the pawns!... You still laugh, you still laugh!...!" Shui Mo and Yu Yan couldn't help but tremble when they heard the word caterpillar. Encouraging each other, attacking each other, laughing and laughing non-stop.

"Caterpillars are the most primitive and most powerful gods in the Asura Realm inside and outside the Three Realms! As long as there is a leaf, a plant of grass and a drop of dew, they can live through a midsummer, which is amazing. Rain, smoke, ink, don't make trouble, go and see Let's see how he is doing now." I said seriously to Shui Mo and Yu Yan.

"Understood, Master!" Shui Mo agreed, and reluctantly leaned towards the sinkhole.

Yes, caterpillars in this world have been reincarnated a hundred times, and it is impossible for them to become humans, because the proportion of their souls is too small to support a human body tens of thousands of times larger than their own souls.

However, it is said that they are caterpillars. No one knows that in the tens of thousands of years before the dinosaur period, there was a caterpillar century without gods and demons, without gods and demons.

In that century, mulberry leaves were like high-rise canopies, and caterpillars were like magic skyscrapers, hiding under the mulberry leaves all day to enjoy the cool and stealing mulberries!
At that time, the nine suns rose in the east, and the tenth month taunted, the world was still a sea of ​​fire, and human beings had not yet been born!
Empress Nuwa came from outside the sky, and Emperor Pangu was still searching for a handy weapon from outside the sky! …………!
I fell into deep contemplation and almost fell into the sinkhole!
Qiuyue grabbed me and said to me coldly: "Do you want to die? Don't choose this time if you want to die! You can't die even if you want to die in front of me!"

"Shui Mo, Yu Yan, you underestimated this caterpillar! In his time, we hadn't come to this world, even the world that we can see with our naked eyes, fairy eyes, heavenly eyes, and earthly eyes is still too small. It didn't show up!" I said to the children with a wry smile.

"You mean: In the era of Moxie, the world didn't even exist yet, right? Old...it can't be! He's so good, why is he doing so poorly!" Qiuyue asked in disbelief .

"At least in the territory of Jiuchongtian, this is indeed the case. This is like the New World, before Columbus arrived, the sky and the earth were chaotic, as if there was no sky and no earth!" Qiuyue said with a smirk.

"Your analogy is more appropriate, but the caterpillar century before the dinosaur age, it is not a theoretical or imagery world! At that time, there was no wind, no water, no fire, no gold, no wood, There is no soil, no clouds, no stars and seas! There are only nine days and ten months, and the day and night are reversed, just like a crazy steamer." Emperor Asura agreed with my words.

"Yeah! Get her out first." Daozu walked around the tiankeng and waved to us.

I saw the old man put away his fly whisk and lightly rolled up his cuffs, as if he was about to go down.

So I flew into the tiankeng immediately, called out Tianyantong and Diyantong, and said, "It's time for the third brother to work, get up! Everyone."

In the dark bottom of the sinkhole, Mo Xie was still struggling and wriggling, a gigantic caterpillar mollusc was quietly and powerlessly paralyzed in front of me!
Yes, this guy is too big, out of the desert boat, there is no place suitable for him to haunt!
"Moxie! Can you still talk?" I asked him.

"Hey!...Sir, don't transform, the air here is already very thin, not enough for the four of us to breathe!" He said to me with a wry smile.

"Don't worry! We won't seize your resources. We transformed from heavy metals, so we don't need much oxygen and water." I smiled and comforted him.

"Can you help me get the gold particles into my body? I can't stand without this gold. Help, old comrade." He asked me for help.

"Actually, you don't have to swallow gold and eat sand dogs to live in this desert boat. You can help me, but I have conditions. After all, you are also the biggest enemy of our dragon clan. Your clan has been expelled by us, and there are already very few left. , don’t you guys want to make a comeback?” I said to him with some deep meaning.

"Hey! There are rumors in the fairy mountain magic way, saying that your husband is unpredictable, thoughtful, and scheming... I have learned the lesson today. Don't worry, with our little manpower, it is not enough to cook dinner for Yinglong Zulong of Jiuchongtian What! Not to mention the eight heavenly dragons of the Buddha Kingdom, the dragon son and dragon daughter of your Miaoyin Wonderland! I just agree to your request. Oh...by the way, is that little girl your daughter? Isn’t he thoughtful? You can get the Tao by studying, but it is a kind of innate super god-level inheritance, which has many shadows of Emperor Pangu and Empress Nuwa!" Mo Xie said to me with a wry smile.

"How long can you last?" I asked him with a smile.

"The time for a stick of incense in the world of mortals." He said to me very honestly.

"Hmm! She is the Jade Girl of Jiuchongtian, the daughter of me and Qiuyue." I whispered to him with a smile.

"Ah!... Your golden boy and jade girl from the Nine Heavens already has a baby! Hey, I still can't gather the soul power and immortal energy to return to the Wusheng Era! Forget it, I can't go back to the past in this life. I can Someone broke my game, and I will die in peace." He laughed and said to me like a child.

"You don't have to be disheartened. I found your ancestors in the 99th heaven. In another space dimension, the sun and the moon have no light, and the chaos of the world is still indistinguishable. How can there be many of your races! As long as you Promise me that you will never return to our Jiuzhongtian territory from now on, and I can find a chance to send you to live there." I laughed and handed over my cards to him.

"You have broken through the 99th level? What is your soul power and courage? I am afraid that the value of immortal energy and spiritual energy has already broken through the [-] mark!" Mo Xie looked at me in surprise and said.

Tianyantong and Diyantong knew that I would continue to have a good talk with him, so they laid a net of real heaven one by one, covering a huge tiankeng tightly and airtightly!

"These are heretics, not enough to rely on! If you rely on your own pure heart, you will be fearless and omnipotent! From the moment you set up the endgame of Tianqi, you have already lost, lost to you Myself!" I patiently explained to him.

"Oh!... No one has ever said such a thing to me before! Maybe it's like this." Mo Xie still didn't seem to fully understand what I said!
"How did you get your name?" I asked him off topic.

"A gray-haired old man passed by on a boat in the desert. He saw me swallowing gold and eating sand and suffering for tens of thousands of years, so he gave me a name, saying that after more than 1 years, I will meet my true love." The Son of Heaven asked me to follow him to subdue demons and eliminate demons according to Taoism. I didn't take it seriously, because I was the biggest demon myself! I even laughed at him at the time!" Mo Xie smiled wryly at me Said.

"Well! I understand. You have met a master, a master who is in the realm of harmony between man and nature! At that time, I was still practicing in retreat at the foot of the Great Barren Mountain outside the Nine Heavens!" I laughed and said to him .

"Yes, according to your immortal age, you are not qualified to be my grandson! But I am still convinced, because your cultivation base is unpredictable, and the disciples you teach are all existences who have crossed the infinite road of heaven and earth! I can't even resist the little golden boy and the little jade girl, let alone your brother." Mo Xie still said to me with a wry smile.

"They have good genetics! I didn't teach them much. The golden boy is a descendant of the Jiangwu family in Sanjiangkou, and the jade girl is my daughter. The descendant of Haitian Miaoyin Wonderland! Naturally, it is good." I affirmed his words. .

"The white-haired old man also said back then, when Tianlong appeared, you should fall down. I don't know how many Tianlongs I have killed, so I no longer believe what he said. Because the strength of Tianlong really makes me disagree!" He looked at the tiankeng full of Huihui Skynet, and said with a wry smile.

"Okay! You still have half a stick of incense to think about, so I won't say anything more." I snorted coldly and said to him with a smile.

"Are you leaving? Are you going to save me?..." He suddenly became angry and said.

"If you don't save yourself, no one can save you. I'd better go!" I smiled wryly.

"Just tell me straight! What are the conditions for saving me?" He begged me.

"Simple: follow me, assist the golden boy and jade girl to go through the world of mortals, weed the strong and help the weak." I said.

"Hey! Didn't you say earlier that the golden boy and the jade girl defeated me, and I have nothing to complain about assisting them. It's just that the demons are rampant in the Red Dust Inn. Can we win?" He asked me back.

"You don't have to worry about this, I have my own arrangements. If you agree, I will save you from death." I laughed and said to him.

"Hey! It's all because of the name, it's a bit weird! If a devil wants him to be innocent, isn't that like asking him to convert to his deadly enemy!" He cried sadly.

"It doesn't matter! As long as your thoughts are pure, you don't care about your background. If you promise, you have to fulfill your promise. I will give you a unicorn real body, and I will make a mount for Shui Mo and Yu Yan. Would you still like it?" I then asked him road.

"Cough cough! Cough!" He coughed continuously, his face flushed.

I looked at the time, and it was almost time for him to leave, so I didn't say anything more.

"Sir, if you want to save me, hurry up! King Yama and the bull-headed horse noodles are coming soon." He begged me.

"Really?..." I kept still and snorted coldly.

"Grandpa, can't I promise you? You just save me, a caterpillar! I have been serving my teacher all my life, and I will do whatever the teacher tells me to do. I dare not disobey." He looked at Huihui Skynet. , and the Sky Eye on Skynet, agreed to me.

"Get rid of the last ray of evil thoughts in your heart, and let Yan Luo Wang and the bull's head and horse face take it away. I will give you a unicorn arm." I said.

He looked down at the ground net, like a deflated ball, finally squeezed the last ray of magic out of his body with all his strength.

A black air current rolled up the thorny down of his body, passed through the ground net, and the Yama and the bull-headed horse who were waiting to catch people under the ground net drifted away.

"Tianluodi Internet Cafe is closed!" I said with a smile to Tianyantong and Diyantong.

"Remember, you are Yuyan and Shui Mo's right-hand man, an extraterrestrial beast: the golden and jade unicorn." As I said, a gust of fairy wind sent golden sand particles from the ground into his body.

"Boom, boom, boom!" He lay on the bottom of the sinkhole, kowtowing to me non-stop.

"Sir, are you going up? Daozu, Gufo, and Senior Brother are waiting for us!" Tianyantong reminded me.

"No rush! Wait a little longer." I smiled and said happily.

(End of this chapter)

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