
Chapter 275, Immortals also travel through time!

Chapter 275, Immortals also travel through time ([-])!
The night with white clouds and flowing clouds, although it is occasionally cold, it also gives people a sense of comfort. Although it does not match the heavy mood of the Jin Yiwei young generals at the moment, and forms a sharp contrast, it is not at all puzzling. Woolen cloth.

Because you are you, the cloud is the cloud, and the moon is the moon. When you cry, the moon in the cloud does not cry, and when you laugh, the moon floats under the cloud.

The exterior scene will not be changed by people's moods. What is always changed is our fragile heart.

The old man Maoshan looked at Lin Qingshan who was lying on the hospital bed panting like a cow, and felt very uncomfortable!

"Hey! Just because Hongchen Lijie met you by chance, the only thing that has remained unchanged for 1 years is dancing with demons and accompanying monsters to catch monsters. But you met her again and became a ghost in the Hongchen Inn. Xiaoxian's dear father! Hey, it's good now, you have to follow him after he crosses.

Come on, come on, and you have to drag the old brother.Hey……! "The old man Maoshan didn't take the Qingfeng sword on his neck seriously by the little commander of the black dragon at all, and he sighed quietly.

"Ah...? Master, you mean that we all came from time travel!" Ink Mo's big eyes were round, and he looked at the old man Maoshan and asked.

"You...? You don't know! But your young lady is very similar to that little devil, a little devil who graduated from Zhentianxian Academy." The old man Maoshan said casually with ink.

"Old Taoist! So you are an old Taoist priest in the Arctic Pavilion? I, Heilongsan, are convinced. You have traveled through tens of thousands of years to come to the foot of this great emperor, and you are still so dignified and immortal!" The commander grinned, and while talking, he put away his three-foot Qingfeng sword for slaying demons and demons, and obediently stood aside and stopped talking.

"Come on... Come on! Let's all rest! Old man Lin is awake." Shui Mo looked at Lin Qingshan who was slowly sitting up from the hospital bed, and yelled loudly.

"Okay! Alright! The chief coach is really extraordinary, Maoshan Taoism is well-deserved!..."

The crowd was awakened by Shui Mo's yelling, and they pulled their eyes away from the old man Maoshan and the little commander in black. They all looked at their Commander Lin and cheered in unison.

"The golden soldiers have entered the customs? Where are the white commanders, the black commanders, and the little blue dragon commanders? Are you chasing the golden soldiers?" Lin Qingshan breathed in the strong smell of medicinal herbs in his mouth, glanced at the brothers around him, and gasped. He asked the two subordinates roughly.

"Report to the commander, the golden soldiers have not yet entered the customs, but the commander of Qinglong is fighting with the golden soldiers on the front line of JYG. He just sent a good news by means of a carrier pigeon: In less than half a month, our army will be able to repel the golden soldiers. I hope that the commander and Brothers, don't worry about it! He also said that it might be half a month before he can return in triumph!"

Little General Bailong reported the battle report from the front to Lin Qingshan with a smile on his face.

"Ahem...! Where is the battle report? Bring it for me to have a look." Lin Qingshan struggled to get out of the hospital bed as he spoke.

"Hey! My Commander Lin, please don't move. We'll fetch it for you to have a look. Lie down well, you can't move now!" Mao Shan said to Lin Qingshan with a smile.

"Hahahaha! Then listen to the old brother. Bailong! Go and bring it to me to see, and refresh yourself." Lin Qingshan then lay back on the hospital bed and said with a wry smile.

"Hey! Master Lin is alright, master, hurry up and take a walk with me to our jade dealer, my lady is probably dying of anxiety! Let's go quickly. Nian Yazi, you can also go with me, by the way My lady invites us brothers to have a good meal! The lion head and squirrel mandarin fish in Zhuangyuan Building are very good! How about it? Let’s try it together?" Seeing that Lin Qingshan had just recovered from a serious illness, Shui Mo was full of energy , So I remembered my mission this time.

"Little Daoist friend, don't worry, don't worry! The cold and bright moon is like a scimitar, and every knife will make people old! Don't worry, you won't be able to eat hot tofu if you are impatient, and it is not in line with the way of health preservation!" Said.

. . . . . .

Willow head on the moon, after dusk.

This is the elegance of literati and poets who have nothing to do when they are full.

For Ms. Lin Yuyan, who is plagued by nightmares, if ink painting is not by her side, she will have no masters, and the three souls will not be there, and the seven spirits will not return.
Even her mother asked her to eat several times, but she didn't respond, she just sat under the sweet-scented osmanthus tree in the yard, looked at the moon in the sky, counted the stars in the sky, and looked forward to the early return of Shui Mo.

The Lin Family Courtyard is the Commander's Mansion, it is also a Jade Warehouse, and it is also a Jade Museum!

Because the Kyoto Commander's Mansion is surrounded by streets on three sides, the remaining side just rides on the bank of the Inner Qinhuai River.

Lin Qingshan prefers elegance and elegance, so he placed the inner house of his family on this side.

In the backyard of the house, an octagonal pavilion was specially built, named Xinyue Pavilion, in order to make it easier for the little girl to watch the lantern festival on the Qinhuai River.

When she has nothing to do, Miss Yuyan will drink alone in Xinyue Pavilion, watching the beauties on the Qinhuai River coming and going, in a daze or something.

Because she always had nightmares, and only when she was in this octagonal pavilion would she feel relieved.

After not seeing Shui Mo back all night, Yu Yan couldn't help but stepped into Xinyue Pavilion again, looked up at the moon in the sky, and stared in a daze alone.

"Such a beautiful moonlight, you should prepare fruit and vegetable sake, learn from Taibai and invite the moon to drink together, Li Qingzhao thinks of your beloved under the moon!... Eh! Forget about this. This little beggar, come back soon! My sister will take you to enjoy the moon and flowers and laugh at the world of mortals." Thinking of the wonder, Miss Lin couldn't help giggling.

. . . . . .

"Miss? Why haven't you come back so late? Are you going to watch the Lantern Festival again?" Lin Qingshan walked into the Commander's Mansion with a few young generals, together with Shui Mo Nenya and Mao Shan old man, talking and laughing , Seeing the official sitting and dozing in the corridor, he asked very unhappily.

Yes, if on weekdays, this little girl flew out of the backyard like a bird to welcome her!It's been a day since we saw each other, and Lin Qingshan suddenly remembered that his only little daughter was here.

"Master! Miss has been staying in the Xinyue Pavilion in the backyard! I haven't eaten dinner yet. Madame told me to watch her here, so as not to make her lose her mind again... Oh! Bah, bah, bah! Look at my crow's mouth! Bah, bah, bah! I'm afraid that Miss will suddenly have another whim, so I ran out to play."

The official stood up sleepily, and explained to Lin Qingshan in a panic.

"Well! Without ink painting by her side, I guess she can sit more comfortably in Xinyue Pavilion. Oh, yes. Qi Lin, how is the purchase of new year's goods going?" Lin Qingshan led everyone to the Bajiao Pavilion Go, while asking the housekeeper.

"Return to the master! Everything is ready, Suanni and the others are still doing the last round of inventory in the warehouse, and they will send the account book to Aunt Ling tomorrow morning!" Qi Lin Butler bowed his waist and returned to Lin respectfully. Qing Shan asked.

"Well! That's good. Qi Lin, go and invite your wife over, and let Aunt Ling instruct the kitchen to prepare a vegetarian wine and vegetable dish. We invite the moon to drink together at Xinyue Pavilion, and the big guys gossip." Lin Qing Shan said to Qilin Steward.

"Okay, master. I'll do it right away." Butler Qilin agreed, and walked away with a bow and a trot.

"Master, miss sees the world and has nightmares, why don't you take this opportunity to ask the old master from Maoshan to help miss take a look! Last time, the old Taoist priest of the Arctic Pavilion took care of it for a few months, and now it's not working anymore." Shui Mo boldly spoke to Lin Qingshan.

"Is there such a thing? Why didn't the lady mention it to me!" Lin Qingshan smiled wryly, and said to himself.

Everyone walked through the corridor, walked along the banks of the small bridge and the flowing water, along withered willows, secluded bamboos, winter plums, and herbs, and came to Xinyue Pavilion all the way.

In front of the Xinyue Pavilion, the creek was rushing into the Qinhuai River happily.

Under the sweet-scented osmanthus tree, in the Xinyue Pavilion, there is a beautiful figure of a young girl leaning on a railing and watching from afar.

She doesn't seem to care about the endless flow of boats and boats in front of her eyes, and the beauties Qingke who play the pipe and play the xuan, and only cares about the bright moon on the platform!

Baiyun seems to understand people's minds, lightly circling the crescent moon and can't bear to cover it, giving people a very comfortable and comfortable daydream...

Lin Qingshan waved gently to the followers and companions behind him, and everyone stood quietly outside the Xinyue Pavilion, waiting for Miss Lin to come back to her senses and make a promise to everyone before entering the pavilion to raise the moonlight cup together, meeting and inviting Mingyue is going!

Jinling City, the willow tip on the moon.

The lady of the official family thinks about the fairy formula, but she doesn't understand Chang'e's rush to the moon.

"My lord! The food and drink have been prepared, should the manager of Suanni lead someone to bring it up now?" The butler Qilin hurried over, panting to report to Lin Qingshan.

"Let them wait and pass on later." Lin Qingshan said to him with a smile.

"Okay! Master." The housekeeper Qilin respectfully agreed, and then turned around and went back to make arrangements.

"Wait! Qilin, tell them to bring them all up! This lady is worrying about having no good food to pay homage to this bright moon! Hurry up and go." The eldest lady of the Lin family heard the conversation between her father and the housekeeper, and immediately left stood up inside the pavilion and said.

"Go anywhere!" Lin Qingshan whispered to the housekeeper.

"Yes!...Master, Miss." The housekeeper Qilin agreed and trotted all the way.

"Hey! I said, why doesn't the little girl have dinner! This relationship is good. It turns out that the father and daughter are going to have supper! Sisters, follow up, and everyone will behave well in a while. If our family is older Miss is happy, maybe she will be rewarded with money!" A young girl, who is also as beautiful as green jade, walked up gracefully with a group of young girls with a smile on her face.

They all walked through the path in front of everyone very gracefully and naturally, and walked straight into Xinyue Pavilion.

"Uh! Shui Mo, where is the expert you hired? How long have I been waiting for you!" Yu Yan looked at Shui Mo and asked softly.

Lin Qingshan glanced at Shui Mo and Yu Yan speechlessly, smiled and turned back to the old man Mao Shan and said: "Brother Dao, the old Taoist priest from the Arctic Pavilion you recommended last time, the effect is still there, but his mana is still there After less than half a month, there was no effect anymore. In the past few years, monks and priests have come to cast spells one after another, but they all ended up without a problem, and it has no effect at all! To be honest, I have long wanted to ask the teacher brother, But I'm afraid that the little girl will be unhappy. After all, she has no hope for this one."

"Hehehehe! Brother, you are serious, you are serious! The things in Miss's dreams seem to be true, half-truths and half-truths, and the demons in her dreams are also good and evil. Each is his master. If you want Miss to be safe and happy from now on The nightmare is no more, just because the young lady lost an important item when she was reincarnated, so there is a public case! Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable." Maoshan old man bowed to Commander Lin.

"Important item! What item...? Brother Dao, tell me, I'll send someone to look for it." Lin Qingshan said confidently.

Yes, in the entire Jinling City, there are still things that Jinyiwei can't do?
Obviously, that's impossible.

"Brother Dao, I don't know if this object was lost on Huangquan Road, on Naihe Bridge, or on the way to death! Where can I find it? Hahahaha, Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable. Heavenly secrets are not revealed, poor Daoist It’s also powerless!” Mao Shan said with a helpless smile to Lin Qingshan.

Everyone listened to what he said was strange, no one dared to intervene, and everyone pretended to be helpless and sad.

A few fairy-like servants buried themselves in arranging the food, wine and dishes, and quietly retreated out.

"It's okay, it's okay! Think of it as dancing with demons, having fun with demons, and playing with the world. It's fine, fine, with ink and wash, I'm not afraid of anything. Dad, please take a seat." , the moon will slip away in a while." Yuyan smiled and said disapprovingly.

Actually!How could she be as relaxed as she said!

The ghost press is already very uncomfortable, and the ghosts and ghosts rush into the dream, how can it really feel good? . . . . . .

During the dinner, everyone deliberately avoided such topics, only talking about Fengyue, not about evil spirits and heretics.

After drinking for three rounds, just when everyone was happy, Shui Mo stood up suddenly and asked the old man Maoshan: "Master! You know that thing is lost, but you don't know where it went. What kind of relationship is good? Where it came from, you old man must know. Don't you?"

"Ah! The secrets must not be leaked! The cock crowing and the dog stealing the chicken coop, and the beggars jumping over the wall to attract the gods. Once the magic came up, the heavenly secrets came out, and they came out of the rivers and lakes to carry wine. The words of the immeasurable gods, the little gods, are really hard for the old man. It’s really confusing to those involved, but to the onlookers! However, everything has its own will, and when the flowers bloom to see the Buddha, the merits will come naturally. Don’t worry! Don’t worry!” Maoshan old man said with a smile.

"Drink it up! Drink it up! The saint respects ghosts and gods and stays away. Such a beautiful view of willow branches on the moon and after dusk, we can't just talk about the wind and moon heretics! Hahaha, we have taken it all The time and place are right for the pretty people! It’s just a pity that a group of gentlemen are only circling around the little jade girl! Hahahahaha!” Lin Qingshan saw that the old man Maoshan was bewildered, so he deliberately changed the subject.

In the sultry night, the Qinhuai River painting boats wandered leisurely and leisurely under the Xinyue Pavilion, and the voices of beauties and scholars flirting and cursing kept coming.

"Why don't you go to Huafanglou and invite a few beauties to accompany you, and let's pretend to be gentle scum, how about it?" The little leader of the black dragon smiled and said to the young general of the white dragon beside him.

"Go, go! All of you kids, go and go! Let us old bastards talk about ourselves next month." Lin Qingshan encouraged his subordinates.

The ship merchant's daughter of the Huafang building died in the sound of the country, and the lanterns first came to the head of the willow.

Daming, on the banks of the Qinhuai River, a group of reckless young generals stood at the head of the Deyue Bridge on the Deyue platform, yelling for the boatman to come to the ferry.

Night, slightly cool!

People's hearts are restless.

 Don't ask for anything, just try to write down.

(End of this chapter)

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