
Chapter 282, Protecting Destined People.

Chapter 282, Protecting the Predestined Person ([-]).

"It's him again! This bastard is playing tricks on us all day long." Heilong cursed angrily.

In Jinling City, the red sun, white moon, east and west once again complement each other.

The snow on the road is also melting rapidly under the bombardment of the super strong air current of the battle between gods and demons.

Counting from the beginning of looking for a destined person, today is the morning of the fifth day, and it has been snowing for three days.

The sporadic white snow and silt mixed with the water made it very difficult to walk on the road.

The spider spirit retreated to Maicheng, and continued to lay nets to collect diseases and insect pests.

Because her dead body was seriously poisoned, and in order to extinguish the rat spirits, she caused disasters. On that snowy night, she had already received an ultimatum from Lao He Qiuyue: order her to quit the ancient city of Jinling, and she must go all the way for her. Those who are really destined to clear the obstacles along the way must not make mistakes.

So from Xuanwu Lake to Wumadu, marching all the way in a hurry, there is not a single spider spirit blocking the way, and there are no other monsters.

"Who is that mysterious person? Why does he hide in a black cloud and sigh every time our opponent is killed?" Holy Spirit asked the black dragon helplessly.

"This guy...! Hey!... I can't figure it out either. It stands to reason that such a small black cloud should not be enough to provide him with a hiding place! It's a pity that he is hiding in it, and it can still let us I can't catch him! I can only hear his voice but not see him, and his skills are really good." Heilong sighed and said to Holy Spirit.

While hurrying towards the Shogunate Mountain, everyone kept carefully checking the surrounding environment while discussing the mysterious figure in a low voice.

Just when they arrived at the village entrance of the Shogunate Villa, a group of men in black, a group of men in blue and a group of purple shirts surrounded the path into the village with a water pavilion. Hu is still in the negotiation, so no one makes a lot of noise.

The air in the shogunate villa is heavy, and every house is closed, so that the sound of fallen leaves hitting the ground in winter can be heard.

"Sun Bie! You quietly lean over to find out what they want to do." Heilong whispered to Sun Bie.

Yu Yan and Shui Mo led the group to a stop 500 meters away, watching with cold eyes.

Sun Bietu fled and stopped more than 100 meters away from the group of people.

It's not because there is a huge boulder in front, because Sun Bie's earth escape technique is not afraid of metal and stone, but the opponent also has earth escape masters lying in ambush about 50 meters away from the group of people, one person to the east, one person to the west, and one person to the south. It seems that the underground is also under control.

Although Sun Bie is good at Tudun, it's a pity that his hearing is not good!

He tried to concentrate but couldn't hear what the group of people were saying.

It was just vaguely hearing that they seemed to be talking about predestined people in the heavens.

Sun Bie lurked for a long time, but couldn't get any useful news, so he turned back.

"Have you found out clearly? What exactly do they want to do?" Heilong asked Sun Bie in a low voice.

"I can't hear you clearly, they sent people to guard it underground! Except for the north side near the Yangtze River, I don't know if there is anyone there, and the other three directions are guarded by a master of Tudun. It seems vaguely saying that we are destined people matters." Sun Bie also whispered to everyone.

"Ah! Uncle, senior brother and I, bring the three of us over there with Tu Xingqingyun, quietly clean up those three guys who are guarding the ground, and then play by ear." Pixiu and the black dragon begged for orders.

"Ah!... Shouldn't my little master agree? Why have you all gone to find the black dragon? Do you still have the squad leader and deputy squad leader that we voted for with a show of hands? Haha mirror, one by one, all the time Don't play cards according to routine." Suan Ni said displeased.

"That's right, Heilong, I still have to ask Miss Yuyan what she means, don't always make up your own mind." The Holy Spirit also reminded Heilong in a low voice.

"Hey! She hasn't spoken all the time. My master helped her worry a little bit. Miss, do you think the method Pixiu said is feasible? If it is feasible, it is better to make a decision early to avoid long nights and dreams." The black dragon said softly Ask Rain Flue.

"Master, yes. Let Brother Pixiu take the two of them to pull out the hidden underground wires, so that we can do things. Ink ink, let the fairy eyes see who they are." Yuyan spoke softly with her Everyone said.

"Go! Pixiu, don't make too much noise below, and don't disturb the three groups of guys on the ground with unknown intentions." The black dragon was overjoyed, and said to Pixiu with a smile.

"Don't be brave, if you can't do it, I will come first, let's think of other ways to cross the river." Miao Miao brushed her hair back and said to Pai Xiu in a low voice.

"I know. Where are we going?" Pixiu said, and went underground.

When Tu Xingqingyun saw him, he and Sun Bie went underground one after the other.

Xiao Xianyan listened to Yu Yan's words, and she liked to ignore them at all. She smiled faintly in the ink painting sky and said, "It's only such a short distance, why should I go out? It's just three bandits of robbers. Haven't caught anyone who is destined yet! Everyone is already arguing about how to divide the account. No need to look, Jinyiwei's imitation version of the green, white and black three dragons is negotiating with the East and West factories!"

"In this way, we can add some firewood to them and keep them warm. We'd better fight if they fight so we can get something out of it!" Shui Mo saw the other party's plan clearly and said to everyone with a smile.

"Loli! You and Sister Xiaotian find a big tree to hide around here, and wait for them to fall into the trap. After a while, after the hidden piles are pulled out, if they don't leave, we will wipe them out "Yu Yan whispered to Ming Tianzi and Little Lolita.

"Sister Yuyan, why don't I go to the top of the cloud to see if there are other monsters guarding the sky." Muyun Beast has kept silent all this time, seeing that Yuyan is about to make a move, he volunteered and said .

"You can go, but you have to promise me, be careful, that mysterious man has not left yet! If he hides in your cloud worm, you will be in danger. I have heard it said: that guy In my uncle's Caotou army, everyone can come and go freely, and they don't take my uncle seriously at all! And I have arrested him many times, and let him slip away...you have to be careful." Worriedly exhorting Muyun Beast said.

"Squad leader, then I will go with Muyun Beast, so I can take care of you." Nenyazi Babadi and Yuyan pleaded for help.

"Hey hey hey! You kid must have no good intentions." Heilong started to lose his shape again, he said with a smirk.

"Uncle! What are you thinking?" Nen Yazai blushed and said thickly.

"You go with others. I'm used to being alone, and I'm not used to cooperating with others." Muyun Beast rejected Nianyazai's offer without hesitation, and said coldly.

"Hey...! Why am I not used to being alone? Isn't it because you are taken away by someone?" Nenyazi said with a wry smile.

Yu Yan and Shui Mo deliberately pretended not to hear their conversation, and let them go on nonsense.

Luoli and Ming Tianzi quietly hid themselves on the big pear tree beside the road, and quietly lay in ambush.

. . . . . .

Not to mention Yuyan and the others watched Nianyazai want to go up to the cloud to defend with Muyun Beast, but Muyun Beast was unwilling to kill him, so he flew into the depths of the cloud alone.

It is only said that Paixiu took Sun Bie and Tu Xing Qingyun to the place 50 meters away from the underground pile in the east of the Shogunate Villa, and saw a white-haired old man sitting firmly in the middle of the granite rocks in front of him, smoking a dry pipe leisurely. , kept coughing.

"Senior brother, I'm not his opponent. This old guy is in the rock as if in the water, he's not shabby at all!" Tu Xingqingyun said to Pixiu with a sad voice.

"Let's go to the west to have a look! Then we'll make the final decision. Let's go!" Pixiu said, and led Sun Bie and Tu Xing Qingyun back to the west.

I don't know if I don't come, I'll be shocked when I come!
You said that the oriental granite is considered hard, so the ones in the west are not much better!

All pig liver-colored black iron stones, the hardness is simply unbelievable!Don't be too nice.

Inside the black iron stone, a child with a braided braid was sitting steadily, holding a laser cutting beam in his hand, and was cutting the black iron stone in front of him one by one, hehehehe smile.

This kid, he is so confident that he has no intention of hiding his existence at all!

"This guy really doesn't know that there is a sky beyond the sky, the green hills outside the mountains and the buildings outside the buildings! He doesn't believe that there will be such a master of escapism among us who can pass through walls and stones! But, what he didn't expect is that we all He's a god, he wouldn't take such trivial things seriously!" Pixiu said with a smile to Sun Bie and Tu Xing Qingyun.

Seeing the child's silly look, Sun Bie frowned, smiled and said to Pixiu: "Junior Brother, I will leave the little guy over here to you, and I will deal with that old man. Let's go to the south to have a look. If it doesn’t work, let’s give Qingyun a ray of soul power each, and then the three brothers will attack the opponent at the same time, trying to kill them with one move, without making any noise.”

"Hey...no one is my opponent, how can I continue this battle?" Tu Xingqingyun said helplessly.

"You're saying the opposite! It's not that you don't have an opponent, it's that you are no one's opponent, okay!" Sun Bie said to Tu Xing Qingyun with a smile.

"They all mean the same thing! That's what I think." Tu Xingqingyun sighed helplessly again.

"No hurry! Eastern wood, western gold, and southern fire, the south will definitely be the best location." Pixiu patiently explained to Tu Xingqingyun.

When the three of them came to the south position and stood still, they couldn't help but secretly laughed.

"I'll go! The city is full of fluffy and soft soil like carbon ash, and we have walked back and forth three times, and no one cares about this situation! Brother Tuxing, this place is really suitable What about you." Sun Bie smiled and said to Tu Xing Qingyun.

"Strange! Where is that person standing in front? Where did he go...?" Sun Bie whispered to Pai Yao and Tu Xing Qingyun.

"The one who came here has walked three times, who is there? Otherwise, would we ignore such an ordinary underground environment? Isn't it because your eyes are blurred?" Pixiu asked Sun Bie in a low voice.

"No! Brother. There was a middle-aged man guarding here before. He was about 1.5 meters tall. He was as big as a bamboo hat, his waist was like a bucket, and his limbs were thick. He looked like an old child." Sun Bie was very said seriously.

"According to your description, isn't he my cousin - Tu Xingsun? Hahahaha! Two brothers, let me deal with him. Let me know when you do it, and I will take him in immediately." Xing Qingyun said to Pixiu and Sun Bie with a smile.

"Pay attention to safety! Don't make too much noise. He must be destroyed, and he must be destroyed immediately, so as not to leave any trouble. Remember, he is not a descendant of Tu Xing. Even if he is a descendant of Tu Xing, follow your Tu Xing Qingyun is also out of reach. Do you know? This Tu Xingsun is just a nickname, not a surname." Pai Yao repeatedly urged Tu Xing Qingyun to come.

"But, what about this kid? Could it be that he can also transform into a heavy metal?" Sun Bie started talking to himself.

"Impossible! Transforming into a heavy metal is an old unique skill, and it cannot be passed on to the outside world. What's more, if you transform into a heavy metal underground, if you don't grasp it well, you will never recover! You know, heavy metal particles are small. The weight is not light, if you are not careful, you will sink forever, and you will never return to the surface of the earth! So, I'm sure he won't." Pixiu said very confidently.

"Among the Celestial Immortals, apart from the golden boy and jade girl, the little fairy who has followed the elder for the longest time is you, senior brother! I believe everything you say, but... where did the guy that senior senior brother saw go?... Could it be , Someone made an advance move and cleaned him up?" Tu Xingqingyun said in bewilderment.

"Junior brother! That guy is Jin Yiwei's young man. He is human. Although he has the ability to escape from the ground, he is short of breath when he is underground. I guess he sneaked out to take a breath. Listen, someone is breathing heavily on the top Let's go!" Sun Bie whispered to Pixiu and Tu Xing Qingyun.

"Haha! Boy, look, your feet are still in the dirt!"

After listening to Sun Bie's words, Tu Xingqingyun suddenly raised his head, and saw inside the rare earth 50 meters away, his two big feet were still shaking!So he laughed.

"Yes! I slipped my head out to take a breath, but the skin needs to breathe too! He won't last long, so hurry up! Brother Tu Xing, kill him while he is weak. Quick!" Sun Bie urged Tu Xing Qingyun in a low voice Here comes the Tao.

"Dele! I'll give him a little sour taste right away. Hahahaha!" Tu Xingqingyun said, and flew towards the guy.

50 meters, to Tu Xingqingyun, that's just a second away.

(End of this chapter)

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