
Chapter 284, It's the mysterious man again.

Chapter 284, It's the mysterious man again.

Everyone was protecting the little nun, and when they were panicking, they saw three ashen-faced strange figures running out of the dust, laughing and laughing.

"Everyone be on guard! Prepare to fight." Yuyan whispered to the others.

"Little class leader of the Tianxian class, don't do anything! Don't do anything! We are the land here, the mountain god, and the river god in the Yangtze River. Don't do it, don't do it! Little old men have something to say .” An old voice among the visitors shouted to this side from a distance.

"Miss Yuyan, she is the mountain god and land of Mufu Mountain, as well as the old god of finless porpoise." The holy spirit whispered to her beside Yuyan.

"Thank you uncle! I understand." Yuyan smiled and agreed to Holy Spirit in a low voice.

"Everyone put away your weapons, don't be like Sun Monkey, it's not good to scare the old man." Yu Yan said to Shui Mo and the others.

"Hey! Shui Mo, blow the dust for the three old gentlemen." Yuyan said to Shui Mo with a smile.

"Okay, Miss." Shui Mo agreed, and when he was about to go forward to do it, the black dragon quietly held Shui Mo.

"Shui Mo! You are the grandson-in-law of God's family, don't harm the land and mountain gods. Bei Guofeng, why are you still standing there? Do you want the masters to invite you?" Heilong shouted loudly at Bei Guofeng.

"Okay, teacher." Bei Guofeng agreed, took off the little black felt hat on his head, and slapped it lightly in the direction of the three old people.

A kamikaze blew up on the ground, and the three old men were almost not blown away. They supported each other crookedly, and tried their best to come against the wind, walking staggeringly and very hard.

"What a strong wind! Is it the kamikaze coming down from the Flame Mountain? It's so powerful!" The land master tried to stabilize his body, buried his head, and said every word with great effort.

"No! No! This is the fairy wind, which is different from the magic wind." The mountain god said to the land master with a smile.

"Yeah! It's the divine wind sent by the gods to Qingyun, not the demonic wind. It has a fresh and refined taste, very pure." The old finless porpoise also laughed and said.

After the wind passed, three gray-haired old men walked up to Yu Yan and Shui Mo with a smile.

"You old gods, what wind brought you here?" Yuyan said with a smile.

Seeing Yu Yan's questioning, the three old men were about to kowtow.

Yu Yan immediately helped them up and said: "Old man, you can't do it!"

"Hey! I'm talking about the land master, the shogunate mountain god, and you—the finless porpoise old fairy, which one are you singing? Let a group of rabble block the way of the golden boy and jade girl, what should you do?" The black dragon saw Yu Yan had a good temper, so she asked the three little gods who were in charge very unhappily.

"Hey! Venerable Black Dragon, you don't know. If you hadn't come, that damned person wouldn't know how long he would have imprisoned us!" The Land Master said helplessly.

"Who...? Dare to touch the land of the mountain gods in the real heaven, and the old finless porpoise? Which one is it? Stand up for Grandpa Heilong." Heilong immediately lost his composure when he heard the words of the land master. He yelled loudly and said.

"Hey! God of War, keep your voice down, don't let him hear you. That guy is very fierce. He came from the north during the heavy snow a few days ago, and said he was going to rob and kill a person we are really destined for here. What! Don't let him listen to it, or it will be really terrible!" The old finless porpoise also begged.

"Everyone, calm down. All the golden boys and girls from the real world are here, are you still afraid of him being a little girl who hides and hides? Let me tell you a few, don't be scared by a thief. Don't worry, we will catch him He explained to each of them. Distorting mirror!" Suan Ni laughed loudly and said.

"Honorable Black Dragon, Teacher Holy Spirit, it's not that the little gods are disrespectful, it's because that guy's magic power is too strong, we can't beat him!" The mountain god also begged.

"Don't make any noise! ​​What's so special about that person, let's talk about it carefully." Seeing Yu Yan, Shui Mo ignored her, knowing that her identity was here, and it was really not easy to worry too much about it. There was nothing more to say about trivial matters, so he spoke up.

"Three old gentlemen, since this is the case, if you don't mind, tell me about the background of that person! Why are they robbing and killing the predestined person?" The holy spirit said to the three old gods with a shallow smile.

"Hey! Teacher Holy Spirit, it's not that the little gods are unprofessional, but that guy is too fierce and domineering. As soon as he came, he called the three of us together, saying that he wanted to requisition our territory for a big event in the Tian family. Let him take out the instructions from the heavenly spirit, and that guy will be tough. We couldn't beat him, and he locked him in the cave below Yanziji until the sky fell and the earth fell just now, and his spell failed. We I just came out. I didn’t care about many things, and rushed to report to the little fairy squad leader, so I was a little abrupt. It’s really a sin! A sin! If you want to talk about his origin, we don’t know! Just listen to him: He is here to take back the predestined people on behalf of the heavens." The land master answered the Holy Spirit's question in a low voice.

"Okay!... Is that guy you mentioned still in Shogun Mountain?" Shui Mo asked in a low voice.

"Back to the little God of War, that guy came and went without a trace. Until now we don't know if he is still in the Shogunate Villa!!! However, there are people behind him. It is said that he is a super god of war in the heavens, And...he was the Jade Emperor's secretary!" The finless porpoise old fairy said hesitantly.

"Wait, wait first. What did you just say? Whose secretary did you say he was?...Who told you?...?" Heilong suddenly became vigilant and asked the three elders Immortal said.

"It was said by two witches from the north. By the way, they also brought a child, a child with a bigger fart, who stumbled and seemed to have a problem with his brain. They kept screaming to find God, let’s play games together!" The land master told the truth helplessly.

"What what? You want to play games with God? Isn't this a joke? Then why doesn't he go to the sky? If he is still running around on the ground, he must be a monster. How can there be a fairy who is still shouting and competing with the sky all day long?" What about it? It must be a little devil." Suan Ni interjected unhappily.

"That's right! This person should be sent to a mental hospital." Qilin also said very unhappy.

"Everyone, stop arguing! Listen to the three old gods." Yu Yan finally spoke.

"Three seniors, I want to ask another question. With the hundred and ten eunuchs and Jin Yiwei in front, they want to snatch people from us, isn't it just a dream? Could it be that you three just look like them? The Great God still can't cure them?" Shui Mo continued to ask.

"Hey! Little God of War! It's not that our third brother doesn't want to fight, it's that we can't beat them! They are not Jin Yiwei and eunuchs, but a group of Voldemorts! In this Jinling City, our third brother has eaten their food Loss. By the way, Zhongshan Qingfeng Xia has also suffered a lot from them! But everyone dare not speak out!" said the mountain god angrily.

"Why?" Pai Yao also felt strange, so he also asked.

"Uh...uh! This... this..." The three local mountain gods, Jiang Xian, faltered and said.

"Hesitating, how do you look like a god? I'm really worried about God. I really feel unworthy of using a magistrate like you." Heilong said very unhappy.

"Honorable Black Dragon! Didn't you three brothers say that? Besides, Lin Qingshan, the commander of Jinyiwei, has already been eaten by you, and you are still pretending to lie to the little God of War here?" The land master was cruel and closed his eyes. Waiting for death to complete the Tao in one go.

"Hey hey hey! Land, don't spitting blood! Our three brothers are close relatives of God's family, why do we have to fight against God? And... when have we eaten human flesh? How can we make Lin Qingshan ashes? I ate all of them and I don’t even know?..." Heilong looked at Yuyan and Shuimo, and asked the Land Master in fear.

"Eh! Can old people eat people? Hehehehe, he is afraid that Lin Qingshan will snatch his own daughter away! Hehehehe...!" Yu Yan couldn't help laughing and said.

"Ah!...Little class leader, we didn't say that Mr. cannibalism!" The finless porpoise old fairy blew his beard and stared.

"Didn't you say that the three Heilong brothers ate people and joined forces with a group of eunuchs to snatch those who were really destined? Would you deny it again?" Holy Spirit said to them with a smile.

"Hey! Teacher Holy Spirit, we are not talking about sir. We are talking about the three little commanders of the Jinyiwei: Qinglong, Bailong, and this one in front of you." Shogun Mountain God swallowed and said, sniffling.

"Ah...! Your black pot and iron hats are really well put on! My black dragon God of War in Haitian Miaoyin Wonderland is evil, and eating a few cows is no problem, eating people...? I don't have that appetite." Black Dragon Almost speechless, he explained to everyone.

"There is no need to explain! We all have a mirror in our hearts." Yuyan smiled and said to Heilong in a low voice.

"That's right! Three seniors, you all have white beards (fairy language: thick meaning), how do you talk like a child?...!" Pixiu couldn't bear it anymore, and directly Said locally.

"That's right! Three, I can still trust this black dragon master who kills people, but I dare not communicate with them if he eats people. What's more, there are also the leaders of the eight dragons and the 28 stars?" Miao Miao didn't believe it either. said.

"Then... this..." the three gray-haired old gods stuttered again.

"Stop talking nonsense. Old fairy finless porpoise, you are our old family member of Haitian Miaoyin Wonderland! Do you believe this kind of nonsense?" Black Dragon said to the old finless porpoise very displeased.

"Brother! You told me all about stealing my ancestor's iron rooster eggs when I was a child, can I not believe you?..." The finless porpoise old fairy said helplessly to the black dragon.

"Hey! You three, you three, you old bastards, don't you know how to try his authenticity? Use the real sound transmission method." Heilong also said very helplessly.

"Heilong God of War, he called us out by using the true sound transmission method, and even reprimanded the three of us severely!" Land Master buried his head in his chest, and said to Heilong in a soft voice.

"Hey!... I'm so pissed off! I'm so pissed off! You pedantic and sour scholars, you don't have a brain at all, you are all stupid! Will the three of us scare our own family? What's more, the three of us Brothers don’t have that guts either! If that’s the case, needless to say, God will punish us, even a shabby scholar in our family who is worse than you, he will curse us to death. If you don’t go to hell, you’ll have to peel off your skin. I’m so pissed off !...It really made me mad." Heilong was so anxious that he could only spin around, walking back and forth on the spot.

Everyone didn't dare to speak anymore, they all lowered their heads, not daring to touch the bad head of the old black dragon.

Only Yuyan, Shuimo and Shengsheng looked at Heilong with a smile and scolded his old brother.

"Especially you, old fairy finless porpoise, you don't have any fucking brains. Would I blackmail my brothers with their pigtails? Did I call out to my brothers when I was struck by thunder and lightning? No way! I, Old Hei, have always been used to being alone, and I never easily frighten people, Lord, don’t you know?” Heilong continued angrily.

"Don't get angry! Black Three." Yuyan said lightly.

"But they..." Black Dragon said to Yuyan angrily.

"Heilong, don't distinguish between master and servant! The lady has already given you face before telling you to shut up. It's almost enough." Holy Spirit also laughed and blamed Hei and said.

"It's okay, uncle. We have been framed again, this is." Yuyan smiled and said to Holy Spirit.

"Don't you guys doubt the identities of the three dragons at all?" Shui Mo asked the land master and the others with a smile.

"Doubt... I really don't have any, and I don't dare. What if they are beaten? After all, they are the famous God of War of the generation. Besides, if they are really annoyed, wouldn't they have to be shown in the show? Is it history? I will definitely be beaten up with a black nose and a swollen face." The mountain god said with an embarrassed smile.

"Hey! That's all. I doubted their true identities. They kept saying that they were the three dragons of blue, white and black in the Wonderland of Haitian Miaoyin, but when it rained, they ran faster than anyone else! I also doubted them at that time , but the ghosts are obsessed, but let the doubts pass by.... Hey! The key is that they can't beat them! And they have a large number of people, and now they are joining forces with the eunuchs, so it is even more difficult to deal with." The finless porpoise. The old fairy said helplessly.

"Okay, okay! Don't talk about it. Everyone packs up and prepares to enter the Shogunate Villa. When meeting gods and killing gods, and Buddhas, killing Buddhas, meeting ghosts and demons, no future troubles will be left!" Yuyan said coldly.

Looking at it from this angle, Yuyan did indeed have a little shadow of Qiuyue.

(End of this chapter)

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