
Chapter 290 Returning on a snowy night.

Chapter 290, Returning on a Snowy Night ([-]).

"Jiangxue sees no one, and there are voices everywhere. Occasionally, I pass by the fairyland, and I return to people on a snowy night. Jiangnan and Jiangbei point to fairy fate, and the fairy who plays in the world of mortals rests on a railing. The same is true of wisdom and ignorance. Flying snow cooks tea and jade produces smoke. Last night, a foreigner came to my house by riding a crane?..."

A skinny little old man, striding downstream in the wind and snow, gliding quickly like stepping on a sled on the frozen river.

Seeing that he is about to run into the camp of the little fairy who is imitating the gentlemen of the world, Ye Xue, fishing in the cold river...!
However, when he was about to meet the Black Dragon and their bows, he suddenly turned a corner, bypassed the place where the little fairies were playing and frolicking, and went away singing loudly.

"A strange man! He seems to know our existence." Yu Yan said to Shui Mo with a small smile.

"Yeah! The meaning in his song is that he wants to invite us to his house." Shui Mo also laughed, looking at the back of the old man who was gone, he said to Yu Yan very enviously.

"Don't be like the old man! We still have a lot of things to do. Besides, if we don't help them clean up the mess left behind by Lao and Sister Yue, who will clean it up? Besides, Lao will take care of our little fairy The team is formed, we can't just get rid of it, can we?" Yu Yanyu said to Shui Mo earnestly.

"I see, Miss." Shui Mo said to Yu Yan with a smirk.

"Well! It's good to know. They don't necessarily want to invite us! Isn't the person riding the crane the Antarctic fairy? Hehehe, the old fairy has leaked our tracks!" Yu Yan patted Ink's small head laughed and said.

"Hey! Miss, stop patting my head, I'll be even more stupid! Little Shui Mo is already very stupid, so don't just pat people on the head all the time, okay? "Shui Mo said softly to Yu Yan helplessly.

"If you don't shoot you, you won't be so smart! If you shoot, you won't be so stupid. Let's hurry up and row downstream! Don't let your little sisters get too playful, and then forget about the business It's troublesome." Yu Yan smiled at Shui Mo.

"Yeah!...Suanni, Qilin. Hurry up, both of you, speed up." Shui Mo urged their pets to come with a smile.

"Understood, master." Suan Ni agreed, speeding up the taxiing speed, the boat jumped up with a whoosh, and flew towards the mouth of the sea outside Nantong City.

When Xiaoqingniu and Pixiu were about to start beating the frozen river, they saw a small boat slipping from their bows and gliding downstream quickly, each of them broke out in a cold sweat.

Just when everyone was about to curse, they heard the voices of Suanni and Qilin coming from far downstream, saying, "Brothers, our little master has something to say at the gathering outside Langshan in Nantong City! let's play."

"Hey! These two children are a little anxious." Heilong looked at the boat passing by their bow, sighed and said to the holy spirit.

"Let's catch up too! Don't play around, it's important to do business." As the Holy Spirit said, he secretly released a wisp of immortal energy and soul power, and drove the boat towards Nantong like flying.

Yu Yan and Shui Mo saw that the Buddha's light was shining on Wolf Mountain, shrouded in auspicious clouds, and the sky was full of rays of light, so they asked Suan Ni and Qi Lin to take the boat to the shore and come together to the Daxiong Palace on the mountain.

There was not a single person making noise on the mountain, but there were countless strange creatures, and everyone was listening to the Bodhisattva's lecture seriously.

Yu Yan and Shui Mo didn't know which one is the lotus seat of the Bodhisattva here, so they raised their eyes on the platform outside the altar, looked at the Yangtze River water rolling into the sea, and waited for the arrival of the black dragon and the Holy Spirit.

After a while, the Black Dragon and the Holy Spirit also arrived, and the blue of the sea and the sky flooded around the blue lotus flower bed in Langshan, spreading to the outer circle circle after circle.

"Namo Amitabha Buddha! A god has come to our blue crystal palace. All disciples get up, let's welcome the gods and immortals!" The Bodhisattva said, and gently threw a lotus petal at the foot of Langshan Mountain where the wind and snow were blowing. , The countless auspicious clouds and umbrellas spread all the way from the foot of the mountain to the Buddhist hall.

For a time, the sound of Buddha on Langshan Mountain was mighty, full of fairy spirit, making people feel very comfortable and at ease!
Seeing the Bodhisattva leading the way, all the immortals turned on their divine light, stepped on the sky-blue light waves, and walked into the Buddhist hall quietly and imposingly.

"Namo Amitabha! Black Dragon, what kind of wind brought you to my thatched cottage on Wolf Mountain? You also brought so many little fairies with you. You guys are preparing for the Little Fairy Conference! I heard that, Didn't you follow the old Daitian to collect your soul? Why do you still have the leisure to go to the cold mountain and wild place like a monk?" Bodhisattva said to the black dragon with a smile.

"Don't dare to lie to the Bodhisattva! We are going to the Daming Mansion in the north to get rid of Mowei Dao and send those who are destined to go back to heaven! Qinglong and Bailong are waiting for us in Daming Mansion right now, because there is heavy snow and rain. Yan wanted to experience the pedantic ways of Yexue Hanjiang at Hongchen Inn, so he came all the way from Jinling City along the river." The black dragon prostrated itself on the ground, bowing to the Bodhisattva.

"Then the person next to you should be the old right-hand man Jiutian Holy Spirit?" Bodhisattva asked the black dragon.

"Return to the Bodhisattva, yes." The black dragon agreed honestly.

"Namo Amitabha! Black Dragon, you are already an eight-part heavenly dragon, so don't kowtow to me anymore, get up quickly! Let others laugh at you." Bodhisattva pulled the black dragon up and said to him with a smile.

"These are students of me and the Holy Spirit. It's okay for them to smile. Bodhisattva, I've been playing games outside the sky, and left a lot of mess to the Holy Spirit and me. Tell me, we can still complete what he and Qiuyue have not done. What about your career? I hope the Bodhisattva will give you more advice." Heilong and the Bodhisattva clasped together and asked.

"Your journey follows the sky, your name has no beginning, and it is carried by the sky. There are newcomers from the earth coming from the north. You can't stop it. This is the destiny that cannot be violated. Nanmo Amitabha! Black dragon, after sending off the destined people, Hurry up and go back to the Immortal Academy! Don’t toss around like this in the Red Dust Inn, and be careful that your eyes will be blinded by the world of the Red Dust, then you will be in trouble. Namo Amitabha!” Bodhisattva said to the black dragon earnestly.

"Thank you, Bodhisattva! My disciples will keep the teachings in mind and dare not forget them. I will return to the heavens after sending off the destined people on this trip, and I will never go down to the mortal world to disturb the mortal world again. Thank you Bodhisattva! Namo Amitabha." The black dragon gave the Bodhisattva respectfully He kowtowed again and said.

"Didn't you have many little fairies here? Call them all in!" Bodhisattva said to the black dragon.

"Come in, everyone! The Bodhisattva wants to see everyone." The holy spirit whispered to Yuyan and the others who were looking up at the platform outside the Buddhist hall, looking at the wonders of mountains, rivers, snow, sea, and sky.

"Hehe! Little master, your uncle turned out to be the little follower of Bodhisattva in the past! I said he was so arrogant when he saw his old age, why did he behave like a little fairy cat when he saw Bodhisattva! Ha ha mirror! This Now I know his weakness! Next time he dares to mess with me, I will poke his weakness. Hahahaha, what a distorting mirror!" Suan Ni laughed loudly.

"Namo Amitabha! Suan Ni, Buddha bless you. Are you still not coming in?" Bodhisattva laughed and said.

"Go in, let's all go in." As soon as Suan Ni was happy, she rushed in without hesitation.

"Namo Amitabha Buddha! This time following the golden boy and jade girl's red dust inn to go through the calamity, and to meet the great strength Bodhisattva in the wolf mountain, it is really wonderful! Bodhisattva, Suan Ni is right." Suan Ni and Bodhisattva have strange yin and yang He put his palms together and asked and stood up.

"Namo Amitabha Buddha! My Buddha is merciful, and my goal is to save all living beings. Visit the Bodhisattva, and give the sea and sky a peaceful night, so that all living beings are safe and all living beings are safe! Namo Amitabha." As soon as Shui Mo entered the Buddhist altar, he knelt down and worshiped Go down and bow to the Bodhisattva to salute.

"Get up quickly! You are Xiao Shui Mo? The little son-in-law of the Tian family?... Very good, very good! Immortal energy, soul power and spiritual energy are both first-class, and you are indeed a good seedling. I heard that you have learned Most of the magical skills in the Dragon Scale Book of Haitian Miaoyin Fairyland, are they true?" Bodhisattva helped Shui Mo up with a smile, and asked him with a smile.

"Returning to Bodhisattva, I just learned the basics, and I'm not as good as Master!" Shui Mo said to Bodhisattva with a smile.

"It's okay, take your time, the effect will be better if you use it a few more times." Bodhisattva touched Xiao Shuimo's head, smiled and comforted him.

"Thank you Bodhisattva! Ink Mo will keep the teachings in mind and dare not slack off. He will continue to practice bravely and diligently." Ink Mo said to Bodhisattva childishly.

Looking back, I saw Yuyan, Nianyazai, Lolita and the others, chatting and laughing with the bodhisattvas, ghosts, ghosts, foxes, Xiaolong Tianzhong, and other disciples. Shui Mo frowned slightly, and said to her dumbfoundedly: "Miss, don't you Have you ever met a Bodhisattva? Kowtow to her old man or something, or I will give you a blessing, okay?"

"Ah...? Why do you look more and more old? When you see Bodhisattvas, monks and Taoists, you have to pay homage to them, regardless of whether you have a relationship with them or not!" Yu Yan said with a smile with Shui Mo unwillingly.

"Don't! Even in front of the Buddha, you can't bear the worship of a jade girl! Namo Amitabha! It's a sin! Ink wash, black dragon, you take the little fairies around, and then go north quickly! The snowy day is suitable for the gods to travel , there will be no interference." The Bodhisattva clasped his hands together and sang the Buddha's name.

"Hey! Isn't it just worshiping the Bodhisattva? I'm going to worship!" Yu Yan led the little fairies and little fairies into the Buddhist hall, and was about to kneel down.

Looking at Yuyan, the Bodhisattva became fascinated, almost lost control, and scared away his soul!
He quickly stood up, quickly stopped Yuyan from worshiping Buddha, and then said: "Namo Amitabha Buddha! If you think about it before being worshiped by the goddess, it is already very ominous! Namo Amitabha Buddha! It’s okay to pay respects to the immortals, but with the bows to the immortals, the cultivation base and merits of the old body in this life will disappear, and it’s snowing at the beginning of the sky!”

Beware of other soul power, immortal energy, and even spiritual power are not particularly high-level, so no one knows that the soul of the Bodhisattva and the mortal body were gently touched by the immortal energy brought up by Yuyan's thought power, so it seems It seemed to be weak, but it was actually a violent vibration!
"Ink and ink! Don't let Yuyan worship the Bodhisattva. If the teacher comes from an unknown teacher, he will be punished by heaven. Don't do that." The holy spirit also saw the danger, and immediately said to ink and ink very seriously.

"Ah!...Grandma, why!" Shui Mo asked puzzled.

"Because the Bodhisattva and Yuyan have no master-student relationship, and Yuyan is God's little granddaughter, this worship will wipe out Bodhisattva's thousands of years of practice by Yuyan, do you know? You are different, you are Heilong and Lao's disciples can be regarded as the half-disciple of the Bodhisattva, so you can worship him. The most important thing is that you are an earth immortal and not a heavenly immortal, so you can worship or not. However, Yuyan is different. Although he Call Heilong a master, but people don’t worship Heilong, they eat one black three black three, so Heilong has not been affected much. Moreover, Heilong is her third uncle!" Holy Spirit explained carefully to Shuimo with a smile.

"Oh! So that's the case. No wonder the old man and I both want to be her servants! It turns out that she is really the granddaughter of God." Shui Mo said as if waking up from a dream.

"Namo Amitabha! I'm much better, Black Dragon, Teacher Holy Spirit, don't worry about me. Walk around on my Langshan Island, and go north as soon as possible! Don't let Qinglong Bailong wait for you for a long time .For a predestined person, except for the golden boy and jade girl, no one can send him back to heaven!" The Bodhisattva sighed, smiled and said to the black dragon.

"Okay, Bodhisattva." The Holy Spirit agreed.

"Hey! Looking at the sea, but we can't go back. For the sake of Jiuchongtian, we are also desperate. Hahahaha!" Heilong laughed heartily.

"Xuan Ni, are you still awesome? Letting you be my little master's mount is flattering you! You're still annoyed by me all day long! It's a mirror." Qilin and Suan Ni laughed Get up and say.

"Hey! Although you have a celestial master, you are always the same as me, and you are the number of earth immortals! Hahahaha mirror." Suan Ni smiled and said to Qilin.

"Shut up! You two. Go outside and watch out. Don't let the evil heretics get close to the altar of Buddhism, so as not to reveal our tracks." Yu Yan said angrily to their two magic animal pets coldly.

"Understood, master." Suanni and Qilin agreed, then sneaked out, and continued to enjoy the flowers, snow and river sky wolf smoke picture.

"Namo Amitabha Buddha! I hope your trip goes well and everything goes well." The Bodhisattva calmed down the abnormally fluctuating Buddha's heart and said to the little fairies with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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