
Chapter 302, 8-Dimensional Oolong Courtyard.

Chapter 302, Eight-Dimensional Space Oolong Courtyard.

The oolong appears in the oolong courtyard, see the Qingling on the Qingling ancient road!If there is a destiny to help the king, break the clouds and break the soul, the world, and never break the eternal mind.

Seeing Lao Wu set up a gust of wind and led the children all the way eastward, Tianzun smiled and shook his head and said to Laojun and the others: "This black servant, don't let him smell a little bit of war, otherwise No one can stop him except the old man. Just let him go! Lao Jun, you send a message to the old man and tell him that I asked Lao Wu to take the children back to the eight-dimensional space station, and ask him to pay more attention to the old man. Wu, don't let him shake our Yunwu Qiongyu in the real heaven world again! Otherwise, those masters in the magic way will think that there is another demon leader at the level of a god in their demon world!"

"Okay, brother. I understand, I'll pass the information on to him right away." Laojun promised Tianzun with a smile.

After Laojun sent a message, Tianzun led everyone back to the heaven without mentioning it.

In the heaven under the moon in Jinling, there is a majestic bronze pillar, carved with dragons and phoenixes, reaching up to the heaven and reaching down to Jiuyou, with a radius of hundreds of miles, the breeze is blowing, the snowflakes are withering, the spring is coming, the sun is shining, and the new willows are blooming. scene.

This is Jinling City in the first dimension, and it is also a great blessing for the human and heavenly worlds.

The old dean of Wumu walked against the wind, packed up the Black Dragon Holy Spirit, Pixiu Miaomiao, and the other little fairies, and brought them all to the eight-dimensional space station where Yuyan and Ink were suffering.

Passing through the white jade-like barriers woven by water curtains, everyone came to Jinling City in another realm.

This place happens to be a bright moon hanging high at that time, under the cold moon and clear light, there are stars and April sky every year, the breeze is pleasant, the faces of the exquisite creatures are so beautiful, the water and the moon are quiet, the sounds of nature are everywhere, and the sound of the earth The Tao is full of a peaceful fairy thought and spirit of inaction.

Even the demonic people here are full of immortality, and they treat people with kindness and kindness!
Where the air is fresh, the human spirit is different. Looking at the blue sky, Muyun Beast laughed and said, "Old Wu, are you out of the sky? Why aren't there any white clouds?"

The ebony cane... oh!No, he is now a handsome and handsome man in black!Simply compare Tianzun's tone, everyone should call him Laowu to inform.

Seeing that Muyun Beast smirked and asked him why there is no white cloud here, Lao Wu guessed that Xiao Nizi wanted to get some white clouds for him!So he smiled and said to her: "Xiao Muyun, don't say it's white clouds here, there won't be any fog here, if you think it's too clean here, bring some white clouds over here, I won't mind Lao Wu. Ha ha ha ha!"

"Muyun, this is not suitable for your cloud worms. The sky and the ground here are too clean, so clean that it is impossible to feed your little cloud worms. Don't listen to him. Once your cloud worms show up, You will be starved to death!" The holy spirit looked at the overwhelming and cautious blue in the eight-dimensional space, and reminded the Muyun beast in a low voice.

"Isn't this still in Jinling City? Why are there no buildings? It's empty, like the snow field between Luofu Mountain and Lanma Peak, except that there are no snowflakes!" Sun Bie also sighed with everyone. Said.

"Hey! Don't guess, this Jinling is not that Jinling, everyone, don't guess! Come, come, I will show you my Wulongyuan." The ebony crutches said to the big guy with a slight smile.

"Um! Master uncle, are you really the old Wu master who fought with the Jade Emperor? The old director of Wulong Academy tens of thousands of years ago?" Holy Spirit said to the ebony crutches as if he couldn't believe it.

"Hey!... Those things in the past have long been forgotten. What's the point of mentioning it! Holy Spirit, please visit my Oolong Courtyard! Although it has been abandoned for many years, the spiritual energy and immortal energy are still there Come on, everyone can absorb a little bit of spiritual energy here, which will be of great benefit to your cultivation!" Dean Lao Wu said, bowing his waist, and lightly opened an invisible light blue transparent courtyard door. Gently swiped and pulled away, took the lead and walked in.

The holy spirit and the black dragon walked in with a group of little angels, all of whom doubted life.

From the outside, everything is light blue and transparent air, so there is nothing unusual about it!

"Ah! The inside and outside are all the same color as the light blue sky. What's so interesting?... By the way, do you never sleep? Look at your place, it's so empty, there's no place at all. What yard! What are we going to visit? It’s the Wulongyuan! Why don’t you say you’re messing with us? Old Wu, you’re so funny.” Heilong also complained about the ebony crutch in a very puzzled way.

"Don't worry! Don't worry. This place is different from the outside world. You have to abandon all your wishes and thoughts in order to see the true meaning of the eight-dimensional space. If your cultivation is not enough, then close your eyes and follow me Open your eyes when I tell you to open your eyes." The old director of Wulong said with a smile.

"Haha mirror! Isn't it just an eight-dimensional space station? Old Oolong, we respect you as a senior, and everyone is the servant of Mr., so we won't mess with you. Don't rely on the old to sell the old. Haha mirror! This place is It's not a place where magic thoughts and malicious thoughts can stay for a long time. Everyone should just take a good rest and don't worry about it. My little master must be in the dimension space nearby, or else it is also in this space. I can sense It's his breath!" Suan Ni smelled the breath of ink, and became more courageous, and said to Lao Wu very confidently.

"Boy! Don't panic, you will see something you shouldn't see in a while, you should be careful, there is indeed no magic in my Oolongyuan, but it's different in the Qishatian next door! If you enter the Demon Sect territory next door, you will have to suffer! Your little master is surrounded by someone in the five-dimensional space of heaven, earth, humans, gods and demons. It will be different when you arrive at the eighth-dimensional space station and Qishatian. Everywhere is the face of being abused, you really don't believe it.

...Everyone, don't be so busy ridiculing this fantasy space where the spirit power and soul power are second to none, whether it is inside or outside, why don't you take a look at my Wulongyuan first, take a short break, and take you to its side Take a look and take a look, then you will know what the real leader of the Demon Cult is!Grandpa’s distorting mirror, little Suanni, take a good look at it again, is your old Wu grandpa’s Oolong courtyard better than your stinking Honghe or not? "The old dean of Wulong said with a sneer with Suan Ni unhappily.

Hearing the words of the old dean of Wulong, Muyun Beast opened his eyes first, and saw the real fireflies flying all over the sky, which were radiant in front of his eyes, and more wonderful than the fireflies in the world of mortals, slowly flying in front of his eyes like snowflakes. Flying around, humming a fairy song while dancing in the air, it is very fantastic and wonderful.

"Ah... what a fantastic and wonderful place! Isn't this the legendary Wutian Realm?" Muyun Beast sighed softly.

She quietly stretched out her hands like magnolia flowers, trying to hold back those few Liuying who were very domineering and light, smiled again, and gently closed her double eyelids.

Liuying also seemed to understand her intentions, one after another flew down on her palm like snowflakes, melted and penetrated into her skin, turned into streams of clear and transparent blue, entered her body, and merged into her body. The blood went inside.

"Ah! It seems to be in the depths of the Moon Palace, so comfortable!" Muyun Beast sighed softly, as if his soul had been shelled, and his whole body slowly floated up in the air, bringing There are a series of cool light blue tail arc lights, so beautiful!
"Grandpa Oolong, I want it too! I also want to look like sister Muyun beast, so cool and beautiful that I can fly up." Lu Xiaobai heard the soft sigh of Muyun beast, and when he opened his eyes, he saw the flow In the space where the clouds are flying all over the sky, the Muyun Beast flies in the air like a firefly, dancing with the stars and the moon!So he coquettishly said to the ebony crutches.

"Heaven rewards hard work! At the beginning of reincarnation, if you don't change your mind, it's useless to beg Grandpa Wu. You should concentrate on digesting what you see, and then close your eyes. Everything will be as you wish. Give it a try." Don't be afraid." Dean Lao Wu looked at the child in front of him with a smile and said to her patiently.

"Ah...! I floated up as I wanted! There are so many fireflies! They are so beautiful." Lu Xiaobaifei said in amazement behind the Muyun Beast.

"Hush...! Xiaobai, don't speak loudly. Be careful to frighten the Liuying in the fairy air." Muyun Beast heard what Lu Xiaobai said, opened its eyes again, and looked at Lu Xiaobai who was slowly flying towards him , exhorted her in a low voice.

"Wow! It's so beautiful, so amazing! There are so many wonders in the world. The strangest thing I've ever seen should be the beautiful Oolong Courtyard of Dean Wu! Hahaha sister, I'm flying! I'm flying It's gone." Xiao Huayi also yelled in surprise.

A wave of blue fireflies danced in the air in groups, flying back and forth like a rehearsal, transforming the huge Wulongyuan into a paradise of blue flames, a paradise for elves...!
After the little fairies and little fairies were all flying in the sky, Dean Wu slowly stretched out a pair of dead wood-like hands, sucked in a few fireflies, and then floated up.

"Everyone, don't talk loudly, meditate well. Let yourself become Liuying, join the Tianxian fellow practitioners meeting in Wulongyuan, and after walking out of Wulongyuan again, we will all be the leaders of the God of War. Stop talking and enjoy the old Wulong Dean The favor of the eighth-dimensional space station. Hush...!" When the holy spirit floated up, she immediately reminded her students and whispered.

"Hey... no wonder the class leader and the others are coming here. The feeling of flying here is not the same as that of Jiuchongtian! It's much lighter and more chic." Miao Miao couldn't help but said with emotion.

For the first time in his life, Fozi entered the eight-dimensional space station, and there was Dean Lao Wu leading the way. His ordinary, dust-free, and non-purchased Buddhist soul has already integrated with Wulongyuan, with no worries and no worries. The ethereal spirit has gone into this dreamy and bubble-like world.

A trace of smiles flicked across the faces of the little fairies, lingering in front of their fairy eyes, unwilling to leave for a long time.

There is a cool and comfortable atmosphere in the air, lingering around everyone.

It's not the wind, it's the kind of air that flows naturally, even the breeze rippling in the wonderland of Haitian Miaoyin can't compare to its beauty at this moment...!
"Everyone settle down, gather together the souls of the destined dragons, and take you to meet your little master." The old director of Wulong transformed into a crutch with a sky-blue dragon head that could break the sky, floating in mid-air Said to the little fairies.

The celestial eyes of mortal cultivators have not been opened, so they cannot see the existence of Dean Wu.

The little fairies' morality is superficial, and their eyes are not open, so they have not yet seen the truth when they see that Dean Wu is really just a black and filthy crutch with a dragon's head.

Niaoyazai has traveled many times in Wutianjing, so it is much faster to gather spirits at the eight-dimensional space station.

When he opened his eyes again, he saw an old man with a sky blue color as transparent as water, holding a crutch with a dragon's head that was more crystal clear than emeralds, watching everyone dance with the heavenly spirit with a smile, he couldn't help but secretly smiled , said faintly: "Old principal, you are my brother's master! Please be respected by your disciples!"

As he said that, he bowed down out of thin air, and kowtowed three times to Dean Lao Wu.

In the seemingly illusory fairyland, when Nian Yazai knocked his head three times and stood up again, three swollen and painful bumps appeared on his forehead.

He grinned in pain.

"Hey! Nanwu Wuliang Tianzun, Nanwu Qingling Ancient Road's secrets are unpredictable and profound! Yazi, you can't kowtow in the Wutian Realm. Why are you bothering? I blame me for not reminding everyone. In the future, kowtows are not allowed. Do it at the eight-dimensional space station. If everyone kowtows, it will startle the innocent elves, and they will treat you as heretics, and they will beat your foreheads when you are about to fall to the ground. Remember, children We." Dean Lao Wu said, and gently tapped Nianyazai's forehead with his walking stick, and a stream of resentment shot out from the swollen and painful pustules like arrows, and flew out of the eight-dimensional space station.

"Hey... Hey! Thank you, Dean Wu. I've remembered it, so I won't be an example." When Nian Yazai got up, the swelling and pain on his forehead and heart had disappeared without a trace.

A cool and smooth feeling slowly rose from the bottom of his heart, surrounding his limbs and bones, gradually turning him into a little person like a jade soul as transparent as water.

"Everyone keep your original intentions and don't be distracted by distracting thoughts, and you will naturally enter the perfect state of no desires and no desires. I will take you to see your little master in the five-dimensional space next door, one light-year away." Dean Lao Wu A white jade crutch with a faucet that was as transparent as water cleared Nen Yazai's turbid mind and distracting thoughts, and reminded everyone in a low voice.

Nianyazai looked at the Oolongyuan of the space station like a blue flame bottom in front of him, couldn't help but closed his eyes again, and silently entered the best state.

The sky is no longer a sky with smog and white clouds intertwined and rolling.

The land is no longer a glorious land full of trees and overgrown with weeds.

In the Oolong Yard, which is purer and more transparent than Wutian Wonderland, Lao Wu quietly waits for the new Oolong Yard fairies to wake up from their slumber. Captured, not daring to stretch out his hands in front of him carelessly.

The space without impurities is shockingly clean and cautious.

(End of this chapter)

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