
Chapter 306, Gathering in the Devil Realm.

Chapter 306, Gathering in the Devil Realm.

Inside and outside the seven-dimensional space of the demon world, dark clouds are densely covered in the obscure and incomprehensible air, just like the smog in the depths of the world of mortals!
It seems that the dark clouds are deliberately trying to take away the limited air that is not much here, and it is permeated to cover all the blood-red particles that are looking around in the foul-smelling air.

There are also those big and small who are fighting each other, struggling with each other to fight for the thin air, that pair of earth demons and demons, or the deadly battle between demons and demons!
"Grandpa Wu, why have the bodies of Squad Leader Yuyan and Brother Shui Mo remained the same? But we have all become so tall and mighty. Could it be that all of us working together can't beat this mountain in front of them? Is it a magical beast?" Leng Shuiyue has always been the little girl who doesn't talk much, until he saw ink ink and rain smoke, he seemed to have a sense of security, and quietly asked Dean Wu. road.

"Hmm! Wait a minute, when Miss Yuyan and Xiao Shuimo kill those cultivators from the demon world, they will definitely tell us. Then we will know why they didn't turn into giants, but they were safe and sound. You can be so powerful. Don’t worry, Shuiyue.” Lao Wu laughed and said to Xiao Shuiyue in a low voice.

"Strange! Old Wu, why are you so kind to Sister Leng Shuiyue? But you always ignore us? Are you a bit biased?" Lu Xiaobai looked at Lao Wu, very unhappy He asked him bluntly.

"Oh!... Is there any? What do I look like? Oh, I have to pay attention, so that you don't cause mutual suspicion and grudges between you! Otherwise, you won't be able to get out of this seven-dimensional space station in the devil world, because You will fall into their spell, and you will either kill each other or be killed by the other party according to the thought power of this land, and you will never be able to go out of this kind of magic way to destroy others and destroy yourself. It's over!" Lao Wu restrained his smile, and said to Lu Xiaobai and the others solemnly.

"Stop talking, stop talking! It's my fault. Grandpa Wu, can we go down and help the squad leader?" Lu Xiaobai felt something hitting his heart, knowing that resentment and suspicion caused the trouble, so he went Immediately shifted the subject and mind's attention, deliberately asked Lao Wu and said.

"Yeah! Not yet, before you go down, you will be swallowed into the stomach of this mountain-like monster under our feet! Everyone, don't move for now, don't shout, wait. Let Yu Yan and Shui Mo wipe out those cultivating demon spirits." Lao Wu looked at the little fairies and fairy boys mysteriously, and said very calmly.

Yes, before handing over a group of little protectors to the master's children and apprentices, Lao Wu is obliged to protect them intact!One thing more is worse than one thing less, so bear with it for now.

Dean Lao Wu smiled, and made up his mind to himself: "It's very important to think about it! If the enemy doesn't move and I don't move, if the enemy moves, I will move before him, otherwise I will lose the opportunity."

. . . . . .

"If the enemy does not move, I will not move. If the enemy moves, I will move before the enemy. Killing the enemy's head is invisible, soundless, colorless and tasteless.

...Hey hey hey!You are the old oolong of the eight-dimensional space station. Through the screen where the three worlds of immortals, Buddhas and demons reach a consensus, I can see you every day in the world of oriental glazed light on the other side of the barrier!
You also raised a group of very good villain dragons, all of whom are monster-level characters. I am ashamed of myself and bow down! "As soon as the monster like a mountain spoke, the tone was so loud that it was like a strong wind blowing across the ground, and it was accompanied by his saliva like a torrential rain!
. . . . . .

Some self-important monsters were watching Yuyan and Shuimo with relish in their duel with the magic fairy. Suddenly, when the mountain-like monster opened its mouth, it was blown hundreds of meters away. The ground was almost completely submerged by the saliva of the mountain beast!
"Ah!..." A magic fairy with a slightly inferior cultivation base had already been aroused by the tone of the Dashan monster, and his hidden murderous mind was already stirred up. Yu Yan saw the opportunity and cut off his body with a knife. With a strange head, he yelled and fell to the ground.

No one on both sides of the war was frightened by this sudden change. They remained the same, attacking their opponents wholeheartedly, and there was no panic at all!
His three-dimensional skull rolled all the way to the foot of the mountain monster, and was turned into nothingness by the mountain monster's foul breath, extinguishing his resentment.

Immediately afterwards, the blood of his huge headless body poured into the mouth of the mountain-like monster like a fountain.

Although the body of the magic fairy is not very huge, the blood in his body is quite sufficient. After spraying for an hour or two, his body gradually swelled and turned into a green, white and transparent piece like a cicada's wing. A piece of human skin drifted away with the wind...!
There was a rumble in the belly of the mountain-like monster. The old oolong and the black dragon stood on his shoulders, and they could clearly sense the loud noise, the thunderous sound that shook the world without listening carefully. .

"What a terrifying monster! If it turns around and eats us, everyone will not be able to fill his teeth!" Muyun Beast said nervously.

"Don't be afraid! Xiaomu, our position is absolutely safe. It's just below the back of the neck of the big brother of the monster. Let alone his mouth and big hands can't reach it! Only his eyes can see it from the corner of his eye. It's our existence! It's safe, really safe." Nen Ya Zai laughed loudly and said.

"It's so smart! But you guys are really worrying too much. If you don't take down your master, Grandpa Mo Ye wouldn't dare to touch you easily! Distorting mirror! Isn't it right, little 狻猊? And that one who has been silent You little unicorn? Don't play tricks on Grandpa Mo Ye, or I will shoot you all to death." The monster laughed wildly and said.

"Don't dare! Old Warcraft, we all keep quiet with each other, don't get angry, don't get angry! I will borrow your precious body to stay for a while, and we will leave when our little class leader wins." Warcraft said.

"Me and Qilin are just two little monsters in front of the big brother. Don't dare to mess with the big brother. Don't worry." For the first time, Suan Ni never mentioned her own consciousness, just blindly flattering the behemoth , he said very politely.

Under the monster's mountain-like body, Yu Yan and Shui Mo were still fighting with several demon fairies, fighting back and forth.

Including the demon fairy who was killed earlier, there are seven demon heads in total.

They are all wearing Heiyun's clothes, Heiyun's scarf, Heiyun's body and Heiyun's mind... The huge Wu Heiyun sword is danced like a tiger in their hands, so careless.

"These...could they be the seven bodies following Bo Xun? Looking at their backs, they seem to be the seven bodies!" Pai Yao looked at the six people surrounded by ink and rain and smoke who were attacking uninterruptedly, He muttered to himself thoughtfully.

"It seems that the remaining six people are very good. Their swordsmanship is first-class. Sometimes they are like a surging river, and sometimes they are like a trickle of flowing water. It seems that the squad leader and the others will be difficult to eliminate each other for a while!" Muyun Beast looked at The scene where the two sides were evenly matched, one couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"It looks like this! According to the way the two sides play, it may not be possible to tell the winner in 100 years, let alone killing others." Heilong also said angrily. Get up and say.

"Just one helper is needed to kill this group of lawless guys! Hey, unfortunately, we can't go down." Suan Ni howled dryly, almost crying.

"Hey! The savior is important, I can't take care of that much anymore!...Suan Ni, you are on the left and I am on the right. If you risk your life, you will go down to help the masters!" Qilin roared loudly.

"Hey! Little Suanni, if you really have the guts, the old devil grandpa will shut up for a minute and stop breathing. Come down quickly! Six beat two, I can't stand it anymore! It’s not that their magic fairy boss and grandpa, I have a word first, don’t disturb each other, never be enemies, labor and management have already slapped them to death.” The mountain-like monster howled, and this time it blew away a lot of sand and stones The clods and dust are flying all over the sky, and in the space where the vision was originally blurred, it has become more and more gray and disappeared on the opposite side!
"Hahahaha! Such beautiful swordsmanship and knife skills, I only wish to see them in the sky in my life, but they have never been seen on the ground! A few of you are not swordsmen in the red dust inn, nor are you in the magic way of this seven-dimensional space! Cough cough! Cough cough! ... In the middle of the sky and the sea, the king of murder and arson is not allowed, only the magic world of the seven-dimensional space, where murder and arson are everywhere. !Nice to meet you!"

The dust fell, and a young man in Tsing Yi came out from the inside, holding an ancient bronze sword in his hand, constantly changing various moves and tricks in his hand, just like juggling.

As he was talking, he smiled and walked gracefully like an angel into the arena where Yuyan and Shui Mo, the eight of them were the enemy and us.

"It's him! A kendo master that my master met during the Red Dust Inn, Mr. Pei Yuqing, he can be regarded as one of my master's masters! Haha mirror! Ha ha mirror! This time, the little demon fairies are going to be unlucky." ! Dealing with our young lady and son-in-law is enough for them to fight for hundreds of years! Now three against six, six and six are smooth and smooth! Hahahaha." Lao Wu was never happy before, and couldn't help but cried out loudly.

"Sword God! Ah...how did he come to the Demon Realm? Who...who sent him into our seven-dimensional space station? Which bowl did it at eight o'clock, ahhhhhhhhhh !...Looks like I'm about to be robbed of my territory! His grandma's breasts!..." The mountain-like monster trembled and said tremblingly.

It's okay for Lao Wu, he knew that Warcraft would behave like this!

So no strange situation happened, the Black Dragon and the others didn't know the depth, they were almost overturned by the shaking of the monster one by one, and rolled down from his cliff-like chest and back!

"Sword God...? I've only heard of Sword Master. How can there be any Sword God? It's nonsense, nonsense! It's simply nonsense!" Heilong laughed loudly at Lao Wu and the monster Dashan. got up and said.

"Okay! Take a good look at how the sword of the sword god compares with your cloud sword before you talk about whether it is a sword god. In case you suspect that we are suspected of advertising, it seems like pregnancy!" Warcraft calmed down, very excited Said helplessly to the black dragon.

"Without him, we Yu Yan and Shui Mo could kill those six demons just as long as they did. Heh heh, I've never heard that our family has this friend! Or is it his teacher? Don't you dare to say it?!" Heilong said very unhappy.

"Okay! It's fine if you don't believe it, or let's make a bet. Dare you, little black dragon." The monster roared and roared at the black dragon on his shoulder.

A wave of saliva poured down on the ground at the foot of the mountain again, but this time, none of the little devils were drowned or blown away by the powerful breath and saliva of the monster.

Immediately after that, many people with super invincible soul power, such as monsters, gods, gods, gods, gods, Buddhas, etc. who were in the decisive battle, stopped and quietly surrounded Yu Yan and Shui Mo.

"Oops! They want to bully the few with the more." The black dragon didn't care about bickering with the monster, and jumped down from the shoulder of the monster.

"Hey!... What are you in a hurry for? Don't you still have Dean Wu and my mountain eagle monster? You haven't agreed to me yet, so are you going to bet or not?" The monster stretched out a little finger and gently moved Heilong put it back on his shoulders and put it on, then asked him in a low voice.

Heilong couldn't stand him, so he became angry, and said unjustly: "Just bet, bet, what are you betting on?"

People can't be angry, once angry, they will fall into the trap set by others, it's strange if they don't lose!
"Just bet that Miss Yuyan and Kid Shuimo will definitely worship this kid as their teacher in a while, do you dare to bet?" Warcraft said to the black dragon with a smile.

"What what? My Black Dragon Demon will worship a young child as a teacher? No matter how bad it is, he is also the master of the blue seal light in our Haitian Wonderland Wonderland. I don't believe in a fairy, and I want to worship a mortal child as a teacher That's it. I bet you, if I win, you have to be my old black dragon's apprentice, and you have to obey me for the rest of your life, and you are not allowed to disobey me." Heilong said angrily.

Lao Wu looked at Hei Long with a smirk, without saying a word.

The battle at the feet of the monsters was still going on fiercely. The little brother in Tsing Yi was unarmed and approached Shui Mo and Yu Yan step by step with a smile.

"What if I win by chance? What about you?" Warcraft said to the black dragon with a smile.

"If Lao Hei loses, life and death are impermanent, and it's up to you!" Heilong cried out impatiently.

At this moment, Holy Spirit's heart suddenly thumped, and she seemed to turn pale.

He opened his mouth, but still didn't say anything.

Lao Wu looked at her, nodded silently, and didn't say anything more!
"It's not that serious! Just like you, if you lose, you have to be my apprentice and kowtow to me as a master! Hahahaha! Haha mirror, haha ​​mirror. My Dashan is about to have an apprentice, so happy! God has eyes , My Warcraft Dashan is about to have an apprentice, and you really didn’t lie to the disciple. Distorting mirror, haha ​​mirror.” Suddenly, the monster raised its head to the sky and laughed loudly.

Yamashita... Oh!No, at the foot of the World of Warcraft Mountain, the thin and weak scholar-like man in Tsing Yi has already entered the duel circle between Yuyan Shui Mo and the six people, and waves of cloud swords and fairy swords are coming and going around him. Intersecting, fighting...!
(End of this chapter)

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