
Chapter 311, The Fortress of Demon Spirits in the Demon Realm.

Chapter 311, The Fortress of Demon Spirits in the Demon Realm ([-]).

The sultry night is just a myth and legend that has been passed down for a long time in the world.

The night in the Demon Realm is much darker and duller. Xiaobai, who stepped into the Demon Realm for the first time in the Immortal Realm, is almost as helpless and miserable as the young boy Lang Zhengdang when he was imprisoned.

Such a night, it will not seduce people, it will only kill...!
Just like the mortal cultivators think that the seven fairies and Dong Yong match the heavenly immortals, but in fact it is just a daydream, in which they lust for a new daughter-in-law.

Heavenly immortals are worthy, and heavenly immortals who have not cultivated for tens of thousands of years are not worthy at all!

What's more, he is still compatible with the children of the mortal world?The physique of a celestial being is as cold as ice, let alone a mortal touch, even a slight approach would turn into an ice sculpture in an instant!
Except heretics, all of us are lonely, devoting ourselves to cultivating the Tao to save the world.

The legendary White Snake and Xu Xian will not be filmed here. In the night of the demon world, only blood splashed on the battlefield, blood flowed, immortals and gods will be shown, and there will be a tragic battle to subdue demons and exorcise ghosts to defend the way...

A group of little fairies and little fairies, holding the sky lanterns, followed Laowu and Heilong closely like walking on thin ice, stepping forward cautiously into the unknown territory.

Unlike the previous flat, the road seems to have become bumpy.

It seems that there are still bursts of weird and evil winds constantly hovering around Xianban, as if someone is secretly following and monitoring everyone, and the air is filled with extremely disturbing and disturbing strangeness element.

The darkness has become more and more obscure, cloudy and sunny.

Fear, accompanied by darkness, spread and spread in the seven-dimensional space of the Demon Realm, forming such a chaotic World of Warcraft.

When everyone was leaving, there was another sound of crunching and grinding of teeth, louder and smaller for a while, coming from the darkness non-stop.

It was creepy to hear, and I only got goosebumps all over my body.

"This guy! He's been grinding his teeth around us all the time, I feel so uncomfortable listening to it! If we meet him, I promise to give him a meal of Heavenly Thunder, Earth Fire Invisible Baguazhang, and I will let him grind his teeth again." Heilong seemed to be emboldened by himself. It seemed that he cursed angrily.

"Hey hey hey! Heilong, it's not a monster grinding its teeth, it's a ghost grinding. It seems that the little devils from Miluo Mountain want to come to the seven-dimensional space station of the devil world to get a share of the pie! Everyone cheer up, don't be scared by the awe-inspiring ghost aura Stop it, let's be more vigilant. We are doing justice for the sky. As the saying goes, the height of the law is one foot and the height of the devil is ten feet high. Our opponents will not be so easy to deal with! The fighting power of monsters is not terrible, but what is terrible? And the ghosts on Fushishan Mountain, there must be some experts to guide them, otherwise they would not be able to hear the news of our entry into the demon world." Lao Wu and Sword God ordered Yu Yan and Jian Shen respectively at almost the same time. Ink and the others came.

"If you ask me, we are all gods. If you are afraid of ghosts and monsters, you will be laughed out of your teeth! Sisters, stand up! Let's meet gods, kill gods and meet Buddhas to fill the soil." Lu Xiaobai was uneasy The ground also gave himself and his classmates blood.

"There are a lot of monsters here, and there will be a lot of great gods! Hehe, it's just the Buddha...cough cough! Maybe there is only Brother Buddha. Hahahaha." Lori was yelled at by Lu Xiaobai who had no confidence at all. It was also amused by the laughter and said.

"It's strange, along the way, why is there not a single monster? Logically speaking, it shouldn't be! When I passed by here, there would always be a lot of monsters fighting here." The sword god stopped suddenly , said to Dean Lao Wu very seriously.

"Hmm! It's a bit strange. It stands to reason that we have already walked out of the territory of the mountains and hedgehogs. Why are the monsters in this area still so quiet? It is impossible for them to turn a blind eye to our invasion of his territory!... What are they doing?" What's the matter?...Could it be that we are afraid of us? But it shouldn't be! Shouldn't there be no fear in the eyes of the monster?" Dashan Monster also became suspicious.

"Leave him alone, let's move on! Just be vigilant." Heilong smiled, turned his head to look at Holy Spirit and Yuyan, and whispered to Laowu and Dashan.

The Demon Realm was as dark as ever.

"But... that guy who grinds his teeth has stopped moving! It's a bit strange." Miao Miao pulled out the Nine Heavens Bright Moon Knife from behind with a snap, and said to Holy Spirit and Yu Yan very carefully.

"Sister Miaomiao, I guess! There must be others who entered the seven-dimensional space station of the Demon Realm, and their strength is not inferior to ours!" Yan Yu looked around at the pitch-black night and whispered.

"If there is, they must know that we have also entered the Demon Realm. It might not be true, even the gang of evildoers like the old thief Xunyou!" The Holy Spirit seemed to have thought of something, and she said to Yuyan very seriously .

"Uncle, if this is the case, what should we do? They must have gone ahead of us." Yu Yan carefully talked to the Holy Spirit.

"That's not necessarily true! What if it's Bo Xun and that strange boy with seven bodies? He's the true leader of the Demon Cult! If we really ran into their master and servant in the front, would we still fight? "Lu Xiaobai would always come up with some incredible conjectures, she said to the Holy Spirit and Yu Yan worriedly.

"Bo Xun is outdated! Now the demon world is torn apart, so there is no leader! Don't focus on the past, but live in the present. The present is the most important thing! Namo Amitabha!" The Buddha finally spoke the truth and said the Buddha's name.

"Eh! Brother Fozi, you kept rubbing the beads along the way, muttering in your mouth, are you reciting Buddha all the time? You have all five aggregates empty, how do you know that Bo Xun is out of date? It’s time to say it, and it should be you Buddhist disciples! The Buddha is about to perish, and he still can’t fight against Bo Xun after all, and his lair will be taken over by demons. You still say that Bo Xun is not powerful anymore? Haha mirror.” Little Lolita It is amazing to have seen the devil!She spoke to Buddha in a soft voice.

"Nothing! The Buddha has always been in the ancient Leiyin Temple. The so-called legend of Bo Xun's dove occupying the magpie's nest is nothing more than a farce in the world of mortals! The Buddha never thought of competing with Bo Xun for the worldly things of the mortal world! The ancient Leiyin Temple, big or small, no It is equal to the temple among the red flowers and green leaves of the Hongchen Inn! Namo Amitabha Buddha! There is such a thing as Bo Xun and my Buddha competing for the soul power and immortal energy of the Hongchen Inn. It is up to them to choose whether to enter Buddhism or to enter the immortal class, isn't it better! Namo Amitabha! The Buddha is talkative again." explained.

... The little fairies and the little fairies were chirping and chatting, the sky lanterns on their heads followed Laowu and Heilong on and off, and walked quickly through the dark night, each one feeling uneasy.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise.

Immediately afterwards, Heilong touched the cute bag on his head and cursed: "Which short-lived little monster placed such a big stone wall in front of Grandpa Heilong? Don't you think about it? If you have the ability, you Just stand up openly and fight with your grandpa Heilong with real swords and guns, and quietly trick people, what kind of monsters and monsters are you?"

"Black dragon, don't make noise. They have built a mushroom cloud wall to prevent us from entering the depths of the seven-dimensional space station in the devil world!" This wall, whispered to the black dragon.

The Sword God also saw the wall, so he immediately rushed over to check it out, then waved to everyone, signaling everyone to stop and said, "Since they found out, everyone should open the Celestial Spirit Immortal energy, let’s talk about illuminating the demon world."

"Ah! I don't need to light the sky lanterns at last, so happy!" Lu Xiaobai shouted happily while holding Huayi's hand.

"Don't be too happy too early! Open the eyes of the sky and the spirit of the soul, and our strength will be exposed to each other. And now we are in the light, and others are in the dark. Be careful, don't get carried away Don’t say I didn’t remind everyone.” The holy spirit looked at the boss’s stuffy bag on the black dragon’s forehead, and said to the little fairies worriedly.

"Um! Uncle, don't we want to unify the demon world? We might as well call it a thief of the demon world! We have Master Sword God and Grandpa Lao Wu, as well as Uncle Black Dragon and Dashan Demonic Beast. Is there any need to be afraid of them? I am the first to activate the soul power, immortal energy and spiritual power, so I am not afraid!" Muyun Beast said, and then opened the gate of the immortal energy, and a blue-white light shone on it. At the seven-dimensional space station of the Demon Realm, the earth became much brighter, and the smog returned to its original appearance, blurring in front of everyone's eyes.

"Save your energy, we'll be able to fight against monsters later. It's better for Shui Mo and I to sacrifice our dragon crystal magic stone. Shui Mo, where is your little sun! If you don't take it out yet, wait for me to beg you?" As Yu Yan spoke, she took out a round of Leng Yue from her cuff, and threw it into the sky above the Demon Realm with a wave of her hand.

When Shui Mo met, he also sacrificed his own little sun.

In the sky above the Demon Realm, there is a scorching sun in the east and a bright moon in the west. The sun and the moon are shining together, and the stars are shining brightly.

The smog escapes, the sky and the earth are clear and starry.

Inside the iron-drum-like enclosure, there came from afar the wailing, weeping, and cursing of monsters and monsters one after another...!
"Hehe! It turns out that these bastards die when they see the light, but they can't see the light!" Yang Canaan also laughed loudly.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!..." From inside the white wall, there were a few sounds that sounded like someone was hitting the wall in front of us.

"Someone is imprisoned inside this wall? Hahaha mirror, we don't need to find a way to break the wall, someone will open this wall for us." Suan Ni has become much more obedient since seeing her little master again. , until now he couldn't help but started talking nonsense again.

"If you don't speak, no one will think you are dumb! Suan Ni, they are reinforcing their fairy barrier walls. Do you think they will knock down this wall that was repaired with great difficulty, and come to welcome you Suan Ni Is your brother coming? You better wake up!" Qilin looked at the smooth and delicate wall with white flowers blinding people's eyes, and when he got angry, he took the opportunity to criticize Suan Ni and said.

"It's just a broken wall, what's the point? I passed a wave of violent wind and rain, and disciplined it to collapse in an instant, turning into a pile of garbage." The black dragon finally forced the stuffy bag on its head down with its immortal energy and soul power. said angrily.

"Uncle Heilong, this wall is weird! It's not made of stones, and he didn't use bricks either, it seems to be a huge milky white steel plate!" Muyun Beast tapped the wall lightly with his hand, whispering Said to the black dragon.

The thumping inside suddenly stopped, without making any sound.

Everyone breathed heavily, facing a wall of copper and iron that lay in front of them, helpless.

The black dragon cursed freely and non-stop, and at eight o'clock in the evening, the stinking demon sect...the list goes on and on.

"It seems! The old thief Xun You has returned to his lair in the Demon Realm! Only he has the strength to build this wall overnight! If it is other monsters, it is impossible to be such a mortal cultivator. Ordinary things, they would rather die in battle than make prisons! This matter must have been created by the old thief Xun You and his Xuntian boy, the purpose is just to prevent us from entering the devil world! In order to give them Leave enough time to unify the demon spirits and monsters in the demon world!" Lao Wu laughed and said with emotion.

"Hey hey! Doesn't this guy need to go to your territory, Dean Wu, to enter the demon world? Or does he stay in the seven-dimensional space station of the demon world all the time? ... No matter! I'll tear down this wall first." Heilong said Then, he pulled out all the stops, turned into a huge monster, and was about to push this white magic wall.

However, no matter how tall or how big he is, the walls seem to change, changing relatively with his height and posture.

"Hey! It's really interesting." Heilong smiled wryly and changed back to his original form, saying like a deflated ball.

"This is the ghost hitting the wall blessed by the evil thoughts, that is, you, the Black Dragon God of War! If Xiaoxian has a lower soul power and immortal energy, this competition will be a shame! It seems that Xun You and his son have already fought with each other. The kid and the others will be together now! No wonder the monsters have stopped!" Sword God said to Heilong and the others with a smile.

"It doesn't matter! This may be their first fortress! It seems that they can't break through their layers of fortresses if they don't move." Lao Wu smiled coldly, and said lightly with a dragon head and a cane .

"I'm coming!... A tornado will blow them all back to their hometown." Bei Guofeng was a little unhappy after hearing what Lao Wu and Sword God said, and jumped out of the Xiaoxian team.

(End of this chapter)

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