
Chapter 409 Don't worry.

Chapter 409 Don't worry.

On the day of the winter solstice, the cathode and the yang are born, the snow turns into jade and the jade blooms, and the clouds and swords bloom on the ground!
I know that whenever it comes to this season, if something really happens, there is nothing I can do.

In the depths of the world of mortals, demons come and go, the catastrophe between the sky and the clouds is just like this!

It was the seventeenth day of the winter month in the cloud calendar year 4717 of Zhentian Avenue, and the time for Huangtian Avenue to experience calamity has arrived...!
We actually forgot about this...!
Damn it!


"You... why are you holding me? I'm going to kill them, these bastards. I'm going to kill them, don't hold me. Old... let me go! Let go..." Qiuyue desperately Struggling to rush out to kill, he scolded me loudly and said.

She was obviously in a hurry, and the air-conditioning leaked out!
I know that she was afraid of hurting me, that's why she accommodated me like this and didn't struggle hard, otherwise I would have been thrown away by her!
However, at this moment, I am not a god of her magnitude at all. Only then did Qiuyue kick me lightly, and I fell down on the tattered cloud blanket with a plop.

Fortunately, I still have a little bit of immortality, and I haven't fallen from the clouds.

I know, she didn't really want to kick me down!
It's just that she never expected that I would be so fragile, so exhausted!

"Old! Are you okay? It's all my fault, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I won't go, I won't go! Does it hurt?" Seeing me falling like a log, Qiuyue hugged me immediately Woke up, kept apologizing to me, and comforted me softly and affectionately.

"It's okay! Your family is not so fragile yet! It's okay, it's okay." I promised her, trying to struggle to stand up, but I tried my best, but I couldn't get my wish!

"Master! What's the matter with you?" Shui Mo and the others also rushed back, and he rushed towards me and Qiuyue as soon as he saw the light of the last spirit, and threw himself into my arms with a loud cry.

"Shui Mo, take it easy! He hasn't recovered his primordial spirit yet! His soul power is almost gone." Qiuyue whispered to Shui Mo.

Yuyan and Muyunshou's younger junior sisters also walked out of the light of the last spirit. They were joking and talking about the romance of the Hongchen Inn Jinling under the moon, talking and laughing.

Suddenly, I saw me and Qiuyue sitting alone on the tattered cloud blanket, the smile on my face froze and disappeared instantly, and then the cold air burst out like ice.

"Leng Qiuyue! Didn't you promise me that you will take good care of the old man? Are you going to take care of him like this? Let me tell you, Leng Qiuyue, if something goes wrong with the old man, I...I will never end with you. "

Immediately afterwards, Yuyan said "Wow...!" and burst into tears.

This little girl, I'm not dead yet!
cough cough!The young couple started howling...!
While crying, she cursed Qiuyue, ran over like crazy, and crashed into Qiuyue's arms.

"Don't cry! Don't cry! I'm fine. It's just that I was consumed by Xing Tian's magical flower, and I'll be fine in a while." I tried my best to cheer myself up, and said plausibly.

I can't let them know my real situation at the moment, including Qiuyue.

Otherwise, they will definitely make a mess!

Once the gods make a fuss, they really play a bully (unreasonable fairy language, which means unreasonable and unreasonable, very arrogant.) Come, no one can stop it!
"Wuuu!...Wuuu, are you alright...?" The little girl Yuyan looked into my eyes and asked me incredulously.

"It's okay! I just accidentally fell down. Your elder sister Yue was about to help me up! It happened to be seen by the two of you. It's okay! It'll be fine in a while." I said to her lightly.

"Old... ouch! My Mr. Big! You...you are...?" The black dragon and the holy spirit also came, and he looked at me and started yelling after the light of the last spirit.

"Shut up!" The Holy Spirit covered his mouth, dragged him aside, and gave him a hard look, saying.

"Pay attention to it! Take care of it." He reacted, and immediately apologized to the Holy Spirit, saying.

"Sir, Sect Master Yue, what are you doing! What time is this? Are you still flirting with each other? Get up quickly, brother. The situation is urgent, so let's go down to Jinlingyue, where Sect Master Yue is, and gather our troops." , prepare to save people." The Holy Spirit spoke to us calmly on purpose.

"Hmm! Holy Spirit, you're right. At this time, we shouldn't just care about our personal interests. We must focus on the big things in the real world. Old man, come! I'll help you up." Qiuyue secretly wiped away her tears, He smiled and said to the Holy Spirit and me.

The black dragon stood stupidly in front of the Light of the Last Soul, looking at me without saying a word, the crystal clear jewels in his eyes became scattered and lifeless.

"Hei San, drive the Light of the Last Soul to Jinling City, let's make plans when we get to Hongchen." I smiled at him, stood up unsteadily, and said.

Mu Yunshou and Yang Canan, a group of little fairies and little fairies, watched their great gods do this, all of them with tears in their eyes, followed silently into the light of the last spirit, no one Talkative!
"Everyone, don't worry. When we arrive at our Jinling City, I'll tell you about the specific actions of this time." I smiled and said to the big fellows in the conference hall who were standing together waiting for me to speak.

"Hmm! Sir, we are not in a hurry. You should take a rest first! We all go to rest too, and there is going to be a big fight next!" Muyun Beast took the lead to break the dull air, reluctantly laughed and said.

"That's it! Everyone, don't worry, don't worry! Everything is in our old minds! Yu Yan, you and Shui Mo don't worry! Let's have a good rest! When you arrive at the Hongchen Inn, you will be busy. " Qiuyue held back the pain in her heart, forced a smile and said to Yuyan and the others.

"Have you heard that? Go back to your house to charge your batteries, and you'll have to work on it next! Whether the catastrophe can be passed peacefully depends on everyone. As the saying goes, there is a saying in the world of mortals: To raise soldiers for a thousand days and use them for a short time, you should come It's our time! Let's all go back to the house and rest! Don't disturb the master to rest, they just fought a tough battle!" Heilong also laughed, and loudly added what I said to the leader.

"Namo Amitabha Buddha! Sir, go to bed early!" The Buddha put his palms together and wished me auspicious wishes.

"Fusheng Wuliang Tianzun! May we fight again in the world of mortals this time and win a big victory. Sir, you can go to rest first! Everything is still with us juniors? It's okay." Daozi also folded his hands and asked me. ,road.

In the sky, the lingering poison of the flowers of the evil thoughts pervading everywhere has not yet dissipated, and a different kind of beauty has become magical.

(End of this chapter)

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