
Chapter 415, Farewell.

Chapter 415, Farewell.

The moonlight is like a practice, this is a delicate jubilee year with a sultry night.

Or maybe, this is also the best gift Yeyue gave to the earth...!
"Ahem... let's go! Brother." Looking at Qiuyue's depressed state, Holy Spirit spoke to me softly.

"Yeah! Qiuyue and I are walking ahead with Yuyan and ink. You and Heilong lead everyone to follow along. Don't be too far away. Once you leave Jinling City, there will be a magical world of phantom dancing everywhere. Everyone pay attention Those special situations on the road, we are always on guard against the harassment of Xing Tian Mo Nian." After I finished speaking, I took the lead out of Jiming Ancient Temple.

"Everyone cheer up, don't fall behind. Be vigilant!" Heilong did not forget to remind the big guys, and shouted loudly.

"Um, what we are making a fuss about is Journey to the West tens of thousands of years ago! This is..." Yu Yan laughed.

"What about Journey to the West? Journey to the East? Give back the white dragon horse, the Dragon King of the Four Seas! Don't talk, just walk." Qiuyue pinched her and reprimanded him, saying.

Passing through the variegated Xinjiekou Street, we headed west all the way.

"There's no magic breath! Old man, Xing Tian didn't lie to you, did he?" Qiuyue looked suspiciously at the way along the way.

"You have no demons in your heart, so naturally you won't be able to smell his bad taste! Just follow me." I said to them with a wry smile.

At that time, because we passed by this place, the aura was too strong, and the evil thoughts escaped.

In addition, the masters of Qiuyue and Yuyan's two generations of jade souls are also among us, so the demonic thoughts become weaker and weaker. If we don't search carefully, we can't find their traces at all.

"Do you know where they are? Why don't we know? It stands to reason that wherever there are demon spirits, I can smell their scent immediately!" Yuyan and Qiuyue sang together.

"You little girl, you know how to hang out all day long, and you never practice magic well. Of course you can't find their breath! Cough..." I laughed and said to her.

"Eh! Old, what you said is wrong! I am a god, why do I want to practice magic? Even if I want to learn, I have to learn the orthodox fairy art!" Yu Yan stared into my eyes, a little displeased Said with bad intentions.

"Magic can also be divided into good and evil! For example, the magic practiced by the Emperor is the magic of justice. It is specially used to fight against evildoers." Qiuyue explained to her with a smile.

"A devil is a devil, and a fairy is a fairy. How can a fairy learn magic? I don't believe it. Old man, you have been ill for a while, and you have used your brain?" Yu Yan asked coldly, imitating Qiuyue's tone. Woke up and said.

"Whatever the method, as long as it can save your grandfather, they are all good methods. Why don't you learn it? Whether it is a demon or a fairy, it doesn't matter what method you learn, but how you use it after learning the method, and in what ways. "I explained to her with a smile.

"How is it possible? You have learned magic, can you turn your head back? If yes, why didn't Grandpa Laojun even dare to stay in the Hongchen Inn for a long time? You are lying. Old man, you must be lying. It is because you have learned magic. Sophistry!" Yu Yan's small eyes rolled around, looked into my eyes, and said very bluntly.

Qiuyue and Shuimo listened to Yuyan's entanglement with me without saying a word, and just kept their heads buried in the road, as if there was nothing else.

"Okay! Let me ask you, Wutian and Bo Xun have also learned our three-pure-level fairy art, and have also cultivated immortals and experienced immortal calamities. Why do they want to enter the magic way? They shouldn't be like us, be good Do you belong to the heaven?" I laughed and argued with her helplessly.

"Really? Wutian and the others are gods who have been cultivating immortals! Then..." Yu Yan suddenly stopped talking.

"Old man, stop talking, we are about to leave the border of Jinling City. Look, what are those?" Qiuyue pointed to a large group of UFOs that were densely packed in the sky, and suddenly pulled the ink He stopped and spoke to me in a low voice.

"It's okay, it's the demonic locusts crossing the border! I guess they were driven over by Wutian and the others from Fushi Mountain and Miluo Mountain!" I looked at the strange and shocking group of old people floating in the gray sky in the distance. The locust said coldly.

"Master, with these locusts crossing the border, I'm afraid there will be a famine in Jinling City." Shui Mo said to me sadly.

"Well! I hope we can find your grandpa and the others as soon as possible. In this way, the world will be safe! What are millions of locusts? Next, we will pass through even more severe disasters! Calm down, the more Going deep into the headquarters of the Devil's Cult, the more weird and unpredictable, so we have to try to get used to it." I smiled and comforted him.

"Master, why do demon spirits drive away locusts? Shouldn't they suck their flesh and blood? Fried locusts are called grasshoppers in some places. It is said that eating locusts and drinking wine is quite enjoyable." Shui Mo didn't know where it was. Hearing that, he said to me with some disappointment.

"Okay! Heilong, come and talk to him! I don't like this." I turned around and said to Heilong.

"Why do you need him to talk about it! Sir, I can tell my little master about this!" Suan Ni tilted her head and said to me in a serious manner.

"Hahahaha, that's right! Suan Ni tell your little master, why on earth is this!" Heilong heard Suan Ni's words, couldn't help laughing, and said.

"It's like this: locusts are the wrong method that the ghost king accidentally used when fighting against the demons. At first, the ghost king wanted to use grasshoppers to snatch human souls from the mouths of the demon Rakshamen Shuras. It's too strong, turned against the master and snatched the magic weapon of the ghost king, and turned all these grasshoppers into locusts, and used great soul power as bait to guide them into the eastern sky, to snatch the essence of heaven and earth with the creatures of the spirit world. Let Zhentian have nothing to accept! Hahahaha, I don’t know this! I said, little master, you are too special!” Suan Ni held back for a long time, and once she opened her mouth, she talked endlessly It's gone.

"Then what happened later...? I heard that the locusts crossed the border and all the grass and trees were destroyed. I don't know if it's true?" Yuyan also became curious and asked.

"It's true, miss." Qilin also became active and said.

"The grasshopper released by the ghost king at the beginning was a kind of iron beetle, a kind of god insect that gnaws bones and can devour demon spirits. As soon as the first wave of grasshoppers went out, they were blocked by Wutian and Bo Xun from the seven-dimensional space station in the Demon Realm. Later, Xingtian used magic to turn them into a small animal that only eats herbs, and then used magic grass to kill them. After they washed their marrow and soul, they rushed to Jiuchongtian. At that time, Sanqing and Siyu couldn't bear to look directly at them, so they attracted a gust of wind from outside the sky, and when they were about to blow them back to the demon world, they were noticed by Xingtian , He made some tricks in advance and introduced all these locusts into the human world! Later, the old man Yuan Yuan Tianzun went down to the earth and wiped out these locusts! Otherwise, the Hongchen Inn would have been deserted long ago." Suanni Then he said.

"No, no! Suanni, you said that my original grandfather wiped out all the locusts, why are there still there? Hehehehe, you lied! Hehehehe, can't we get round now?" Yuyan laughed and said.

"This... this..." Suan Ni was stopped by Yu Yan's question, and she became speechless.

"Don't talk about it! Let's release the barrier of immortal energy and soul power, let's rush through the formation of locust soul devouring magic barrier." Seeing that the army of locusts was approaching, I hurriedly shouted to them.

(End of this chapter)

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