
Chapter 421, Weird Events.

Chapter 421, Weird Events ([-]).

thump, thump, thump...!
The old monster Sanye retreated a dozen steps in a row, and then he calmed down a little, and he breathed a sigh of relief without anyone noticing it.

However, Qilin's fourteen black and white giants will not let him be idle so easily!
In the tooth-yellow sky, the trilobite's soul power is weak, and the real body keeps retreating in a row.

In the Tianqi endgame, seven pieces are as black as coke, and seven pieces are as white as snow.

Each chess piece has its own strong wind, coupled with their own high-speed rotation, a total of [-] super coercive pressures are approaching the trilobites who are about to exit the yellow sky step by step!
"I'll go! It's forcing me to come up with a trick." Trilobite yelled helplessly.

"Ha ha mirror! What kind of virtue, why did you go so early? If you have any tricks, use them quickly. My brother, the devil king, has saved them one by one. Ha ha ha ha." Suan Ni stood on the edge of the yellow sky, watching The trilobite who had retreated said coldly.

"Heizi Dongdu, Baizi Xiwei, guard the door tightly, wait for me to finish this old three-leaf monster thoroughly." Qilin took a deep breath of immortal energy, manifested his real body, and yelled proudly Get up and say.

The azure tortoise shell spine, the light blue dragon scale breastplate transparent as water, and seven or eight pieces of crimson iron-like skull armor on top of his head, his whole body was steaming hot, as if his whole body was about to catch fire In general, and the firepower is concentrated on the head, like a huge active volcano, the magma flames are about to burst out!

Watching Qilin reveal its true body, it suddenly turned into a mountain hundreds of feet high and low, and it pushed towards him step by step with smoke and fire all over its body. I can't help but hang up frost flowers.

"Damn, will you change? I will change too. Three leaves and three leaves, three mountains and five mountains, swallowing the clouds and eclipsing the sun, Xingtian returns, and the heavens have no thoughts! Xingtian armor is added to the body, destroying the world and destroying the world! I am the only one! Evil thoughts come quickly, come quickly! Follow me to kill the gods and Buddhas and collect the unicorns, come quickly! Xingtian has an order, and the demons retreat! Go!" The old monster Sanye also yelled loudly, blah blah A whole bunch of magical mantras, said.

"Haha mirror! Xing Tian's magic mantra, old antique. In the end game of chess, there are black and white pieces. Dryness is the sky, and Kun is the earth. The black is ignorance night and the white is cloudless day. Three sevens 21, four sevens 28, twos and twos are one day." , Every day is fourteen, grab two or three leaves, rub them into the ignorant night, Taishang Laojun is in a hurry like a law! Forgive me!" Qilin's huge body, step by step, strode towards the three leaves Boss.

"Kirin is divided into days, and we want to catch the blood and soul of the three-leaf old monster! Everyone retreats seven to forty-nine steps, each releases the barrier of immortal energy, illuminates itself, and quickly retreat behind me and the old man. Hurry up!" Qiuyue looked at The towering real unicorns and trilobites hurriedly called out to everyone.

"Come here, come here! It's good to enjoy the shade under the big tree. Hurry up!" Heilong took the brunt of it and ran behind Qiuyue and me, waving and shouting to the Holy Spirit and the others.

"I didn't expect Qilin to have such tricks. I underestimated him in the past! Heck, I said why did I choose him as my mount! It turns out that he is the real beast!" Yuyan trotted I hid in Qiuyue's arms, and said to us with a non-stop smile.

Looking at her excited face, it seems that she is about to deal with the old monster Sanye herself!

All the little fairies and little fairies of the heavens hid behind us one by one, their celestial energy radiated, like small light blue water bubbles, they looked very beautiful and very impressive. I am in a happy mood, as if the landslides and landslides in front of me have nothing to do with me, it is not surprising at all!
"It turns out that the world can really be divided into pieces! The unicorn hides too deep. Sister Yuyan, you have to pay attention in the future! Ride him every day, maybe he is unhappy that day, and give him a hand If you share seven or eight yuan, you will be miserable!... Ahem! Seven or eight sisters of Yuyan appear all of a sudden, then... Brother Shuimo, you, you, you...! What are you going to do! Hahahaha." Nenyazai showed an innocent smile for the first time, and laughed.

"Shut up! You are the one who will be divided into seven or eight pieces! Did you say that about Sister Yuyan? You are talking nonsense. I will tear you into seven or eight pieces without anyone else." Muyun Beast Glancing at Nianyazai, he said to him harshly.

"I'm going, I'm just describing it. Sister Yuyan is not in a hurry, are you in a hurry? Don't say it, don't say it, treat me as a shit. You! Adults don't remember villains Let the little one go this time!" Nianyazai glanced at the angry Muyun Beast, couldn't help but leaned towards the Black Dragon and Holy Spirit, and said in a low voice.

"Don't talk! Study hard. Qilin got the teachings of the old Longling Book and the Zhentian Wordless Book this time! That's why he is so spiritual! Let's watch him accept the magic pet. After this There are no birds in the mountains, so don't talk." Yu Yan said with a smile.

After hearing Yuyan's words, Muyun Beast moved its lips, gritted its teeth and looked at Nian Yazai again, then turned around with a smile on its face, and together with Yuyan, went to watch the Qilin fight against the three-leaf old monster.

Qiuyue glanced at me, smiled softly and said: "You are, you have taken in a lot of demons! You have also taught them the Wordless Book of Heaven and the Dragon Scale Book, aren't you afraid that the old man will scold you?"

"You! In order for Xing Tian to subdue the law thoroughly, he must use his own way to control his body. You don't understand this. In fact, Qilin was deliberately put into the magic way by Teacher Laojun. He was originally a true god. Beast, the divine beast that guarded the door for the deceased emperor!" I laughed and said to Qiuyue.

"What about Suanni? Are they also divine beasts who descended to the mortal world?" Qiuyue asked me in disbelief.

"Xuan Ni is the guardian beast of the Western Heaven Fragrance Altar, and we deliberately let him enter the demon world to experience in advance! Hehehehe, I will tell you better in the future. Let's watch his performance first! This is a once-in-a-lifetime several times!" I whispered Said to her.

"Okay! Rescue the old man and the others, tell me how many things you guys are hiding from me! Hehehehe." Qiuyue pinched me lightly and said to me with a smile.

"The old monster Sanye is also a great god! He turned his head! Look, what kind of weapon is he holding in his hand! It's so strange." The little green cow looked at the huge gleaming monster opposite Qilin, and was very excited. He yelled loudly in horror.

"You are indeed the Seven Forests of the Devil Realm, you are absolutely right." Old Monster Sanye spoke to Qilin coldly with incomplete facial features on a cliff-like head.

(End of this chapter)

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