
Chapter 425, What is Danger?

Chapter 425, What is Danger?

I, a cultivator of immortals, and Zhentian's number one secretary, am helpless in the face of such a catastrophe!
The blue transparent blood in my heart gradually dried up, and my head became dizzy for a while.

"What should I do? If I get contaminated with the blood of ox blood, bird blood or mullet and turtle shell, I will definitely lose my immortal energy and spiritual power, and my mana will disappear and my cultivation will be greatly reduced. When the time comes, I will move slowly and I will definitely be killed by this guy." He was captured alive! Hey... what should I do?" I tried hard to calm myself down, but the more I thought about it, the more anxious I became, and the more I thought about it, the more afraid I became.

I seem to have seen Qiuyue and Yuyan, Holy Spirit and Miaomiao, Black Dragon and Ink Painting...all of them were hanged on a tree by a group of guys with animal faces and human bodies—the tall and straight mountains, the mounds of human heads On top of the tree of magic and evil thoughts that is generally rootless, leafless, ruthless, righteous, and full of evil habits.

And these beast-faced monsters, looking at the snow-white little fairies and little fairies, are rushing like streams of water...!
This is blatant plundering, the blatant plundering and provocation of the supremacy of our gods and three realms after Xing Tian attacked the sky!

"Damn, after passing through this filthy and vicious magic magic formation, I will definitely kill him. I will never be soft-hearted, and I will never show mercy." Walking back and forth, the old thief Xingtian came and cursed.

"Sir! Don't worry, don't worry. Someone can break this formation, let me invite him." Lao Wu took the sword god and the monster Dashan, and he was rushing here quickly on the cloud sword, panting Yes, he yelled at me from afar.

"Sir! Why are you left alone! Where are Sect Master Yue and Missy?" Da Shan asked me in surprise.

"Don't mention it! If it weren't for Qiuyue and Yuyan's two masters, I wouldn't ask you all to help! Old Wu, who did you just say can break the trapping immortal formation in this filthy world? Hurry up! Go invite him." I looked at Lao Wu eagerly and asked impatiently.

"Sir, let Tianyantong go to Wutian Wonderland, and ask Miss Yanyu to bring Dali down to break the formation." Lao Wu laughed and said.

"How could it be? Yuyan is also a fairy body! Isn't she afraid of this filthy and vicious magic circle? The Vigorous Ghost King has the aura of ghosts and immortals, but there may be a big evil here, I'm afraid he may not be able to handle it!" I hesitated and said to them.

"Never mind it! I'll call them first." Tianyantong saw that the great gods of the seven-dimensional space station had come to help out, so he flew straight to Wutian Wonderland.

"How about...! Sir, let's invite the Bodhisattva! Hell is not empty and we will not become a Buddha. He and Di Ting will definitely be able to break this battle." Sword God laughed and said.

"Hey hey hey! Brother Sword God, the Bodhisattvas and God Houtu Emperor are all the immortals inside and outside the three realms, except for those of us from the eighth heaven, the rest are all taken away by Xingtian. If you want to invite the Tibetans, you have to pass through In this battle, I defeated the old thief Xingtian, let’s talk about it. Hey...!" Di Yantong said helplessly with a sad face.

"Then... what should we do?" Sword God said in surprise, looking at the boiling blood of magical beasts and animal carcasses everywhere.

"Eh! Isn't that... Mr. Guo Pu's apprentice, the little ghost head? Could it be that he is also trapped in the formation?" The Sword God saw a ghost wandering inside the formation, so he asked Shouted in shock.

"Eh! Brother Sword God, can you see him? Are you sure he is the little devil head, the president of the eighteenth floor of hell?" I laughed and asked.

"I'm sure, it's him. Take a look, he seems to be looking for something inside! Cough cough, this fellow may also be trapped inside." Sword God said loudly to me with certainty road.

"Hahahaha! Sword God, who is stronger, you or the kid?" Lao Wu also laughed.

"I am the Immortal Qi Cloud Sword that Mr. God taught him personally, and his is the Lion Bone Ghost Sword that Mr. Guo taught him. The weapons in our hands are not from the same world, and we have never fought before, so it is hard to say." Sword God smiled, and answered Dean Wu very pertinently.

"I've never fought before...! Do you want to try it?" Lao Wu poked a crutch with a dragon's head on the ground, and asked about the sword god again with a smile.

"I'm afraid that the Fallen Immortal Formation will affect my aura of the real heavenly cloud, otherwise I can fight him!" Sword God said with a sigh.

"You think it's dangerous, don't you?" Lao Wu looked at the Sword God with a smile and asked him very strangely.

"Danger...? What is danger? Teacher Lao Wu...I'm not saying that I'm afraid of the danger here, but his...cough cough! This...is too dirty! You say it's pure bloody violence That's all, there are so many bloody animal carcasses, and there are demon spirits wandering among them, I'm afraid that I'll become red-eyed, and once I become demon, I won't be able to get out again!" Sword God smiled, and talked to Lao Wu with some disappointment.

"Hahahaha, so you are worried about this! It's simple, simple. You are like this, Sword God. You leave a wisp of immortal consciousness to the old man, and you kill this guy in a while. Once the Xingtian demon barrier is eliminated, the old man will be the first It would be nice to bring your soul back to heaven for a while, and return to the class of Zhentian Linglixian? When I fought against the Xingtian Armor, God dragged me back from the edge of the cliff where the magic way is omnipotent and I am the only one. Don't worry, I and Lao are here for everything! Don't worry! Kill him, and we will go to Fushi Mountain to save the gods and Buddhas together." Lao Wu couldn't help laughing, and said.

"Okay! In this way, I can have no scruples. Sir, if you have something to do, you can send me a message with my ray of immortal knowledge, and I can receive it. And it will not pollute the true vitality of the gentleman." The Sword God was so happy, he took out a ray of light blue immortal consciousness, gently placed it on my hand, and said.

I looked at his light blue one-inch-long little sword fairy, and weighed it lightly, and it weighed tens of thousands of catties.

I nodded silently, put this wisp of Heavenly Sword Immortal Consciousness into my arms, and carefully kept it for him.

"Sir, Lao Wu, Brother Da Shan, I'll go then!" The Sword God happily said, and soon turned into a purple light, and broke into the magic fallen fairy formation in the filthy world.

As soon as the sword god stood on his heels, he felt a foul smell, and rushed towards him fiercely.

As soon as he entered the magical, dirty and vicious Fallen Immortal Formation jointly laid by Xingtian's little ghost, the sword god revealed his original spirit and turned into a chaotic and cute child.

Looking at the stunted fetal-shaped child behind him who seemed unable to walk, the little ghost laughed and said, "You are also a baby! Why are you here? Why don't you hurry up and be reincarnated as a human, and come here blindly?" What are you mixing with? Hurry up and get out."

"You...! You are also a chaotic cute little fairy? Aren't you Mr. Hell's Eye kid? You..." The Sword God asked her in bewilderment.

"Who said I'm not a little ghost? Who stipulated that everyone called Mr. must be a man? Get out quickly, I'm going to wait for the number one secret of Zhentian to come to compete with the Immortal Qi Yunjian! Hurry up and get out!" Get out, don't make trouble for me." The little ghost laughed loudly, and chased the sword god over and said.

Two villains, in the filthy and evil world, you started chatting with each other without any intention of starting a fight!
"Ahem! Old man, why is this little devil a girl! He is very suitable for the sword god!" Lao Wu looked at the two pitiful little people who were born deficient. Chatting in the filthy world, I couldn't help laughing and said to me.

"Sword God, ask her, where did she take Qiuyue and Yuyan?" I said to the wisp of immortal consciousness left by the Sword God.

"Sir! She said that Sister Yue and the others are waiting for you in the haunted house opposite! It's okay, they are all fine, this is the territory of Mr. Xiaogui, but it's just because of affection, it's hard to refuse the request of the old thief Xingtian, so she I want to fight with my husband! She said that she didn’t recognize him in Xinjiekou back then, so she missed a good opportunity. This time, Xing Tian helped her, so she didn’t want to waste a few moments! She didn’t want to You are willing to fight with me." Sword God said helplessly through sound transmission.

"You idiot, why did you tell him? Go back quickly, don't make me angry, or I will strangle you to death." The kid found out that the sword god was talking to us secretly, so he couldn't help being a little angry, and suddenly scolded him Got it.

"Eh! Old man, why is this kid so similar to the Sword God?" Lao Wu said to me in surprise.

"You mean, this little ghost has something to do with the sword god, or do you mean there was some kind of connection between them?" I couldn't see the little ghost's face clearly, so I asked Lao Wu in confusion.

"Maybe it's like this! Look at how they hit it off right away, they don't look like masters who can fight! What's the matter?" Lao Wu continued to laugh with some uncertainty.

"I'll ask him." I said to Lao Wu.

"Don't rush him, it would be the best if the kid can retreat in spite of difficulties." Lao Wu whispered to me.

"Okay, I don't want this little guy who is number one in the ghost world to completely break with our real heaven." I agreed and said to Lao Wu.

"Don't mind! Sword God, you are the number one in Heavenly Sword, and I am also number one in Ghost Sword. It's fine if we fight each other. If we really want to fight, you will regret that you know me. Really, in Xingtian, it's dirty and vicious. In the Fallen Immortal Formation, your swordsmanship wants to gather the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, I think it is a very mysterious and suspenseful thing, you'd better not try it!" Xiao Guiyin said deeply to the Sword God.

"Sword God, don't be intimidated by her! The heavenly sword is the first, the earth sword is the second, and the ghost sword can only be ranked third or fourth. As long as you don't use the fairy cloud sword, just grab a piece of wood and make gestures If you make a gesture, she will definitely lose." I whispered to the sword god.

"Sir, I can't do it! She is not a heinous person." Sword God said to me with a wry smile.

"You are really good enough, do you trust him? Then why didn't he come and ask you to die? I'm not worth it for you, obviously I asked you to die! You are so stupid." The little ghost smiled strangely When she got up, she still tried her best to convince Jian Shendao.

"I can't help it. If you call him the king, I'm the minister? The king wants the minister to die, and the minister has to die. Will you withdraw this ghost formation? If you don't withdraw, I will be impolite!" A wrist-thin branch was broken off from a dead wood like black carbon, and the redundant small branches were removed in twos and threes, and he chopped it into a black and shiny ebony sword with the palm of his hand, pointing at the kid and said coldly.

"It's easy to talk, but you just don't listen. Well, I'll satisfy your curiosity and let you know what the real swordsmanship is!" The kid picked up a lion's calf bone from the ground, wiped off the flesh and blood on it, Pointing at Sword God Xu, he said disdainfully.

"Okay! Then let's fight." The sword god closed his eyes slightly, and said.

"Yeah! They use swordsmanship to judge victory or defeat! The sword in the heart is far more powerful than the sword in the hand!" Lao Wu also closed his eyes slightly, and said softly.

"Okay! Then let's take a look, is it your Heavenly Sword number one or my ghost sword number one." The kid also closed his eyes slightly, and said.

One black and one white, two swords of nature that move at will, slowly soared from their respective hands, staring at each other in the air, motionless, as if they were ready to go.

"Why don't you fight? Seeing that people are anxious." Dashan became impatient and said.

"Don't worry, whoever gets angry first will lose. Qiuyue and Yuyan were taken advantage of by the little ghost because they activated their immortal energy." I comforted Dashan and the others.

"The two of them are already fighting! Thinking in thinking, sword in sword, this is the highest level of swordsmanship, and it is impossible for ordinary sword gods to reach this level." Lao Wu slightly closed his eyes, his voice was like a gossamer spoke to us.

In the air, there seemed to be a slight fluctuation coming from the middle of the two swords, one black, one white, one wood and one bone, but there seemed to be no...!
Everyone held their breath and watched this fairy and ghost discussing the sword quietly, not daring to be careless or negligent, as if they were afraid of missing the best shot!
However, the little ghost and the sword god kept their eyes tightly closed, and neither of them moved.

The two wooden swords and bone swords, which were hand-cuffed, seem to have received the true biography of their masters in the blink of an eye, and they are suspended in the air as if motionless, watching each other silently , It's hard to figure it out, and it's hard to understand.

The atmosphere was strange and pale, and the bloody, rotten corpses on the ground slowly squirmed, moving towards them bit by bit, approaching them bit by bit.

These rotten animal carcasses gradually increased their speed, approaching the two children at a faster speed, flew straight past them, and surrounded them in a short while.

In about a cup of tea, there were no animal carcasses or bloodstains in a radius of ten miles, and all of them gathered on the little ghost and the sword god.

At this moment, the little ghost and the sword god have turned into a small island made up of two skeletons. Only the white bone sword and the black nameless wooden sword are still silently facing each other in the air, as if everyone around them Everything that happened had nothing to do with them, looking at people with creepy hair, I dare not let out a breath.

(End of this chapter)

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