
Chapter 427 There are swords within swords.

Chapter 427, There are swords in swords ([-]).

"Cough cough! Cough cough..."

Someone coughed in the dark.

A gust of air swept across the entire Xingtian filthy and evil atmosphere in a very gentle manner, and the trivial, vicious corpses and flesh all over the place wriggled slightly as if they were about to be resurrected.

The little blue transparent sword trembled all over, and shook violently up and down.

Immediately afterwards, a large array of filthy magic heart curses began to frantically gather towards it.

The air became eerie and incomprehensible.

"You...you used spells? Sword God kid, you don't keep your word." The kid changed into a female voice again, complaining about Sword God.

Her weak and thin body also shook violently.

"I'm sorry! You wronged me, your little brother, this time! I didn't use mana. It's the aura of heaven and earth that Heavenly Sword was born with. I don't care if I say it! It's just learned from me for hundreds of days. It's just the way of the sword in the past year." The Sword God looked helplessly at the little ghost, his whole body was enveloped by streaks of golden light from inside to outside, and he said in a fairy voice motionless.

"You didn't? That's...this...isn't this your sword, nor the ebony sword you made just now?" The kid tried hard to calm himself down, and asked very puzzled.

"I didn't want to use the Heavenly Sword that old Tofu gave me. It's just that you were too arrogant just now, so you annoyed it, and it jumped out by itself to fight your ghost sword. I can't help it! I'm sorry Very." The golden sword god shrugged his shoulders and laughed.

"You mean, you're really a Heavenly Sword?" The little ghost watched his ghost sword rapidly gather the energy of ghosts, while the little azure sword was still as stable as Mount Tai, like waking up from a dream. Asked about Jian Shendao.

"I've made it very clear just now! I'm not Heavenly Sword. Heavenly Sword is always here to learn kendo! I'm just a ghost and fairy swordsman." Sword God explained to the kid again with a smile.

"Ah! No wonder, my ghost sword is facing a great enemy! Well, we have to resign ourselves to the battle of Jiling's weapons. Cough cough...cough cough!" The kid coughed and said.

"You should give up resisting! If you really want to compete, I will not choose Tianjian as my opponent, let alone you are still a ghost swordsman, and you have not yet entered the fairy world!" Surrounded by golden light, the sword god tried hard to keep himself from falling. Without thinking about it, he kindly persuaded the little ghost to come.

"The fairy sword strikes, and the ghost way retreats! We can enter the game, hahahaha." I laughed, waved to Lao Wu and Dashan, and strode into this clean and cloud-like blanket of dirty and evil spirits , said softly.

"You guys! Cough cough, you cheat." The kid coughed non-stop, looked at me, Lao Wu, and Da Shan in a very angry way, and said very unhappy.

"Do you still remember what the old ghost told you when you and the old ghost passed by Jinling Xinjiekou? Don't get too close to people, and accidents will happen, but you are not only close to people, but also dance with demons, If you want to deal with Zhentian Xianyun World, you overestimate yourself. Sword God, you accompany Tianjian to deal with him, and you can take her and bring her to Qiuyue to be a helper, don't hurt her." I said coldly, absolutely Hesitantly, he broke through the middle of them.

"You... a defeated general, Zhentian has already disappeared, you are still so arrogant, you? Even if you can walk out of my little ghost's underworld, filthy and evil, destroying the world and destroying the world, you may not be able to escape the next formation. Yeah. Cough cough cough...cough cough!" She kept coughing and said.

"To be honest, old man! If you hadn't planned ahead, we really wouldn't be able to escape from his ghost formation!" Lao Wu looked at the strange ghost sword and the little ghost confronting Tianjian, and said to me with lingering fear.

"Brother, let's follow! This battle, I have other arrangements for calling you here. The old thief Zhan Xingtian rescued the Great Tianzun, and you lead everyone to quickly retreat into the skyless wonderland of rain, smoke and ink, and then you assist Qiuyue and my master Rectify the army and horses to return to the Demon Cult and the Human Heaven, revive the glory of the heavens, restore the former order of the Three Realms, return the heavens to the heavens, return to the earth, return the demons to the demons and ghosts, and return to the ghosts, so that the Three Realms can maintain peace and tranquility!" I walked forward step by step. Go, said to Lao Wu and Da Shan behind him without looking back.

"Ah...! Old man, don't act foolishly. After saving Tianzun and the others, we will go back to Wutian Wonderland together, and none of us will be left behind. Don't leave us behind and do stupid things alone." Lao Wu was a little uneasy. spoke to me.

"Well! We are angels, let's do everything according to fate! Don't force it." I said irrelevantly.

The Heavenly Sword is number one, there is no god in the Three Realms who can stop it, what is the point of mere ghost swords and monsters?
Seeing the revealing of the Heavenly Sword Primordial Spirit, Ghost Sword gathered all its will-o'-the-wisps, and instantly burned all the trivial, rotten and degenerated corpses on the ground, turning them into streaks of blue light, surrounding it for a long time. Not bad.

"Sure enough, it's a good sword. It should be among the top three in the Three Realms! That's right." The Sword God couldn't help but sigh with emotion when he saw the domineering ghost sword revealing its original spirit.

"Hey!... In front of the Heavenly Sword, I can barely hold on and don't lose too much. I will thank it." The kid looked at the small rice-sized Heavenly Sword that was still surrounded by a green energy. , I don’t know how many times I recited the magical mantra in my heart, and smiled at the sword god.

"You finally understand. It's not too late to understand now, but you'd better not step on two boats, one side is windy and the other side is down! Heavenly Sword and Ghost Sword became famous in this battle, so let's go to Sect Master Yue with me!" Apologies, let's follow the Immortal Jade Family and share the joy of being a fairy! Miss Sister, what do you think?" The Sword God asked about the little ghost with some uncertainty, and said.

"Let's fight first! Even if Ghost Sword loses, you didn't win. Sister, I haven't fought with you yet! How can you say that? Cough cough...! Cough cough, cough!" The kid smiled, coughed and said.

"I said sister, do you think we still need to fight? Look, your Ghost Sword Primordial Spirit is starting to tremble, while my Heavenly Sword is still in a state of inactivity. Everyone is playing out of breath Why do you have to make things difficult for yourself?" Jianshen watched the Ghost Sword Primordial Spirit gradually start to swell, as if he was about to collapse under the extremely strong pressure, so he kindly reminded the little ghost, road.

"Your swordsmanship can be called a Heavenly Sword Master, so you are naturally brilliant! If you don't learn from me, I'm really sorry, sister! Cough cough cough...!" The kid coughed violently and said.

"This... let's talk about it after we rescue the Heaven and Earth Avenue! Not now." The Sword God looked at us who had gone far, and talked to her helplessly, and said.

"It's okay if you don't fight, let my master go, and I won't embarrass you!" The kid also took a look at us who had walked out of her vicious magic formation as if we had entered a no-man's land, and started bargaining with the sword god. road.

"This...!" The Sword God was confused by her question, and he was speechless for a while.

"Joke! Your master is the sister of our little master of ink and wash Danqing. Now she is in Wutian Wonderland with her good sisters to plant flowers and plants for Wutian Wonderland to build Zhentian's future home! What you say is Xing Tianhe Wutian and the others fooled you! If you want your ghost sword to not be seriously injured, tell him to stop! He is not an opponent." Tianjian snorted coldly, and persuaded him with kind words.

"You...you are not an object, who are you?" Ghost Sword asked Tianjian in surprise almost at the same time as his master, Xiao Gui, and said.

(End of this chapter)

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