
Chapter 447, relative revenge.

Chapter 447, Relative Revenge ([-]).

After receiving Xiao Yanyu's order, the Dali Ghost King waved at Dashan Wanjin and the others, and they hollered and pulled up a huge wall of mountains, rocks and fields, and pushed towards the entrance of the Fushi Mountain Devil's Cave with concerted efforts.

The bones that were wriggling non-stop were deep in the bones, and they were lifted up by the strong ghost king with Sword God and Wan Jin, including the earth and rocks, and they were all stuffed into the cave of the floating corpse mountain.

"Dali, give them the seal of Andromeda, so that they will never have any future troubles." Yan Yu laughed and said.

"Ah! My little sister, the protector god, doesn't seem to be shaken by the magic of Xingtian old thief! Little sister, what kind of magic method are you using? You can control such a powerful Hercules!" Yu Yan laughed and asked Yan Yu.

"I'm using the knight-errant Taoism of Heaven Beyond Heaven, not our fairy family's method in the Three Realms. Sister, when you finish building your Wutian fairyland, I'll take you to that old master and ask him to teach you too." Okay?" Yan Yu looked at Yu Yan with a smile and said.

"Little sister, don't lie to elder sister! If you don't take me there, then you are a dog! Hehehehe." Yuyan laughed innocently and said.

"Don't worry, I won't be talkative, I'll take you there. However, you have to get me a Lengyue Palace in your Heavenless Little Wonderland, and it must be exactly like the one that sister Yue built under the moon in Jinling. If you promised me, I won't play tricks! Hehehehe." Misty Rain and Yuyan made a temporary request and said.

"But...my sister, where do you have so many Lingyu to build a cold moon palace exactly like sister Yue's? All the jade shops in our family's Jinling City have been closed for a long time. Ever since Little Japan entered Jinling City, everywhere Burning, killing and looting, all the Lingyu were sent to Sister Yue's Little Five Elements Heaven, you don't know." Yu Yan helplessly told the truth to her younger sister, Yan Yu.

"No! Sister, the jade shops of our family located in the East and West of the Hongchen Inn have been doing well all the time, and none of them have closed!" Yan Yu said to Yu Yan in a very puzzled manner.

"Is it really like this? Then why don't I know? Isn't my mother Qiu Yueluan in Hongchen Inn already dead? Also, my mortal father Lin Qingshan is also dead. On the night when the Japanese invaded Jinling Zhonghuamen Castle, they all left. From time to time, they would cast dreams to me, saying that they would meet me in the sky! Yanyu, how do you know that our store is still open? Is it there? Tell my sister quickly, is my mortal father and mother reincarnated as human beings again? Hurry up, tell my sister, how can I find them?" Yu Yan heard Said that her own jade store was still open, and immediately asked about her adoptive parents in the depths of Hongchen Inn, impatiently asked about Misty Rain.

"Hey...! Seeing how anxious you are, if I knew it earlier, I wouldn't have told you! Someone else is standing in front of you, and you thought she was dead! Hahahaha, isn't Leng Qiuyue just Qiu Yueluan? Is it? Take a good look, is sister Yue very similar to your mortal mother named Qiu Yueluan? Cough cough... Hey! I really admire you, sister. Isn’t Lin Qingshan just old? Are you one of the clones? Sister, you are a daughter, you are not competent at all!" Yan Yu laughed, and on a whim, she told Yu Yan all this without restraint, which was very speechless The land is in the public, and we have told our family affairs together, said.

After hearing this, Yuyan knew that Lin Qingshan could not die!I finally know the little games of hide and seek that Qiuyue played with her! ...

So, as soon as she rolled her eyes, she came up with other strange ideas.

"Okay then! Little sister, I believe you. Lengyue Xiaoxiangong will make you better than sister Yue's one, so you can rest assured. Grandpa, how do you know that Xingtian has a backhand?" What about the conspiracy? Besides, the old man didn’t tell us! What’s more, you just said that the old man won Xing Tian, ​​didn’t he and Xing Tian died in the battle together? Now they are gone without a trace, you old man Why don't you care about his safety at all?" Yu Yan tilted her head, she looked like a cute and cute Xiaobai from the fairy family, but she changed the subject and asked about Tianzun.

"Hey! Here are the flesh bodies of our group of immortals and earthlings, and the mud tires of several great monks! Hahahaha, little girl! How can there be any fairy energy in here? ? Early in the morning, I was packed by your father and sent to Jinling City between Niutou Mountain and Qixia Mountain, at the foot of the Jilong Mountain in the heart of the colorful Xuanwu Lake, it went to an ancient temple! Hahahaha." Da Tianzun was teased by the Yuyan sisters and laughed loudly.

"Ah...! If this is the case, let's go down to Jinlingyue to get back everyone's soul power, immortal energy and spiritual power! By the way, get some Lingyu, so that I can build a small Lengyue fairy palace for my little sister. Wait until everything is ready At that time, we simply went all out to eradicate the Demon Sect to him completely, so as to avoid future troubles forever. After avenging the old man...hehehehe, then everyone can sleep soundly." Yu Yan excitedly said the same thing. Tianzun said to them.

"The old man is not dead. He just took Xing Tian to Tianwaitian to refine Xingtian's magic thoughts. Little girl, are you cursing your father?" Qiuyue gave her an unhappy look and asked road.

"Who knows if what you say is true or not? But the old man suddenly disappeared in front of me and Shui Mo! Now there is only a mud tire left, and it is still riddled with holes. Mud tires! So, it’s not a matter of life or death! What’s more, his clone is raised by Sister Linlin for him. I guess even if he doesn’t die, at least he has to shed a layer of skin! Er,...Xuntian, Qiti, Bo Xunwutian and others from the Demon Sect have all run away! Shouldn't we arrest them all first, and then go to the ancestors?" Then he quickly changed the subject with another idea.

"What exactly do you want to do? Can you find something more urgent and let us all get busy first? You can sway left and right, but let me remind you first that all of your father's guardians are temporarily living in Miss Linlin If there is no watering from the Longquan of our Haitian Miaoyin Wonderland, all of them will die within ten days. You can figure it out!" Qiuyue saw Tianzun, Sanqing Shangshen and others No one from the gods came forward to stop Yuyan from messing around, so he snorted coldly and deliberately provoked Yuyan to say.

"Ah...! I actually forgot about this. Shuimo, let's go back to Haitian Miaoyin Wonderland with Sister Linlin! Grandpa, go to the Xuanwu Lake under the moon in Jinling to get your own soul power and immortal energy. Go to Lingli! When you arrive at Jinling City, you will say that you are good friends of Leng Qiuyue and Lin Yuyan, no one dares to stop you!" Yuyan hurriedly talked to Shui Mo and Da Tianzun.

"You go! Yu Yan, take Yan Yu to see your elder sister too! It happens that the dragon girl is also here, so you three sisters can go together! Grandpa, let's go and get back our respective soul power and immortal energy by ourselves." Tianzun looked at Yuyan with a smile, and confessed to her kindly.

"Okay! Let's do it like this. Shui Mo, Misty Rain, Sister Long, Sister Linlin, let's go!" Yu Yan jumped onto the back of the unicorn, drove a burst of auspicious clouds, and then flew towards the direction of Haitian Miaoyin Wonderland It's over.

"Tianzun, teachers, uncles and uncles, sister Yue, brothers and sisters, then the eldest miss and I will go to Haitian Miaoyin Wonderland to see our ancestors first! Farewell! Farewell." Shui Mo bid farewell to everyone one by one. , riding his suanni, and quickly chased after Yuyan.

"Grandpa, then I, Sister Long, and Miss Linlin are going too!" Yanyu looked at Qiuyue, laughed and asked about God.

"Go, go! When you arrive at the Wonderland of Haitian Miaoyin, don't forget to say good luck and peace to your ancestors on behalf of you and me!" Tianzun also laughed, imitating their tone, and agreed to her road.

"Yanyu, go there, don't cause trouble for your ancestors! Now it's not like in the past, I don't know how many demons will follow you along the way! Be careful, don't let the devils smell our Haitian Miaoyin Wonderland It’s very troublesome to look like that! Remember, don’t be like your sister, who has one intestine through the asshole, who can’t tell the good from the bad, and whoever is stupid will believe what she says Remember it! Take good care of Sister Long, don’t let the bad guys fool her, you will not know how to explain to your Uncle Qinglong later! Remember, don’t cause trouble. When you arrive at Haitian Miaoyin Wonderland, remember Send me a message about the safety of Xianyu Xingyuan. Remember it! Hurry up, you guys." Qiuyue explained to Misty Rain with a serious heart, then urged her to leave quickly, and said.

"Okay, Mom! Let's chase after sister." After finishing speaking, Yan Yu waved to Dali Ghost King and Dragon Girl Little Penguin, and drove a burst of fairy clouds, directly drifting towards Haitian Miaoyin Wonderland.

Linlin took the 360-five-grab, half-celestial, and half-devil flower of magic thoughts, and tried her best to use all her skills, but she still couldn't catch up with Yanyu and the others. He yelled, feeling really annoyed.

After walking for a while, Misty Rain heard Miss Linlin's shortness of breath and heavy panting in the clouds. I knew that she was struggling with my many avatars!
"Hahahaha, Dali, help Sister Linlin to bring my daddy's magic lamps! Let Sister Linlin come forward and talk to us. Go!" Misty Rain said to Dali Ghost King with a tacit understanding. .

"Okay, my lord."

Dali Ghost King agreed, regardless of whether Linlin agreed or not, she transformed herself into 360 five ghost fairy hands, holding a flower of magic thoughts in one hand, just like a moving hill with 360 five hands hanging on it. Like a small lantern that has already been lit, it was extremely festive and exaggerated, and then rushed towards the wonderland of Haitian Miaoyin.

"Thank you!" Linlin thanked weakly, then she also drove the divine light and galloped over.

When Yuyan and Shui Mo disappeared into the sky, Qiuyue looked at her old man and said with a smirk: "Old man, let's go to my ancient city under the moon in Jinling now to get back your immortal energy and soul power." Right? Let’s go, all senior and senior uncles.”

"Hahahaha! Sect Master Yue, that's all Tianzun's trick to trick Yuyan and the others! Tianzun's avatar is everywhere, omnipotent, how could it be so easily polluted by Xingtian! I realized that On the first day of Xing Tian's dishonesty, Tianzun made an agreement with the old man and me and the old guys in the Sanqing Realm to practice the little golden boy and the little jade girl with the help of Xing Tian! It’s all about Xing Tian’s farce later on. Our immortal energy, spiritual power and soul power are all suppressed by the rain, smoke and ink in the Heavenless Wonderland, fighting with visitors like flying stars from outside that day. It won’t be long. , Qinglong and Bailong will send them all back." Yuan Tianzun laughed and said kindly to Qiuyue.

"I guessed that you old people must be teasing us juniors! Hehehe, it's just that the old man took Xing Tian to go to the outer sky. After all, I still feel a little worried! After all, in that kind of place, the old man They are all afraid of three points! How about...you let me catch up to see him? How about it? Uncle, uncle." Qiuyue smiled and poured them all after hearing the words of Daoist Priest The ecstasy soup came and asked.

"No. This road is too domineering. People who don't have the spirit of Zhigang Zhiyang, let alone go to Tianwaitian, even if they go to Wutian Wonderland, they will be dead! You can't go, and you can't Huyou Yuyan and Yanyu went to find the old man. Even if you don’t believe in your old man, you still have to believe in the old man, right? I believe he will return with the refined Xing Tian soon.” God said confidently She spoke up.

"Let's trust you for a while. But, old man, aren't you afraid that your little granddaughters will encounter Xuntian and Qiti to seek revenge from them on the road? Don't forget that Xun You died at the hands of two children." That’s right! That Rakshasa girl is now married to Wutian again, I guess they will seek revenge from Shui Mo and Yuyan!” Qiuyue quickly opened the Zhentian Immortal Eye Wisdom Screen, and kept scanning to head to Haitian Tianjie Yunlu from Miaoyin Wonderland came and said.

"Don't be careful, this is a big event that always asks children like Yu Yan and Shui Mo to do for our real fairyland! And you don't know, Yu Yan and Shui Mo are still wholeheartedly trying to find the Three Realms The devils are going to avenge the old man! Leave them alone. You take the little fairies and little fairies, and go to your fifth heaven for the time being, and I will report to you if there is anything in the future. La!" Da Tianzun smiled slightly, and said very gently to Qiuyue.

"Well! That's fine. I'll take them to my place to play for a few days, and then send them to Haitian Miaoyin Wonderland to have a round with Ink Wash and Yuyan." Qiuyue said happily, very happily.

"You just stay in the fifth heaven! Take the old mud tire over there, and let your five heaven guardian gods infuse it with some spiritual power and fairy energy, so as not to let it be weathered. At the same time, you stay in the fifth heaven Chongtian is waiting for news from the old man. The children can just let that little black dragon who likes to make troubles and the headmaster of the Holy Spirit take them to where the old ancestors are." Tianzun continued.

Just when everyone was about to return to the sky, all kinds of immortal energy and spiritual power quickly gathered from all directions.

For a moment, in the depths of the fantasy night in front of the Fushi Mountain Devil's Cave, a group of immortals danced together, and their spiritual power and immortal aura dominated the screen. It was so wonderful.

(End of this chapter)

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