
Chapter 449, Mutual revenge and hatred.

Chapter 449, Mutual revenge and hatred ([-]).

The monsters smeared ink in twos and threes, flirting so much!
They all know that such an opportunity for a group of demons to meet the little golden boy and the little jade girl alone is really rare!
So while being elated, they all inevitably didn't take this matter seriously.

That is the so-called underestimation of the enemy.

Seeing Shui Mo, Yu Yan, and Lin Lin trying to run with heavy steps but unable to move, like old guys on the verge of death, unable to move their legs, they couldn't help but laugh out loud. got up.

The black evil spirit and evil thoughts scattered in all directions with their laughter, and the three of them, Ink and Yuyan, together with me, hid in the flower of magic thoughts that transformed from demons to immortals, and they were still there freely The drowsy Dharma guardian gods were all surrounded.

That guy... a group of demons danced wildly, but they surrounded Yuyan and the others in an impenetrable way!
"Shui Mo, Yu Yan, you all don't move, let me deal with them." Linlin couldn't help laughing twice when she saw that Shui Mo and Yu Yan had accidentally fallen into the poisonous way of searching for the flowers of the sky and the dark night. In a low voice, he whispered to them quietly.

"I'm going! I didn't expect that! I'm already considered sinister, cunning, and vicious enough, but this boy Xuntian is even more sinister, cunning, and vicious than me! Admire! Sincerely, I admire from the bottom of my heart Lah." Mo Xian jumped out from Shui Mo's forehead and sat down on the bridge of Shui Mo's nose, complaining somewhat insincerely and unwillingly.

"Stop complaining, brother! Let me see, this time, the eldest lady and I may really be powerless! We are now more than 1 miles away from our ancestors' Haitian Miaoyin Wonderland, and we are already far away from our Nine Heavens." It’s hundreds of thousands of kilometers away! Besides, I can’t even raise my goddamn spirit now! This is not bad, the two legs on my fleshy body have no strength at all at the moment, and I’m exhausted Not to mention, it seems that someone has put a spell on them, even if you want to fight them to the death, there is nothing you can do." Shui Mo said to Shui Moxuan with some helplessness.

"Hey...! Brother Shuimo, isn't there still me here, brother? I have been hiding in your mind to enjoy the happiness. This time I was not swept away by Xuntian Xiaoer's poisonous dark night flower. Don't you all for a while." Move, let me meet their mother and son for a while. I don’t believe it, this time they can defeat me so easily? Heh heh...! I will let them know what kind of talent Is it a god? What kind of person is considered a fairy? And why are all demons and ghosts like them unreliable! Hahahaha. In other words, it really deserves the kindness of my Miss Xiaozhong and Mr. Xiaozhong’s family’s upbringing! "Shui Moxuan comforted Shui Mo with big words, and said.

"Senior Brother Mo Xian, you can speak big words, just scare them. You just need to buy some time for me and Shui Mo so that we can recover our immortal energy, spiritual power and heavenly soul. You must not make casual moves. This time, almost all the demons have arrived except Xing Tian and Xun You, the two dead big demons! Especially that Bo Xun, his strength is not much weaker than that of our old Wu Dean in the real world. Oh! There is also the Rakshasa girl, even Leng Qiuyue almost got lost in her three thousand magic hair back then, and couldn't get out! Don't try to be brave, we are weak, we have to stabilize ourselves first Stop, buy some time for all of us." Yuyan looked at the densely packed demon cultists all around the sky and the ground, and was very upset, so she whispered to Shui Moxian very worriedly Get up and say.

"Miss, I don't believe they can still tease and treat me like a dog like when I was an undercover agent with them in the past. Now Xing Tian has been punished and taken away by my husband! I don't want to be with you any more They are hiding it! This time, you and Junior Brother Shui Mo must promise me that I will kill them and make a fuss. If that happens, it will not be in vain, sir. For more than 1 years, I have carefully trained and trained you. Immortal Mo!" Shui Moxuan talked to Yu Yan very excitedly.

"I'm going, it's just a little Moxian, how dare to say such wild words, want to clean up me and other demon masters. Hahahaha, it's really reckless, the guy with five poisons wants to learn from us to kill people and set fires Ahh! Hahahaha! Everyone said, isn’t it funny that he’s being cowardly?” Amidst the dark clouds, Xuntian, the leader of the Demon Cult, couldn’t help laughing at his subordinates after hearing what Mo Xian said. Yes, said.

"Master, the golden boy and jade girl are already in turmoil. Just let me wait for a pug like this old master's past! There is no need for the master to do it himself." A new generation of demons jumped out of the dark clouds. , roared loudly, said.

"There's a lot of wind and noise, and the ordinary, immoral guy who is obsessed with ghosts wants to kill the heavenly girl and the golden boy, thanks to you for daring to think about it. Mo Xian, you protect my little master, and there are millions of demon ghosts in this area, just leave it to Suan Ni! "Xuan Ni also jumped up, twisting her arms constantly, and said to Shui Moxuan in a crunchy voice.

"And me! God Realm Qilin Arm, Zhentian Fire Qilin. If you want to touch my little master, you have to ask my Qilin Arm and Zhentian Chess Endgame, hahahaha." Qi Lin also jumped up, furious said.

"Ahhh! Qilin, let me try the Xingtian armor I just got first! Wait a while, and come up to help me when I can't handle it, okay?" Suan Ni's black tungsten armor, The golden light swayed and showed off, he purposely said loudly to Qilin.

"I'll go, the gift that Mr. gave you before he left, you got used to it so quickly? No way! Okay, okay, you go first, if you can't win, I will go." Qilin kept waving him The unicorn arms of Chuhe and Hanjie and the endgame of Tianqi in their hands reluctantly agreed with him and said.

"I'm going! Isn't it just the pets of the two gods? What's so great about this? Brother Qiti, you go and teach these two boys a lesson first, they are too arrogant!" He gave orders loudly and said harshly.

"Don't worry, the leader, just two cute pets who have been spoiled by God's family, the leader doesn't have to do it himself! Qiti will do it for you, and they will be completely wiped out." The seven strange children of Qiti looked like The size of the body is ambiguous and small, you come forward for a while, and I retreat for a while, and laughingly, they signed a military order with Xuntian, looking at the shining tungsten gold iron armor on Suanni with great excitement, and Xunni together God sang a big promise and said.

Dark clouds billowed in all directions of Yuyan and Shui Mo, and even the feet were covered by dark clouds like a carpet. The powerful magic pressure was suffocating, and their breathing became short of breath.

"Senior Brother Qiti, you have to be careful, this monster is wearing the armor of the old leader of Xingtian! Don't underestimate him." Xun Tian sat firmly in the dark cloud-shrouded Demon Sect Demon Sect Spiritual Altar, slightly glanced at the Shui Mo and Yu Yan, who were surrounded by the group of demons, glanced at the tungsten gold magic armor on Suan Ni's body, and said to Qi Ti with great concern.

"Qi'er, don't fight him with your primordial spirit, it's time to use your Seven Transformation Immortal-Slaying Demon Saber! A duel between masters, a battle of wits but not courage, remember." Amidst the billowing dark clouds, Bo Xun couldn't bear it. Don't remind him that his lover is coming, he said softly.

"I see, Master. Thank you, Master, for your concern, Master. For the sake of the old Master, and for my Great Demon Cult to unify the Three Realms, I will fight with them today." Qiti agreed, and with a whoosh, the whole body flew towards Suan Ni went.

Originally said to help Xuntian destroy the demon spirits of Shuimo and Yuyan, but at this moment they just arrived within a stone's throw of Yuyan and the others. It was lifted.

When Qiti was rushing towards Suanni quickly, he saw a group of little demon spirits standing in a daze in front of his eyes, one foot at a time, and he had kicked them all away as an arrow of magic thoughts and rushed towards him. Suan Ni.

"This guy is so ruthless! Even their own subordinates are so ruthless. Suan Ni, be careful not to be careless." Yuyan's jaw dropped in shock when she saw the swift and fierce moves of the Qitai Xiaoer. She yelled at Suan Ni with great concern and said.

"Miss, I understand." Suan Ni agreed, shook the tungsten gold armor all over her body, and golden light shot out in an instant, the dazzling golden light hit the arrow like Li Xuan's arrow Many little monsters are gone.

"Small sample! I want to fight with my first beast in Leiyin Temple of the West Heaven with bare hands, and I am looking for death! Hahahaha, letting the light of your ancestors' magic thoughts accept you, it is not my West Heaven God Beast. Hahaha Haha." Suan Ni laughed wildly.

"Boy, don't play tricks! After receiving Qi Ye's magic knife, it's not too late for you to talk big." Qi Ti had already swept over like a gust of wind, avoiding the first wave of golden light from Xing Tian's armor. With a shout, Suan Ni broke through the shield of immortal energy and spiritual power, and the seven bodies spun rapidly, rolling towards Suan Ni like a spinning top.


After a piercing sound of sharp swords slicing across the metal surface, Qiti Xiaoer stood behind Suan Ni with a smile. Yu Yan and Shui Mo were one meter away in front of them, motionless, as if they were waiting for something Like a human being, it seemed that he was waiting for something else to arrive, his eyes were closed, and he had no plans to take the next step.

Suan Ni glanced at her own Xingtian armor, and saw a dull scratch on it, and the scratch was covered with black black ice airflow, which was still flowing slowly and could not dissipate for a long time .

"Seven Heavens Demon Knife is really not easy! Boy, your body and saber skills are indeed very fast! However, the power of your magic knife is very unconvincing! You have already put in so much effort! , or you can only draw a weak ink line on the Xingtian armor of your deceased old leader, it is really an insult to the name of the demon sword!" Suan Ni looked at the circle of demons as thin as gossamer on the armor. Dao Dao Hen secretly rejoiced in his heart, but he laughed loudly and said not to be outdone.

"Hey! Still alive?"

Qiti put away the seven weird bodies, merged them into one, turned around slowly, and started talking to himself.

"It's just a knife mark, what's the point? Qiti kid, if you have any skills, you can use it!" Suan Ni also snorted coldly, and Qiti, who was fused with the seven bodies, said with a smile.

"It's just a knife mark? Kid, if you weren't wearing the armor of our old leader, you would be dead right now! Do you know that?" Seven-Body Child snorted coldly and said.

"You are really fast! But your magic knife under the acceleration of the whirlwind is really not good! Boy, do you have any other tricks besides this trick? If not, I advise you to change someone to fight with the kid Master, let's fight! When you cut down, I'm still fierce, don't you feel ashamed?" Suan Ni couldn't help but laughed again, and said.

The magic knife marks on Xingtian's armor gradually dissipated the black air, and once again returned to the original golden appearance, without a single flaw at all.

"Boy, you are just relying on the armor of the Xingtian leader to protect yourself well for the time being! After a while, Qi Ye will attack again, but you will not be so lucky! Hahahaha. Let me tell you! How can you still Standing upright and talking to me, Qiye! It turns out that I underestimated the magic pangolin of Master Xingtian! Hey...! The sword of magic thoughts, the sword of magic thoughts..." Qiti frowned, he didn't know what to say He muttered to himself.

"Seven bodies, without the Xingtian armor, I, Suanni, can withstand the lightning strike of your powerless seven magic knives! Hurry up, if there are any other tricks, just use them all!" Come on! Don’t think about it, even if you think about it, you won’t be able to break this magical armor. Come on, don’t stop! Hahahaha.” Suan Ni laughed disdainfully.

Qi Ti looked at Suan Ni's black and shiny armor, the aura intertwined with fairy energy and magic thoughts, flashing and flowing light like neon lights, he was really intimidated by him for a while.

"Does it look good? The current Xingtian armor is not called a demon! It is called an immortal. Hahahaha!" Seeing that the seven-body child was confused by the glazed light on the armor, and seemed to be confused, Suan Ni couldn't help it. Then he laughed loudly.

"I don't believe in evil anymore! A small pangolin, can he still resist the magic sword of my seven-body demon? Boy, let's take it! The magic sword whirlwind sky speed knife, seven swords in one, Slay the Dragon Knights." Qiti sneered, then Yin laughed deeply, and said.

As his seven bodies slowly approached Suan Ni step by step, a dark wind rose from the flat ground, and the sound of howling ghosts and wolves approached Suan Ni step by step from all directions.

(End of this chapter)

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