
Chapter 455, All Demons Return to 1.

Chapter 455, All demons return to one.

Xun Tian resisted the heart-piercing pain that burned his skin and soul when the Xing Tian Demon Armor took possession of his body, gritted his teeth, worshiped his mother and Wu Tian Bo Xun's three seniors, and got together with him The seven heads behind them saw Li, and then they smiled sinisterly and cried: "Thank you for supporting and supporting Xuntian boy in times of crisis. I, Xuntian, am not the kind of ungrateful person. Naturally, I want to thank you all! Mom, do you still remember the unscrupulous stew that Uncle Wutian and you put down? I gave them all to Xingtian Armor, and Brother Xingtian promised to help me attack the sky It's gone! Hahahaha."

"Ah! My son, did you give him your demon body? This..." Rakshasa girl closed her eyes, sighed in fear, and asked Xuntian Xiaoer.

"Mom, no. It's just that he possessed my body. Your son is also wearing armor now! And it's Xingtian armor, hahahaha!" Xunren laughed loudly.

The Xingtian Demon Armor was busy absorbing the blood rain demon energy from the ground, and after occupying Xuntian Xiaoer's body, he couldn't care less about occupying his soul.

"That's good! My son, although Xing Tian's armor is divided into two parts, and the fairy and demons each take half, but his magic thoughts are too domineering. You should be more careful. I don't believe he will listen to you." It’s good if he doesn’t occupy your body and soul. You have to be more careful. With your current strength, it’s not enough to control the Xingtian Demon Armor! You really have to be more careful not to be controlled by him It will be better if your character is improved." Luosha Nu looked at Xuntian's face with bruises and swollen patches, and said to him still a little scared and worried.

"Rakshasa girl, you and Hu Meizi, don't spoil my good deeds! Otherwise, I will strangle your son to death, and then I will kill you. Believe it or not? Mozun can't have parents and brothers with seven emotions and six desires. This is the way of magic." It was doomed when it was handed down from outside the sky, and it can’t be changed! If you are sensible, just be obedient and don’t talk, or I won’t be polite.” After the Xingtian Demon Armor sucked the blood rain in the sand on the ground, it will The blood mist was also sucked clean, and then he came back to Xuntian. He first inserted a blood needle into Xunren's heart and lungs, and when Xuntian was crying bitterly, he immediately warned Luo Sha Nv came and said.

"You... Xingtian Demon Armor, you are considered a great god! Why did you do such a despicable and shameless thing? You are a fucking villain." Rakshasa looked at Xing Tian Demon Armor A blood needle was inserted into Xuntian's heart, making Xuntian confused, but he began to reprimand himself, knowing that this guy was going to snatch Xuntian's body and soul!So he cursed loudly and said.

"Hey hey! Now Xuntian and I have used the demon curse to worship the common master of the heavenly demon and the earth demon, and we have become brothers. Rakshasa girl, as long as you don't interfere in the affairs between us, I don't have to kill you." Xingtian Demon Armor glanced sharply at Wutian and Bo Xun's seven bodies, and said coldly to Rakshasa.

"You...!" Rakshasa was so angry that she almost vomited blood, and choked up.

"Sister Luosha, ignore him. This guy is a lunatic at all, his devilishness has surpassed the gods and demons of the three realms! It is useless to say anything to him now! Wutian, for him, he will not turn his back on him in the future To deal with us, we have no choice but to strike first! I said brother, let's hurry up and take advantage of the new birth of his devil's fetus and a major change of blood all over his body, so we might as well kill him immediately, and it's over." Bo Xun looked at the flesh-red flesh on Xuntian's body. The skin-like Xingtian Demon Armor spoke sharply to Rakshasa and Wutian.

"No...no! Brother Bo, he and my son Xuntian are one body now! Killing him, isn't it the same as killing my son? It can't be like this." The more distorted and weeping Xuntian cried, he begged Qi Bo Xun to come, and said.

"That's right, brother! Killing the Xingtian Demon Armor now is equivalent to killing the leader of Xuntian? That won't work, we still expect the leader to lead us all to kill Jiuchongtian, and catch God to hang him! If the leader is killed, then who can lead us to kill Jiuchongtian to avenge our revenge?" Wutian also helped Rakshasa and Bo Xun explain and said.

"That's what you say. Senior brother, Luosha sister, can't you see that this guy has completely controlled our leader now? And, look at the way he looks at the three of us, I guess if this guy completely controls the leader , it will definitely kill the three of us! If not, take a good look at the blood and rain in this place, is there still a little bit of it? Look, the rain and snow have turned into blood mist, and all of them have entered He has gone inside his nose and mouth! Besides, you two should take a good look, what is there in the blood mist? No, no! He must be killed." Bo Xun said resolutely.

"The Rakshasa woman doesn't want to kill her only flesh and blood, so let's not embarrass her. Brother, now that the Demon Lord has been born, either Xuntian my son or his Xingtian Demon Armor! We can't have caught God, we Have you already been fighting?" Wutian also helped Rakshasa persuade Bo Xun to come.

"Don't talk about it, this new generation of Demon Lord must be controlled by my son. Brother Bo, Wutian, take care of my son. I will enter the child's body from the mother's body and send him soul power and magic thoughts. You must control it. This Xingtian Demon Armor cannot be allowed to dominate his family." The Rakshasa girl fastened three thousand demon hairs to the Xingtian Demon Armor, and without waiting for Wutian and Bo Xun to express their views, she entered directly without hesitation. into Xuntian's body.

As soon as she entered Xuntian's body, Rakshasa regretted it.

It turned out that Xuntian's little heart had been smashed to pieces by the Xingtian Demon Armor.

The current Xuntian is no longer the Xuntian that emerged from her stomach!
"My son, are you alright?" Rakshasa girl touched Xuntian Xiao'er's black heart, and asked a little uneasy.

"My mother! Junior Brother Xingtian and I have already discussed that we will let you and Qiti go home! Why are you doing this? You will take the initiative to help your son! Then you can't blame the child for being unfilial! On the day when I seek revenge and revenge, I will knock on the door of my mother's heart with my soul, and return my body to you. In return for the grace of birth and nurturing. Hey... I want to be silent, but God can't help me. Well, let's just make it happen Ba Ye, let's share the Dao of Demon Venerable with all demons!" Xun Tian gritted his teeth, each with a thorny rose-like magical five-fingered yin flower hand, and grabbed a small red shiny soul of the Rakshasa girl Stopped, dragged into his black heart.

The Xingtian Demon Armor was getting tighter and tighter by the hair of the three thousand demons, so he had to do his best and tried his best to get rid of Rakshasa's witch stunt.

Xuntian seized the opportunity, and the Black Heart Demon Thorn Soul Sewer grabbed Wutian in as well.

Taking advantage of Bo Xun's unpreparedness like a ghost, another rotten liver devil thorn and soul snatcher grabbed him into his heart.

"Hey... You still won. This Demon Lord is always yours, and my Xingtian Demon Armor has no life!" Xingtian Demon Armor sighed, and Xuntian Fu softened, and said.

However, Xuntian didn't give him any chance to breathe. The two devil-thorned soul-snatching hands had already grabbed his soul into his black heart. He closed his eyes and said nothing more.

Because at this moment, his primordial spirit has already put on the magic armor, so there is no need to estimate that there will be a sneak attack by heaven and man!

It was only at this moment that the seven bodies could clearly see the white bones floating around in the red blood mist. Each bone was tied with a unique black cloud meridian and bound to a huge boulder. , and this boulder has been gurgling blood-colored mist all the time, as soon as the mist appeared, it floated lightly towards Xuntian, surrounding him.

Xun Tian slightly closed his eyes, standing in the blood mist, still acting like a normal person.

Qiti looked at the ground, suddenly felt a thump in his heart, breaking a few heartstrings.

What is even more terrifying than Xun Tian Tun Mu Shi Fu Su Bo Xun is that each of these bones has their names written in small cinnabar seal characters, and inside the names there is a soul of demonic thoughts tightly pinching their souls.

And this dandelion-like handle of the soul of the demonic thoughts is firmly held in the palm of the hand by Xuntian's thoughts!

"Ah...! Brother Xuntian, you don't even let your five thousand brothers and sisters go unnoticed? This..." Qiti stammered and asked anxiously, and said.

"Hey hey hey! Master, this guy talks too much! And he has seven bodies and seven lives! How about taking him too?" The Xingtian Demon Armor laughed so strangely, and discussed with Xuntian Said.

"Ahem!... Please, don't order me to work? Don't you think that the three thousand demon hairs will not hurt you enough? I am free." Xuntian stood up and said to Xingtian Demon Armor coldly.

"Ah... my dear master, I know I'm wrong, you put away your devil's black hair! I won't dare to talk too much in the future! I will do whatever my master tells me to do, Don't dare to go one step further!" Xingtian Demon Armor said, weeping and begging Xuntian.

"That's good! Shut your mouth obediently and suck up the blood mist for me. We are going to go to heaven and earth and sail across the ocean to kill gods! Hahahaha." Xuntian's mouth remained motionless, but he was very Strangely, he laughed loudly, and said coldly.

After hearing the conversation between Xingtian Demon Armor and Xuntian, Qiti trembled all over, not knowing what to do.

"Senior brother, don't be afraid. I won't kill you, just follow me and kill the gods with peace of mind. The little fairy is indispensable to you, don't be afraid. Hahahaha!" Xuntian laughed loudly. A blood-colored ray of light soared into the sky and moved away from the clouds, heading straight for the Lingxiao Palace in the Nine Heavens.

On the banks of the Heishui River in the world of Motian Shura, Emperor Asura came back from a meeting in the Heavenly Court. He walked impatiently on the iron sand bank by the Heishui River, sneezing non-stop.

"Amount! Could it be that you have caught a cold? Why are you exhausted, your muscles are sore and your nostrils are stuffy? Strange. I am a mighty Martial God of Asura, and I also catch a cold? Are you really old?" Emperor Asura said to himself suspiciously He started talking to himself, and said softly.

"Master, it's not that you have a cold, it's that we miss you!" Pixiu and Pixiu laughed loudly and chased after him, shouting loudly.

"You two brats, why didn't you protect the little golden boy and the little jade girl, why did you come here? Go back, go back, and let me go back quickly." Emperor Ashura said to his two lovers with fluttering white hair. Blowing his beard and staring, he said.

"Master, one is that the disciples miss you, Master! Second, come here! Did you come back for a private purpose? Sister Yue sent us here. See what my junior brother and I have brought to you Have a look? Why don't you take a look." Smiling, Sun Bie ran over first, and said to the old Valkyrie.

"Have you brought the Jade Emperor here? Or have you brought a successor from the heavens? Seeing that you two are so happy. Hahahaha, grandson, you smile so wickedly, you must have something to ask me. Don't Come on! I don't agree." Martial God Shura laughed and stopped after hearing what Sun Bie said.

After Xing Tian got angry once, he had nowhere to vent his anger!I didn't want the two little apprentices to come.

Martial God Shura was about to give a dick to the two young apprentices, but Lori, with her exquisite heart, could hear his displeasure earlier than Martial God Shura said, so she pulled Miao Miao and ran up with a smile, tenderly He just called Master, and called Fei Tianwai, who was ashamed of Emperor Asura.

"This is... your grandson, your little friend?" Emperor Asura looked back at Miao Miao and Lolita, and asked in surprise.

"Master, you always know the consultant. If it's not my girlfriend, why should I bring it? Sister Yue asked us to come and see you. If you don't believe me, you can ask my junior brother and Ms. Miao Miao." Sun Bie smiled awkwardly and talked with Shura. Valkyrie said.

"Then you are Miss Lolita? Miaomiao, please don't talk, if I'm right, that girl Qiuyue will definitely not just ask you to come and see me! Pixiu, oh turtle, you brothers If there is anything else, tell the master first, and then talk about other things, so that the master will not be in a panic." Emperor Asura laughed, and said to Sun Bie and Pixiu.

"Master, we really came to see you! Sister Yue let us down. Unfortunately, Tianzun knew we were coming, so he sent someone to tell you to go to Haitian Miaoyin Wonderland Go to the coastline and do him a big favor." Miao Miao said honestly.

"It's still Miaomiao Shicheng, no wonder Sect Master Yue likes you so much. Go back and say hello to her for me. She is no longer in the heaven, and she is so pitiful! How can I help you? Miaomiao, tell me! As long as the master can If you want to help, you will never dare to refuse." Emperor Ashura agreed without thinking, and said.

"Actually, it's nothing! Master, have you noticed any difference between the inside and outside of the Three Realms?" Sun Bie said to the emperor with a smile.

"What's the difference? It's not the same as before. What's the difference between eating, drinking, and sleeping?" Emperor Asura said disapprovingly.

While speaking, the blood mist in the Heishui River gradually filled up, and came towards the position where Valkyrie and the others were, crying and howling with the wind.

"Ah... all demons return to one!"

Emperor Asura's face turned pale, and he let out a loud cry.

(End of this chapter)

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