
Chapter 465, Gods and demons crossing the world of mortals.

Chapter 465, Gods and demons crossing the world of mortals ([-]).

Beiguofeng and Xuntianqianmowannian's demonic blood corpse soul power illusion have played a real martial arts kamikaze, because he has lost too many souls, he has started to rebel against me all the way to my guardian gods, this guy It was not easy to recover.

"Let me tell you, sir, haven't you already said everything? He will find a good place for everyone. Why do you have to hang yourself on this old tree, sir? Isn't that right?" Much better, he calmly persuaded my Dharma protector gods, said.

"Boy, how old are you? How dare you talk to us like that? Don't you want to mess around in the Three Realms?" Ye Youshen jumped down and said to Bei Guofeng in a very unfriendly manner.

"I'm not..." Bei Guofeng was choked up by Ye Youshen, not knowing what to do.

"Aren't you just a night wandering god? What's so good about it? Besides, what's wrong with Beiguofeng? My old self has said it all, and I want you to move quickly! Stop whining, you 360 The owner of Duo Xianyun Grass Flower House, quickly put me in the body of ink! Don't be jabbering. Looking at the new generation of little fairies and fairy children in the three worlds, who else can tolerate you besides ink? Are you a god? Hurry up, don't grind." Yuyan said to them very seriously.

"Miss, my master has so many gods and gods, look at my small body, how can I resist? You'd better stop praising me! I can't bear them. Don't give me away later." It would be embarrassing to be crushed into a dwarf! Don't you think so?" Shui Mo looked at Yu Yan bitterly, and begged her for forgiveness with some worry, and said without confidence.

"Eh! You kid, you have no future at all. These gods and earth blessings are family heirlooms of our family, and they are tailor-made for the son-in-law to officially join our family! You don't want to, do you? Then I'll find someone else Come and carry them! You! Stay where it’s cooler!” Yuyan scolded Shui Mo as if she was angry after hearing Shui Mo’s faltering words.

"Yuyan, don't talk nonsense! Heaven and earth are sharp weapons, and never have selfish distractions. The son-in-law of the Tian family wants to bear the gods, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas Mahasattva, but it is not for ourselves, but for the peace of the real world and the peace of the three worlds. It’s for the Lingxiao Palace, not for someone! Do you know? To accept this important task, to live firmly in the eighth heaven where the moon and stars fly south, you can’t do it without certain strength! Don’t save the peace of the Three Realms! God’s will has been distorted. Besides, Shui Mo doesn’t have that strength yet, and it’s useless for you to force him! By then, it will be too late for you to cry without him. Now Shui Mo belongs to you alone , After receiving the old 360 five wonderful flowers of heaven and earth, you will be able to accept you! I was pregnant in October and stayed alone in my empty boudoir. It is impossible for you to know the feeling! You have to think clearly That's what I'm talking about." Qiuyue patiently explained to her.

"Oh! Let's forget it. Old man, let Shui Moxuan do this kind of thing. Just... don't look for Shui Mo, okay?" It also became cloudy and uncertain, and begged me for ink and wash.

"Girl, you said it yourself. Only your son-in-law can do this, and no one else can! Moreover, Mo Xian is one of the protectors of ink and wash, so he wouldn't dare to let him be your son-in-law! Hahahaha .” I laughed.

The bright blue chromosomes in the sky and those brilliant smiling faces greeted us with fairy spirit one by one, sending wave after wave of golden years, very festive and peaceful.

"Then... ink and wash can't stand you so many gods, Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Mahasattvas! You can help him figure out a way. Old man, aren't you omnipotent? You shouldn't be troubled by such a small matter. Yes, isn't it?" Yuyan looked at me, begging me eagerly.

"It's not that there is no way... um! It's a pity that if you do it at this time, neither you nor Qiuyue may agree!" I smiled and said to the two sisters.

"You mean... a combination of immortal energy and spiritual power?" Qiuyue looked at me and asked me with some reluctance.

"Hmm! The Golden Boy and Jade Girl should be a unique masterpiece of fusion within and outside the Three Realms! If they don't fit together, they will never be able to enter the Great System of the Universe! Moreover, the important task of defending the True Heaven Realm is inherently more dangerous. If they are allowed to With the continuation of life, the aura may become stronger! Qiuyue, think about it carefully, isn't it like this?" I patiently explained to Qiuyue.

"Then you have to make arrangements for him first! Isn't it a bit sloppy to drive ducks to the shelves suddenly? Just don't make any trouble." Qiuyue said to me carefully.

"Yeah! Okay, Qiuyue. I know what's going on." I promised her.

"Yuyan, no one else can hear what I'm telling you now, you have to think carefully before answering me! I want to ask you, are you willing to stay with Ink and Wash for the rest of your life, regardless of wind and rain, poverty or wealth, Are you willing to stay with him forever? Don't rush to answer me, you can answer me whatever you think in your heart. Dad will be the master for you now. Son, this may be the father's life This is the only time I have to worry about it for you! You have to think about it, and then tell me when you understand it. I sincerely hope that the last immortal partner you find in your life is the one you can call or leave. Such a person. As for other things, everything is easy to talk about. You have to think about it, nod if you like it, and shake your head if you don’t. Okay?" Yuan whispered.

"Yuyan, you have to think about it. Can you be willful?" Qiuyue also joined in, asking Yuyan unequivocally.

"Yeah! I am willing." Yu Yan looked at Shui Mo, turned around and nodded with Qiuyue and me, and agreed to us in the fairy language of close relatives without hesitation.

"Okay! Shui Mo, are you willing to follow Yuyan all the time? No matter the wind and rain, no matter whether it is heaven or hell, you will always be unswerving. Take the thunder for her, kill the enemy for her, and protect her forever. How about staying with her forever, keeping in touch with each other, and being united forever? If you are willing, the master will give you all the important things in my lovely daughter's life! Think about it carefully, if you don't want to, the master will not blame you , You have to think clearly! Manly man, once a word is said, it is hard to follow, this matter is not a joke." I said with him and Qiuyue Yuyan at the same time with the dedicated Tianxian point-to-point line for ink and wash.

Yu Yan looked at Shui Mo anxiously, without blinking her eyes!
Shui Mo looked at Yuyan, then at Qiuyue and me, and finally he stared at Yuyan, so excited that he couldn't speak for a long time.

"Shui Mo, this is a great thing! Why don't you agree? You don't need to think about it?" Qiuyue became anxious, looking at him anxiously and said.

"No, Elder Sister Yue. I'm actually very happy! For the eldest lady, I am willing to be a cow or a horse. I... I..." Shui Mo stammered loudly, and Qiuyue Said with Yu Yan.

"Hahahaha! Old man, congratulations on getting a virtuous son-in-law! Congratulations! Hahahaha, your mantle can finally be inherited by someone! Hahahaha. Ink boy, why don't you hurry up and bow down to your future father-in-law? And your old man Mother-in-law? Hurry up, stop talking! Hahahaha." Heilong laughed loudly and said.

"That's right, congratulations to the master for having a successor! Ink ink, don't kneel down to worship the old father-in-law and mother-in-law in the future. Take advantage of this auspicious day to get married with the goddess and enjoy the joy of heaven together! Hahahaha. Congratulations! Congratulations!" the old man Wu also laughed and said.

"Yuyan, don't be coy! The big girl is going to marry sooner or later! What about the carefree little girl in the past? Where did you run him off to? Say something! You If you don't speak here, Kid Ink doesn't dare to say anything at all! Come on, make a statement first, okay?" Holy Spirit also got worried and said.

"Sister Yuyan, you should say something! We are all waiting for you! Don't you? Sister Miaomiao, Sister Canaan, don't you think so?" Muyun Beast laughed and said.

"I, I've said it! Sister Qiuyue, don't you think so? You should say something! I... I... Do I really ask him to do this kind of thing? Don't say anything, if you don't agree I don’t agree! Immortals shouldn’t get married and have children in the first place! He and I are just brothers and sisters, nothing else. Old, Qiuyue, don’t talk about it! Besides, I’m going back to Wutian Wonderland! Then There are still a lot of things that have not been done!" Yuyan choked up and talked to us, said.

"Miss! I... I don't mean that! I wish I could be with you every day and never leave you for a moment! I swear to God, if anyone has second thoughts about you, it will be bad for him to beat you up every day." Die!" Shui Mo fell to his knees with a thud, kowtowed to Yu Yan, and said.

"You... who made you make such a poisonous oath? Can you talk to us properly, okay? Let me ask you, why are you kneeling down to me? You kneel down to my parents! Your old father-in-law and old mother-in-law Ah." Yu Yan's cheeks were flushed, she smiled coyly, and scolded Shui Mo, said.

"Hahahaha! Miss, what you said is true. Shui Mo, quickly call your father-in-law and mother-in-law." Heilong looked at me and Qiuyue, laughed wickedly, and said.

"Scream quickly! Master." Shui Moxuan jumped down from Shui Mo's forehead and nose bridge twice, and said.

"Mo Xian, you can't take care of this matter, so don't talk too much. You should vacate your big house and leave some space for your five 360 ​​brothers to build a house. That's the real business!" I laughed and said to Shui Moxuan.

"Sir! It's too small for me to live alone. If you bring in a few hundred more, do I still have room for me? Sir, where can I move my nest? There is not enough space, and so many people will come. "Shui Moxuan said reluctantly.

"It doesn't matter if you don't move your nest, then we will enter your body, and you will fight the demon king. From now on, you will be responsible for the peace of the three realms, how about it? Sir, we can't live in your icy body. You Let's figure it out! Or we can go back to the Nine Heavens Lingxiao Temple by ourselves and become our temple guardian statues! What do you think of clairvoyance, clairvoyance and wind ear, you two are welcome. I'll go first Lah! Go back to Jiuchongtian." Tianyantong said angrily as it spun on the ground at high speed like a small spinning top.

"Tianyan, do you think I'm old and can't take care of you? Stop!" I was really angry, and I was very, very upset, as if I was no longer me, and howled loudly Yes, Tianyanshen began to scold sharply, and said.

"Old, what's the matter with you? Who recruited you to provoke you? Did you not want to get better?" Qiuyue raised her eyebrows coldly, and said furiously at me.

Tianyantong and Diyantong are waiting for my Dharma guardian gods, as well as all the little fairies and fairy boys, all of them were scared by Qiuyue and I's violent temper, and none of them dared to say anything!

This time, Heilong was no exception, he stood behind me obediently, he didn't dare to show his air!
"Old, have you taken gunpowder? Don't you just want to find a son-in-law? I promised you, what else do you want? Would you be happy if Leng Qiuyue and I die?" Yu Yan cried I got up, looked at me with tears in my eyes and said.

"Are you dead? Can you die? If these great gods are still arrogantly fighting against me, it will be your father who died! Do you know?" I said to her very angrily.

In my heart, there is too much depression hidden, it is a feeling of suffocation left by the return of Andromeda, it is hard to talk about it with others!
I know, I'm only a short distance away from death, because my avatar no longer belongs to me...!
"Master! I agree! Why are you still like this? Otherwise, I will take Yuyan and send you back to Wutian Wonderland to relax, okay?" Shui Mo was brought by Yuyan and Qiuyue two pear blossoms. The cute and beautiful girl was crying, and couldn't help it, and burst into tears with a wow, and said.

"I can't play the world with you anymore! Shui Mo, you promise Master to take good care of your junior sister and wife. Master is really running out of fuel! I can't bear it any longer, so I might as well tell you all! I My body is already occupied by Andromeda's ice and snow, and I will soon become a little person of ice crystals! You have to promise Master that even if you don't become the successor, you will treat Sister Qiuyue and Sister Yuyan well, okay?" There was a stabbing pain in my heart, and my voice trembled, and I said.

(End of this chapter)

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