
Chapter 468, Slow City.

Chapter 468, Slow City ([-]).

The reason why the slow city is slow is because the people here are used to idleness, and they are very Buddhist!

Slow City is located on a high mountain in the southwest corner of Jinling Yuexia. There is an ancient well in the city, and there is a bottomless underground lake in the well.

According to legend, this lake can directly reach the world of Jiuyou Xuanming, and there is a golden black dragon living in it. Whenever natural disasters and man-made disasters flood everywhere, the well will shine with golden light, and a golden dragon that looks like a golden dragon inlaid with gold will fly out of the well. , it will always hover over the slow city, until the natural and man-made disasters in all directions disappear, it will turn into a golden light and return to its own deep well!
Because of its protection, slow city people will always maintain a happy life in peace and contentment amid natural and man-made disasters again and again.

However, everything is relative, and the people of Slow City also know its existence, so everyone regards it as a god, and keeps offering it every year, month, day, and night.

When the New Year's Eve is approaching, there will be more and more incense pilgrims, and there will be a lot of traffic!
There was an unpleasant episode. One year when the twelfth lunar month was approaching the end of the new year, a butcher from Slow City earned a lot of money by slaughtering pigs in Jinling City because of his good management. He lived on Hanzhongmen Street. There is a mansion on it.

Not only did she marry Xiao Xiangxiang, a popular actress in Jinling City, but she also played and sang constantly in one of her courtyards every night, living a life of debauchery and wine, and it was also very nourishing.

One day, by accident, I got tired of this kind of day of drinking, eating and red carpet, and I couldn't help but think about finding some fun things to entertain me again!
After thinking about it, he realized that apart from getting drunk at nightclubs, spending a lot of money and being treated gently, the only thing left is to sell pork, and there is really no other fun that can make him happy Woolen cloth!
This butcher is called Brother Pao, because he reeks of alcohol when he speaks, and his spitting stars fly around like 360 ​​rockets fired at the same time, so others call him Brother Pao!
He talks like a cannon, and he also likes to play mahjong. People ask him: "Are you stupid?"

He would grinningly answer people and say, "Stupid people are lucky! What can you do to me? What brother has is money. Is there anything money can't do these days?"

As soon as others heard his spitting and flying cannon fire, they had no choice but to run away in disgrace!
This guy is not entangled, he doesn't take it seriously, he just does what he should do.

Children call him Grandpa Pao, middle-aged people call him Brother Pao, young people call him Uncle Pao, old people call him Pao Pao, and those who are not serious call him Da Pao!

The name of this cannon is quite influential on Hanzhongmen Street in Jinling City!

The main credit is the butcher's knife and chopping board in his hand, as well as those copper plates, gold and silver that are greasy like him.

Don't look at Da Pao, who spends his days drinking and drinking. In addition to the meat jerky on Hanzhongmen Street, he also has another courtyard in Shuiximen for the entertainment of the rich, named: Shuiximen Xiangxiang Academy.

Listening to the name, it seems to be a study, but it is not. The so-called Xiangxiang here are just a group of pretending actors.

Entering the door is a bookshelf, with a few books that are popular nowadays, and there are also CDs and audios.

The design of the bookshelf is an arched waterless bridge. The bridge hole is the gateway to the academy, and on both sides are small attics for placing books and storing guests' luggage.

The flowing water on the small bridge is also photoelectric, and there are many smogs that are also photoelectric. People passing under the bridge are like walking into the Dragon Palace, which is very similar!

The flow of people passing under the small bridge will become like koi carps as soon as they enter the photoelectric smog and flowing water under the bridge, which is very shocking.

Only when you step out of the small bridge and flowing water, you will change back to human form.

Crossing the small bridge, there is a rockery along the side.

There is a small pavilion on the rockery. Inside the pavilion is a three-legged octagonal marble table, surrounded by nine marble round stools.

The pavilion is carved with jade railings on all sides and is antique, and a forest of Xiangfei bamboo is planted behind it.

When entering the secluded path in the bamboo forest, you will encounter several stone statues of the Seven Sages of the Bamboo Forest from time to time.

The winding path leads to a secluded place, there are several very huge cherry trees, and the cherry trees are covered with thumb-sized red cherries.

Outside the cherry tree, there is a small lake surrounded by verdant grass, wild flowers hitting the ground, butterflies fluttering around on the wild flowers in the grass, and bees buzzing Shouting, and the flowers and butterflies complement each other.

There are fish swimming in groups in the lake, and the soft aquatic plants under the water are disturbed by the fish passing by, and panicked and wobbled.

On the periphery of the blue draft, there are some marble walls that appear and disappear between the clouds and mist.

Walking up the quiet and elegant green grass bank of this small lake of unknown origin and belonging, you can't see a way out after walking around, which is so strange.

Ok!If you can't get out, go back the same way.

However, you don't even want to find the exit that comes in and goes back after three turns to the left and three turns to the right.

Just when you are very depressed and smug, suddenly there will be an extremely coquettish woman in the wall, holding a beautiful word in her hand, charmingly evoking your name, making you unable to hold back I am restless.

If your heart is moved at this moment and you follow in, then you will be in big trouble.

They were still flesh and blood when they went in, but they were all bones when they came out, without exception.

Then the beauties of Jiao Didi will rush forward, tear off your bones one by one, and immediately bury them in the grass and flowers, very decently becoming the nourishment for others to grow grass and flowers too!

Because in this lake, there are still a group of playwrights with flowers, weeds and wandering souls who are supported by the blood, blood and bad luck of the gun master. For a living!

There is nothing else.

If you don't want to become the nourishment of those flowers and grasses, then you have to resist the temptation, and don't be attracted by the evildoers transformed by the snake, scorpion, and demon.

Otherwise, you won't be able to see the sun tomorrow!

In fact, after the goblins entered the door inside the wall, it was a pink paradise!

The butterflies fluttering inside are all peach-like, and the light of the sun and the moon are all warm tones, pink and pink!

Once you enter the man and girl inside, they will be taken away by the corresponding handsome little boy and beautiful little girl. They will take you deep into the depths of the peach-red peach forest, and finally you will be in a Under the peach blossom tree, in the sea of ​​pink lavender flowers, it will give you happiness and tenderness with dark fragrance, floating shadows and swaying shadows!
That's what happened to it!

What? ——Being treated tenderly, I became a person in another world comfortably and happily!
The soul has entered another person's body, and the flesh and blood will remain in the other person's body forever!

The only thing left is that it will soon become the fertilizer for the flowers and plants in the lake!
The owner of this lake, Old Pao, is actually a human-ghost fusion existence. He worshiped Xuntian as his teacher and opened this academy. It is actually a place for people to entertain, eat, drink, prostitute, gamble and smoke. The head is sold as dog meat.

And that sea of ​​lavender flowers is his so-called Xiangxiang Academy!
The group of beautiful ladies in Xiangxiang Academy are actually some prostitutes who died in Yihong Academy because of their sex. It's just a perfect place, there is no other role!
So, if you meet a beautiful girl or a beautiful young woman in the middle of the night, you have to be very careful, don't be tempted by their beauty, and you are finally drawn into the Xiangxiang Academy, that's true! The only thing is that there will be no wreckage left.

At this moment, Xuntian was hiding in the Xiangxiang Academy with his seven bodies, surrounded by his charming and coquettish beautiful girls and beautiful young wives who were a combination of human and ghost, and watched helplessly from the Xiangxiang Academy. All the gods and earth beings flying away in all directions in the sky, really feel very bad in their hearts!

"Oiran! Each of you sends a group of fairies to chase after me. Remember, you must find out where they are going before you come back. It is best to bring the newborn child along with you. Go!" Xun Tian looked at the crowd of immortals flying over their heads like a crane, and very angrily ordered his women's army to come, and said.

"Master, they are flying in all directions. Is this the ecstasy array? Should we wait a few more fairies? What if there is another wave?" Qiti looked at him and the human ghost behind Xuntian The combined Xiangxiang said to Xuntian in a low voice.

"No need! With Sanqing leading the team, at most we can separate out a team of Celestial Masters. In Jiuchongtian, is there anyone else who is qualified to lead a team with Sanqing Shangshen to confuse us?" Xun Tian He waved to his so-called little fairies, Xiangxiang, and said to Qiti Xiaoer.

After hearing this, Qi Ti agreed to him with great conviction.

After Xuntian Xiaoer waited for the jagged ghostly little witches to fly out, he immediately brought Qitouping back to the small town under the moon in Jinling.

He thought that the birth of a celestial girl must be the former Jade City.

However, he is young after all, and he has a lot of strength, but he still loses in the battle of wits.

As a result, it is natural to fetch water from a bamboo basket, and there is nothing to rejoice about!

Xuntian and Qitina ran here and there for a long time, and they were both angry and unable to find the heavenly girl to descend to the mortal world, so I won't say more.

It is said that all the gods and Buddhas returned to heaven and returned to their lives, and they all went back to their lower places without mentioning it.

It is only said that as soon as Ling Yuyan was born, Ling's father and mother held her in their arms, loving her so much.

Tired of crooked for a while, when I looked up and saw a vision in the sky, I was afraid it was going to thunder and rain!
Because he was afraid of scaring the child, so in a panic, he picked up the child and ran indiscriminately.

Although Xuntian knew that there was a celestial maiden descending to earth, it is a pity that he was unable to find out the specific place and location of the celestial maiden descending to earth from the beginning to the end.

After wandering around in Jinling City for several days and nights, there was still no result, so they went back to their Xiangxiang Academy in great pain, and went to continue to think of something.

On the Lingyu Mansion in Slow City, accompanied by the giggling sound of a little girl, a purple golden light flashed into the Ling's compound in an instant.

The purple-gold golden light fell, and a real person with long hair and white beard fluttering around the waist appeared in the courtyard. He laughed loudly and said, "Okay! After all the hardships, After crossing the vast sea and the Milky Way, I was finally born!"

The person who opened the jade shop in Lingyu also had a rough understanding of cultivating immortals and learning Taoism.

Seeing the person coming, I couldn't help but think of the Emperor Ziwei on the map of the real spirit in the jade shop, the great leader of the Nine Yin Netherworld.

Whether it's his facial expression or his clothes, he looks more and more like a person, more and more like him!

"He must be the head of the netherworld! Cough cough, Yueyan is the second-generation Emperor Ziwei in front of the Jade Emperor Palace."

Lingyu was stunned in her arms holding the child, and then smiled foolishly.

It seemed that he was talking to his beloved wife who was behind him, and he was a little uneasy and a little unbelievable, said.

"I'll come and see the child! Is that okay?" Emperor Ziwei said softly to Lingyu and his wife without smiling or getting angry.

"Yes, yes! The emperor came to see the young girl, and my wife and I are very grateful. Why can't we do it! Thank God, Emperor Ziwei sent the little fairy to the villain's house to survive the catastrophe. It is really a blessing from Xiao Ke and his wife's two previous lives! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you..." Lingyu hugged the child and pulled his wife, the couple knelt down on the ground with a plop, knocked their heads loudly, and said very reverently.

Emperor Ziwei turned sideways and stepped aside.

"Get up quickly! Get up quickly! I can't afford to be an emperor, I can't afford to be!" Emperor Ziwei urged Lingyu and his wife holding Yuyanyouzi, who were still kowtowing, with their backs.

"Great Emperor, the villain dare not! The villain and his wife are building bridges and repairing roads. It took decades to wait for the emperor to see off his daughter. If Xiao Ke gets up, he is not as good as a pig or a dog. He is killing people in Jinling City." Is the pig's old gun the same? Dijun, absolutely not, absolutely not!"

After hearing what Emperor Ziwei said, Lingyu thought he was angry that he didn't send the young girl there!So he lifted the Yuyan larva over his head and handed it over.

Emperor Ziwei didn't dare to open even one of her divine eyes and wisdom eyes. She turned her back to Lingyu and said, "Lingyu, get up quickly. It's true that this is a celestial girl, but she is not an ordinary celestial girl! Hurry up, you and your wife Get up quickly too! I can't bear it."

"This... this...!" Lingyu heard the great emperor in the mural in his house telling him to get up quickly. He couldn't bear it, and became more and more nervous. He couldn't help but stopped talking, and asked.

"That's right! Dijun, our husband and wife finally got a daughter, but we don't dare to give it away easily! If you have anything to say, say it right now! Let's kneel down and listen. The child will never be given to you. !" Leng Yueyan began to cry, begging the emperor.


Emperor Ziwei sighed.

 This year’s Spring Festival has classes, the novel is also being updated, a new year, a new beginning.

  Come on!

  Tea Service Life Wishes: Everyone in the world of mortals, there is today every year, every year has the present, the year of the ox is full of bullishness, wealth is rolling, good things come in pairs, parties are held in pairs, flowers bloom and everyone loves them, young and old It is suitable for everyone, in the new year, the whole family will be happy, healthy, auspicious, festive, reunion, and everything will go well!
  Happy Spring Festival everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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