
Chapter 471, Slow City.

Chapter 471, Slow City ([-]).

The slowness of the slow city has a kind of Buddhist spirit of eating and waiting to die, but the people here live very long, because they are blessed by the gods!

However, this is all coming to an end!

Just after Xuntian Xiaoer tore apart the Rainbow Bridge under the moon in Jinling and devoured all the gods and gods alive, the bad news was about to begin!

When Qiti urged Xuntian for the last time, Xuntian blatantly released a handful of ignorant poisonous snakes. Each of these poisonous snakes would directly attack the heart of the food, hollowing out everything under the skin, which is worse than a leech. Be great!
This time, the seven bodies were not spared either.

One of the myriad demon carnivals that flew out of Xuntian Xiao'er's body, rushed towards the seven bodies.

"Hahahaha! Thousands of demons are carnival, not a single blade of grass grows. Qiti, don't blame me, it's because you pushed too hard! Hahahaha." Xun Tian raised his head to the sky, and laughed wildly.

The fairy blood is blue and blue, and after the black and red magic snake venom sucked the fairy blood, they all turned into blue and transparent straw-like objects, soft but full of energy, and they stood upright one by one. Standing up, the snake-headed human body, spraying light blue poisonous tongue and mist, hovered in the sky for a while, and then a strange and thrilling snake-monster battle began to appear.

Millions of large and small devil snakes with a blue transparent halo, biting and strangling each other in the sky above Jinling City, big snakes eat small snakes, small snakes swallow small snakes, small snakes tear small snakes... The dark clouds gradually Dispersed, the bright moon hung high in the nine sky, and the blue transparent fairy blood covered all the bright moonlight in the cold night, and it could not disperse for a long time.

Looking at the light blue moonlight constantly dripping down from the sky, Xuntian felt a little uncomfortable.

Yes, he has never seen such a battle.

Originally thought that after the battle of these magic snakes, the remaining magic snakes would become as vast and boundless as dense dark clouds covering the sky and covering the sun!

But what Xun Tian never expected was that these snakes beat back and forth, and every time a snake devoured a snake, its own size would shrink by a circle.

As the number of magic snakes gradually decreased, the moonlight became paler and frightening.

If it wasn't for the occasional drops of fairy blood that melted into it when the magic snakes were fighting, this white night would be lifeless at all!
With trembling legs, Xuntian looked at the mad snakes that had been released from his body, until they disappeared into the night sky without a trace of breath. gas.

"My God! It's finally over."

Already accustomed to the darkness, the Demon Lord Xuntian, until the moment when the first ray of moonlight leaked from the black clouds, he yelled loudly, said.

Yes, he has never liked the light blue light under the cold moon, the only time in his life.

"Damn it, am I still a fucking devil?" Xun Tian asked himself, talking to himself.

"There is no distinction between gods and demons, are you still worthy to be our Master Mozun? Wash up and sleep early!" A voice came down from the air, and said to Xuntian happily.

"Who are you? Why are you hiding in the moonlight and talking to me? Don't you know that this is scary? If you have the ability, show your original shape and fight me for three hundred rounds! How dare you?"

Ever since Xuntian defeated Ten Thousand Demons, every time he used Ten Thousand Demons Carnival, he would be devastated and the earth would be shaken!
But this time, at the beginning, there was a bit of a fight between Demonic Taoists.

But the more he went on, the more ignorant he became, and the more he went on, the more chilling he felt.

Sure enough, the ending of indulging the demon poisonous snake to swallow the immortal this time is the opening of the door of nightmare magic in which he Xuntian Xiaoer Demon Venerable changed hands!

"Who am I?...Hmph, you don't even know who I am, yet you dare to raise us for so long! It seems that it is useless to keep you. Let me tell you the truth! I am the one in your heart Ten thousand demons return to one, of course! That will happen after I eat you!" The voice that made Xun Tian terrified and unable to touch said to him coldly.

"Hahahaha! I am the majestic Lord Mozun. If I can feed you, I can also destroy you. Don't think that you have swallowed up some little gods who are as powerful as fairy spirits, and you can drink a few mouthfuls of fairy blood to be with you." My master is yelling. Kid, you don’t dare to see people with your true colors, and you dare to yell at me like this? Come down if you can, and don’t float in the air playing tricks with Grandpa Mozun!"

Xuntian stretched his body high and wide, like a strange thing with a compasses and a top not like a top, with a single leg with the thickness of a thumb, above the middle, suddenly a thickened and enlarged abdomen, like a pregnant mother.

His head was flat, like a super-earth black-red panel, and it was spread in all directions of Jinling City regardless of its desperation.

"Don't work hard, Xuntian. I want to thank you for helping me. You can't find mine, and don't waste your energy trying to compete with me! You are not cruel enough." The voice was still searching The head of the sky persuaded him jokingly.

"Don't be so fucking bragging! Come down to me if you have the ability, and have a good fight with me, how dare you? If you don't dare, get out of here, don't be naughty all day long "Xun Tian's blood was low, he couldn't help becoming light-headed and heavy-headed, and the aunt and uncle cursed viciously like a quarrel with the uncle, and shouted sharply.

"Okay! I'll save you. I don't know the heights of heaven and earth. Do you want to go to hell or go to the devil world to plant flowers and grass? I want you to nurture me and give you a whole body." The voice said coldly Said.

"I surpass your mother! If you have the ability to do it, I'm ready. Do you want to fight? If you don't dare to fight, just get out, can you stop bragging?" He staggered and cursed, and said.

"There is no cure, then go to die!"

A beam of light like a red cordon of blue sandwiched meat instantly penetrated Xuntian's big flat black head, reached his slender feet like a compass top, and penetrated to the bottom of the Nine Heavens Nether World.

"Hey! There are indeed two tricks."

Xuntian laughed recklessly and said.

Seeing a ray of heavenly light entering the [-]th floor of hell, the leader of the Netherworld knew that something was wrong, so he immediately summoned all the ghosts and ghosts, and surrounded the extremely weird blue-red cordon-like divine light in unison. Woke up.

They didn't dare to blink their eyes for a while, and they all opened all the eyes they could have at the first time, staring at the strange and incomparable divine light intently, and they all stood on the scene dumbfounded.

In the entire nether world, no ghost dares to vent his anger loudly, let alone those ghosts!
The ghost world is like this, so why not the heaven world?

The strange blue and red sky light, like a steel needle, flew from outside the sky at some time, and was fastened to the banner outside the Nantian Gate like a nail, blinding the eyes of countless gods and Buddhas, and piercing their eyes. A so-called very powerful ignorant wisdom root.

Datianzun's celestial eyes and wisdom eyes were all blind, so he had to open his naked eyes, which he had never bothered to use, and stare blankly at the strange line as thin as a mosquito's sound in front of his eyes.

He couldn't understand: since Pangu opened up the world and the Three Realms were settled, there has never been such a thing that will be reflected in the Nine Heavens!

"This guy is a thousand times more difficult than Xing Tian." God couldn't help closing all his eyes, the mystery in his heart tightened and loosened, and he sighed long, he felt very desolate. He started talking to himself, said.

"Close your eyes, don't open them! Don't open any eyes." Sanqing High God yelled in panic.

Countless little immortal soldiers and generals of the Nantianmen have long since lost their sight. Even those who closed their eyes, all of them were bleeding from the clouds.

Sanqing Shangshen acted separately, and when they came back after yelling, there were very few gods and immortals left outside the Nantian Gate!

Except for a few people with reversible soul power, the rest of the people have all become ghosts in the heart of magic thoughts, and they all disappeared into ignorance one by one!

This time, all the few remaining Heavenly Venerates closed their eyes tightly together, and sighed in unison as if they had rehearsed.

The strange speed of light that came without warning disappeared suddenly in the same state without warning.

Come and go in a hurry, it seems like a passer-by outside the Nantian Gate, but this passer-he took away the spiritual things that God has carefully crafted for many years, and took good care of them for many years, and then used them The essence of the sun and moon was raised for many years, and finally I asked Laojun to lead Tiangong to refine and forge a group of gods, earth blessings and heavenly soldiers and generals that took many years to form...!

God finally sensed the unprecedented emptiness around him, and he opened his eyes.

The empty white cloud in front of him is still there, but Zhu Yan has changed.

Sure enough, apart from their three Qings and four emperors and the five elders and four heavenly masters, none of the little immortals and heavenly soldiers and generals from the Nantianmen who accompanied them before were left!
"Open your eyes! That man has already left. However, he also took away all our painstaking efforts for millions of years." The old man Tianzun couldn't bear to look directly Said coldly.

"I'm going, who is this guy? So bold, dare to put soil on the head of the god, this is...! Blessed and immeasurable Tianzun, the poor Taoist made a mistake." Laojun looked at the expressionless Tianzun, and couldn't help it With a bit of regret, he smiled wryly and said.

"These things are actually just heretics, but... that guy's origin is unknown, and it would take me a long time to find it!" Yuan Yuan Tianzun also said helplessly, and said.

"Look? Where else can I look? Other than Xuntian, who else? I'll take care of him." Lingbao Tianzun yelled like a three-year-old child, and said.

"Even for that kid, just now the beam of sky light is not like sky light, the light of god is not like the light of god, and the light of magic thoughts is not like the beam of light of magic thoughts. It's too late for us to hide! How can we settle accounts with others? Don't Can you still find him now, so what if you find him? No one can resist a beam of light coming over. Heavenly Emperor, what should we do now?" Yuan Yuan Tianzun asked Tianzun very depressed, and said.

"Now, it is true that no one can stop him. No matter what, we all have to hurry to the slow city at Hongchen Ferry. We can't let this guy find ink and rain first. Let's go now." Tianzun As he said that, he took a bold stride, and he flew into Hongchendu directly with his heaven-defying soul power, even without auspicious clouds.

Hongchendu is actually a Taohuawu created by Xuntian with the super soul power that goes against the sky. There is a plaque hanging high inside: "Xiangxiang Academy".

On the big blood-red pillars on both sides of the academy plaque, there is a pair of couplets hanging high.

"Such monsters are interesting! One flower, one leaf, one melancholy, perfect and perfect! Good! Good! Good!" The first celestial master said in admiration.

"Tianshi, what's the benefit of being a group of evildoers who confuse people's hearts and bring disaster to the country and the people? What's good about it? Tell us about it. You are a teacher of Tianjia, full of knowledge and talents, so why not explain it to us?" Explain! How?" When Tianzun was upset, he suddenly heard the sour nonsense of the head of the master, and questioned him angrily, and said.

"What, what! Tianzun, you are a ruthless, unintentional, and thoughtless person who has attained the Tao. Naturally, you disdain these backdoors of the Red Dust Inn! I just suddenly feel it, and I feel it! In fact, this is just a fart, it’s nothing special. Let’s go in, okay?” Knowing that he had said something wrong, the head of the Celestial Master couldn’t help but immediately explained it to the Emperor of Heaven, and said.

"Tianshi, you have said three good things in a row, but we have heard them all! If you don't tell me what kind of good method it is, we in charge will not be able to sleep well! Tell me. Say Let's go...!" Taishang Laojun turned cold, and said with a half-hearted smile.

"A flower, a leaf, and a hesitation, the leaves show a sad face, and the flowers fall with the meaning of the leaves; perfection is rare, and the moon is full of clouds and sunny. What a couplet! It has written the true meaning of life." God The chief teacher shook his head and started talking, saying.

"Only you can? You bastard, the heavenly book is handed over to the next generation, and you don't care about anything? It's all about playing with the stinky gentleness of some sour scribes. This place is already empty, let's Hurry up to the Slow City." Tianzun said, striding towards the Slow City in the south of Jinling City.

(End of this chapter)

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