
Chapter 474, Slow City.

Chapter 474, Slow City (VII).

Slow City Old Man's Street, this is a leisure resort for the elderly near the downtown area and the fields. In a certain era, people called it a nursing home.

It's just that this nursing home is different from ordinary nursing homes.

Ordinary nursing homes rent out the pavements on the first and second floors of single-family buildings, and appear in the Hongchen Inn as a place for the elderly to retire in a commercial operation mode.

The Nursing Home in Slow City is different. It is a street connecting the north and the south and enclosing the east and west.

On both sides of the street are simple dwellings from Jiangnan water towns. They are all wooden structures, with balconies and courtyards. In each dwelling live a pair of old couples who are over sixty years old. They are the old streets of Slow City that will never disappear. the master.

At this moment, on a country road between the Old Street of Slow City and the fields, two children were holding hands and standing very quietly in the middle of the road.

"I'll go! Brother Shuimo, why don't they fight! Why are you looking at me and I looking at you? It's been a long time!" The little girl pointed to several real dragons and a small dragon in the sky. Snake, he asked the little boy beside him somewhat incomprehensibly.

"Little girl, I don't know either! This is just a stalk, maybe they are just like us, they are reluctant to hit each other! Uh, it's really like this. They are not bad people, do you think so? ?” The little boy innocently said to the little girl.

The little girl looked carefully, and also felt that the dragon in the sky and the little snake (Little Jinzi) were indeed just you and me circling around you!

"Brother Shui Mo, what you said is absolutely right, they are dancing! Hehehehe." The little girl stretched out her hands, clapped her hands and cried out with joy, and said.

"Don't yell! They should be persuaded by us. Don't yell, it's time to start a fight, and then all previous efforts will be wasted. Let's take a look quietly first, okay little sister?" The one called Shui Mo Danqing The little boy grinned slightly, and said very gently to the cheering little girl next to him.

In the sky, a little snake and seven little dragons like colorful clouds are playing with each other back and forth, entangled and entangled, as if they are lovers in love, they are close to each other and far away from each other for a while, without any violation It looks so harmonious and wonderful!

Yes, not to mention two children who can't understand it, even an adult may not understand it either!

It seems that the wind is light and the clouds are calm, the sky is blue and blue, and everything is so transparent as water, but in fact, there is already a storm in the dark!

All of this is developing so peacefully and serenely in the dark, and going with the flow, silently!

The little golden dragon peeled off layers of blood, fell from the air, and fell soundlessly into the field outside the old street in the slow city. The grass and trees grew wildly again, and after a while, the slow water that had once again become thin and cold The urban and rural areas have come back to life.

A vibrant scene is growing in the fields.

The fragrance of unknown wild flowers is overflowing, colorful butterflies are fluttering, the skylark called the Son of Heaven is only piercing the sky, seagulls and egrets are flying high, in the rhyme of spring, everything is so beautiful, so peaceful and safe.

"Little Jinzi, you really are still alive! Hahahaha, why did you become such a virtuous fellow, a shining golden fellow? It's because you let others seal your primordial spirit in the depths of your soul! You idiot, why did you give away your soul to others? You really don’t know how to live or die! How did you refine you at eight o’clock in the old bowl? I really don’t understand...!" Tianzun looked at Xiao Jinzi Xing The primordial spirit riddled with holes in Tianxian's heart couldn't help but smiled wryly, and said.

"Ah! You are the old master? You are my first master. Where is the little master? Why didn't he come? I was attacked by all kinds of demons, so painful, so painful!" Xiao Jinzi's mouth opened, and he couldn't help it. Howled and screamed, said.

On Xiao Jinzi's face, there were not many heart-piercing expressions, but there were many heart-piercing pains.

It's like the feeling when you fall in love with someone, but they don't know you understand you, and they are jealous of each other and hurt each other!
Seeing Xiao Jinzi's primordial spirit suffering so much, Tianzun couldn't help shedding a drop of tears, sighed and said, "In order to save you, my little master has already turned into an ice sculpture on the shore of the sea of ​​fire and ice in Andromeda! And the hostess is the same, they have all gone to Andromeda, and I don't know when they will come back!"

"Don't worry about reminiscing about the past! I said, old man, don't imagine that you can save this little golden snake from my hands. He is now the root and cornerstone of my demon king, angel, all demons, and all demons' carnival. Who? Don't even try to get him away from me, whoever did that to me will be killed first. Little Golden Snake, brother, I'm just doing my best to deal with these old men! What about you, It’s better to be honest, otherwise you will go back to the past and either become someone else’s seat, or let you be a headless fly, and you dare not express your anger or speak out, that’s not a good feeling. Just be honest with me, don't mess with me all day long, it's important to protect your lives."

The demon who possessed Xiao Jinzi sneered and said.

The mixture of blood-red mist and light blue immortal energy rushed towards him, and Da Tianzun only felt a burst of nausea, and almost vomited all the jaundice out of him!
He felt a tightness in his chest, and he became a little depressed.

"Not good! Tianzun, this guy is a magical blood curse imprisoned by the demon, maybe it's just some filthy and vicious things that suppressed Xiaojinzi's golden light! Do you want us... us...!" The moral Tianzun is most afraid Dirty things, he was the first to retreat, and said to Tianzun.

"Hehe! Brother Shuimo, these little snakes can talk! It's really interesting, they can not only fly, but also talk... Uh, they seem to be arguing. If you don't believe me, listen carefully." The little girl listened to the Mozun The angel, Tianzun and others couldn't help but laughed, and said to the little boy next to him.

"Sister, they're not quarreling, they're fighting." The little boy opened the Taohuawu color door, revealing two rows of cloud-like white and flawless teeth, he laughed and said.

"Oh! Why don't I think it's a fight? Is it true, Brother Shui Mo?" The little girl looked at the little boy with a pleasant smile and said.

"Little benefactor, don't talk, or you will attract evil spirits! Just watch, don't talk." Xiao Jinzi called out Shui Mo and Yu Yan out of breath.

From his hoarse voice, it could be heard that he was still struggling a little in the face of the powerful onslaught of the seven gods.

"Okay, little Jinzi." The little boy and the little girl agreed to him with a smile and said.

A child's childlike innocence is still intact, and he has never practiced Taoism. Naturally, he doesn't know the difficulties and dangers of the eight dragons flying into the sky!

If you are not careful, you will plunge yourself into the extremely dangerous and desperate situation that will never be restored!
"Senior brother, don't talk! Isn't it just a mixture of cow blood, human blood and the blood of our Nantianmen soldiers? What is there to be afraid of? Be careful that his magic mantra will seal your soul, it is not troublesome!" Just for fun! Let's concentrate on besieging him, don't let him have a chance to breathe. Listen to his tone, this kid's consciousness and demonic thoughts are about to collapse! Increase the output of soul power, aura and fairy energy, step up the attack, and you will soon One point!" Yuan Yuan Tianzun was panting like Daode Tianzun, and cursed.

The clouds of various colors dangling in the sky, under the bright sunshine in the afternoon, looked a little more magnificent and luxurious.

"Brothers, don't get angry, just focus on fighting. The seven of us brothers and sisters work together. I don't believe that we can't take down such an angel! Pay attention to his invisible, unintentional, and directionless black, red, and blue three-color air sword. Don't be easily fooled by it!" It’s fine if it hits the target. If it’s really like that, it’s not very good. Pay attention to protect your own safety, we must take him down before sunset.” Tianzun also said helplessly, and said.

"Okay, Senior Brother!" Lingbao Tianzun shook his whisk and shouted loudly, saying.

Six golden heavenly dragons, like six yellow rays of light, tightly surrounded Xiao Jinzi.

The celestial qi and cloud swords are flying around like stars in a sky of colorful colors, just like dancing, so there is no change.

"Brother Shuimo, their dance is too ugly! I can't believe it, there are actually people dancing like this in this world?" Yuyan said very strangely.

"I told you that they are not dancing, but fighting! Sister, why don't you believe me? Let's go quickly, before one of them falls down and hits us, then it will be true." The big thing is that something is wrong." Shui Mo pulled Yu Yan helplessly, and shouted loudly while running.

The two children kept turning their heads and looking back while running, only to see that the fairy blood in the colorful clouds was dripping straight at this moment, dyeing the original white and flawless white clouds into a blue, there was no room left at all!
(End of this chapter)

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