
Chapter 477, The Flawed Wound of the Demon Sovereign Angel

Chapter 477, The Flawed Injury of the Mozun Angel ([-])

Children are really easy to deceive when they are easy to deceive, but once they are serious, you can't deceive them at all, because they are closer to the world of ignorance than us adults.

There are two kinds of people in this world who are closest to the truth of why people live, one is the childlike one, and the other is the octogenarian.

That's why all of us habitually use such idiomatic terms as "children are not deceived", such as white hair and youthful appearance, suitable for all ages and so on.

"Little master, don't be fooled by this guy, he is not a good guy. This hedgehog is covered in thorns, and even the inside of his heart is full of small thorn balls like sea urchins. Come out, all the gods, little demons, evil spirits, monsters, and beasts will burst through their three souls, and they will be blown away like a wind!" Suan Ni jumped in front of the frozen ink painting full of lingxiao flowers, and shouted road.

Shui Mo walked on a bird path full of thorns in a daze, he didn't know where it was, and he didn't know how long he had been walking, but he just kept his head on his way regardless.

The younger sister Yuyan has been walking in front of them without haste, her two braids fluctuate with her bouncing and carnival, the child's innocence is still intact, it seems that she is still so mentally handicapped.

Hongxia flies across the holy place of learning Buddhist scriptures in the western sky. In the glow, the first round of red sun like blood on the west mountain reluctantly grinds and falls from the endless hills, leaving ink paintings one after another. The seven-color auspicious clouds gradually became darker and thicker.

It's as if before the night comes, the gods of the sky want to cover this piece of sky with a thick seven-color bedding, it's very spectacular!

Looking at the bouncing jade smoke in front of her, Shui Mo wants to catch up with her and tell her that it should be time to go home!

However, no matter how fast he speeds up and how hard he exerts, even if his legs are like flying shuttles, he still can't catch up with Yuyan.

Yuyan didn't seem to be worried about Brother Shui Mo behind her, she seemed to be bouncing around in a leisurely manner, but in fact she kept a constant distance from Shui Mo at all times, just right if they were not far or close to the ground.

Shui Mo was behind her desperately, but no matter how hard he chased him, he couldn't catch up completely. He always kept a constant distance, a distance that was neither too far nor too close.

Seeing that little sister Yuyan was about to escape from the Wuxin Chaliu Road outside the Three Realms of Zhentian, but they were stopped by a huge monster with a dragon head, a cow, and a body covered in golden scales that suddenly appeared along the way.

"Brother Shui Mo, look quickly, there is a monster here! Hehehehe, come here quickly, it is so fierce." Xiao Yuyan yelled in horror as she tossed her pigtails back and forth.

"Hahahaha! Sister, it's not a monster, it's the Qilin protector!"

Ink Danqing's sky eyes have been opened, and the purple crystal-like Ling Xiaohua all over his body suddenly disappeared. He was called back from the dream demon by Yuyan's scream, and when he opened his eyes, he saw a small piece of misty rain on his forehead The crooked willow-like little moon couldn't help but laughed loudly.

Yes, Qilin and Suanni hastily rushed to the field on the outskirts of the slow city. This time they sneaked into the mortal world from Wutian Little Wonderland, and their purpose was to protect their two little ones. The master is here!
"Hehehe! Qilin and Suanni? When did you become other people's little bodyguards? Hahahaha, don't do desert boats and Red River Valley overlords, run to guard homes for others, do you have money? I said Qilin boy, can you still manipulate the endgame of Tianqi? If you can still use it, how about I come to play with you, the little angel of the devil?" The angel of the devil laughed coldly.

An eleven or twelve-year-old boy, full of immortality in the wind of Yushu, with white clothes and white shirt facing Guanyu, red lips and white fingers, slender figure with shawls and long hair reaching his waist, with a human bone hairpin inserted horizontally on his head, a hairpin in his hand With a small green sword like bamboo, it speaks without pain or itch, and is very gentle and elegant. If it is a little less air-conditioned, it will definitely be a beautiful boy!
If he hadn't told you himself that he was the one who forced all the three Qings and four emperors into the body of Shui Mo, you would never believe that all this would be true!
However, all these are just appearances.

In Shui Mo's eyes at this moment, the person standing opposite him is a heartless and black as coal guy, and his whole body is covered with needle-like thorns, there is no beauty at all!
"Hey hey hey! It turns out that you were born in Wufenggang, Lishan Mountain. It seems that you have a lot of backstage background!" Qilin also saw the opponent's strength and origin, he sneered, and said with some disdain .

"No matter where I come from, little Qilin, you and little Suanni had better stay away from me, or I won't be polite to you." The little master Mozun Angel also sneered very embarrassingly, and said.

"Haha! You're a hedgehog, but it's because the Emperor Houtu is afraid that your magic is very good. Be careful that you will overturn this vast territory in their yard if you make a fuss. Tell me about you, If you don't have the backstage supporter of the Demon Lord, what can you do? We beat you to death a long time ago! Hahahaha." Suanni chattered and yelled very loudly, saying.

"I'll go, little Suanni, Qilin, you two, are you even more awesome than the master of Lingxiao Temple in Jiuchongtian? If you don't have that ability, don't show off to me like that, it's not a big deal Isn't it?" The little angel of Mozun laughed loudly, he threatened Qilin and Suanni, and said.

"It's useless to be good at talking, brother! Why don't we both go to the Nine Heavens together and enjoy the wonderful life of a fairy match. When the time comes, I'll ask Lord Mozun to make my brothers one of the Four Heavenly Kings." What about your title?" The little master Mozun Angel laughed and said.

"Only by you, you dare to try to occupy our Zhentian Lingxiao Palace? You are a bit too courageous! Hahahaha, if you want to take these creatures from the three realms, you have to take me down first! Suanni , don’t you like fighting very much? Why don’t you go up? Hurry up, let this kid know that the little 狻猊 on our Buddha incense table is not easy to mess with! Hurry up, go up!” Qilin looked at the burr all over his body. The hedgehog said with a smile.

"That's fine! Little hedgehog, don't pretend to be arrogant, what kind of a child you are! Simply get out of your body, how about we fight? Haven't you already defeated the Jade Emperor and Sanqing Shangshen? The two of us Let's also fight, a life-and-death contest with no restrictions and no rules, do you dare?" Suan Ni walked up eagerly, and said to the little lord Mozun Angel with a smile.

"I really don't know how to live or die, just hit me! Who is afraid of whom? Come!" said the little angel of the Mozun, shaking his body quickly, accepting the false appearance of the beautiful boy he had fiddled with before, completely revealing There came black and white and red burrs all over his body, and he agreed very disapprovingly.

On the field of Slow City, a hill-like hedgehog, covered in fine iron burrs, like a pair of sharp swords, quickly rushed towards the lion and unicorn in front of him without making a sound.

 True love comes, fight for love.

  Dear fairies of the world,
  Tea Buddha Life is preparing to release a new book at the end of the year!
  At that time, please take care of us.

(End of this chapter)

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