
Chapter 482 Chapter 482, My Buddha is merciful.

Chapter 482 Chapter 482, My Buddha's Mercy ([-]).

The wind has lost its soul, the light of the sun and the moon is completely covered by the big hands of white clouds, and the sky of Slow City gradually dims and becomes pitch black.

Once again, Qilin was unable to lift his head up due to the invisible pressure. It was pitch black in front of his eyes, as if he had entered the underworld, or entered the wild century, and he was powerless and unable to open his eyes.

Suan Ni's primordial spirit looked at the darkened Heavenly Dao, flew out of the skin, and was about to run away!

However, in the pitch-black space, the pair of big white hands had already firmly covered the ground, and it was already extremely turbulent.

"Small sample! Even if you wrap it up a few more layers, it won't be difficult for me, the invisible and unintentional great demon! This deity has [-] magic methods, and each one has a little demon, and any one can be your kiss Little fate! Hahahaha, the Three Realms have changed their faces, the sky at this moment is the invisible cover of my Demon Lord's thousand-faced life, and the current land is also in the unconscious fields of my Demon Lord's mind and spirit domain, isn't it just the thousands of people? Did I inadvertently plant willows and willows into shades?!!! Hahahaha, interesting, interesting, very interesting!" Mozun laughed, the world was full of sorrow, he laughed like a child, and said.

With his smile, millions of children's voices, faces, smiles, and appearances turned upside down in the depths of the world of mortals. Countless bright red banners spread out in the dark world, without missing a single thing, and without any slack.

"Ah...you have taken in so many apprentices! No wonder you can collect the Three Realms in one fell swoop. Admiration, admiration! Really admiration." Qilin finally saw a group of red and transparent children, and they kept circling around him. Get up and say with emotion.

As he spoke, he struggled hard deep in his heart, wanting to rush over to save Suan Ni.

However, everything was in vain, because his limbs were numb, and he seemed to have stopped listening to his brain!

Suan Ni's primordial spirit came out of her body, and her mortal body turned into spring mud, returning to the original.

With great effort, he opened his last pair of heavenly eyes, and saw the little red figures rushing towards him from all directions regardless.

These little people's faces are blood red, their bodies are red and their tongues are poisonous, and when they come into contact with the air, they will sizzle and make some tiny soft noises.

Suan Ni understood a truth before he died, and also saw a truth, that is: no matter gods, Buddhas and monsters, as long as you are strong enough, you can walk sideways wherever you go!God has nothing to do with you.

A group of five or six centimeters in size, the demon king's little red boy's mana voices rushed up when they saw Suan Ni's two or three centimeters tall Yuanshen.

Suan Ni Yuanshen's legs were weak, and he could no longer move his legs, and fell limp on the ground as if drunk.

Just when those little red men rushed forward densely, ready to devour Suan Ni's freshly baked primordial spirit, a pure white lotus blossomed out of Suanni's primordial spirit, The white lotus spinning at high speed couldn't stop for a long time, until the fresh and refined air shook.

"Buy Karma! Is this the white lotus of the disciples of the Eastern Heaven Buddhism? It can bloom so beautifully without water! Brothers, let's tear it up. Hahahaha!"

"That is, to make the world so clean, what would we eat and drink without life? It must be destroyed."

"Destroy it!"

"Go together!"


... The little red man transformed from the eighty-nine thousand Dharma Schools of the Mozun invisible, chirping and commotion like a bird, started to make a noise.

Qilin was just crushed by the invisible pressure of the Demon Lord, and then was pulled over by the hurricane rolled up by the white lotus in the Suanni Primordial Spirit. He staggered and kept his feet on the ground. Feeling, but Qilin knows that this feeling is not good!

The white lotus turned faster and faster, and turned faster and faster, and finally it seemed to be still, and it became extremely delicate and beautiful.

Mozun, little red man, Mo Nian, saw that the weather was calm, so they rushed up again in dense numbers.

Seeing Qilin, he was about to rush over to help when he saw a white lotus suddenly rising from the ground, flying towards Slow City at low altitude.

Like a beam of white light flashing across, only in the flash, there is no trace of him in the sky.

"The water lotus in the Great Leiyin Temple of the Western Heaven is indeed very powerful! This will make you slip away, so be good!" The voice in the ignorance said with emotion.

"Hey hey hey! I thought, how powerful is your demon king! It turns out that you are just a meme that can only change a group of villains!" Qilin became disapproving, and couldn't help laughing. road.

"Boy, let's talk about it after you can defeat their attack! The endgame of Tianqi, let's put it down first! Otherwise, it may change in a while." The invisible voice laughed again Get up, said.

"Isn't it just a group of little red men? There's nothing unusual about it. Let the horses come over here." Qilin swung his unicorn arm, he snorted coldly, and shot towards the densely packed little red people people go.

There is no suspense, and the little red man is not afraid of light, nor is he afraid of the unicorn arm of the unicorn.

In the face of knives and swords, they seem to be made of rubber, and they are not afraid of knives and axes at all; however, in the face of strong light, they seem to be completely transparent, and the light passes through them directly. There is no sense of obstruction and disobedience!
"Mud horse! Is this fucking human? Why is it like this? Could it be that these are really air?" Qilin's two unicorn arms were flying up and down, dancing like a dragon for a long time, but he didn't catch this wave. Another wave of little red men took away even half of them, and he couldn't help but cursed, saying.

"Hahahaha! I said you boy, if you can kill a little red man like me, then you are considered powerful. I said, hurry up, boy, and let me release your chess piece! If you accidentally took your kid's life by mistake, wouldn't that be the end of the calf? Tsk tsk, I can't bear to let you take the endgame of Tianqi into the coffin like this!" Invisibly The person in front of him suddenly became anxious, said.

"It's not impossible to watch the endgame of Tianqi, but you have to think clearly! My endgame of Tianqi is no longer what it used to be. With the blessing of Andromeda, I can no longer roam in the traditional three realms! You think about it carefully." Qilin Youzi said out of breath as he was still dealing with the waves of little red men coming.

While talking, the smog in the air has gradually increased a lot, and the air is filled with the pungent smell of sulfur and gunpowder smoke, which has already made it hard to breathe.

(End of this chapter)

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