
Chapter 484, my Buddha is merciful.

Chapter 484, My Buddha's Mercy ([-]).

Qilin looked at the white lotus in Xiao Shui Mo Danqing's hand, and fell into deep thought silently.

In the courtyard of the small courtyard, the bright moonlight all over the place was vague and frivolous, and the light rain was whirling leisurely, and gradually became drizzling.

"What a cold moon rain, it seems that I don't want to stop! It's rare in a thousand years, and this is my life. I've lived for so many years, and it's the first time I've seen this kind of cold moon, clear light, and Longxing blessing the real heaven and fairy rain! I don’t know what it’s a sign of.” In the main room of Shui Mo Danqing’s house, an old woman staying overnight was chatting with his mother all over the world.

Shui Mo's mother was busy, serving tea and pouring water. She also put the pine nuts picked by Xiao Shui Mo Danqing and Miss Yuyan from the back mountain on the table, and fried them for Shui Mo Danqing's father and guests. After ordering some peanuts and tartary buckwheat shredded potato chips, I sat quietly on the sidelines, patiently listening to the head of the family and the guests talking about it.

Xiao Shui Mo Danqing and Yu Yan hid in the woodshed, still anxiously looking at the batter-like unicorn, with tears in their eyes, already at a loss for what to do!
Qilin looked at his two little masters, his eyes gradually began to moisten, he couldn't help crying after all, and said: "Master, don't be careful. I will get better, I will get better ,Most definitely……"

"Brother Shui Mo, let's go find Xiao Jinzi! Maybe he can save this big brother." Yu Yan suddenly had a flash of inspiration, her eyes sparkled, and said.

"Ahem! Miss, I am your servant! Don't call me big brother, you should call me Qilin! I can't bear it." Qilin said weakly.

"Okay then! You are so pitiful, I won't argue with you anymore, we will call you Qi Lin from now on. Oh, yes! Brother Shui Mo, let's hurry up and find Xiao Jinzi! Otherwise, if Qi Lin is in a hurry If we really leave, we will lose another friend! Hurry up and leave." Yu Yan took Shui Mo Danqing's little hand, begging him with tears in her eyes.

"Let's go, then who will take care of him? Otherwise, sister, you stay here to take care of him, and I'll go find Xiao Jinzi, okay?" Shui Mo looked at Yu Yan and said to her in a low voice.

"No! Brother Shui Mo, if you leave, I'm so scared by myself, I want to go with you." Yu Yan raised her head, and she talked to Shui Mo nervously.

"Then...!" Shui Mo got better for a while, and said.

"Ahem! Little master, let's go together! I can take care of myself, it's fine." Qilin struggled, smiled wryly with Shui Mo Danqing and Yu Yan, and said in a voice like a mosquito.

"No, no, no! Look, look, listen, listen...? We can't let you go. Sister, take good care of him, and I'll come whenever I go." Shui Mo Danqing said, straight from Chai He walked out of the room, plunged into the dark night, and was already running towards the ancient well in the east!

The flowers, plants, pheasants and ducks on the roadside were startled by his rustling footsteps, spread their wings and flew out.

Shui Mo was frightened, and after a little dullness, he continued on his way.

The grass grows and the warblers fly. On February day, the spring in Hongchen Inn is full of fresh and refined new mud. The fragrant fragrance mixed with the green taste of grass is flying around, causing people with nasal allergies to have difficulty breathing. I couldn't help feeling a little cold, and I kept sneezing in my sleep!
From the courtyard of Shui Mo Danqing's house to the ancient well, it takes a long, long way. Ordinary people usually have to walk three or four hours from the slow city to the ancient well of Jinlong.

However, immortals, gods and demons, this journey is a hundred and eight thousand miles away from Lu Yunheyue!

Why is this so?

It turned out that since Xingtian was separated from the god and demon, the demon body was swept away by the demon king, and the fairy body came here to protect the golden boy and jade girl from going down to earth!
This little gold, the little golden dragon in the slow city population, is actually the real body of Xing Tian's fairy family!

When he came to the ancient well in the slow city, in order to take better care of the little golden boy and the little jade girl, he specially used a unique method of hydrating the three realms, and landed a real ancient well on the outskirts of the slow city. Inside the octagonal pavilion, it is used for the people of Slow City to fetch water for entertainment and so on.

The method of watering the three realms is to set the entry and exit paths of this place into three paths: immortal, demon, and ordinary.

Ordinary people walk in a real way, while gods walk in a fairy-tale fantasy. As for the people in the way of magic, they walk in a kind of illusory and ethereal dream road that is neither real nor imaginary, sometimes real and sometimes false!
It is not easy for the gods to walk, but it is even more troublesome to walk the magic path. After a dream for a thousand years, it has been three autumns since I woke up, and the grass is yellow, the water is thin, and the green mountains are no longer!
Ink Danqing was walking on the ground, but he couldn't find the quaint old well!
The golden light all over his body burst like a bottle of light, illuminating the entire Slow City as if it were daytime, and Wu Mo can hide!

"Strange! Where is Little Jinzi? Hasn't he been rescued by a few old grandpas? Where did he go? It shouldn't be! It should be in the octagonal pavilion on this hill! Where did he go? Could it be?" He..." Shui Mo Danqing couldn't help shivering, and started talking to himself as if he couldn't believe it, and said.

"The wild land is shining with golden light, and the demons of the slow city will be destroyed. Within the fifth heaven, demons and ghosts will soon be wailing! Master, I will resign! I will resign! ... This place will inevitably be ruined! It's a sin, a sin! !” The guest staggered out of the main room of Shui Mo Danqing’s house in an old-fashioned way, and fled straight to the east.

The parents of ink and wash Danqing have mortal eyes with their naked eyes, so how can they see the light of the sky leaking out, it is golden!

Seeing the old guest officer staggering into the grove, turning a corner and disappearing, the husband and wife closed the courtyard door, entered the bedroom hand in hand, and hugged each other to warm the quilt earlier.

In the world of mortals, they will not believe that there are ghosts in this world. Although they have written many ghost stories and made many horror ghost movies, these are just to win the attention of others and relieve loneliness. It's just helpless.

When Shui Mo Danqing was hesitating whether to turn back and look for it again, an old woman staggered to the ground and ran straight towards him, knocking him to the ground with a thud. Without any politeness, the whole body pressed Ink Danqing under him, babbling and complaining that Ink Danqing shouldn't have tripped her up!

When it comes to the stern voice, it is inevitable that the obscene language will be overwhelming and go to the depths of the soul of the ink painting!
(End of this chapter)

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