
Chapter 519, The Galaxy Emperor returns.

Chapter 519, Return of the Galaxy Emperor ([-]).

The eight winds are blowing, surrounding the ink painting sitting in the middle of the eight emeralds, like eight heavenly dragons transformed from green energy, they are walking around in an orderly manner, each with ancient and reckless eight strands. Huang's transparent mirror light reflected the entire Shuangjiu Peak in their mirror light.

"Sir, it's time for me to take my seat, and it's time for Shuangjiu Peak to open the star gate to welcome the emperor! Farewell."

After Yang Tangwei finished speaking, he jumped into the mid-air, like a white and flawless cloud, quietly resting in the air for a while, and then suddenly split into two, separated The scoop went to the Shuangjiu Peak on both sides!

There are quite a few players playing under the Shuangjiu Peak, but no one will ask why.

Because they kept their heads down all the time, none of them dared to look up!

And those old guys outside Shuangjiu Peak, they are all like garbage, they can't see what happened inside Shuangjiu Peak even more, because they haven't completely broken through the outside of Shuangjiu Peak What about the outermost interstellar snow cloud barrier!

Just when Yang Tangwei's two cloud-like primordial spirits were embedded in Shuangjiu Peak, Shuangjiu Peak suddenly shook violently non-stop.

I have never seen this kind of situation before, because 1000 years ago, I took the Emperor's Seal from that person's hand in my sleep, and it was probably similar to the time when Shui Mo took over the Emperor's Seal from me at this moment.

And even worse.


Because Shui Mo at least knew that his master passed on the throne and the Jade Seal of Famen to him, but I didn't know at all at that time, when I was traveling in the vast sea and interstellar, I was arrested by others in a daze, what kind of shit did I do? After many years of fighting in the South and the North, I have left my family members in the cold!

When I was thinking wildly, suddenly, two extremely dazzling purple-blue rays of light flashed across my eyes, and entered into the ink and wash sky cap with two sizzling sounds.

"Sir, the gate of the galaxy has been opened, hurry up and open the gate of the star river! What are you thinking?" In Shui Mo's mind, a voice suddenly appeared, urging me to come.

Haha, it's Yang Tangwei.

"Lao Yang, why are you in the mind of ink and ink? Besides, I don't know how to pass the emperor's jade seal to ink and ink! Let alone open some interstellar gate!" I said to him helplessly Get up, said.

Yes, I thought that passing on the jade seal is exactly the same as passing on the throne of our emperors in Jiuchongtian or the depths of the world of mortals...!
"Don't think about it, sir. Throw out the emperor's jade seal, and that's it! The emperor's soul and emperor's armor are already ready to move in the body of the emperor. If you hesitate again, you will completely miss the opportunity! Hurry up! Stargate sees you!" The Heavenly Emperor Yuxi will also be opened automatically! Don’t miss the opportunity, hurry up and just throw it away.” Yang Tangwei was about to scold me, and he hurriedly urged me to come.

I threw the Great Emperor's Seal out without thinking, and in an instant, the sky exploded like a pot, colorful auspicious clouds surrounded the entire top of Shuangjiu Peak, and the stars came densely like a fishnet, but It seems very far away, very far away!
When I was wondering, the man I had seen in my dream appeared again.

He seems to be surrounded by stars and is walking towards us step by step, but it seems that he is still standing still in a very far away place. No matter how bold his steps are, he still can't get close. Here we are!

"Old man, why are you still in a daze? Why don't you come up yet?" His voice was clear and graceful, like a young girl whispering to her lover, but I could hear every word clearly. For nothing!

"Ah...! So it's the first emperor. Shouldn't you be a man? Why is it a girl's voice?" I asked in a very different voice, and said.

"Give you a spring and you will open the dyeing room, right? Get out of here. Hurry up, don't scold me!" She was indeed a woman, and she yelled at me, saying.

"Ah... Who are you, Leng Qiuyue? Why do you speak exactly like her!" I was even more surprised, and almost got into a crack in the ground!
"Why did I tell you? Come up to me, or sister, I'm going to lose my temper, hurry up! You opened the stargate, and if I don't come to deal with you, wouldn't my master be in vain?" She looked more and more like Qiuyue , he scolded me again and again, the ice on his face was getting heavier layer by layer, and he said coldly.

"So the Stargate has always been managed by you? Let me tell you! How come the colorful auspicious clouds look so much like my colorful hut in the ancient city under the moon in Jinling... Oh! No, it should be yours, I just allocated a bedroom." I laughed at myself in embarrassment, couldn't help but secretly laughed, and said.

"You're still poor with me, aren't you? Come on, hurry up." She was a little angry, staring at me with two Halley's comet-like eyes, and sternly scolded me.

No, before I was sure she was Qiuyue, I couldn't obey her so easily, anyway, now I'm not such a bullshit emperor, I'm just an interstellar ranger at best!Even if she doesn't listen to her, what can she do to me? ...?
As I thought about it, the footsteps that had already started to pulsate pulsated back again, and I stood still and looked at her with a smile, and I became motionless on purpose.

"You don't cry when you see the coffin, do you? If you force me down, you will surely die! Come up to me quickly." She said to me ferociously.

"I just want to know, what is the relationship between you and Leng Qiuyue? Why do you want me to be the emperor of the Xinghe who is not such a shit? I want to get my beloved little apprentice to take over as well. You What exactly do you want to do? My wife’s widowhood for 1000 years is not enough, do you want my daughter to be widowed for another 1000 years? What do you want to do? Be honest, or don’t blame me for being rude!” I seemed to understand something, so He puffed out his cheeks and asked her angrily, and said.

"Boy! That's just your sister and my sister-in-law, otherwise I wouldn't bother to pay attention to you! Send her to Jiuchongtian to become a little jade girl, and the purpose is to catch you, a big fish! Why... Have you been the Emperor of the Galaxy for a time, and you started to be arrogant? I advise you not to ask for death, I will come up honestly to my old lady, and don’t make fun of yourself. If it wasn’t for Qiuyue, I wouldn’t bother to talk to you! You You know, your use value is gone now, if I want to execute you, it’s like crushing a grasshopper, you know? Come up to me, or don’t blame me for not remembering the old kindness.” She also encouraged He raised his cheeks, gritted his teeth and scolded me, and said coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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