
Chapter 532, The Galaxy Emperor returns.

Chapter 532, Return of the Galaxy Emperor (XIV).

I have seen girls playing with cars, playing football and swinging on a swing, but this is the first time in my life I have seen a silly girl like Yuyan who insists on playing with fire hoses and water guns!
Looking at the water mist flying all over the sky, and looking at the happy Miss Yuyan, I felt a burst of joy spontaneously in my heart for no reason.

When people are so excited, they also forget that they still have business to do, and even recklessly recall the first test of knowing each other and loving each other with Qiuyue...!
That year, seven pairs of gods and couples experienced love and calamity on the Yunv Peak of the Great Barren Mountain. Six of them couldn't bear the seduction of the inflated desire of the flesh. The interstellar gorilla fell into the endless wormhole.

From then on, he disappeared in the imaginary sea and fairy road outside the three realms, and finally bid farewell to the water and clouds in the fairy world, and returned to the world of warcraft early.

As for Qiuyue and I, because of the resonance of our souls, a fairy danced beside a crane, and a fairy flute played non-stop... until we saw those fallen angels disappearing into the clouds, we suddenly reacted. ... This, it turns out, is God's assessment of the survival of the fittest for us, the gods and couples from Tianting and Haitian Miaoyin Fairyland Theological Seminary!
Qiuyue and I were sweating profusely and didn't know what to do. The Mountain God of the Great Barren Mountain gave us a spirit stone as transparent as water. There was a small cloud of light gray clouds inside, and there were many rainy spots!

I moved my eyes up and took a closer look. When I looked like this, it was really raining inside!

Deep in the foggy light rain, there is a purple-blue cloud stone lying quietly on a lotus leaf, and under the lotus leaf is a small green frog, looking up at the purple-blue-purple piece. Blue gem...!
Qiu Ye became very excited when she saw it, and whispered to me: "Old man, let's get married, but we can only use my fairy soul and your dragon soul to entangle each other. I don't know when it will be the end. ! This gemstone is like a poem, and it is difficult to draw its background and celestial aura in ink painting, why don't you take it and give it to me! It's good to have a commemoration in the future, isn't it? Okay?"

I couldn't bear her softness and stubbornness, so I had to risk an unknown danger and reach out to get that purple-blue emerald.

Just when I was about to get it, the frog under the lotus leaf suddenly jumped up, opened a big mouth like sawtooth, and rushed towards my hands.

There is no chance of escaping left for me!

"Hey...! You guys, dare to grab my emerald green sky stone like ink painting? I will never end with you..." Qiuyue jumped up from the marble, shouted loudly and jumped Went to the frog and the purple-blue skystone.

When I was just recalling, a sudden chill hit my heart.

Immediately afterwards, Yi Yuyan cursed loudly and said: "Hey! You can't make the water bigger if you drop it one by one? Does it take so many people to drink such a small amount of water? Go down, go down! Let my sister and I come alone, hahahaha!"

This little girl, once she got excited about playing, she couldn't help getting carried away!

Those employees of Qiuyue's family are not afraid of rain and smoke!

This is the third master in the champion building!Even more daunting than my actual master.


Leng Qiuyue is used to her, Leng Yuqing is also used to her, even I am often bullied by her, tell me, who else is not afraid of her?

I suddenly realized what she was doing, and if I took out the Leng Yuetian Heart Mirror at this time, I would definitely reveal my secrets.

How to do? ... These stinky security guards and waiters don't know this thing in my arms, but if Yuyan accidentally sees it, they will definitely start arguing, and Qiuyue will definitely know!
Then... when the time comes, won't I be convicted of stealing my wife's belongings?
It's okay for Qiuyue, she might not be able to embarrass me in public, but...!
Hey……!I just can't let Yuyan know, so I should honestly confess to Qiuyue.

While thinking about it, he pulled the collar away, buried his head in his arms, and took a sneaky look at the thing.

I don’t know, I’m scared.

This thing is more than just darkness now!

It has almost turned into a carbon core that is almost burned out by the air!
"What are you doing sneakily? You lost the Lengyue Tianxin Mirror I gave you last night, right?" Qiuyue had already stood beside me Coming in front of me, she smiled and looked at me who was very useless at the moment, curled up in the corner under the window to peek at the holy things in my arms, and said to me in a low voice.

I was taken aback by her, so she knew all along...?
Then why do you deliberately look for this mirror of Leng Yuetian's heart everywhere?
I couldn't understand it. When I looked up: besides the smiling Qiuyue, there was also that very vulgar lady-like Professor Lin Qingran!

Both of them looked at me mysteriously, as if they had seen through my little thoughts, and it made me feel scared...!
"How do you know? I don't even know!" I confessed to Qiuyue helplessly, and said.

"I won't tell you yet, hehehehe!" Qiuyue said sweetly with a calm smile on her face, almost drowning all my fears.

When I was about to talk to her, she just saw Yuyan holding a faucet and dancing around the world, she was so happy that she almost passed out!
The security guards and waiters who stayed obediently at the side immediately surrounded them and apologized to Qiuyue repeatedly.

Wanting to go forward to help Yuyan, but afraid of being scolded by Yuyan!

... Everyone was stunned to be careful, and they were all at a loss.

"Qiuyue, don't embarrass these children. It's Yuyan who insists on fiddle with that thing by herself! But you will be scolded, at least you can be more rational, but Yuyan is not such a good-tempered girl. Tell me, don’t you?” I hurriedly said something nice to Qiuyue for these children, and said with a smile.

"No one asked you! Why interrupt? You haven't even told me about your own affairs! Don't panic and be a good person, huh? When things are settled, let's talk in the room!" Qiuyue said with a half-smile Talked to me, said.

There was a "thump" in my heart, as if a certain string of the piano was broken, and my whole body became cold.

(End of this chapter)

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