
Chapter 535, The Galaxy Emperor returns.

Chapter 535, Return of the Galaxy Emperor (Seventeen).

The sky and sky are all blue, unshakable by the eight winds.

People's blood is red, sky is blue, morning glow and evening moon, sun and moon are shining, as motionless as Mount Tai.

The first wave of mild air waves gradually subsided.

"Heilong, take the apprentices to bring back the ink. Pay attention to see if he has lost anything." I said to the leader of Xiaoxiantong's team who was walking at the back.

"The sky is round and the earth is round. From Qianyang to Gangkun, Yin is soft. It is the best policy to use softness to overcome rigidity. Uncle Holy Spirit, you take a group of fairies and celestial girls to scatter flowers to protect the Lengyue Tianxin Palace. Heavenly Master, you, the old man, and the teacher and apprentice Let's welcome the return of the Nine Heavens God of War together." Qiuyue finished her instructions very calmly, turned her head and walked towards Yuyan.

"Leng Qiuyue, what do you want?" Seeing the frosty Qiuyue walking towards her without knowing it, Yu Yan asked anxiously.

"Take out the Lengyue Order, yin and yang, bright jade and jade, and illuminate the Lengyue Palace. lest our lair will be destroyed in the first wave by those unknown enemies of your Brother Shui Mo....Hurry up!" Qiuyue said very Said to her seriously.

"Oh! Isn't it just a piece of spirit stone, I'll give it to you. Why are you talking to others in such a cold and hard way? You scared me to death. I thought what would happen to you." Yuyan agreed, and then she The half-moon-shaped bright jade of the yin attribute was taken out from the cuff, and handed to Qiuyue lightly.

Different from Qiuyue's half moon, which is as transparent as water, the piece in Yuyan's hand is also watery, but it is a crescent-shaped black jadeite in the color of ink and blue!

"Isn't it just a piece of jade! Sister Yue, you gave it to me, why are you taking it back?" Yuyan couldn't help but scratched her head, and asked incomprehensibly, and asked Qiuyue in a low voice. Said.

As soon as Qiuyue took the crescent-shaped cathode ink Lengyuetian Xinling in Yuyan's cuff, she began to mutter something, and she didn't care about answering Yuyan's question at all!
One black and one white, one yin and one yang, the graceful half-moon fluttered in the sky for a while, and slowly, driven by two faint floating clouds, they gradually moved closer together!
"Ah...then, Lao Ye is really the Emperor of the Galaxy, right? My ink and blue jade is actually half a moon...! emmmm..., then whose earth is it? Could it be the two halves of our family? Does the jade change?"

Looking at Qiuyue and her two halves of curved jade, they merged into a cold moon.

Yu Yan is not calm anymore, she is attached to the mortal body, she is not willing to let go for a while, she just can't let go of this short but mundane world of swords, guns, swords and halberds, and the 100-year cycle of the world, some don't quite understand Asked, said.

After Qiuyue finished reciting the formula, she came back to her senses when the two bright moons were shining brightly in a day.

I wanted to say that Yuyan was coming, but I preempted it.

"Yuyan, you silly girl. This earth belongs to your family! Where is the ink painting? Have you brought it back?" I was eager to show Yuyan what her earth looked like, so I asked Heilong and the others. Here comes the Tao.

"What are you shouting for? Just come, just come! For such a heavy family, you always have to give someone some time, don't you? You know, urge, urge, urge, urge, urge!" Heilong complained to me, as if As if already outside the door, he started cursing loudly and said.

"Heilong, is it possible that ink and wash has really become a big iron lump? Even if it is an iron lump, the master of your Blue Seal Light has brought a group of gods and little golden boys. Is it possible that you can't move a piece of pig iron? Don't tell me This troublemaker, quickly move in for me." I urged them to come with some worry, and said.

"Hey... are you still my brother? You don't even know, he's already dying! He's still clutching the five small glass balls tightly, and we lifted his body up, the one holding the glass balls He couldn’t lift his hand! We all went up, and we were so exhausted that we finally dragged to the door, but we couldn’t get through the threshold! What are you talking about? Did you chop off his hand? You will stand and talk without back pain, urging, urging, and urging your life is not as urgent as you!" Heilong became a little angry, and started a long-winded speech with me, panting, and said.

"Old man, you'd better go! I don't think anyone else will be able to shake the tricks you and Shui Mo have created, so don't stand around like a fool with me. It's fine if there is a master alone in the Nongxiangan Dharma altar. You'd better go quickly! Don't let Hei San take off the arm of ink, it will be really terrible!" After hearing Heilong's description, Qiuyue knew that this matter was not easy to handle, so she immediately called I went to help.

"No, no! I'll go too, I'll go too. Old man, is Brother Shui Mo back? What did you do to him? Why does he need to be carried? You...you are a liar. Leng Qiuyue, you are also a big liar If Brother Shui Mo has any troubles, I will be with you two forever!" Before I left, Yu Yan was already crying and cursing me and Qiuyue, and ran out long ago!

"Ah...!" There was a horrific scream, followed by the sound of a person falling to the ground with a plop.

"Not good! Boss, Yuyan from our house...!" As soon as Qiuyue heard Yuyan's screams and the sound of falling to the ground, she rushed out before she could finish her sentence.

It is said that mother and daughter are connected to each other, although Yuyan is not born to us, but after all, it is because of our yin and yang combination that she was shaped into a little fairy, and she has never left our side!

When I went out, Qiuyue hugged Yuyan and cried like a pear blossom with rain, which made my heart feel tense and tense.

"Don't howl! No one will be fine." I scolded her.

"You said it lightly, but you saved them?" Qiuyue didn't even look at me, she hugged Yuyan tightly and started to piss me off.

"Old! Look, there are just such a few small glass balls, and even the gods and Buddhas can't shake them!" The black dragon gasped heavily, and said to me very helplessly.

"It's very good! When I come to take them away, you can carry the ink painting to my bedroom." I said, and walked over to collect the ink painting's Wuxing Lianzhu and Emperor's Seal.

Heilong led a group of little golden boys to carry the ink painting into the living room, and then went upstairs.

I patted Qiuyue gently, and comforted her with a smile: "Take Yuyan to your boudoir too! Let's save Shui Mo first, and then let Shui Mo save Yu Yan, lest this little girl wake up first If you come here, you will definitely make a fuss! Get up quickly, I have everything."

The wind has been tightly trapped near the Xiaoxian Palace by our octopole array, and it lives around the ice crystal particles as if motionless.

(End of this chapter)

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